Esempio n. 1
class TestSBE37Driver(unittest.TestCase):    
    Integration tests for the sbe37 driver. This class tests and shows
    use patterns for the sbe37 driver as a zmq driver process.
    def setUp(self):
        Setup test cases.
        self.device_addr = DEV_ADDR
        self.device_port = DEV_PORT
        self.work_dir = WORK_DIR
        self.delim = DELIM
        self.driver_class = DVR_CLS
        self.driver_module = DVR_MOD
        self._support = DriverIntegrationTestSupport(self.driver_module,

        # Clear driver event list.
        self._events = []

        # The port agent object. Used to start and stop the port agent.
        self._pagent = None
        # The driver process popen object.
        self._dvr_proc = None
        # The driver client.
        self._dvr_client = None

        # Create and start the port agent.'start')
        COMMS_CONFIG['port'] = self._support.start_pagent()

        # Create and start the driver.

        # Grab some variables from support that we need
        self._dvr_client = self._support._dvr_client
        self._dvr_proc = self._support._dvr_proc
        self._pagent = self._support._pagent
        self._events = self._support._events

    def assertSampleDict(self, val):
        Verify the value is a sample dictionary for the sbe37.
        #{'p': [-6.945], 'c': [0.08707], 't': [20.002], 'time': [1333752198.450622]}        
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, dict))
        c = val['c'][0]
        t = val['t'][0]
        p = val['p'][0]
        time = val['time'][0]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(c, float))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(t, float))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, float))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(time, float))
    def assertParamDict(self, pd, all_params=False):
        Verify all device parameters exist and are correct type.
        if all_params:
            self.assertEqual(set(pd.keys()), set(PARAMS.keys()))
            #print str(pd)
            #print str(PARAMS)
            for (key, type_val) in PARAMS.iteritems():
                #print key
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(pd[key], type_val))
            for (key, val) in pd.iteritems():
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, PARAMS[key]))
    def assertParamVals(self, params, correct_params):
        Verify parameters take the correct values.
        self.assertEqual(set(params.keys()), set(correct_params.keys()))
        for (key, val) in params.iteritems():
            correct_val = correct_params[key]
            if isinstance(val, float):
                # Verify to 5% of the larger value.
                max_val = max(abs(val), abs(correct_val))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(val, correct_val, delta=max_val*.01)

                # int, bool, str, or tuple of same
                self.assertEqual(val, correct_val)
    def test_process(self):
        Test for correct launch of driver process and communications, including
        asynchronous driver events.

        # Verify processes exist.
        self.assertNotEqual(self._dvr_proc, None)
        drv_pid =
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(drv_pid, int))
        self.assertNotEqual(self._pagent, None)
        pagent_pid = self._pagent.get_pid()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(pagent_pid, int))
        # Send a test message to the process interface, confirm result.
        msg = 'I am a ZMQ message going to the process.'
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('process_echo', msg)
        self.assertEqual(reply,'process_echo: '+msg)
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)
        # Send a test message to the driver interface, confirm result.
        msg = 'I am a ZMQ message going to the driver.'
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('driver_echo', msg)
        self.assertEqual(reply, 'driver_echo: '+msg)
        # Test the event thread publishes and client side picks up events.
        events = [
            'I am important event #1!',
            'And I am important event #2!'
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('test_events', events=events)
        # Confirm the events received are as expected.
        self.assertEqual(self._events, events)

        # Test the exception mechanism.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentException):
            exception_str = 'Oh no, something bad happened!'
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('test_exceptions', exception_str)
        # Verify we received a driver error event.
        error_events = [evt for evt in self._events if isinstance(evt, dict) and evt['type']==DriverAsyncEvent.ERROR]
        self.assertTrue(len(error_events) == 1)
    def test_config(self):
        Test to configure the driver process for device comms and transition
        to disconnected state.

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Initialize the driver and transition to unconfigured.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')

        # Test the driver returned state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)
    def test_connect(self):
        Test configuring and connecting to the device through the port
        agent. Discover device state.
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Initialize the driver and transition to unconfigured.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)
    def test_get_set(self):
        Test device parameter access.

