Esempio n. 1
def check_udp_buffers():
  Prints some information related to issues with UDP communications and
  optionally some UDP statistics. Returns a list of strings summarizing
  the issues detected.

  if not model.udp_tuples:
    return []

  connection_dict = {}
  errors = []

  # The two dicts below are used to store the list of tuples required by the mtu_diagnosis 
  # module in order to diagnosis MTU issues. The dicts will contain lists of tuples for each 
  # connection (as in connection_dict). The lists will get populated from within the for loops below.
  # The tuples are populated (per message) as: (packets_sent, packets_lost, packet_size)
  check_mtu_accept_tuples = {}
  check_mtu_connect_tuples = {}

  # We care counting data sent and data lost per pair of addresses, and
  # we are tracking both total number of bytes sent/lost and total number
  # of messages sent/lost
  for t in model.udp_tuples:
    if t['connected_ip']:
      sender = (t['connected_ip'], t['connected_port'])
      # This is in case we have a UDP socket bound to an unknown address
      # sending messages
      sender = list(t['connected_fd_list'])[0][0]
    receiver = (t['accepting_ip'], t['accepting_port'])
    connect_tuple = (sender, receiver)
    accept_tuple = (receiver, sender)
    if connect_tuple not in connection_dict:
      connection_dict[connect_tuple] = {'sent': 0, 'lost': 0, 'bytes_sent': 0, 'bytes_lost': 0}
    if accept_tuple not in connection_dict:
      connection_dict[accept_tuple] = {'sent': 0, 'lost': 0, 'bytes_sent': 0, 'bytes_lost': 0}

    # Add the empty list into the MTU check dicts to populate it with the appropriate packet
    # tuples for each of the connect_tuple/accept_tuples.
    if accept_tuple not in check_mtu_accept_tuples:
      check_mtu_accept_tuples[accept_tuple] = []
    if connect_tuple not in check_mtu_connect_tuples:
      check_mtu_connect_tuples[connect_tuple] = []

    for m in t['a_dtgrams']:
      connection_dict[accept_tuple]['sent'] += t['a_dtgrams'][m][0]
      connection_dict[accept_tuple]['bytes_sent'] += t['a_dtgrams'][m][0] * len(m)
      unreceived = t['a_dtgrams'][m][0] - t['a_dtgrams'][m][1]
      # Add the (packets_sent, packets_lost, packet_size) tuple to the list for MTU diagnosis analysis
      check_mtu_accept_tuples[accept_tuple].append((t['a_dtgrams'][m][0], unreceived, len(m)))
      if unreceived > 0:
        connection_dict[accept_tuple]['lost'] += unreceived
        connection_dict[accept_tuple]['bytes_lost'] += unreceived * len(m)

    for m in t['c_dtgrams']:
      connection_dict[connect_tuple]['sent'] += t['c_dtgrams'][m][0]
      connection_dict[connect_tuple]['bytes_sent'] += t['c_dtgrams'][m][0] * len(m)
      unreceived = t['c_dtgrams'][m][0] - t['c_dtgrams'][m][1]
      # Add the (packets_sent, packets_lost, packet_size) tuple to the list for MTU diagnosis analysis
      check_mtu_connect_tuples[connect_tuple].append((t['c_dtgrams'][m][0], unreceived, len(m)))
      if unreceived > 0:
        connection_dict[connect_tuple]['lost'] += unreceived
        connection_dict[connect_tuple]['bytes_lost'] += unreceived * len(m)

    print "-" * 80
    print "UDP Traffic Statistics"
    print "-" * 80

    for sender, receiver in connection_dict:
      addr_dict = connection_dict[(sender, receiver)]

      if not addr_dict['sent']:

      if isinstance(sender, tuple):
        sender_str = format_addr(sender[0], sender[1])
        sender_str = "trace " + sender
      receiver_str = format_addr(receiver[0], receiver[1])

      print "Traffic from", sender_str, "to", receiver_str

      print " *",
      print addr_dict['sent'], "datagrams sent,",
      print addr_dict['sent'] - addr_dict['lost'], "datagrams received,",
      print addr_dict['lost'], "datagrams lost",
      if addr_dict['lost']:
        print "(%.2f%%)" % (100.0 * addr_dict['lost'] / addr_dict['sent']),

