Esempio n. 1
def determineNextMove(playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins):
    global route, currentcoin, old_coins, meta_route, meta_route_len, next_coin
    # api.debug("Update routes...")
    t = time()
    t0 = t
    # update for our location
    update_dists_from_each(dists_matrix, routes_matrix, playerLocation, mazeMap, coins)
    # update the oponent location
        update_dists_from_each(dists_matrix, routes_matrix, opponentLocation, mazeMap, coins)
    # api.debug("Time : " + str(time() - t))
    meta_route = [c for c in meta_route if c in coins]
    # api.debug("Calc init route...")
    t = time()
    if playerLocation in old_coins:
        next_coin = meta_route.pop(0)
        route = location_list_to_route([playerLocation, next_coin], routes_matrix)
    # api.debug("Time : " + str(time() - t))  

    next_move = route.pop(0)  # Discard the first element to avoid back and forth

    for _ in range(3000):
        if len(meta_route) > 2:
            meta_route_len, meta_route_len = opt_algorithm(meta_route, meta_route_len, dists_matrix)

    t_tot = time() - t0
    # api.debug("TOTAL TIME : " + str(t_tot))
    if t_tot > .1:
        api.debug("/!\OVER_SHOT : +" + str(t_tot - .1))
    old_coins = coins
    return u.direction(playerLocation, next_move)
Esempio n. 2
def initialisationTurn(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, mazeMap, preparationTime,
                       turnTime, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins):
    """Function called once at the begining of the game"""
    global route_table, packages, best_weight, best_path, route
    current_package = packages.pop(0)
    exhaustive(current_package, playerLocation, [], 0, (route_table, dists))
Esempio n. 3
def evaluate_route(route, coins_dists):
    route_score = 0
    for i in range(len(route) - 1):
        l1, l2 = route[i], route[i + 1]
        if l1 == l2:
        route_score += coins_dists[l1][l2]
    return route_score
Esempio n. 4
def evaluate_route(route, coins_dists):
    route_score = 0
    for i in range(len(route) - 1):
        l1, l2 = route[i], route[i+1]
        if l1 == l2:
        route_score += coins_dists[l1][l2]
    return route_score
Esempio n. 5
def determineNextMove(playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins):
    """Function called at each turn, must return the next move of the player"""
    global packages, route_table, best_path, best_weight, route
    if len(best_path) == 0:
        current_package = packages.pop(0)
        exhaustive(current_package, playerLocation, [], 0,
                   (route_table, dists))
    return u.direction(playerLocation, best_path.pop(0))
Esempio n. 6
def init_game(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, maze_map, preparationTime, turnTime, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins):
    TURNS = 1

    t = time.time()
    all_good_dists, all_good_routes = dists_from_each(coins + [playerLocation], maze_map)
    api.debug(time.time() - t)
    population = generate_population(playerLocation, coins, all_good_dists)
    for i in range(TURNS + 1):
        population = update_pop(population, coins, all_good_dists)
        score, route = population[0]
        if i % 100 == 0:
            api.debug("%s : %s" % (i, score))
Esempio n. 7
def opt_algorithm(route, route_len, all_dists):
    key1 = randrange(0, len(route) - 1)
    key2 = randrange(key1 + 1, len(route))
    part1 = route[:key1]
    part2 = route[key1:key2]
    part3 = route[key2:]

    new_route = part1 + [k for k in reversed(part2)] + part3
    # api.debug(key)
    # api.debug(route)
    new_route_len = evaluate_route(new_route, all_dists)
    if route_len > new_route_len:
        api.debug("FROM " + str(route_len) + " TO " + str(new_route_len))
        return new_route, new_route_len
        return route, route_len
Esempio n. 8
def opt_algorithm(route, route_len, all_dists):
    key1 = randrange(0, len(route) - 1)
    key2 = randrange(key1 + 1, len(route))
    part1 = route[:key1]
    part2 = route[key1:key2]
    part3 = route[key2:]

    new_route = part1 + [k for k in reversed(part2)] + part3
    # api.debug(key)
    # api.debug(route)
    new_route_len = evaluate_route(new_route, all_dists)
    if route_len > new_route_len:
        api.debug("FROM " + str(route_len) + " TO " + str(new_route_len))
        return new_route, new_route_len
        return route, route_len
Esempio n. 9
def determineNextMove(playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins):
    global route, coins_to_get
    # First we update our dists and routes matrix :
    u.update_dists_from_each(dists_matrix, route_matrix, playerLocation, mazeMap, coins)
    u.update_dists_from_each(dists_matrix, route_matrix, opponentLocation, mazeMap, coins)

    if len(route) == 0 or route[-1] not in coins:
        coins_to_get = [c for c in coins_to_get if c in coins]
        sorted(coins_to_get, key=lambda x: dists_matrix[x][playerLocation], reverse=False)
        # probabilities = closer_probability(playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins_to_get, dists_matrix)
        # next_coin = which_coin_is_next(coins_to_get, playerLocation, opponentLocation)