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')
        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Get all device parameters. Confirm all expected keys are retrived
        # and have correct type.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', SBE37Parameter.ALL)
        self.assertParamDict(reply, True)

        # Remember original configuration.
        orig_config = reply
        # Grab a subset of parameters.
        params = [
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', params)

        # Remember the original subset.
        orig_params = reply
        # Construct new parameters to set.
        old_date = orig_params[SBE37Parameter.TCALDATE]
        new_params = {
            SBE37Parameter.TA0 : orig_params[SBE37Parameter.TA0] * 1.2,
            SBE37Parameter.INTERVAL : orig_params[SBE37Parameter.INTERVAL] + 1,
            SBE37Parameter.STORETIME : not orig_params[SBE37Parameter.STORETIME],
            SBE37Parameter.TCALDATE : (old_date[0], old_date[1], old_date[2] + 1)

        # Set parameters and verify.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('set', new_params)
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', params)
        self.assertParamVals(reply, new_params)
        # Restore original parameters and verify.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('set', orig_params)
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', params)
        self.assertParamVals(reply, orig_params)

        # Retrieve the configuration and ensure it matches the original.
        # Remove samplenum as it is switched by autosample and storetime.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', SBE37Parameter.ALL)
        self.assertParamVals(reply, orig_config)

        # Disconnect from the port agent.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')
        # Test the driver is disconnected.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)
        # Deconfigure the driver.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)        
    def test_poll(self):
        Test sample polling commands and events.

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')
        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Poll for a sample and confirm result.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')
        # Poll for a sample and confirm result.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')

        # Poll for a sample and confirm result.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')
        # Confirm that 3 samples arrived as published events.
        sample_events = [evt for evt in self._events if evt['type']==DriverAsyncEvent.SAMPLE]
        self.assertEqual(len(sample_events), 3)

        # Disconnect from the port agent.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')
        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)
        # Deconfigure the driver.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

    def test_autosample(self):
        Test autosample mode.
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)
        # Make sure the device parameters are set to sample frequently.
        params = {
            SBE37Parameter.NAVG : 1,
            SBE37Parameter.INTERVAL : 5
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('set', params)
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_start_autosample')

        # Test the driver is in autosample mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE)
        # Wait for a few samples to roll in.
        # Return to command mode. Catch timeouts and retry if necessary.
        count = 0
        while True:
                reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_stop_autosample')
            except InstrumentTimeoutException:
                count += 1
                if count >= 5:
          'Could not wakeup device to leave autosample mode.')


        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Verify we received at least 2 samples.
        sample_events = [evt for evt in self._events if evt['type']==DriverAsyncEvent.SAMPLE]
        self.assertTrue(len(sample_events) >= 2)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Initialize the driver and transition to unconfigured.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

    @unittest.skip('Not supported by simulator and very long (> 5 min).')
    def test_test(self):
        Test the hardware testing mode.
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        start_time = time.time()
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_test')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.TEST)
        while state != SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND:
            elapsed = time.time() - start_time
  'Device testing %f seconds elapsed.' % elapsed)
            state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')

        # Verify we received the test result and it passed.
        test_results = [evt for evt in self._events if evt['type']==DriverAsyncEvent.TEST_RESULT]
        self.assertTrue(len(test_results) == 1)
        self.assertEqual(test_results[0]['value']['success'], 'Passed')

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Initialize the driver and transition to unconfigured.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

    def test_errors(self):
        Test response to erroneous commands and parameters.
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Assert for an unknown driver command.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentCommandException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('bogus_command')

        # Assert for a known command, invalid state.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentStateException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')

        # Assert we forgot the comms parameter.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure')

        # Assert we send a bad config object (not a dict).
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            BOGUS_CONFIG = 'not a config dict'            
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', BOGUS_CONFIG)
        # Assert we send a bad config object (missing addr value).
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            BOGUS_CONFIG = COMMS_CONFIG.copy()
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', BOGUS_CONFIG)

        # Assert we send a bad config object (bad addr value).
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            BOGUS_CONFIG = COMMS_CONFIG.copy()
            BOGUS_CONFIG['addr'] = ''
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', BOGUS_CONFIG)
        # Configure for comms.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Assert for a known command, invalid state.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentStateException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')
        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        # Assert for a known command, invalid state.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentStateException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Poll for a sample and confirm result.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')

