Esempio n. 1
def format_element(bfo):
    HTML Affiliation display
    affiliations = bfo.fields('909C1', repeatable_subfields_p=True)
    out = ""
    for affiliation_dict in affiliations:
        if 'u' in affiliation_dict:
            recIDs = []
            affiliation = affiliation_dict['u'][0]
            control_nos = affiliation_dict.get('0')
            for control_no in control_nos or []:
            affiliation = cgi.escape(affiliation)
            if len(recIDs) == 1:
                affiliation = '<a href="' + CFG_SITE_URL + \
                              '/record/' + str(recIDs[0]) + \
                              '?ln=' + bfo.lang + \
                              '">' + affiliation + '</a>'
            elif len(recIDs) > 1:
                affiliation = '<a href="' + CFG_SITE_URL + \
                              '/search?' + \
                              'p=recid:' +  " or recid:".join([str(_id) for _id in recIDs]) + \
                              '&amp;c=' + CFG_SITE_NAME + \
                              '&amp;c=' + CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_AUTHORITY_COLLECTION_NAME + \
                              '&amp;ln=' + bfo.lang + \
                              '">' + affiliation + '</a>'

            out += affiliation + "       "

    if out:
        return "<br/>" + out
Esempio n. 2
def format_element(bfo):
    Prints the publisher name


    publisher = bfo.field('260__b')
    control_no = bfo.field('260__0')

    if publisher != "sine nomine":
        if control_no:
            recIDs = get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(control_no)
            if len(recIDs):
                publisher = '<a href="' + CFG_SITE_URL + '/record/' + \
                            str(recIDs[0]) + \
                            '?ln=' + bfo.lang + \
                            '">' + publisher + '</a>'
        return publisher
Esempio n. 3
def format_element(bfo):
    Prints the publisher name


    publisher = bfo.field('260__b')
    control_no = bfo.field('260__0')

    if publisher != "sine nomine":
        if control_no:
            recIDs = get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(control_no)
            if len(recIDs):
                publisher = '<a href="' + CFG_SITE_URL + '/record/' + \
                            str(recIDs[0]) + \
                            '?ln=' + bfo.lang + \
                            '">' + publisher + '</a>'
        return publisher
Esempio n. 4
def format_element(bfo, limit, separator=' ; ',
                   affiliation_prefix=' (',
    Print the list of authors of a record.

    @param limit: the maximum number of authors to display
    @param separator: the separator between authors.
    @param extension: a text printed if more authors than 'limit' exist
    @param print_links: if yes, prints the authors as HTML link to their publications
    @param print_affiliations: if yes, make each author name followed by its affiliation
    @param affiliation_prefix: prefix printed before each affiliation
    @param affiliation_suffix: suffix printed after each affiliation
    @param interactive: if yes, enable user to show/hide authors when there are too many (html + javascript)
    @param highlight: highlights authors corresponding to search query if set to 'yes'
    @param link_author_pages: should we link to author pages if print_links in on?
    @param link_mobile_pages: should we link to mobile app pages if print_links in on?
    @param relator_code_pattern: a regular expression to filter authors based on subfield $4 (relator code)
    @param multiple_affiliations: whether all affiliations should be displayed
    @param print_orcid: if yes, make each author name followed by its ORCID
    @param orcid_type: the type of ORCID to be displayed. Accepted values: logo link, text
    @param orcid_text: text to put in a link, if left blank it will use an ORCID
    @param orcid_prefix: prefix for link and plain text
    @param orcid_postfix: postfix for link and plain text
    CFG_BASE_URL = cfg['CFG_BASE_URL'].encode('utf-8')
    CFG_SITE_RECORD = cfg['CFG_BASE_URL'].encode('utf-8')

    from invenio.legacy.bibauthority.config import \

    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)    # load the right message language

    authors = []
    authors_1 = bfo.fields('100__', repeatable_subfields_p=True)
    authors_2 = bfo.fields('700__', repeatable_subfields_p=True)