      print " *",
      print addr_dict['bytes_sent'], "bytes sent,",
      print addr_dict['bytes_sent'] - addr_dict['bytes_lost'], "bytes received,",
      print addr_dict['bytes_lost'], "bytes lost",
      if addr_dict['bytes_lost']:
        print "(%.2f%%)" % (100.0 * addr_dict['bytes_lost'] / addr_dict['bytes_sent']),
      # We only report an error in the trace summary if all datagrams were lost
      if addr_dict['lost'] == addr_dict['sent']:
        errors.append("[Possible Network Misbehavior] All " + str(addr_dict['sent']) +
            " datagrams sent from " + sender_str + " to " + receiver_str + " were lost")

      # If the packet analysis suggests an MTU issue, then report it
      # The constants for determining an MTU issue are found in
      if check_mtu_issue(check_mtu_accept_tuples[(receiver, sender)], check_mtu_connect_tuples[(sender, receiver)]):
          errors.append(("[Possible MTU issue] Messages sent from " 
                  + sender_str + " to " + receiver_str + " indicate that an MTU issue" + 
                  " may have occured over the network"))

  return errors
Esempio n. 2
def check_tcp_buffers():
  Prints some information related to issues with established TCP
  connections and optionally some TCP statistics. Returns a list of
  strings summarizing the issues detected.

  for t in model.tcp_tuples:
    if t['accepting_fd'] is not None:
    return []

    print "-" * 80
    print "TCP Connection Statistics"
    print "-" * 80

  nonempty_connection_dict = {}

  # Look for instances of poll/select reporting no data when there is
  # data to be received
  poll_errors = set([(trace_id, args[0]) for trace_id, name, args, ret, err in exception_list
                     if (err.args[0] == 'recv_syscall' or err.args[0] == 'send_syscall') and

  for t in model.tcp_tuples:
    # Connection was never accepted
    if t['accepting_fd'] is None:

    connect_sock = model.sockets[t['connected_fd']]
    accept_sock = model.sockets[t['accepting_fd']]
    connect_tuple = (t['connected_fd'][0], connect_sock['peer_ip'], connect_sock['peer_port'])

    # We are looking for connection where some data was never received,
    # and we want to distinguish between case where poll/select reported
    # no data when we expected there to be receivable data 
    if t['c_buffer'][1] != 0 or t['a_buffer'][1] != 0:
      event_tuple = connect_tuple + (t['connected_fd'] in poll_errors or
          t['accepting_fd'] in poll_errors,)
      nonempty_connection_dict.setdefault(event_tuple, 0)
      nonempty_connection_dict[event_tuple] += 1

      print "Connection from socket %s%d (public address" % t['connected_fd'],
      print format_addr(accept_sock['peer_ip'], accept_sock['peer_port']) + ")",
      print "to socket %s%d (public address" % t['accepting_fd'],
      print format_addr(connect_sock['peer_ip'], connect_sock['peer_port']) + ")"

      print " * Data sent to accepting socket %s%d:" % t['accepting_fd'],
      print t['c_buffer'][2], "bytes sent,",
      print t['c_buffer'][2] - t['c_buffer'][1], "bytes received,",
      print t['c_buffer'][1], "bytes lost",
      if t['c_buffer'][1]:
        print "(%.2f%%)" % (100.0 * t['c_buffer'][1] / t['c_buffer'][2]),

      print " * Data sent to connected socket %s%d:" % t['connected_fd'],
      print t['a_buffer'][2], "bytes sent,",
      print t['a_buffer'][2] - t['a_buffer'][1], "bytes received,",
      print t['a_buffer'][1], "bytes lost",
      if t['a_buffer'][1]:
        print "(%.2f%%)" % (100.0 * t['a_buffer'][1] / t['a_buffer'][2]),

      if t['c_buffer'][1] != 0 or t['a_buffer'][1] != 0:
        if t['connected_fd'] in poll_errors or t['accepting_fd'] in poll_errors:
          print " * [Ambiguous Misbehavior] Data loss may be due to network conditions, such as filtering or network delay, but may also be due to delay in application itself"
          print " * [Possible Application Misbehavior] Data loss is most likely due to application behavior"

