class TreeTable(Table): class Meta: template = Template(""" <style> .full-path { opacity: 0.0; } tr:hover .full-path { opacity: 0.6; } tr { opacity: 0.4; } tr.included { opacity: 1; } </style> {% include "iommi/table/table.html" %} """) sortable = False row__attrs__class__included = (lambda row, **_: row.included) page_size = None dunder_path = Column( cell__value=lambda row, **_: row.dunder_path, cell__format=dunder_path__format, ) path = Column() type = Column( cell__url=lambda row, **_: f'{row.base_type}.html' if row.base_type else None ) included = Column.boolean()
class FooTable(Table): a = Column.number( ) # This is a shortcut that results in the css class "rj" (for right justified) being added to the header and cell b = Column() c = Column(cell__format=lambda value, **_: value[-1] ) # Display the last value of the tuple sum_c = Column(cell__value=lambda row, **_: sum(row.c), sortable=False) # Calculate a value not present in Foo
class EntryAdminTable(EntryTable): edit = Column.edit() delete = Column.delete() class Meta: actions = dict( create=Action.button(tag='a', attrs__href='create'), logout=Action.button(tag='a', attrs__href='/logout/'), )
class BarTable(Table): select = # Shortcut for creating checkboxes to select rows b__a = Column.number( # Show "a" from "b". This works for plain old objects too. filter__include=True, # put this field into the query language ) c = Column( bulk__include=True, # Enable bulk editing for this field filter__include=True, )
class IndexPage(Page): title = html.h1("TMDB") welcome_text = "Welcome to my TMDB!" actors = Table( auto__model=Actor, page_size=5, columns__name=Column( cell__value=lambda row, **_: f"{row.last_name} {row.first_name}", ), columns__created__include=False, columns__modified__include=False, columns__first_name__include=False, columns__last_name__include=False, columns__countries__cell__format=lambda row, **_: mark_safe("".join( format_html( f'<a href="{country.get_absolute_url()}">{country}</a><br>') for country in row.countries.all())), ) movies = Table( auto__model=Movie, page_size=5, columns__created__include=False, columns__modified__include=False, columns__actors__cell__format=lambda row, **_: mark_safe("".join( format_html(f'<a href="{actor.get_absolute_url()}">{actor}</a><br>' ) for actor in row.actors.all())), columns__directors__cell__format=lambda row, **_: mark_safe("".join( format_html( f'<a href="{director.get_absolute_url()}">{director}</a><br>') for director in row.directors.all())), columns__countries__cell__format=lambda row, **_: mark_safe("".join( format_html( f'<a href="{country.get_absolute_url()}">{country}</a><br>') for country in row.countries.all())), columns__categories__cell__format=lambda row, **_: mark_safe("".join( format_html( f'<a href="{category.get_absolute_url()}">{category}</a><br>') for category in row.categories.all())), ) directors = Table( auto__model=Director, page_size=5, columns__name=Column( cell__value=lambda row, **_: f"{row.last_name} {row.first_name}", ), columns__created__include=False, columns__modified__include=False, columns__first_name__include=False, columns__last_name__include=False, columns__countries__cell__format=lambda row, **_: mark_safe("".join( format_html( f'<a href="{country.get_absolute_url()}">{country}</a><br>') for country in row.countries.all())), )
class MyPage(Page): header = Fragment() some_form = Form(fields=Namespace(fisk=Field(), )) some_other_form = Form(fields=Namespace( fjomp=Field(), fisk=Field(), )) a_table = Table( model=TFoo, columns=Namespace( columns=Column(), fusk=Column(attr='b', filter__include=True), ), )
class Meta: auto__model = Album page_size = 20 columns__name__cell__url = lambda row, **_: row.get_absolute_url() columns__name__filter__include = True columns__year__filter__include = True columns__year__filter__field__include = False columns__artist__filter__include = True columns__edit = Column.edit( include=lambda request, **_: request.user.is_staff, ) columns__delete = Column.delete( include=lambda request, **_: request.user.is_staff, ) actions__create_album = Action(attrs__href='/albums/create/', display_name=_('Create album'))
