Esempio n. 1
        def get_base_url(self):
            env = EnvironmentDetector()
            detected_envs = env.detect()
            in_cloud_env = is_cloud_env(detected_envs)
            # First handle known cloud environments
            nbvm_file_path = "/mnt/azmnt/.nbvm"
            if not (os.path.exists(nbvm_file_path) and os.path.isfile(nbvm_file_path)):
                if not in_cloud_env:
                    return "http://{0}:{1}".format(
                # all non-specified cloud environments are not handled
                self.env = "cloud"
                return None
            self.env = "cloud"
            # regex to find items of the form key=value where value will be part of a url
            # the keys of interest to us are "instance" and domainsuffix"
            envre = re.compile(r'''^([^\s=]+)=(?:[\s"']*)(.+?)(?:[\s"']*)$''')
            result = {}
            with open(nbvm_file_path) as nbvm_variables:
                for line in nbvm_variables:
                    match = envre.match(line)
                    if match is not None:
                        result[] =

            if "instance" not in result or "domainsuffix" not in result:
                return None
            self.env = "azure"
            instance_name = result["instance"]
            domain_suffix = result["domainsuffix"]
            return "https://{}-{}.{}".format(instance_name, self.port, domain_suffix)
        def get_base_url(self):
            env = EnvironmentDetector()
            detected_envs = env.detect()
            in_cloud_env = is_cloud_env(detected_envs)
            result = _get_nbvm()
            # First handle known cloud environments
            if result is None:
                # special case azure, since the azure sdk can set this env setting on local runs
                if not in_cloud_env or self.env in VM_ENVS:
                    return "http://{0}:{1}".format(self.ip, self.port)
                # all non-specified, non-credentialed cloud environments are not handled
                if not self.with_credentials:
                    self.env = 'cloud'
                return None

            instance_name = result["instance"]
            domain_suffix = result["domainsuffix"]
            return "https://{}-{}.{}".format(instance_name, self.port,