        # Assert for a known command, invalid state.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentStateException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_stop_autosample')
        # Assert for a known command, invalid state.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentStateException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Get all device parameters. Confirm all expected keys are retrived
        # and have correct type.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', SBE37Parameter.ALL)
        self.assertParamDict(reply, True)
        # Assert get fails without a parameter.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get')
        # Assert get fails without a bad parameter (not ALL or a list).
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            bogus_params = 'I am a bogus param list.'
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', bogus_params)
        # Assert get fails without a bad parameter (not ALL or a list).
        #with self.assertRaises(InvalidParameterValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            bogus_params = [
                'a bogus parameter name',
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', bogus_params)        
        # Assert we cannot set a bogus parameter.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            bogus_params = {
                'a bogus parameter name' : 'bogus value'
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('set', bogus_params)
        # Assert we cannot set a real parameter to a bogus value.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            bogus_params = {
                SBE37Parameter.INTERVAL : 'bogus value'
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('set', bogus_params)
        # Disconnect from the port agent.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')
        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)
        # Deconfigure the driver.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)
    @unittest.skip('Not supported by simulator.')
    def test_discover_autosample(self):
        Test the device can discover autosample mode.
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)
        # Make sure the device parameters are set to sample frequently.
        params = {
            SBE37Parameter.NAVG : 1,
            SBE37Parameter.INTERVAL : 5
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('set', params)
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_start_autosample')

        # Test the driver is in autosample mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE)
        # Let a sample or two come in.
        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Initialize the driver and transition to unconfigured.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Wait briefly before we restart the comms.
        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        count = 0
        while True:
                reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

            except InstrumentTimeoutException:
                count += 1
                if count >=5:
          'Could not discover device state.')


        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE)

        # Let a sample or two come in.
        # This device takes awhile to begin transmitting again after you
        # prompt it in autosample mode.

        # Return to command mode. Catch timeouts and retry if necessary.
        count = 0
        while True:
                reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_stop_autosample')
            except InstrumentTimeoutException:
                count += 1
                if count >= 5:
          'Could not wakeup device to leave autosample mode.')


        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Initialize the driver and transition to unconfigured.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)
Esempio n. 2
class TestSBE37Driver(unittest.TestCase):
    Integration tests for the sbe37 driver. This class tests and shows
    use patterns for the sbe37 driver as a zmq driver process.
    def setUp(self):
        Setup test cases.
        self.device_addr = DEV_ADDR
        self.device_port = DEV_PORT
        self.work_dir = WORK_DIR
        self.delim = DELIM

        self.driver_class = DVR_CLS
        self.driver_module = DVR_MOD
        self._support = DriverIntegrationTestSupport(self.driver_module,
                                                     self.delim, self.work_dir)

        # Clear driver event list.
        self._events = []

        # The port agent object. Used to start and stop the port agent.
        self._pagent = None

        # The driver process popen object.
        self._dvr_proc = None

        # The driver client.
        self._dvr_client = None

        # Create and start the port agent.'start')
        COMMS_CONFIG['port'] = self._support.start_pagent()

        # Create and start the driver.

        # Grab some variables from support that we need
        self._dvr_client = self._support._dvr_client
        self._dvr_proc = self._support._dvr_proc
        self._pagent = self._support._pagent
        self._events = self._support._events

    def assertSampleDict(self, val):
        Verify the value is a sample dictionary for the sbe37.
        #{'p': [-6.945], 'c': [0.08707], 't': [20.002], 'time': [1333752198.450622]}
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, dict))
        c = val['c'][0]
        t = val['t'][0]
        p = val['p'][0]
        time = val['time'][0]

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(c, float))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(t, float))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, float))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(time, float))

    def assertParamDict(self, pd, all_params=False):
        Verify all device parameters exist and are correct type.
        if all_params:
            self.assertEqual(set(pd.keys()), set(PARAMS.keys()))
            #print str(pd)
            #print str(PARAMS)
            for (key, type_val) in PARAMS.iteritems():
                #print key
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(pd[key], type_val))
            for (key, val) in pd.iteritems():
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, PARAMS[key]))

    def assertParamVals(self, params, correct_params):
        Verify parameters take the correct values.
        self.assertEqual(set(params.keys()), set(correct_params.keys()))
        for (key, val) in params.iteritems():
            correct_val = correct_params[key]
            if isinstance(val, float):
                # Verify to 5% of the larger value.
                max_val = max(abs(val), abs(correct_val))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(val, correct_val, delta=max_val * .01)

                # int, bool, str, or tuple of same
                self.assertEqual(val, correct_val)

    def test_process(self):
        Test for correct launch of driver process and communications, including
        asynchronous driver events.