      if t['connected_fd'] in send_after_closed_dict:
        print " * [Possible Application Misbehavior] socket %s%d" % t['connected_fd'],
        print "failed to send some data because the connection was closed"

      if t['accepting_fd'] in send_after_closed_dict:
        print " * [Possible Application Misbehavior] socket %s%d" % t['accepting_fd'],
        print "failed to send some data because the connection was closed"

  errors = []

  for trace_id, ip, port, is_ambiguous in nonempty_connection_dict:
    if is_ambiguous:
      errors.append("[Ambiguous Misbehavior] Trace " + trace_id + " has " +
          str(nonempty_connection_dict[(trace_id, ip, port, is_ambiguous)]) + " TCP connection(s) to " +
          format_addr(ip, port) + " with unreceived data not detected by poll or select")
      errors.append("[Possible Application Misbehavior] Trace " + trace_id + " has " +
          str(nonempty_connection_dict[(trace_id, ip, port, is_ambiguous)]) + " TCP connection(s) to " +
          format_addr(ip, port) + " with data left in the buffers")

  return errors
Esempio n. 3
def check_possible_nats(parsing_failed):
  Prints some information related to possible NATs and TCP connecting
  and/or accepting issues. Returns a list of strings summarizing the
  issues detected. The argument parsing_failed indicates whether we were
  able to order the entire traces.

  errors = []

  possible_nats = False
  found_something = False
  accept_dict = {}
  connect_dict = {}

  for a_sock in model.pending_connections:
    for c_sock in model.pending_connections[a_sock][:]:
      if model.sockets[c_sock]['state'] != 'CONNECTED':

  for trace_id, name, args, ret, err in dontcare_accept_list:
    if ret[0] != -1:
      sock_id = (trace_id, args[0])
      accept_dict.setdefault(sock_id, set()).add(args[1])

  ##### Unaccepted connections #####
  # If a TCP connection has unaccepted connections, then we take this as
  # an indicator that the connecting trace may be behind a NAT

  for a_sock in model.pending_connections:
    if model.pending_connections[a_sock]:
      print "-" * 80
      print "Network Configuration Issues"
      print "-" * 80
      found_something = True

  for a_sock in model.pending_connections:
    pending = model.pending_connections[a_sock]
    if not pending:

    # Figure out how many unaccepted connections we have from each origin
    pending_dict = {}
    for sock in pending:
      key = (sock[0], model.sockets[sock]['peer_ip'], model.sockets[sock]['peer_port'])
      pending_dict.setdefault(key, 0)
      pending_dict[key] += 1

    local_addr = format_addr(model.sockets[a_sock]['local_ip'], model.sockets[a_sock]['local_port'])

    print "TCP server socket %s%d" % a_sock, "(private address " + local_addr + ") has",
    print len(pending), "unaccepted connection(s)"
    for trace_id, ip, port in pending_dict:
      print " * There are", pending_dict[(trace_id, ip, port)], "unaccepted connection(s) from trace",
      print trace_id, "to", format_addr(ip, port)

    if a_sock in accept_dict:
      print " * This server socket ignored connections from these IPs:", ", ".join(accept_dict[a_sock])
      print " * The traces whose connections have not been accepted may be behind NATs"
      possible_nats = True
      errors.append("[Possible Network Misbehavior] Connections intended for the socket in trace " +
           str(a_sock[0]) + " listening on "  + local_addr + " may have been accepted elsewhere")
      if parsing_failed:
        print " * Since the traces could not be fully processed, this alone may not be significant"
      print " * The connecting sockets may have connected to an entirely different server socket"

  ##### Ignored Accepts #####
  # If a TCP accepts a connection but there's no corresponding connect to
  # match it with, then this may mean the server is behind something

  # These are all the accept calls where the implementation succeeded but
  # the model fails to find a matching connection
  ignored_accepts = [(trace_id, args[0], args[1]) for trace_id, name, args, ret, err in exception_list
                     if err.args[1] == 'NO_PENDING_CONN' and ret[0] != -1]

  if ignored_accepts:
    if not found_something:
      print "-" * 80
      print "Network Configuration Issues"
      print "-" * 80
    possible_nats = True
    found_something = True

  ignored_accept_dict = {}
  for trace_id, sock, peer_addr in ignored_accepts:
    ignored_accept_dict.setdefault((trace_id, sock), []).append(peer_addr)

  for a_sock in ignored_accept_dict:
    local_addr = format_addr(model.sockets[a_sock]['local_ip'], model.sockets[a_sock]['local_port'])
    print "TCP server socket %s%d (private address" % a_sock,
    print local_addr + ") failed to find corresponding connects for",
    print len(ignored_accept_dict[a_sock]), "accept(s)"