    # make unique string per key
    for author in authors:
        if 'a' in author:
            author['a'] = author['a'][0]
        if 'u' in author and multiple_affiliations == 'no':
            author['u'] = author['u'][0]
        if 'v' in author and multiple_affiliations == 'no':
            author['v'] = author['v'][0]
        pattern = '%s' + CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_PREFIX_SEP + "("
        for control_no in author.get('0', []):
            if pattern % (CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_TYPE_NAMES["INSTITUTE"]) in control_no:
                author['u0'] = control_no  # overwrite if multiples
            elif pattern % (CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_TYPE_NAMES["AUTHOR"]) in control_no:
                author['a0'] = control_no  # overwrite if multiples

    if relator_code_pattern:
        p = re.compile(relator_code_pattern)
        authors = filter(lambda x: p.match(x.get('4', '')), authors)

    nb_authors = len(authors)

    bibrec_id = bfo.control_field("001")

    # Process authors to add orcid, link, highlight and format affiliation
    for author in authors:

        if 'a' in author:
            if highlight == 'yes':
                from invenio.modules.formatter import utils as bibformat_utils
                author['a'] = bibformat_utils.highlight(author['a'],

            if print_links.lower() == "yes":
                if link_author_pages == "yes":
                    author['a'] = '<a rel="author" href="' + CFG_BASE_URL + \
                                  '/author/profile/' + quote(author['a']) + \
                                  '?recid=' + bibrec_id + \
                                  '&ln=' + bfo.lang + \
                                  '">' + escape(author['a']) + '</a>'
                elif link_mobile_pages == 'yes':
                    author['a'] = '<a rel="external" href="#page=search' + \
                                  '&amp;f=author&amp;p=' + quote(author['a']) + \
                                  '">' + escape(author['a']) + '</a>'
                    auth_coll_param = ''
                    if 'a0' in author:
                        recIDs = get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(
                        if len(recIDs):
                            auth_coll_param = '&amp;c=' + \
                        author['a'] = '<a href="' + CFG_BASE_URL + \
                        '/record/' + str(recIDs[0]) + \
                        '?ln=' + bfo.lang + \
                        '">' + escape(author['a']) + '</a>'
                        author['a'] = '<a href="' + CFG_BASE_URL + \
                                  '/search?f=author&amp;p=' + quote(author['a']) + \
                        auth_coll_param + \
                                  '&amp;ln=' + bfo.lang + \
                                  '">' + escape(author['a']) + '</a>'

        if 'u' in author or 'v' in author:
            if print_affiliations == "yes":
                if 'u0' in author:
                    recIDs = get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(author['u0'])
                    # if there is more than 1 recID, clicking on link and
                    # thus displaying the authority record's page should
                    # contain a warning that there are multiple authority
                    # records with the same control number
                    if isinstance(author['u'], (list, tuple)):
                        author['u'] = author['u'][0]
                    if len(recIDs):
                        author['u'] = '<a href="' + CFG_BASE_URL + '/' + CFG_SITE_RECORD + '/' + \
                                      str(recIDs[0]) + \
                                      '?ln=' + bfo.lang + \
                                      '">' + author['u'] + '</a>'
                if 'u' not in author and 'v' in author:
                    author['u'] = author['v']
                if isinstance(author['u'], (list, tuple)):
                    author['u'] = ' '.join([affiliation_prefix + aff +
                                            affiliation_suffix for aff in author['u']])
                    author['u'] = affiliation_prefix + author['u'] + \

        if 'j' in author:
            if print_orcid == "yes":
                orcid = author.get('j', "")
                if orcid[0]:
                    orcid = orcid[0].split(':')[1]
                    if orcid_type == 'logo':
                        author['j'] = '<a href="" target="_blank" class="author_orcid_image_link" title="%s">&nbsp;</a>' % (orcid, orcid)
                    elif orcid_type == 'link':
                        if orcid_text == "no":
                            author['j'] = '%s<a href="" target="_blank">%s</a>%s' % (orcid_prefix, orcid, orcid, orcid_postfix)
                            author['j'] = '%s<a href="" target="_blank">%s</a>%s' % (orcid_prefix, orcid, orcid_text, orcid_postfix)
                        author['j'] = '%s%s%s' % (orcid_prefix, orcid, orcid_postfix)
                    author['j'] = ""