class Meta: title = None auto__model = Message auto__exclude = ['path'] rows = room__rows columns__unread_from_here_href = Column(attr=None, cell__value=room__unread_from_here_href) # Keep backwards compatibility with old (super unsafe!) forum, but use safe markdown for new messages columns__text__cell__format = lambda value, row, **_: pre_format(value) if row.time_created.year > 2015 else pre_format_legacy(value) columns__text__cell__tag = None preprocess_rows = room__preprocess_rows header__template = Template('') row__template = get_template('forum/message.html') row__attrs__class = dict( indent_0=lambda row, **_: row.indent == 0, message=True, current_user=lambda table, row, **_: table.get_request().user == row.user, other_user=lambda table, row, **_: table.get_request().user != row.user, unread=lambda row, unread_data, **_: unread_data.is_unread(row.last_changed_time), unread2=lambda row, unread_data, **_: unread_data.is_unread2(row.last_changed_time), ) attrs = dict( cellpadding='0', cellspacing='0', id='first_newtable', align='center', class__roomtable=True, ) paginator = dict( min_page_size=10, template='forum/room-footer.html', page=room__get_start_page, show_always=True, ) page_size = PAGE_SIZE
class TestTable(Table): foo = Column(header__attrs__title="Some title") class Meta: sortable = False actions = dict( a=Action(display_name='Foo', attrs__href='/foo/', include=lambda table, **_: table.rows is not rows), b=Action(display_name='Bar', attrs__href='/bar/', include=lambda table, **_: table.rows is rows), c=Action(display_name='Baz', attrs__href='/bar/', group='Other'), d=dict(display_name='Qux', attrs__href='/bar/', group='Other'), e=Action.icon('icon_foo', display_name='Icon foo', attrs__href='/icon_foo/'), f=Action.icon('icon_bar', icon_classes=['lg'], display_name='Icon bar', attrs__href='/icon_bar/'), g=Action.icon('icon_baz', icon_classes=['one', 'two'], display_name='Icon baz', attrs__href='/icon_baz/'), )
class FooTable(Table): # I can add checkboxes to each row s = a = Column.number( ) # This is a shortcut that results in the css class "rj" (for right justified) being added to the header and cell b = Column() c = Column(cell__format=lambda value, **_: value[-1] ) # Display the last value of the tuple sum_c = Column(cell__value=lambda row, **_: sum(row.c), sortable=False) # Calculate a value not present in Foo class Meta: page_size = 3 # And register a button that will get the selection passed in its post_handler bulk__actions__print = Action.primary( display_name='print me', post_handler=bulk__actions__print__post_handler)
def index(request, path=''): p = (Path(settings.ARCHIVE_PATH) / path).absolute() assert str(p).startswith(str(Path(settings.ARCHIVE_PATH).absolute())), 'Someone is trying to hack the site' if p.is_file(): return FileResponse(open(p, 'rb'), rows = [ x for x in p.glob('*') if not'.') ] if request.GET.get('gallery') is not None: images = [ x for x in rows if is_image(x) ] return Table.div( rows=sorted(images, key=lambda x:, page_size=None, columns__name=Column(cell__format=lambda row, **_: mark_safe(f'<img src="{}" style="max-width: 100%">')) ) return Table( columns=dict( icon=Column( display_name='', header__attrs__style__width='25px', attr=None, cell__format=lambda row, **_: mark_safe('<i class="far fa-folder"></i>') if row.is_dir() else '' ), name=Column( cell__url=lambda row, **_: f'{}/' if row.is_dir() else, ), ), page_size=None, rows=sorted(rows, key=lambda x:, actions__gallery=Action(attrs__href='?gallery') )
class BarTable(Table): select = ) # Shortcut for creating checkboxes to select rows b__a = Column.number( ) # Show "a" from "b". This works for plain old objects too. b = Column.from_model( model=TBar, model_field_name='b', bulk__include=True, filter__include=True, ) c = Column(bulk__include=True) # The form is created automatically d = Column( display_name='Display name', attr__class__css_class=True, header__url='', sortable=False, group='Foo', auto_rowspan=True, filter__include=True, cell__value=lambda row, **_: row.b.a // 3, cell__format=lambda value, **_: '- %s -' % value, cell__attrs__class={'text-center': True}, cell__attrs__title='cell title', cell__url='url', cell__url_title='cell url title', ) e = Column(group='Foo', cell__value='explicit value', sortable=False) f = Column(include=False, sortable=False) g = Column(attr='c', sortable=False) django_templates_for_cells = Column( sortable=False, cell__value=None, cell__template='kitchen_sink_cell_template.html', group='Bar', ) class Meta: title = 'Kitchen sink' _name = 'bar' page_size = 20
class EntryUnapproveTable(EntryTable): select = class Meta: title = 'Approved entries' bulk__title = None @staticmethod def rows(table, **_): return Entry.objects.filter(approver=table.get_request().user) bulk__actions__submit = dict( include=True, attrs__value='Unapprove', ) @staticmethod def bulk__actions__submit__post_handler(table, **_): table.bulk_queryset().update(approver=None)
class MyTable(Table): class Meta: iommi_style = 'my_style' model = Foo bar = Column(bulk__include=True)
class FooTable(Table): name = Column(filter__include=True)
class Meta: parts__list_shortner_entry__columns__short = Column( cell__url=lambda value, **_: f'/s/{value}', after=0, )