        # Verify processes exist.
        self.assertNotEqual(self._dvr_proc, None)
        drv_pid =
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(drv_pid, int))

        self.assertNotEqual(self._pagent, None)
        pagent_pid = self._pagent.get_pid()
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(pagent_pid, int))

        # Send a test message to the process interface, confirm result.
        msg = 'I am a ZMQ message going to the process.'
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('process_echo', msg)
        self.assertEqual(reply, 'process_echo: ' + msg)

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Send a test message to the driver interface, confirm result.
        msg = 'I am a ZMQ message going to the driver.'
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('driver_echo', msg)
        self.assertEqual(reply, 'driver_echo: ' + msg)

        # Test the event thread publishes and client side picks up events.
        events = ['I am important event #1!', 'And I am important event #2!']
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('test_events', events=events)

        # Confirm the events received are as expected.
        self.assertEqual(self._events, events)

        # Test the exception mechanism.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentException):
            exception_str = 'Oh no, something bad happened!'
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('test_exceptions', exception_str)

        # Verify we received a driver error event.
        error_events = [
            evt for evt in self._events
            if isinstance(evt, dict) and evt['type'] == DriverAsyncEvent.ERROR
        self.assertTrue(len(error_events) == 1)

    def test_config(self):
        Test to configure the driver process for device comms and transition
        to disconnected state.

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Initialize the driver and transition to unconfigured.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')

        # Test the driver returned state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

    def test_connect(self):
        Test configuring and connecting to the device through the port
        agent. Discover device state.

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Initialize the driver and transition to unconfigured.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

    def test_get_set(self):
        Test device parameter access.

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Get all device parameters. Confirm all expected keys are retrived
        # and have correct type.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', SBE37Parameter.ALL)
        self.assertParamDict(reply, True)

        # Remember original configuration.
        orig_config = reply

        # Grab a subset of parameters.
        params = [
            SBE37Parameter.TA0, SBE37Parameter.INTERVAL,
            SBE37Parameter.STORETIME, SBE37Parameter.TCALDATE
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', params)

        # Remember the original subset.
        orig_params = reply

        # Construct new parameters to set.
        old_date = orig_params[SBE37Parameter.TCALDATE]
        new_params = {
            SBE37Parameter.TA0: orig_params[SBE37Parameter.TA0] * 1.2,
            SBE37Parameter.INTERVAL: orig_params[SBE37Parameter.INTERVAL] + 1,
            not orig_params[SBE37Parameter.STORETIME],
            (old_date[0], old_date[1], old_date[2] + 1)

        # Set parameters and verify.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('set', new_params)
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', params)
        self.assertParamVals(reply, new_params)

        # Restore original parameters and verify.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('set', orig_params)
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', params)
        self.assertParamVals(reply, orig_params)

        # Retrieve the configuration and ensure it matches the original.
        # Remove samplenum as it is switched by autosample and storetime.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', SBE37Parameter.ALL)
        self.assertParamVals(reply, orig_config)

        # Disconnect from the port agent.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')

        # Test the driver is disconnected.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Deconfigure the driver.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

    def test_poll(self):
        Test sample polling commands and events.

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Poll for a sample and confirm result.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')

        # Poll for a sample and confirm result.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')

        # Poll for a sample and confirm result.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')

        # Confirm that 3 samples arrived as published events.
        sample_events = [
            evt for evt in self._events
            if evt['type'] == DriverAsyncEvent.SAMPLE
        self.assertEqual(len(sample_events), 3)

        # Disconnect from the port agent.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Deconfigure the driver.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

    def test_autosample(self):
        Test autosample mode.

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Make sure the device parameters are set to sample frequently.
        params = {SBE37Parameter.NAVG: 1, SBE37Parameter.INTERVAL: 5}
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('set', params)

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_start_autosample')

        # Test the driver is in autosample mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE)

        # Wait for a few samples to roll in.

        # Return to command mode. Catch timeouts and retry if necessary.
        count = 0
        while True:
                reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_stop_autosample')

            except InstrumentTimeoutException:
                count += 1
                if count >= 5:
                        'Could not wakeup device to leave autosample mode.')