    # Flatten author instances
    new_authors = []
    for author in authors:
        auth = author.get('a', '')
        if print_orcid == 'yes':
            auth = auth + author.get('j', '')
        if print_affiliations == 'yes':
            auth = auth + author.get('u', '')
    authors = new_authors

    if limit.isdigit() and nb_authors > int(limit) and interactive != "yes":
        return separator.join(authors[:int(limit)]) + extension

    elif limit.isdigit() and nb_authors > int(limit) and interactive == "yes":
        out = '<a name="show_hide" />'
        out += separator.join(authors[:int(limit)])
        out += '<span id="more_%s" style="">' % bibrec_id + separator + \
               separator.join(authors[int(limit):]) + '</span>'
        out += ' <span id="extension_%s"></span>' % bibrec_id
        out += ' <small><i><a id="link_%s" href="#" style="color:rgb(204,0,0);"></a></i></small>' % bibrec_id
        out += '''
        <script type="text/javascript">
        $('#link_%(recid)s').click(function(event) {
            var more = document.getElementById('more_%(recid)s');
            var link = document.getElementById('link_%(recid)s');
            var extension = document.getElementById('extension_%(recid)s');
            if ('none'){
       = '';
       = 'none';
                link.innerHTML = "%(show_less)s"
            } else {
       = 'none';
       = '';
                link.innerHTML = "%(show_more)s"
   = "rgb(204,0,0);"

        function set_up_%(recid)s(){
            var extension = document.getElementById('extension_%(recid)s');
            extension.innerHTML = "%(extension)s";

        ''' % {'show_less': _("Hide"),
               'show_more': _("Show all %(x_num)i authors", x_num=nb_authors),
               'extension': extension,
               'recid': bibrec_id}
        out += '<script type="text/javascript">set_up_%s()</script>' % bibrec_id

        return out
    elif nb_authors > 0:
        return separator.join(authors)
Esempio n. 5
def format_element(bfo, limit, separator=' ; ',
           affiliation_prefix=' (',
    Prints the list of authors of a record.

    @param limit: the maximum number of authors to display
    @param separator: the separator between authors.
    @param extension: a text printed if more authors than 'limit' exist
    @param print_links: if yes, prints the authors as HTML link to their publications
    @param print_affiliations: if yes, make each author name followed by its affiliation
    @param affiliation_prefix: prefix printed before each affiliation
    @param affiliation_suffix: suffix printed after each affiliation
    @param interactive: if yes, enable user to show/hide authors when there are too many (html + javascript)
    @param highlight: highlights authors corresponding to search query if set to 'yes'
    @param link_author_pages: should we link to author pages if print_links in on?
    @param link_mobile_pages: should we link to mobile app pages if print_links in on?
    @param relator_code_pattern: a regular expression to filter authors based on subfield $4 (relator code)
    if isinstance(CFG_SITE_URL, six.text_type):
        CFG_SITE_URL = CFG_SITE_URL.encode('utf8')

    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)    # load the right message language

    authors = []
    authors_1 = bfo.fields('100__', repeatable_subfields_p=True)
    authors_2 = bfo.fields('700__', repeatable_subfields_p=True)


    # make unique string per key
    for author in authors:
        if 'a' in author:
            author['a'] = author['a'][0]
        if 'u' in author:
            author['u'] = author['u'][0]
        pattern = '%s' + CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_PREFIX_SEP + "("
        for control_no in author.get('0', []):
            if pattern % (CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_TYPE_NAMES["INSTITUTION"]) in control_no:
                author['u0'] = control_no # overwrite if multiples
            elif pattern % (CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_TYPE_NAMES["AUTHOR"]) in control_no:
                author['a0'] = control_no # overwrite if multiples

    if relator_code_pattern:
        p = re.compile(relator_code_pattern)
        authors = filter(lambda x: p.match(x.get('4', '')), authors)

    nb_authors = len(authors)

    bibrec_id = bfo.control_field("001")

