def _get_param_iterator(self): """Return ParameterGrid instance for the given param_grid""" iterator = super()._get_param_iterator() iterator = list(iterator) n_candidates = len(iterator) cv = model_selection._split.check_cv(, None) n_splits = getattr(cv, "n_splits", 3) max_value = n_candidates * n_splits # count the amount of iterations total progress_label = ipywidgets.HTML() progress_bar = ipywidgets.FloatProgress(min=0, max=max_value, description="GridSearchCV:") progress_box = ipywidgets.HBox( children=[progress_bar, progress_label]) # setup a progress label + bar display(progress_box) original_fit = def fit(*args, **kwargs): progress_bar.value += ( 1) # every time fit is called, increase progress bar by 1 if (progress_bar.value == max_value ): # if max value is reached, display finished and turn green progress_label.value = "finished" progress_bar.bar_style = "success" original_fit(*args, **kwargs) = fit return iterator
def __init__(self): apt.progress.base.InstallProgress.__init__(self) self._label = ipywidgets.Label() display(self._label) self._float_progress = ipywidgets.FloatProgress( min=0.0, max=1.0, layout={'border': '1px solid #118800'}) display(self._float_progress)
def brian2_progress_reporter(): ''' Returns a widget and callback function to be used with Brian 2 ''' progress_slider = ipw.FloatProgress(description="Simulation progress", min=0, max=1) progress_slider.layout.width = '95%' = {'description_width': '30%'} def update_progress(elapsed, complete, t_start, duration): progress_slider.value = complete if complete == 1: progress_slider.bar_style = 'success' progress_slider.description = "Simulation complete" elif complete == 0: progress_slider.bar_style = '' progress_slider.description = "Simulation started" else: progress_slider.bar_style = '' time_remaining = elapsed / complete - elapsed seconds_remaining = int(time_remaining) minutes_remaining = seconds_remaining // 60 seconds_remaining -= 60 * minutes_remaining hours_remaining = minutes_remaining // 60 minutes_remaining -= 60 * hours_remaining remaining = str(seconds_remaining) + 's' if minutes_remaining or hours_remaining: remaining = str(minutes_remaining) + 'm ' + remaining if hours_remaining: remaining = str(hours_remaining) + 'h ' + remaining progress_slider.description = "Simulating (%s remaining)" % remaining return progress_slider, update_progress
def __init__( self, iterable_or_max, title='', format_str='%(current)d/%(max)d (%(percent)d%%) in %(elapsed).1f s, %(last_iter_time).2f s last iter; eta %(eta_avg).0f+-%(eta_stddev).0f s' ): super(ProgressBarIPyNb, self).__init__(iterable_or_max, title) self.format_str = format_str self.progress_w = iw.FloatProgress(min=0, max=100, value=30, width='100%') self.title_w = iw.HTML( '<h3 style="display: inline">%(title)s</h3> ' % self) self.info_w = iw.HTML() self.log_last_w = iw.HTML() self.log_check_w = iw.Checkbox(value=False, visible=False, description='Show Log') self.log_w = iw.HTML() self.log_header_w = iw.HTML('<h2><small>Log messages</small></h2>') directional_link((self.log_check_w, 'value'), (self.log_w, 'visible')) directional_link((self.log_check_w, 'value'), (self.log_header_w, 'visible')) self.container_w = iw.VBox([ iw.HBox([self.title_w, self.info_w, self.log_last_w]), iw.HBox([self.progress_w, self.log_check_w]), self.log_header_w, self.log_w, iw.HBox(height=20) ]) self.displayed = False
def run_colab(population_size, network_pkl): G = load_network(network_pkl) population = genetic_algo.Population(G, population_size) phenotypes = _generate_phenotypes(population, G) board = Box(children=phenotypes, layout=Layout(display="flex", flex_flow="row wrap")) mutationInput = widgets.BoundedFloatText(value=0.01,min=0.0,max=1.0,step=0.01, layout=Layout(width="100px")) button = widgets.Button(description="Update") button.on_click(lambda _: _update(population, mutationInput, G, board, loading, button)) mutationInputBox = widgets.VBox([Label("Taxa de mutação:"), mutationInput]) loading = widgets.FloatProgress( value=100, min=0, max=100, bar_style='info', style={'bar_color': '#008080'}, orientation='horizontal' ) bottomBox = Box( children=[mutationInputBox, loading, button], layout=Layout( display="flex", width="100%", justify_content="space-between", align_items="flex-end", padding="0 15% 20px 0", ), ) app = widgets.VBox([board, bottomBox]) display(app)
def read_azi_list(fn_list, range_max): XML_data=[] data=[] r=[] azi=[] data_list = [] XML_list = [] time_list = [] pbar = ipywidgets.FloatProgress(min=0, max=len(fn_list)-1) display(pbar) #print "pbar" for i, fn in enumerate(fn_list): pbar.value = i #try: #azi_data = read_npz_data(fn, range_max) XML_data, azi_data, r, azi = rainbow(fn, XML_data, data, r, azi) data_list.append(azi_data) XML_list.append(XML_data) time = XML_data['date']+' '+XML_data['endtime_round'] time_list.append(time) #except MemoryError: #print 'MemoryError for %s' % fn return data_list, XML_list, time_list