    # Count the number of unmatches accepts for each origin
    ignored_ip_dict = {}
    for ip in ignored_accept_dict[a_sock]:
      ignored_ip_dict.setdefault(ip, 0)
      ignored_ip_dict[ip] += 1

    for ip in ignored_ip_dict:
      print " * There are", ignored_ip_dict[ip], "unmatched accepts from IP", ip

    print " * Trace", a_sock[0], "may be behind a NAT and port forwarding may be occurring"

  ##### Connect Failure #####
  # If connect fails for some nonstandard reason, that that could indicate
  # somthing unusual filtering network connection

  unknown_connect_failures = [(trace_id, args) for trace_id, name, args, ret, err in exception_list
                              if err.args[1] == 'UNEXPECTED_FAILURE' and
                                 name == 'connect_syscall']

  if unknown_connect_failures:
    if not found_something:
      print "-" * 80
      print "Network Configuration Issues"
      print "-" * 80
    found_something = True
    errors.append("[Possible Network Misbehavior] One or more connects failed with an unknown error. " + \
                  "This may be due to something filtering connection, for example a firewall.")

  unknown_connect_dict = {}
  for trace_id, args in unknown_connect_failures:
    sock, ip, port = args
    connect_tuple = (trace_id, (ip, port))
    unknown_connect_dict.setdefault(connect_tuple, 0)
    unknown_connect_dict[connect_tuple] += 1

  for trace, connect_addr in unknown_connect_dict:
    print "Trace", trace, "failed to connect to", format_addr(connect_addr[0], connect_addr[1]),
    print unknown_connect_dict[(trace, connect_addr)], "time(s) with an unknown error"
    for a_sock in model.sockets:
      if model.sockets[a_sock]['state'] != 'LISTEN':
      ip = model.sockets[a_sock]['local_ip']
      port = model.sockets[a_sock]['local_port']
      is_match, warnings = is_addr_match(a_sock[0], (ip, port), trace, connect_addr, True)
      if is_match:
        print "   This address matches server socket %s%d, which was bound to" % a_sock, format_addr(ip, port)
        for warning in warnings:
          print "    * [Warning]", warning

  ##### Connect Failure #####
  # If a connection is refused then that's also interesting data, especially
  # if it was trying to connect to an address that was being listened on

  refused_connect_failures = [(trace_id, args) for trace_id, name, args, ret, err in exception_list
                              if err.args[1] == 'ECONNREFUSED' and
                                 name == 'connect_syscall']

  if refused_connect_failures:
    if not found_something:
      print "-" * 80
      print "Network Configuration Issues"
      print "-" * 80
    found_something = True

  refused_connect_dict = {}
  for trace_id, args in refused_connect_failures:
    sock, ip, port = args
    connect_tuple = (trace_id, (ip, port))
    refused_connect_dict.setdefault(connect_tuple, 0)
    refused_connect_dict[connect_tuple] += 1

  refused_issue = False

  for trace, connect_addr in refused_connect_dict:
    print "Trace", trace, "failed to connect to", format_addr(connect_addr[0], connect_addr[1]),
    print refused_connect_dict[(trace, connect_addr)], "time(s) because the connection was refused"
    for a_sock in model.sockets:
      if model.sockets[a_sock]['state'] != 'LISTEN':
      ip = model.sockets[a_sock]['local_ip']
      port = model.sockets[a_sock]['local_port']
      is_match, warnings = is_addr_match(a_sock[0], (ip, port), trace, connect_addr, True)
      if is_match:
        refused_issue = True
        print "   This address matches server socket %s%d, which was bound to" % a_sock, format_addr(ip, port)
        for warning in warnings:
          print "    * [Warning]", warning

  if refused_issue:
    errors.append("[Ambiguous Misbehavior] One or more connects to addresses " + \
                  "that were being listened on failed. This may be due to the " + \
                  "timing of the connect and listen or may be due to a network issue.")