    # Process authors to add link, highlight and format affiliation
    for author in authors:

        if 'a' in author:
            if highlight == 'yes':
                from invenio.modules.formatter import utils as bibformat_utils
                author['a'] = bibformat_utils.highlight(author['a'],

            if print_links.lower() == "yes":
                if link_author_pages == "yes":
                    author['a'] = '<a rel="author" href="/author/' + quote(author['a']) + \
                                  '?recid=' +  bibrec_id + \
                                  '&ln=' + bfo.lang + \
                                  '">' + escape(author['a']) + '</a>'
                elif link_mobile_pages == 'yes':
                    author['a'] = '<a rel="external" href="#page=search' + \
                                  '&amp;f=author&amp;p=' + quote(author['a']) + \
                                  '">' + escape(author['a']) + '</a>'
                    auth_coll_param = ''
                    if 'a0' in author:
                        recIDs = get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(author['a0'])
                        if len(recIDs):
                            auth_coll_param = '&amp;c=' + \
                    author['a'] = '<a href="/search?f=author&amp;p=' + quote(author['a']) + \
                                   auth_coll_param + \
                                  '&amp;ln=' + bfo.lang + \
                                  '">' + escape(author['a']) + '</a>'

        if 'u' in author:
            if print_affiliations == "yes":
                if 'u0' in author:
                    recIDs = get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(author['u0'])
                    # if there is more than 1 recID, clicking on link and
                    # thus displaying the authority record's page should
                    # contain a warning that there are multiple authority
                    # records with the same control number
                    if len(recIDs):
                        author['u'] = '<a href="/record/' + \
                                      str(recIDs[0]) + \
                                      '?ln=' + bfo.lang + \
                                      '">' + author['u'] + '</a>'
                author['u'] = affiliation_prefix + author['u'] + \

    # Flatten author instances
    if print_affiliations == 'yes':
        authors = [author.get('a', '') + author.get('u', '')
                   for author in authors]
        authors = [author.get('a', '')
                   for author in authors]

    if limit.isdigit() and  nb_authors > int(limit) and interactive != "yes":
        return separator.join(authors[:int(limit)]) + extension

    elif limit.isdigit() and nb_authors > int(limit) and interactive == "yes":
        out = '<a name="show_hide" />'
        out += separator.join(authors[:int(limit)])
        out += '<span id="more_%s" style="">' % bibrec_id + separator + \
               separator.join(authors[int(limit):]) + '</span>'
        out += ' <span id="extension_%s"></span>' % bibrec_id
        out += ' <small><i><a id="link_%s" href="#" style="color:rgb(204,0,0);"></a></i></small>' % bibrec_id
        out += '''
        <script type="text/javascript">
        $('#link_%(recid)s').click(function(event) {
            var more = document.getElementById('more_%(recid)s');
            var link = document.getElementById('link_%(recid)s');
            var extension = document.getElementById('extension_%(recid)s');
            if ('none'){
       = '';
       = 'none';
                link.innerHTML = "%(show_less)s"
            } else {
       = 'none';
       = '';
                link.innerHTML = "%(show_more)s"
   = "rgb(204,0,0);"

        function set_up_%(recid)s(){
            var extension = document.getElementById('extension_%(recid)s');
            extension.innerHTML = "%(extension)s";

        ''' % {'show_less':_("Hide"),
             'show_more':_("Show all %(x_num)i authors", x_num=nb_authors),
             'recid': bibrec_id}
        out += '<script type="text/javascript">set_up_%s()</script>' % bibrec_id

        return out
    elif nb_authors > 0:
        return separator.join(authors)
def format_element(bfo):
    """ Prints the control number of an author authority record in HTML. 
    By default prints brief version.

    @param brief: whether the 'brief' rather than the 'detailed' format
    @type brief: 'yes' or 'no'

    from invenio.base.i18n import gettext_set_language
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)    # load the right message language