def __init__(self, value=0): self._p_bar = iwdgt.FloatProgress() self._p_bar.min = 0 self._p_bar.max = 100 self.set_value(value=value)
def spark_import_table(self, line, cell=None): global context_id args = magic_arguments.parse_argstring(self.spark_import_table, line) contextid='"%s"'%context_id output = widgets.Output() button = widgets.Button(description="Cancel") progress = widgets.FloatProgress(value=0.0, min=0.0, max=1.0) display(widgets.VBox([output,widgets.HBox([widgets.Label("Command: Import tables"),progress,button])])) if args.dataframe!=None: temp_import_table=import_table(args.dataframe,args.storename,args.tablename, args.partitionpaths or ["'/'"],args.sqlquery) command=execute_import_table_command(eval(contextid),temp_import_table) stop=spark_magic(button,progress,command,None,output,,silent=True) while stop[0]==0: time.sleep(1) if stop[1]==1: code="%s.registerTempTable('%s')"%(temp_import_table['SparkDataFrameName'],temp_import_table['SparkDataFrameName']) command1=execute_command(eval(contextid),'1',code) stop=spark_magic(button,progress,command1,None,output, else: for cell_line in cell.split('\n'): if cell_line != "": command=execute_import_table_command(eval(contextid),eval(cell_line)) stop=spark_magic(button,progress,command,None,output,,silent=True) while stop[0]==0: time.sleep(1) if stop[1]==1: temp_import_table=eval(cell_line) code="%s.registerTempTable('%s')"%(temp_import_table['SparkDataFrameName'],temp_import_table['SparkDataFrameName']) command1=execute_command(eval(contextid),'1',code) stop=spark_magic(button,progress,command1,None,output,
def save_data(data, orbits, filepath='', filename=''): import IO import ipywidgets as widgets IO.save_file(data, filepath=filepath, filename=filename) a = list(data.get()) b = orbits progress = sum([b[i] in a for i, _ in enumerate(b)]) percent_progress = progress/len(b)*100 print("{} out of {} : {:.03f}%".format(progress, len(b), percent_progress ) ) progress = widgets.FloatProgress( value=progress, min=0, max=len(b), step=1, description='Progress:', bar_style='info', orientation='horizontal' ) display(progress)
def run(self, output_container, progress_desc, action, action_args=None, action_kwargs=None, timerlength=2.0, timerinterval=0.2): """Run an action in a thread after a delay and display output to an existing container WARNING: widgets can NOT be displayed directly from a non-main thread! Ref: Instead, we must create a container widget, and then within the thread we can update its .children property to contain the items we wish to display output_container an ipywidgets.Box which the caller is responsible for displaying progress_desc description for the progress widget action a function to call when the timer elapses it should NOT display widgets directly, but should return a list of widgets/outputs that can be append to output_container.children action_args a tuple of positional arguments for action action_kwargs a dict of keyword arguments for action timerlength length of delay timerinterval update the progress widget this often """ self.progresswidget = ipywidgets.FloatProgress( description=progress_desc, value=0.0, min=0.0, max=timerlength) action_args = action_args or () action_kwargs = action_kwargs or {} self.stopevent.set() if self.thread is not None: # block until self.thread terminates (for self.timerinterval secs or shorter)"Stopping old thread...") self.thread.join()"Old thread stopped") self.stopevent.clear() self.progresswidget.value = 0.0 # Create new containers for our progress bar and thread output, # put those in self.container, # and append self.container to output_container.children, # thereby throwing away existing *_container objects from a previous run() # This lets us overwrite the children of self.container, # without losing any preexisting children in container self.progbar_container = ipywidgets.Box() self.container.children = (self.progbar_container, ) output_container.children += (self.container, ) self.progbar_container.children = (self.progresswidget, ) self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.timer, args=(timerinterval, timerlength, action, action_args, action_kwargs)) self.thread.start()
def _bidding(self, player, owner): # Remove player from player pool the_pick = self.player_pool.loc[player] the_pick['Player'] = the_pick.index self.player_pool = self.player_pool.drop(player) # Get starting bid the_pick['Salary'] = input( '{}, what would you like the starting bid to be? '.format(owner)) # Start clock self.clock = widgets.FloatProgress(value=0.0, min=0.0, max=1.0) def work(progress): for i in range(100): time.sleep(self.clock_num_sec / 100) progress.value = float(i + 1) / 100 thread = ReusableThread(target=work, args=(self.clock, )) display(data=self.clock) thread.start() while True: bid = input('Enter bid and owner index (seperated by a space): ') if bid == '0': break the_pick['Salary'], the_pick['Owner'] = bid.split(' ') thread.restart() return the_pick