  ##### Nonblocking Connect Failure #####
  # If a nonblocking connect never actually visibly connects, then that's
  # also interesting to note.

  failed_nonblock_connects = {}

  for sock in model.sockets:
    if model.sockets[sock]['state'] == 'PENDING' and \
        not addr_dont_care(model.sockets[sock]['peer_ip'], model.sockets[sock]['peer_port']):
      connect_tuple = (sock[0], model.sockets[sock]['peer_ip'], model.sockets[sock]['peer_port'])
      failed_nonblock_connects.setdefault(connect_tuple, 0)
      failed_nonblock_connects[connect_tuple] += 1

  if failed_nonblock_connects:
    if not found_something:
      print "-" * 80
      print "Network Configuration Issues"
      print "-" * 80
    found_something = True
    print "Several nonblocking connects may have failed to connect"
    for trace, ip, port in failed_nonblock_connects:
      number = failed_nonblock_connects[(trace, ip, port)]
      print " *", number, "nonblocking connects from trace", trace, "to",
      print format_addr(ip, port), "were never observed to connect"

  ##### No Traffic #####
  # If a trace connects to a proxy, for example, then we will see traces
  # that have traffic, but not to an address we care about. If this happens
  # and we don't already have something more interesting to report as a
  # possible NAT indicator, then we will mention this.

  no_traffic = [trace_id for trace_id in trace_has_traffic
                if has_dontcare_traffic[trace_id] and not trace_has_traffic[trace_id]]

  if no_traffic and not found_something:
    print "-" * 80
    print "Network Configuration Issues"
    print "-" * 80
    print "These traces have network activity, but do not appear to communicate with other traces:", ", ".join(no_traffic)
    if parsing_failed:
      print " * Since the traces could not be fully processed, this alone may not be significant"
    print " * This may indicate that they are behind a NAT"
    print " * It is also possible that there is a third party acting as a proxy or forwarding traffic"
    possible_nats = True

  if possible_nats:
    errors.append("There may be one or more NATs not declared in the configuration file")
    print "Please check if there are any NATs present which are not explicitly declared in the configuration file"
    print " * If so, add them to configuration file and rerun NetCheck"

  return errors
Esempio n. 4
def check_exceptions():
  Prints some information related to miscellaneous errors and model
  exceptions that occurred. Returns a list of strings summarizing the
  issues detected.

  unknown_calls = set()
  buffer_size_exceptions = {}
  option_not_handled_exceptions = 0
  overlapping_conns = set()

  connect_failed = []

  # Nothing too exciting here, just counting up the frequency of certain
  # unusual exceptions and reporting them.

  for trace_id, name, args, ret, err in exception_list:
    impl_ret, impl_err = ret
    model_err = err.args[1]

    if model_err == 'UNKNOWN_SYSCALL':
    elif model_err == 'NOT_HANDLE_OPTION' or model_err == 'UNKNOWN_LEVEL':
      option_not_handled_exceptions += 1
    elif model_err == 'MSG_>_BUFSIZE':
      buffer_size_exceptions.setdefault(trace_id, 0)
      buffer_size_exceptions[trace_id] += 1
    elif model_err == 'OVERLAPPING_CONNECTS':
    elif model_err == 'UNEXPECTED_SUCCESS':
      if name == 'connect_syscall':
        trace_id, sock, ip, port = args
        connect_failed.append((trace_id, ip, port, impl_err))

  errors = []

  for trace_id in buffer_size_exceptions:
    errors.append("[Possible Network Misbehavior] " + str(buffer_size_exceptions[trace_id]) +
        " different call(s) caused trace " + str(trace_id) + " to exceeded an expected buffer size")

  for trace_id, ip, port, impl_err in connect_failed:
    errors.append("[Possible Network Misbehavior] Trace " + trace_id + " unexpectedly failed to connect to "
         + format_addr(ip, port) + " with the following error: " + impl_err)

  if unknown_calls:
    errors.append("The following call(s) are not currently handled by the model: " + ", ".join(unknown_calls))

  if option_not_handled_exceptions:
    errors.append(str(option_not_handled_exceptions) +
        " call(s) to getsockopt, setsockopt, fcntl, or ioctl used options which are not currently handled")