        # Il y a des pièces que l'on pourrait récuperer maintenant ?
        # Une sorte de système de packets
        coins_which_are_close = coins_close(playerLocation, coins, dists_matrix)
        closest_coin = None
        for coin in coins_which_are_close:
            # If we don't already go there, and the enemy is not going there
            if coin not in coins_to_get and dists_matrix[playerLocation][coin] < dists_matrix[opponentLocation][coin]:  # TODO : magic number, we should check that with the enemy
                if closest_coin is None or dists_matrix[playerLocation][coin] < dists_matrix[playerLocation][closest_coin]:
                    closest_coin = coin
        if closest_coin is not None:
            coins_to_get.insert(0, closest_coin)
            interface.debug("Finally go to : " + str(closest_coin))

            next_coin = coins_to_get.pop(0)
            interface.debug("PHASE III")
            # Si on a plus rien, on fait un voyageur de commerce sur les pieces qui restent
            sorted(coins, key=lambda coin: dists_matrix[playerLocation][coin])
            coins_to_get = coins[:7]
            coins_to_get = voyageur_commerce(playerLocation, coins_to_get, dists_matrix)
            next_coin = coins_to_get.pop(0)

        # coins_to_get.remove(next_coin)

        route = route_matrix[playerLocation][next_coin]

    # In case we pass not far from a coin :
    # Il y a des pièces que l'on pourrait récuperer maintenant ?
    # Une sorte de système de packets
    coins_which_are_close = coins_close(playerLocation, coins, dists_matrix, limit=2)
    closest_coin = None
    for coin in coins_which_are_close:
        # If we don't already go there, and the enemy is not going there
        if coin not in coins_to_get and dists_matrix[playerLocation][coin] < dists_matrix[opponentLocation][coin]:  # TODO : magic number, same : with the enemy
            if closest_coin is None or dists_matrix[playerLocation][coin] < dists_matrix[playerLocation][closest_coin]:
                closest_coin = coin
    if closest_coin is not None:
        coins_to_get.insert(0, route[-1])
        route = route_matrix[playerLocation][closest_coin]
        interface.debug("Finally go to : " + str(closest_coin))

    next_pos = route.pop(0)
    return u.direction(playerLocation, next_pos)
Esempio n. 10
def init_game(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, maze_map, preparationTime, turnTime,
              playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins):
    TURNS = 1

    t = time.time()
    all_good_dists, all_good_routes = dists_from_each(coins + [playerLocation],
    api.debug(time.time() - t)
    population = generate_population(playerLocation, coins, all_good_dists)
    for i in range(TURNS + 1):
        population = update_pop(population, coins, all_good_dists)
        score, route = population[0]
        if i % 100 == 0:
            api.debug("%s : %s" % (i, score))
Esempio n. 11
def change_way(coins, opponentLocation, player_location):
    """Return the new coin to search, coin sequence, route and the distance from the player to the first coin of the route"""
    global best_weight, best_path
    dist_matrix, route_matrix = u.update_dists_from_each(dists_matrix, routes_matrix, player_location, mazeMap, coins)
    coins_to_search = get_n_shortest(5, coins, player_location, dists_matrix)
    ennemy_dists = algo.dijkstra(mazeMap, opponentLocation)
    for c in coins_to_search:
        if len(coins_to_search) >= 2 and ennemy_dists[1][c] < dists_matrix[player_location][c]:
    best_weight = float("inf")
    best_path = []
    exhaustive(coins_to_search, player_location, [], 0, dist_matrix)
    meta_route = [player_location] + best_path
    route = u.location_list_to_route(meta_route, route_matrix)
    return coins_to_search, meta_route, route, dist_matrix[player_location][meta_route[1]]
Esempio n. 12
def determineNextMove(playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins):
    global route, currentcoin, acc
    u.update_dists_from_each(dist_matrix, route_matrix, playerLocation, mazeMap, coins)
    if currentcoin == playerLocation:
        best_weight = float("inf")
        best_path = []
        coins_to_search = get_n_shortest(7, coins, playerLocation, dist_matrix)
        if playerLocation in coin_to_search:
        meta_route = exhaustive(coins_to_search, playerLocation, [] ,0 ,dist_matrix)
        route = u.location_list_to_route(meta_route, route_matrix)
        currentcoin = meta_route[0]
        #if currentcoin == playerLocation:
    return u.direction(playerLocation, route.pop(0))
Esempio n. 13
def determineNextMove(playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins):
    global route, old_coins, playerScore, enemyScore
    u.update_dists_from_each(dists_matrix, route_matrix, playerLocation, mazeMap, coins)
    u.update_dists_from_each(dists_matrix, route_matrix, opponentLocation, mazeMap, coins + [playerLocation])

