Esempio n. 1
    def issueAuthorizationCode(self, client_id, username, scope, userinfo, redirect_uri, userinfocode):
        token_security_check = generate_random_secure_string()

        expires_in = 600

        token = {
            "type": "Authorization",
            "security_check": token_security_check,
            "client_id": client_id,
            "username": username,
            "scope": json.dumps(scope),
            "expires_at": int(time.time()) + expires_in,
            "userinfocode": userinfocode,
            "redirect_uri": redirect_uri,

        token_id = self.new_unique_data("token", token)

        # The returned token is the token ID with appended to it the security
        # check value.
        # The token ID is used to lookup the token in the database, and the
        # security check value is used to make the string slightly more
        # random
        token = "%s_%s" % (token_id, token_security_check)

        return token
Esempio n. 2
    def issueToken(self, client_id, username, scope, issue_refresh, userinfocode):
        token_security_check = generate_random_secure_string()

        expires_in = 3600

        token = {
            "type": "Bearer",
            "security_check": token_security_check,
            "client_id": client_id,
            "username": username,
            "scope": json.dumps(scope),
            "expires_at": int(time.time()) + expires_in,
            "issued_at": int(time.time()),
            "refreshable": False,
            "userinfocode": userinfocode,

        if issue_refresh:
            token["refreshable"] = True
            # TODO: Figure out time for this
            token["refreshable_until"] = None
            token["refresh_security_check"] = generate_random_secure_string(128)

        token_id = self.new_unique_data("token", token)

        # The refresh token also has a prefix of R_ to make it distinguishable
        if issue_refresh:
            refresh_token = "R_%s_%s" % (token_id, token["refresh_security_check"])
            refresh_token = None

        # The returned token is the token ID with appended to it the security
        # check value.
        # The token ID is used to lookup the token in the database, and the
        # security check value is used to make the string slightly more
        # random
        token = "%s_%s" % (token_id, token_security_check)

        return {"token_id": token_id, "access_token": token, "refresh_token": refresh_token, "expires_in": expires_in}
Esempio n. 3
    def refreshToken(self, refresh_token, client_id):
        token = self.lookupToken(refresh_token, "Refresh", True)

        if not token:
            return None

        if not constant_time_string_comparison(token["client_id"], client_id):
            return None

        if token["type"] != "Bearer":
            # Only Bearer tokens are supported
            return None

        if not token["refreshable"]:
            return None

        if token["refreshable_until"] and token["refreshable_until"] >= int(time.time()):
            return None

        token_security_check = generate_random_secure_string()
        refresh_security_check = generate_random_secure_string(128)
        expires_in = 3600
        # TODO: Figure out values for this
        refreshable_until = None

        token["security_check"] = token_security_check
        token["refresh_security_check"] = refresh_security_check
        token["expires_at"] = int(time.time()) + expires_in
        token["refreshable_until"] = refreshable_until


        token = "%s_%s" % (token["token_id"], token_security_check)
        refresh_token = "R_%s_%s" % (token["token_id"], refresh_security_check)

        return {"access_token": token, "refresh_token": refresh_token, "expires_in": expires_in}
Esempio n. 4
 def generate_secret(self, force=False):
     if 'client_secret' not in self.client_info or force:
         self.client_info['client_secret'] = \
         self.client_info['client_secret_expires_at'] = 0  # FIXME: Expire?
         self.client_info['client_id_issued_at'] = int(time.time())