  if overlapping_conns:
    if len(overlapping_conns) == 1:
      errors.append("Trace " + list(overlapping_conns)[0] +
          " has simultaneously occurring nonblocking connects, which may " +
          "mean that the corresponding accepts are improperly matched")
      errors.append("Trace(s) " + ", ".join(overlapping_conns) +
          " have simultaneously occurring nonblocking connects, which may " +
          "mean that the corresponding accepts are improperly matched")

  return errors
Esempio n. 5
def check_udp_buffers():
  Prints some information related to issues with UDP communications and
  optionally some UDP statistics. Returns a list of strings summarizing
  the issues detected.

  if not model.udp_tuples:
    return []

  connection_dict = {}

  # We care counting data sent and data lost per pair of addresses, and
  # we are tracking both total number of bytes sent/lost and total number
  # of messages sent/lost
  for t in model.udp_tuples:
    if t['connected_ip']:
      sender = (t['connected_ip'], t['connected_port'])
      # This is in case we have a UDP socket bound to an unknown address
      # sending messages
      sender = list(t['connected_fd_list'])[0][0]
    receiver = (t['accepting_ip'], t['accepting_port'])
    connect_tuple = (sender, receiver)
    accept_tuple = (receiver, sender)
    if connect_tuple not in connection_dict:
      connection_dict[connect_tuple] = {'sent': 0, 'lost': 0, 'bytes_sent': 0, 'bytes_lost': 0}
    if accept_tuple not in connection_dict:
      connection_dict[accept_tuple] = {'sent': 0, 'lost': 0, 'bytes_sent': 0, 'bytes_lost': 0}

    for m in t['a_dtgrams']:
      connection_dict[accept_tuple]['sent'] += t['a_dtgrams'][m][0]
      connection_dict[accept_tuple]['bytes_sent'] += t['a_dtgrams'][m][0] * len(m)
      unreceived = t['a_dtgrams'][m][0] - t['a_dtgrams'][m][1]
      if unreceived > 0:
        connection_dict[accept_tuple]['lost'] += unreceived
        connection_dict[accept_tuple]['bytes_lost'] += unreceived * len(m)

    for m in t['c_dtgrams']:
      connection_dict[connect_tuple]['sent'] += t['c_dtgrams'][m][0]
      connection_dict[connect_tuple]['bytes_sent'] += t['c_dtgrams'][m][0] * len(m)
      unreceived = t['c_dtgrams'][m][0] - t['c_dtgrams'][m][1]
      if unreceived > 0:
        connection_dict[connect_tuple]['lost'] += unreceived
        connection_dict[connect_tuple]['bytes_lost'] += unreceived * len(m)

  errors = []

    print "-" * 80
    print "UDP Traffic Statistics"
    print "-" * 80

    for sender, receiver in connection_dict:
      addr_dict = connection_dict[(sender, receiver)]

      if not addr_dict['sent']:

      if isinstance(sender, tuple):
        sender_str = format_addr(sender[0], sender[1])
        sender_str = "trace " + sender
      receiver_str = format_addr(receiver[0], receiver[1])

      print "Traffic from", sender_str, "to", receiver_str

      print " *",
      print addr_dict['sent'], "datagrams sent,",
      print addr_dict['sent'] - addr_dict['lost'], "datagrams received,",
      print addr_dict['lost'], "datagrams lost",
      if addr_dict['lost']:
        print "(%.2f%%)" % (100.0 * addr_dict['lost'] / addr_dict['sent']),

      print " *",
      print addr_dict['bytes_sent'], "bytes sent,",
      print addr_dict['bytes_sent'] - addr_dict['bytes_lost'], "bytes received,",
      print addr_dict['bytes_lost'], "bytes lost",
      if addr_dict['bytes_lost']:
        print "(%.2f%%)" % (100.0 * addr_dict['bytes_lost'] / addr_dict['bytes_sent']),

      # We only report an error in the trace summary if all datagrams were lost
      if addr_dict['lost'] == addr_dict['sent']:
        errors.append("[Possible Network Misbehavior] All " + str(addr_dict['sent']) +
            " datagrams sent from " + sender_str + " to " + receiver_str + " were lost")

  return errors