    # Calculate our score and en score :
    if playerLocation in old_coins and playerLocation not in coins:
        playerScore += 1
    if playerLocation in old_coins and playerLocation not in coins:
        enemyScore += 1

    if len(route) == 0 or route[-1] not in coins:
        winning_value, next_coin, en_best_path, pl_best_path = minmax(coins, playerScore, 0, playerLocation, enemyScore, 0, opponentLocation, 0)
        interface.debug("going to : " + str(next_coin) + " with a probable score of : " + str(winning_value))
        route = route_matrix[playerLocation][next_coin]

    coins_which_are_close = coins_close(playerLocation, coins, dists_matrix, limit=2)
    closest_coin = None
    for coin in coins_which_are_close:
        # If we don't already go there, and the enemy is not going there
        if dists_matrix[playerLocation][coin] < dists_matrix[opponentLocation][coin]:  # TODO : magic number, same : with the enemy
            if closest_coin is None or dists_matrix[playerLocation][coin] < dists_matrix[playerLocation][closest_coin]:
                closest_coin = coin
    if closest_coin is not None:
        # route = route_matrix[playerLocation][closest_coin]
        # interface.debug("NEAR : " + str(closest_coin))

    old_coins = coins
    next_pos = route.pop(0)
    # input()
    return u.direction(playerLocation, next_pos)
Esempio n. 14
def initialisationTurn(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, maze_map, timeAllowed,
                       playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins):
    global dists_matrix, route_matrix, coins_probability, coins_to_get
    dists_matrix, route_matrix = u.dists_from_each(
        coins + [playerLocation, opponentLocation], maze_map)
    coins_probability = get_probability_coins(playerLocation,

    # First : we go to the 11 in the middle
    coins_phase1 = [
        coin for coin in coins if coins_probability[coin]['player1'] > .6
           key=lambda x: coins_probability[x]['player1'],
    coins_to_get = coins_phase1[:10]

    coins_to_get = voyageur_commerce(playerLocation, coins_to_get,

    # Then we get to the ones close to us :
    # coins_phase2 = coins_phase1[7:16]
    # coins_phase2 = voyageur_commerce(coins_phase1[-1], coins_phase2, dists_matrix)

    # coins_to_get += coins_phase2
Esempio n. 15
def change_way(coins, opponentLocation, player_location):
    """Return the new coin to search, coin sequence, route and the distance from the player to the first coin of the route"""
    global best_weight, best_path
    dist_matrix, route_matrix = u.update_dists_from_each(
        dists_matrix, routes_matrix, player_location, mazeMap, coins)
    coins_to_search = get_n_shortest(5, coins, player_location, dists_matrix)
    ennemy_dists = algo.dijkstra(mazeMap, opponentLocation)
    for c in coins_to_search:
        if len(coins_to_search) >= 2 and ennemy_dists[1][c] < dists_matrix[
    best_weight = float("inf")
    best_path = []
    exhaustive(coins_to_search, player_location, [], 0, dist_matrix)
    meta_route = [player_location] + best_path
    route = u.location_list_to_route(meta_route, route_matrix)