        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Verify we received at least 2 samples.
        sample_events = [
            evt for evt in self._events
            if evt['type'] == DriverAsyncEvent.SAMPLE
        self.assertTrue(len(sample_events) >= 2)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Initialize the driver and transition to unconfigured.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

    @unittest.skip('Not supported by simulator and very long (> 5 min).')
    def test_test(self):
        Test the hardware testing mode.
        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        start_time = time.time()
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_test')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.TEST)

        while state != SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND:
            elapsed = time.time() - start_time
  'Device testing %f seconds elapsed.' % elapsed)
            state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')

        # Verify we received the test result and it passed.
        test_results = [
            evt for evt in self._events
            if evt['type'] == DriverAsyncEvent.TEST_RESULT
        self.assertTrue(len(test_results) == 1)
        self.assertEqual(test_results[0]['value']['success'], 'Passed')

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Initialize the driver and transition to unconfigured.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

    def test_errors(self):
        Test response to erroneous commands and parameters.

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Assert for an unknown driver command.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentCommandException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('bogus_command')

        # Assert for a known command, invalid state.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentStateException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')

        # Assert we forgot the comms parameter.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure')

        # Assert we send a bad config object (not a dict).
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            BOGUS_CONFIG = 'not a config dict'
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', BOGUS_CONFIG)

        # Assert we send a bad config object (missing addr value).
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            BOGUS_CONFIG = COMMS_CONFIG.copy()
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', BOGUS_CONFIG)

        # Assert we send a bad config object (bad addr value).
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            BOGUS_CONFIG = COMMS_CONFIG.copy()
            BOGUS_CONFIG['addr'] = ''
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', BOGUS_CONFIG)

        # Configure for comms.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Assert for a known command, invalid state.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentStateException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        # Assert for a known command, invalid state.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentStateException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Poll for a sample and confirm result.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_acquire_sample')

        # Assert for a known command, invalid state.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentStateException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_stop_autosample')

        # Assert for a known command, invalid state.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentStateException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Get all device parameters. Confirm all expected keys are retrived
        # and have correct type.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', SBE37Parameter.ALL)
        self.assertParamDict(reply, True)

        # Assert get fails without a parameter.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get')

        # Assert get fails without a bad parameter (not ALL or a list).
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            bogus_params = 'I am a bogus param list.'
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', bogus_params)

        # Assert get fails without a bad parameter (not ALL or a list).
        #with self.assertRaises(InvalidParameterValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            bogus_params = [
                'a bogus parameter name', SBE37Parameter.INTERVAL,
                SBE37Parameter.STORETIME, SBE37Parameter.TCALDATE
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get', bogus_params)

        # Assert we cannot set a bogus parameter.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            bogus_params = {'a bogus parameter name': 'bogus value'}
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('set', bogus_params)

        # Assert we cannot set a real parameter to a bogus value.
        with self.assertRaises(InstrumentParameterException):
            bogus_params = {SBE37Parameter.INTERVAL: 'bogus value'}
            reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('set', bogus_params)

        # Disconnect from the port agent.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Deconfigure the driver.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

    @unittest.skip('Not supported by simulator.')
    def test_discover_autosample(self):
        Test the device can discover autosample mode.

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Make sure the device parameters are set to sample frequently.
        params = {SBE37Parameter.NAVG: 1, SBE37Parameter.INTERVAL: 5}
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('set', params)

        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_start_autosample')

        # Test the driver is in autosample mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE)

        # Let a sample or two come in.

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Initialize the driver and transition to unconfigured.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)

        # Wait briefly before we restart the comms.

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('configure', COMMS_CONFIG)

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('connect')

        # Test the driver is in unknown state.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.UNKNOWN)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        count = 0
        while True:
                reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('discover')

            except InstrumentTimeoutException:
                count += 1
                if count >= 5:
          'Could not discover device state.')


        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.AUTOSAMPLE)

        # Let a sample or two come in.
        # This device takes awhile to begin transmitting again after you
        # prompt it in autosample mode.

        # Return to command mode. Catch timeouts and retry if necessary.
        count = 0
        while True:
                reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('execute_stop_autosample')

            except InstrumentTimeoutException:
                count += 1
                if count >= 5:
                        'Could not wakeup device to leave autosample mode.')


        # Test the driver is in command mode.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, SBE37ProtocolState.COMMAND)

        # Configure driver for comms and transition to disconnected.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('disconnect')

        # Test the driver is configured for comms.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.DISCONNECTED)

        # Initialize the driver and transition to unconfigured.
        reply = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('initialize')

        # Test the driver is in state unconfigured.
        state = self._dvr_client.cmd_dvr('get_current_state')
        self.assertEqual(state, DriverConnectionState.UNCONFIGURED)