Esempio n. 1
def force_recalculate(object_list):
    """Forces connection recalculation for given objects.

    :param object_list: list of the objects for which connection update should be triggered
    :type object_list: list of bpy.types.Object
    _core.update_for_redraw([_GROUP_NAME], object_list)
Esempio n. 2
def force_recalculate(object_list):
    """Forces connection recalculation for given objects.

    :param object_list: list of the objects for which connection update should be triggered
    :type object_list: list of bpy.types.Object
    _core.update_for_redraw([_GROUP_NAME], object_list)
Esempio n. 3
def _execute_draw():
    """Checks if connections should be drawn.

    # exlude optimization drawing
    if not bpy.context.scene.scs_props.optimized_connections_drawing:
        _core.update_for_redraw([_GROUP_NAME], None)
        return True

    return _CACHE[_DATA_UP_TO_DATE]
Esempio n. 4
def _execute_draw():
    """Checks if connections should be drawn.

    # exlude optimization drawing
    if not bpy.context.scene.scs_props.optimized_connections_drawing:
        _core.update_for_redraw([_GROUP_NAME], None)
        return True

    return _CACHE[_DATA_UP_TO_DATE]
Esempio n. 5
def update_for_redraw():
    """Recalculate connections, if they are not yet up to date.
    # if initialization wasn't triggered yet, then skip switching to stall and wait until it gets initialised
    if _COLLECTION_NAME not in

    # if data was marked as updated
    if not _CACHE[_DATA_UP_TO_DATE]:
        # recalculate curves and lines whos locators were visibly changed
        _core.update_for_redraw([_COLLECTION_NAME], None)

Esempio n. 6
def switch_to_stall():
    """Switches state of connections drawing to stalling and will trigger check for connections recalculations
    if they are not yet up to date.
    NOTE: this will effect drawing only if optimized drawing is switched on

    # if data was marked as updated
    if not _CACHE[_DATA_UP_TO_DATE]:
        # recalculate curves and lines whos locators were visiblly changed and force redraw
        _core.update_for_redraw([_GROUP_NAME], None)
        bpy.context.scene.unit_settings.system = bpy.context.scene.unit_settings.system

Esempio n. 7
def _execute_draw(optimized_drawing):
    """Checks if connections should be drawn.

    :param optimized_drawing: optimized connections drawing property from SCS globals
    :type optimized_drawing: bool

    # exclude optimization drawing
    if not optimized_drawing:
        _core.update_for_redraw([_GROUP_NAME], None)
        return True

    return _CACHE[_DATA_UP_TO_DATE]
Esempio n. 8
def _execute_draw(optimized_drawing):
    """Checks if connections should be drawn.

    :param optimized_drawing: optimized connections drawing property from SCS globals
    :type optimized_drawing: bool

    # exclude optimization drawing
    if not optimized_drawing:
        _core.update_for_redraw([_GROUP_NAME], None)
        return True

    return _CACHE[_DATA_UP_TO_DATE]
Esempio n. 9
def switch_to_stall():
    """Switches state of connections drawing to stalling and will trigger check for connections recalculations
    if they are not yet up to date.
    NOTE: this will effect drawing only if optimized drawing is switched on

    # if data was marked as updated
    if not _CACHE[_DATA_UP_TO_DATE]:
        # recalculate curves and lines whos locators were visiblly changed and force redraw
        _core.update_for_redraw([_GROUP_NAME], None)
        bpy.context.scene.unit_settings.system = bpy.context.scene.unit_settings.system