    control_nos = [d['a'] for d in bfo.fields('035__')]
    control_nos = filter(None, control_nos) # fastest way to remove empty ""s
    control_nos_formatted = []
    for control_no in control_nos:
#        recIDs = []
#        types = guess_authority_types(bfo.recID)
#        # control_no example: AUTHOR:(CERN)aaa0005"
#        control_nos = [(type + CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_PREFIX_SEP + control_no) for type in types]
#        for control_no in control_nos:
#            recIDs.extend(list(search_pattern(p='"' + control_no + '"')))
        recIDs = get_dependent_records_for_control_no(control_no)
        count = len(recIDs)
        count_string = str(count) + " dependent records"
        # if we have dependent records, provide a link to them
        if count:
            prefix_pattern = "<a href='" + CFG_SITE_URL + "%s" + "'>"
            postfix = "</a>"
            url_str = ''
            # we have multiple dependent records
            if count > 1:
                # joining control_nos might be more helpful for the user 
                # than joining recIDs... or maybe not...
#                p_val = '"' + '" or "'.join(control_nos) + '"' # more understandable for the user
                p_val = "recid:" + ' or recid:'.join([str(recID) for recID in recIDs]) # more efficient
                # include "&c=" parameter for bibliographic records 
                # and one "&c=" parameter for authority records
                url_str = \
                    "/search" + \
                    "?p=" + p_val + \
                    "&c=" + CFG_SITE_NAME + \
                    "&sc=1" + \
                    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
            # we have exactly one dependent record
            elif count == 1:
                url_str = "/record/" + str(recIDs[0])
            prefix = prefix_pattern % (url_str)
            count_string = prefix + count_string + postfix
        #assemble the html and append to list
        html_str = control_no + " (" + count_string + ")"
        # check if there are more than one authority record with the same
        # control number. If so, warn the user about this inconsistency. 
        # TODO: hide this warning from unauthorized users
        my_recIDs = get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(control_no)
        if len(my_recIDs) > 1:
            url_str = \
                    "/search" + \
                    "?p=" + "recid:" + 'or recid:'.join([str(_id) for _id in my_recIDs]) + \
                    "&c=" + CFG_SITE_NAME + \
                    "&sc=1" + \
                    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
            html_str += \
                ' <span style="color:red">' + \
                '(Warning, there is currently ' + \
                '<a href="' + url_str + '">more than one authority record</a> ' + \
                'with this Control Number)' + \
    title = "<strong>" + _("Control Number(s)") + "</strong>"
    content = ", ".join(control_nos_formatted) \
        or "<strong style='color:red'>Missing !</strong>"
    return "<p>" + title + ": " + content + "</p>"
def format_element(bfo):
    """ Prints the control number of an author authority record in HTML.
    By default prints brief version.

    @param brief: whether the 'brief' rather than the 'detailed' format
    @type brief: 'yes' or 'no'

    from invenio.base.i18n import gettext_set_language

    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)  # load the right message language

    control_nos = [d["a"] for d in bfo.fields("035__") if d.get("a")]
    control_nos.extend([d["a"] for d in bfo.fields("970__") if d.get("a")])

    authority_type = [d.get("a") for d in bfo.fields("980__") if d.get("a") and d.get("a") != authority_identifier]
    if authority_type and type(authority_type) is list:
        authority_type = authority_type[0]

    related_control_number_fields = ["510", "970"]
    related_control_number_fields.extend(control_number_fields.get(authority_type, []))
    control_nos_formatted = []
    for control_no in control_nos:
        recIDs = get_dependent_records_for_control_no(control_no)
        count = len(recIDs)
        count_string = str(count) + " dependent records"
        from urllib import quote

        # if we have dependent records, provide a link to them
        if count:
            prefix_pattern = "<a href='" + CFG_SITE_URL + "%s" + "'>"
            postfix = "</a>"
            url_str = ""
            # we have multiple dependent records
            if count > 1:
                # joining control_nos might be more helpful for the user
                # than joining recIDs... or maybe not...
                parameters = []
                for control_number_field in related_control_number_fields:
                    parameters.append(control_number_field + ":" + control_no)
                p_val = quote(" or ".join(parameters))
                # include "&c=" parameter for bibliographic records
                # and one "&c=" parameter for authority records
                url_str = (
                    + "?p="
                    + p_val
                    + "&c="
                    + quote(CFG_SITE_NAME)
                    + "&c="
                    + "&sc=1"
                    + "&ln="
                    + bfo.lang
            # we have exactly one dependent record
            elif count == 1:
                url_str = "/record/" + str(recIDs[0])

            prefix = prefix_pattern % (url_str)
            count_string = prefix + count_string + postfix
        # assemble the html and append to list
        html_str = control_no + " (" + count_string + ")"

