Esempio n. 1
 def clear(self):
     _, heights, _ = self._builder.getPlotStats(self._x, self._z, self._size)
     max_height = max(list(heights.keys()))
     for i in range(self._size):
         for j in range(self._size):
             for y_i in range(10):
                 interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(self._x+i, max_height+y_i, self._z+j, "air")
Esempio n. 2
def setBlock(x, y, z, block):
    """Place blocks or add them to batch."""
        # add block to buffer, send once buffer has 100 items in it
        interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(x, y, z, block, 100)
        interfaceUtils.setBlock(x, y, z, block)
Esempio n. 3
 def _layFoundation(self):
     for i in range(self._x, self._x + self._size):
         for j in range(self._z, self._z + self._size):
             curHeight = self._builder.getHeightAt(i, j)
             while(curHeight < self._base_level):
                 interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(i, curHeight, j, 'stone_bricks')
                 curHeight += 1
             while(curHeight > self._base_level):
                 interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(i, curHeight, j, 'air')
                 curHeight -= 1                
             interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(i, curHeight, j, self._blocks[random.randint(0, len(self._blocks))])
    floor = cv2.dilate(floor, strctElmt3x3)

    cv2.imshow("layers", (mapUtils.normalize(walls) * 255).astype(np.uint8))

    for dx in range(area[2]):
        for dz in range(area[3]):
            x = area[0] + dx
            z = area[1] + dz
            y = yBase + dy

            # color = softPickBlockColor(dy / yHeight)
            # color = "light_gray"

            # block = ("%s_concrete" % color) if wallNoiseMask[dx, dz] else "light_gray_stained_glass"
            block = "smooth_stone" if wallNoiseMask[
                dx, dz] else "light_gray_stained_glass"

            if floor[dx, dz] > 0 and not roof[dx, dz] > 0:
                interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(x, y, z,
            elif walls[dx, dz] > 0:
                interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(x, y, z, block)
            elif roof[dx, dz] > 0:
                interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(x, y, z,


    for x in range(area[2]):
        for z in range(area[3]):
            yTerrain = int(heightmap[(x, z)])
            buildType = int(image[(x, z)])

            for j in range(len(startHeights) - 1):
                buildingBlock = "air" if floorWallMappings[buildType][
                    j] == 0 else "gray_concrete" if buildType == 0 or buildType == 3 else "blackstone"
                y1 = startHeights[j]
                y2 = startHeights[j + 1]
                if buildType == 4:
                    y2 = min(y2, yTerrain)
                for y in range(y1, y2):
                    if not worldSlice.getBlockAt(
                        (area[0] + x, y, area[1] + z)) in protectedBlocks:
                            area[0] + x, y, area[1] + z, buildingBlock, 1000)

            # railings
            ry = startHeights[1]
            if hrailings[(x, z)]:
                interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(area[0] + x, ry, area[1] + z,
                                                 "end_rod[facing=north]", 1000)
            elif vrailings[(x, z)]:
                interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(area[0] + x, ry, area[1] + z,
                                                 "end_rod[facing=east]", 1000)
            elif crailings[(x, z)]:
                for i in range(2):
                    interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(area[0] + x, ry - 1 + i,
                                                     area[1] + z,
                                                     "gray_concrete", 1000)
            # walkway decoration
import interfaceUtils
# x position, z position, x size, z size
area = (0, 0, 128, 128)  # default build area

# see if a build area has been specified
# you can set a build area in minecraft using the /setbuildarea command

interfaceUtils.runCommand("execute at @p run setbuildarea ~-64 64 ~-64 ~64 192 ~64")

buildArea = interfaceUtils.requestBuildArea()
if buildArea != -1:
    x1 = buildArea["xFrom"] >> 4 << 4
    y1 = buildArea["yFrom"] >> 4 << 4
    z1 = buildArea["zFrom"] >> 4 << 4
    x2 = (buildArea["xTo"] >> 4 << 4) + 1
    y2 = (buildArea["yTo"] >> 4 << 4) + 1
    z2 = (buildArea["zTo"] >> 4 << 4) + 1
    # print(buildArea)
    area = (x1, z1, x2 - x1, z2 - z1)

for y in range(y1, y2):
    for x in range(x1, x2):
        for z in range(z1, z2):
            mx = x % 16 == 0
            my = y % 16 == 0
            mz = z % 16 == 0
            if (mx & my) | (my & mz) | (mz & mx):
                interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(x, y, z, "white_wool", 200)

desiredHeight = adjDist2 + 63

newHeightmap = np.clip(desiredHeight, baseHeight - adjDist,
                       baseHeight + adjDist)

difference = (newHeightmap.astype( - heightmap)

cutTrees = np.where(hmTrees > heightmap)