    return coins_to_search, meta_route, route, dist_matrix[player_location][
Esempio n. 16
def fill_packages(coins):
    """Fill packages, also create the route table from any coin to any coin """
    global packages, route_table, dists
    used = []
    dists, route_table = u.dists_from_each(coins + [playerLocation], mazeMap)
    dists_list = sorted([d for di in dists for d in di])
    quart_dist = dists_list[len(dists_list) // 4]
    for c in coins:
        for k in coins:
            if dists[c][
                    k] < quart_dist and k not in used and c not in used and k != c:
                packages[c] = [c]
    for c in coins:
        if c not in used:
            packages[c] = [c]
    packages = [packages[p] for p in packages]
    packages = sorted(packages,
                      key=lambda x: len(x) / dists[playerLocation][x[0]])
Esempio n. 17
def determineNextMove(playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins):
    global route, currentcoin, old_coins, meta_route, meta_route_len, next_coin
    # api.debug("Update routes...")
    t = time()
    t0 = t
    # update for our location
    update_dists_from_each(dists_matrix, routes_matrix, playerLocation,
                           mazeMap, coins)
    # update the oponent location
        update_dists_from_each(dists_matrix, routes_matrix, opponentLocation,
                               mazeMap, coins)
    # api.debug("Time : " + str(time() - t))
    meta_route = [c for c in meta_route if c in coins]
    # api.debug("Calc init route...")
    t = time()
    if playerLocation in old_coins:
        next_coin = meta_route.pop(0)
        route = location_list_to_route([playerLocation, next_coin],
    # api.debug("Time : " + str(time() - t))

    next_move = route.pop(
        0)  # Discard the first element to avoid back and forth

    for _ in range(3000):
        if len(meta_route) > 2:
            meta_route_len, meta_route_len = opt_algorithm(
                meta_route, meta_route_len, dists_matrix)

    t_tot = time() - t0
    # api.debug("TOTAL TIME : " + str(t_tot))
    if t_tot > .1:
        api.debug("/!\OVER_SHOT : +" + str(t_tot - .1))
    old_coins = coins
    return u.direction(playerLocation, next_move)
Esempio n. 18
def determineNextMove(playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins):
    global route, old_coins, playerScore, enemyScore
    u.update_dists_from_each(dists_matrix, route_matrix, playerLocation,
                             mazeMap, coins)
    u.update_dists_from_each(dists_matrix, route_matrix, opponentLocation,
                             mazeMap, coins + [playerLocation])

    # Calculate our score and en score :
    if playerLocation in old_coins and playerLocation not in coins:
        playerScore += 1
    if playerLocation in old_coins and playerLocation not in coins:
        enemyScore += 1

    if len(route) == 0 or route[-1] not in coins:
        winning_value, next_coin, en_best_path, pl_best_path = minmax(
            coins, playerScore, 0, playerLocation, enemyScore, 0,
            opponentLocation, 0)
        interface.debug("going to : " + str(next_coin) +
                        " with a probable score of : " + str(winning_value))
        route = route_matrix[playerLocation][next_coin]

    coins_which_are_close = coins_close(playerLocation,
    closest_coin = None
    for coin in coins_which_are_close:
        # If we don't already go there, and the enemy is not going there
        if dists_matrix[playerLocation][coin] < dists_matrix[opponentLocation][
                coin]:  # TODO : magic number, same : with the enemy
            if closest_coin is None or dists_matrix[playerLocation][
                    coin] < dists_matrix[playerLocation][closest_coin]:
                closest_coin = coin
    if closest_coin is not None:
        # route = route_matrix[playerLocation][closest_coin]
        # interface.debug("NEAR : " + str(closest_coin))

    old_coins = coins
    next_pos = route.pop(0)
    # input()
    return u.direction(playerLocation, next_pos)
Esempio n. 19
def initialisationTurn(mazeWidth, mazeHeight, maze_map, timeAllowed, playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins):
    global dists_matrix, route_matrix, coins_probability, coins_to_get
    dists_matrix, route_matrix = u.dists_from_each(coins + [playerLocation, opponentLocation], maze_map)
    coins_probability = get_probability_coins(playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins, dists_matrix, tests=100)

    # First : we go to the 11 in the middle
    coins_phase1 = [coin for coin in coins if coins_probability[coin]['player1'] > .6]
    sorted(coins_phase1, key=lambda x: coins_probability[x]['player1'], reverse=False)
    coins_to_get = coins_phase1[:10]

    coins_to_get = voyageur_commerce(playerLocation, coins_to_get, dists_matrix)

    # Then we get to the ones close to us :
    # coins_phase2 = coins_phase1[7:16]
    # coins_phase2 = voyageur_commerce(coins_phase1[-1], coins_phase2, dists_matrix)

    # coins_to_get += coins_phase2
Esempio n. 20
            meta_route_len, meta_route_len = opt_algorithm(
                meta_route, meta_route_len, dists_matrix)

    t_tot = time() - t0
    # api.debug("TOTAL TIME : " + str(t_tot))
    if t_tot > .1:
        api.debug("/!\OVER_SHOT : +" + str(t_tot - .1))
    old_coins = coins
    return u.direction(playerLocation, next_move)

