Esempio n. 1
 def get_object(self, kwargs):
     This operation gets an object from s3.  It retrieves the body of
     the object or a part of the body specified by a range variable.
     A MagicMock() class is used to transfer the body allowing it to
     be read by a read() operation.  The etags no matter if it is
     a multipart download or not is invalid as it will have a dash
     in the etags.  So it is never compared during download.  If the
     session's connection_error flag is set, it will raise a
     ConnectionError and reset the flag to False.
     bucket = kwargs['bucket']
     key = kwargs['key']
     response_data = {}
     etag = ''
     if bucket in self.session.s3:
         body = self.session.s3[bucket][key]['Body']
         if 'range' in kwargs:
             str_range = kwargs['range']
             str_range = str_range[6:]
             range_components = str_range.split('-')
             beginning = range_components[0]
             end = range_components[1]
             if end == '':
                 body = body[int(beginning):]
                 body = body[int(beginning):(int(end) + 1)]
         mock_response = BytesIO(body)
         mock_response.set_socket_timeout = Mock()
         response_data['Body'] = mock_response
         etag = self.session.s3[bucket][key]['ETag']
         response_data['ETag'] = etag + '--'
         response_data['Errors'] = [{'Message': 'Bucket does not exist'}]
     if self.session.connection_error:
         self.session.connection_error = False
         raise requests.ConnectionError
     return FakeHttp(), response_data
Esempio n. 2
 def get_object(self, kwargs):
     This operation gets an object from s3.  It retrieves the body of
     the object or a part of the body specified by a range variable.
     A MagicMock() class is used to transfer the body allowing it to
     be read by a read() operation.  The etags no matter if it is
     a multipart download or not is invalid as it will have a dash
     in the etags.  So it is never compared during download.  If the
     session's connection_error flag is set, it will raise a
     ConnectionError and reset the flag to False.
     bucket = kwargs['bucket']
     key = kwargs['key']
     response_data = {}
     etag = ''
     if bucket in self.session.s3:
         body = self.session.s3[bucket][key]['Body']
         if 'range' in kwargs:
             str_range = kwargs['range']
             str_range = str_range[6:]
             range_components = str_range.split('-')
             beginning = range_components[0]
             end = range_components[1]
             if end == '':
                 body = body[int(beginning):]
                 body = body[int(beginning):(int(end) + 1)]
         mock_response = BytesIO(body)
         mock_response.set_socket_timeout = Mock()
         response_data['Body'] = mock_response
         etag = self.session.s3[bucket][key]['ETag']
         response_data['ETag'] = etag + '--'
         response_data['Errors'] = [{'Message': 'Bucket does not exist'}]
     if self.session.connection_error:
         self.session.connection_error = False
         raise requests.ConnectionError
     return FakeHttp(), response_data