# cv2.imshow("nhm", newHeightmap)
# cv2.waitKey(0)

# cut trees
for p in zip(cutTrees[0], cutTrees[1]):
    for y in range(hmTrees[p] - 1, heightmap[p] - 1, -1):
        interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(p[0] + area[0], y, p[1] + area[1],

fill = np.where((difference > 0))
cut = np.where(difference < 0)

for p in zip(fill[0], fill[1]):
    block1 = ws.getBlockAt((area[0] + p[0], heightmap[p] - 2, area[1] + p[1]))
    block2 = ws.getBlockAt((area[0] + p[0], heightmap[p] - 1, area[1] + p[1]))
    for y in range(heightmap[p] - 1, newHeightmap[p] - 1):
        interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(area[0] + p[0], y, area[1] + p[1],
    interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(area[0] + p[0], newHeightmap[p] - 1,
                                     area[1] + p[1], block2)

for p in zip(cut[0], cut[1]):
    for y in range(heightmap[p] - 1, newHeightmap[p] - 1, -1):
Esempio n. 8
 def setBlockAt(self, x, y_incr, z, block):
     y = y_incr + self.getHeightAt(x,z)
     if self._batching:
         interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(x, y, z, block, 100)
         interfaceUtils.setBlock(x, y, z, block)
def placeBlock(x, y, z, block):
    interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(x, y, z, block, limit=200)
Esempio n. 10
    def buildPaths(self, build_map):
        mid_point = int((self._size - 1) / 2)
        l_switch = True
        l_side = (-1, 1)
        # bottom to top
        for j in range(-1, 2):
            x = self._builder._x
            z = self._builder._z + self._z + mid_point + j
            top = self._builder._x + self._builder._size
            while (x < top):
                if self._x <= x < (self._x+self._size):
                    x += 1
                    y = self._builder.getHeightAt(x, z)
                    block = self._builder.getBlockAt(x, -1, z)
                    if block == "minecraft:water":
                        self._builder.setBlockAt(x, -1, z, "oak_planks")
                        build_map.setBuildAt(x,z, 2)
                        self._builder.setBlockAt(x, -1, z, "grass_path")
                        build_map.setBuildAt(x,z, 2)
                    # clear above path
                    for y_i in range(10):
                        if interfaceUtils.getBlock(x, y + y_i, z) == "minecraft:oak_fence":
                            interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(x, y + y_i, z, "air")
                    # build path lamps
                    if j == 0:
                        if (x % 7 == 0):
                            l_z = self._builder._z + self._z + mid_point + l_side[l_switch]
                            for ii in range(6):
                                interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(x, y+ii, l_z, "oak_fence")
                            interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(x, y+ii, z, "sea_lantern")
                            l_switch = not(l_switch)

                    x += 1
        # left to right
        for i in range(-1, 2):
            z = self._builder._z
            x = self._builder._x + self._x + mid_point + i
            bound = self._builder._z + self._builder._size
            while (z < bound):
                if self._z <= z < (self._z+self._size):
                    z += 1
                    y = self._builder.getHeightAt(x, z)
                    block = self._builder.getBlockAt(x, -1, z)
                    if block == "minecraft:water":
                        self._builder.setBlockAt(x, -1, z, "oak_planks")
                        build_map.setBuildAt(x,z, 2)
                        self._builder.setBlockAt(x, -1, z, "grass_path")
                        build_map.setBuildAt(x,z, 2)
                    # clear above path
                    for y_i in range(10):
                        if interfaceUtils.getBlock(x, y + y_i, z) == "minecraft:oak_fence":
                            interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(x, y + y_i, z, "air")
                    # build path lamps
                    if i == 0:
                        if (z % 7 == 0):
                            l_x = self._builder._x + self._x + mid_point + l_side[l_switch]
                            for jj in range(6):
                                interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(l_x, y+jj, z, "oak_fence")
                            interfaceUtils.placeBlockBatched(x, y+jj, z, "sea_lantern")
                            l_switch = not(l_switch)
                    z += 1