        # check if there are more than one authority record with the same
        # control number. If so, warn the user about this inconsistency.
        # TODO: hide this warning from unauthorized users
        my_recIDs = get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(control_no)
        if len(my_recIDs) > 1:
            url_str = (
                + "?p="
                + ":"
                + control_no
                + "&c="
                + quote(CFG_SITE_NAME)
                + "&c="
                + "&sc=1"
                + "&ln="
                + bfo.lang
            html_str += (
                ' <span style="color:red">'
                + "(Warning, there is currently "
                + '<a href="'
                + url_str
                + '">more than one authority record</a> '
                + "with this Control Number)"
                + "</span>"


    title = "<strong>" + _("Control Number(s)") + "</strong>"
    if control_nos_formatted:
        content = "<ul><li>" + "</li><li> ".join(control_nos_formatted) + "</li></ul>"
        content = "<strong style='color:red'>Missing !</strong>"

    return "<p>" + title + ": " + content + "</p>"
def format_element(bfo):
    """ Prints the control number of an author authority record in HTML.
    By default prints brief version.

    @param brief: whether the 'brief' rather than the 'detailed' format
    @type brief: 'yes' or 'no'

    from invenio.base.i18n import gettext_set_language
    _ = gettext_set_language(bfo.lang)    # load the right message language

    control_nos = [d['a'] for d in bfo.fields('035__') if d.get('a')]
    control_nos.extend([d['a'] for d in bfo.fields('970__') if d.get('a')])

    authority_type = [d.get('a') for d in bfo.fields('980__') if d.get('a') and d.get('a')!=authority_identifier]
    if authority_type and type(authority_type) is list:
        authority_type = authority_type[0]

    related_control_number_fields = ['510','970']
    control_nos_formatted = []
    for control_no in control_nos:
        recIDs = get_dependent_records_for_control_no(control_no)
        count = len(recIDs)
        count_string = str(count) + " dependent records"
        from urllib import quote
        # if we have dependent records, provide a link to them
        if count:
            prefix_pattern = "<a href='" + CFG_SITE_URL + "%s" + "'>"
            postfix = "</a>"
            url_str = ''
            # we have multiple dependent records
            if count > 1:
                # joining control_nos might be more helpful for the user
                # than joining recIDs... or maybe not...
                parameters = []
                for control_number_field in related_control_number_fields:
                    parameters.append(control_number_field + ":" + control_no )
                p_val = quote(" or ".join(parameters))
                # include "&c=" parameter for bibliographic records
                # and one "&c=" parameter for authority records
                url_str = \
                    "/search" + \
                    "?p=" + p_val + \
                    "&c=" + quote(CFG_SITE_NAME) + \
                    "&sc=1" + \
                    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
            # we have exactly one dependent record
            elif count == 1:
                url_str = "/record/" + str(recIDs[0])

            prefix = prefix_pattern % (url_str)
            count_string = prefix + count_string + postfix
        #assemble the html and append to list
        html_str = control_no + " (" + count_string + ")"

        # check if there are more than one authority record with the same
        # control number. If so, warn the user about this inconsistency.
        # TODO: hide this warning from unauthorized users
        my_recIDs = get_low_level_recIDs_from_control_no(control_no)
        if len(my_recIDs) > 1:
            url_str = \
                    "/search" + \
                    "?p=" + CFG_BIBAUTHORITY_RECORD_CONTROL_NUMBER_FIELD + ":" + control_no + \
                    "&c=" + quote(CFG_SITE_NAME) + \
                    "&sc=1" + \
                    "&ln=" + bfo.lang
            html_str += \
                ' <span style="color:red">' + \
                '(Warning, there is currently ' + \
                '<a href="' + url_str + '">more than one authority record</a> ' + \
                'with this Control Number)' + \


    title = "<strong>" + _("Control Number(s)") + "</strong>"
    if control_nos_formatted:
        content = "<ul><li>" + "</li><li> ".join(control_nos_formatted) + "</li></ul>"
        content = "<strong style='color:red'>Missing !</strong>"

    return "<p>" + title + ": " + content + "</p>"