######## EXECUTION

api.debug("Calc all dists...")
t = time()
t0 = t
locs = [playerLocation] + coins
if opponentLocation != (-1, -1):

dists_matrix, routes_matrix = dists_from_each(locs, mazeMap)
api.debug("Time : " + str(time() - t))

api.debug("Calc init route...")
t = time()
meta_route, meta_route_len = path_from_nearest(playerLocation,
                                               opponentLocation, coins,
next_coin = meta_route.pop(0)
Esempio n. 21
    for _ in range(3000):
        if len(meta_route) > 2:
            meta_route_len, meta_route_len = opt_algorithm(meta_route, meta_route_len, dists_matrix)

    t_tot = time() - t0
    # api.debug("TOTAL TIME : " + str(t_tot))
    if t_tot > .1:
        api.debug("/!\OVER_SHOT : +" + str(t_tot - .1))
    old_coins = coins
    return u.direction(playerLocation, next_move)

######## EXECUTION

api.debug("Calc all dists...")
t = time()
t0 = t
locs = [playerLocation] + coins
if opponentLocation != (-1, -1):

dists_matrix, routes_matrix = dists_from_each(locs, mazeMap)
api.debug("Time : " + str(time() - t))

api.debug("Calc init route...")
t = time()
meta_route, meta_route_len = path_from_nearest(playerLocation, opponentLocation,  coins, dists_matrix)
next_coin = meta_route.pop(0)

api.debug("Time : " + str(time() - t))
Esempio n. 22
def determineNextMove(playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins):
    global route, coins_to_get
    # First we update our dists and routes matrix :
    u.update_dists_from_each(dists_matrix, route_matrix, playerLocation,
                             mazeMap, coins)
    u.update_dists_from_each(dists_matrix, route_matrix, opponentLocation,
                             mazeMap, coins)

    if len(route) == 0 or route[-1] not in coins:
        coins_to_get = [c for c in coins_to_get if c in coins]
               key=lambda x: dists_matrix[x][playerLocation],
        # probabilities = closer_probability(playerLocation, opponentLocation, coins_to_get, dists_matrix)
        # next_coin = which_coin_is_next(coins_to_get, playerLocation, opponentLocation)

        # Il y a des pièces que l'on pourrait récuperer maintenant ?
        # Une sorte de système de packets
        coins_which_are_close = coins_close(playerLocation, coins,
        closest_coin = None
        for coin in coins_which_are_close:
            # If we don't already go there, and the enemy is not going there
            if coin not in coins_to_get and dists_matrix[playerLocation][
                    coin] < dists_matrix[opponentLocation][
                        coin]:  # TODO : magic number, we should check that with the enemy
                if closest_coin is None or dists_matrix[playerLocation][
                        coin] < dists_matrix[playerLocation][closest_coin]:
                    closest_coin = coin
        if closest_coin is not None:
            coins_to_get.insert(0, closest_coin)
            interface.debug("Finally go to : " + str(closest_coin))

            next_coin = coins_to_get.pop(0)
            interface.debug("PHASE III")
            # Si on a plus rien, on fait un voyageur de commerce sur les pieces qui restent
            sorted(coins, key=lambda coin: dists_matrix[playerLocation][coin])
            coins_to_get = coins[:7]
            coins_to_get = voyageur_commerce(playerLocation, coins_to_get,
            next_coin = coins_to_get.pop(0)

        # coins_to_get.remove(next_coin)

        route = route_matrix[playerLocation][next_coin]

    # In case we pass not far from a coin :
    # Il y a des pièces que l'on pourrait récuperer maintenant ?
    # Une sorte de système de packets
    coins_which_are_close = coins_close(playerLocation,
    closest_coin = None
    for coin in coins_which_are_close:
        # If we don't already go there, and the enemy is not going there
        if coin not in coins_to_get and dists_matrix[playerLocation][
                coin] < dists_matrix[opponentLocation][
                    coin]:  # TODO : magic number, same : with the enemy
            if closest_coin is None or dists_matrix[playerLocation][
                    coin] < dists_matrix[playerLocation][closest_coin]:
                closest_coin = coin
    if closest_coin is not None:
        coins_to_get.insert(0, route[-1])
        route = route_matrix[playerLocation][closest_coin]
        interface.debug("Finally go to : " + str(closest_coin))

    next_pos = route.pop(0)
    return u.direction(playerLocation, next_pos)