def __init__(self, name=None): import ipywidgets as widgets from IPython.display import display self.value = 0 self.widget = widgets.FloatProgress(min=0, max=1) self.widget.description = name or 'Progress:' display(self.widget)
def __init__(self): missing = [] if not HAVE_WIDGETS: missing.append('ipywidgets') elif not HAVE_IPYTHON: missing.append('IPython') if missing: raise ValueError( "IPythonWidgetProgressPublisher needs ipywidgets and IPython:" "\nMissing:\n{}".format(bulleted_list(missing)) ) # Heading for progress display. self._heading = ipywidgets.HTML() # Percent Complete Indicator to the left of the bar. indicator_width = '120px' self._percent_indicator = ipywidgets.HTML( layout={'width': indicator_width}, ) # The progress bar itself. self._bar = ipywidgets.FloatProgress( value=0.0, min=0.0, max=100.0, bar_style='info', # Leave enough space for the percent indicator. layout={'width': 'calc(100% - {})'.format(indicator_width)}, ) bar_and_percent = ipywidgets.HBox([self._percent_indicator, self._bar]) # Collapsable details tab underneath the progress bar. self._details_body = ipywidgets.HTML() self._details_tab = ipywidgets.Accordion( children=[self._details_body], selected_index=None, # Start in collapsed state. layout={ # Override default border settings to make details tab less # heavy. 'border': '1px', }, ) # There's no public interface for setting title in the constructor :/. self._details_tab.set_title(0, 'Details') # Container for the combined widget. self._layout = ProgressBarContainer( [ self._heading, bar_and_percent, self._details_tab, ], # Overall layout consumes 75% of the page. layout={'width': '75%'}, ) self._displayed = False
def __init__(self, display=True, stop_button=True): self.progress_bar = ipw.FloatProgress() if stop_button == True: self.stop_button = ipw.Button(description='Stop') else: self.stop_button = None self.display = display
def get_progress_bar(self): if self._bar is None: import ipywidgets self._out = ipywidgets.Text( value=self.status or self.sampler.status) self._bar = ipywidgets.FloatProgress(value=self.progress, min=0.0, max=1.0) return ipywidgets.VBox([self._bar, self._out])
def create_running_progress(self): self.running_progress = ipywidgets.FloatProgress( value=0.0, min=0.0, max=1.0, description=t('running_colon'), bar_style='info', orientation='horizontal') display(self.running_progress)
def gdrive_progress(display=True): """Return a GDrive download progress bar.""" progress = ipw.FloatProgress(value=0.0, min=0.0, max=1.0, description='Download') if display: ipd.display(progress) return progress
def __init__(self): if ipw is None: raise ImportError( "IPython support requires the ipywidgets package.") self.widget = ipw.FloatProgress(value=0.0, min=0.0, max=100.0, step=0.5, description="")
def __init__(self, min_value, max_value, title=None): super(ProgressBarWidget, self).__init__(min_value, max_value) import ipywidgets as widgets from IPython.display import display = widgets.FloatProgress(min=self.min_value, max=self.max_value) self.text = widgets.Label(value='In progress...') self.widget = widgets.HBox([, self.text]) # self.widget.description = repr(self) display(self.widget)
def progress_bars(): progress_bar_nets = widgets.FloatProgress( value=0., max=1., step=0.01, bar_style='info', description='Number of nets explored:', layout=widgets.Layout(display='none'), style=style_default) progress_bar_dim = widgets.FloatProgress( value=0., max=1., step=0.01, bar_style='info', description='Number of dim explored:', layout=widgets.Layout(display='none'), style=style_default) return BaseGUIElement(progress_bar_dim=progress_bar_dim, progress_bar_nets=progress_bar_nets)
def __init__(self, description): import ipywidgets as ipy import traitlets try: self.progress_bar = ipy.FloatProgress(0, min=0, max=100, description=description) except traitlets.TraitError: self.progress_bar = None
def __init__(self, iquery, num_results=5, max_results=100): self._iquery = iquery self._query = widgets.Text(value='', placeholder='Your Query', description='Query:', disabled=False, layout={'width': '40em'}, style=ROOT_LEVEL_STYLE, continuous_update=False) self._query.observe(self.on_search, 'value') self._submit_query = widgets.Button(description='Search', button_style='success', icon='search') self._submit_query.on_click(self.on_search) self._partition = PartitionWidget(iquery) self._sentence = PartitionMetricWidget(iquery) self._progress = widgets.FloatProgress(value=0, min=0, max=1, description='', layout=widgets.Layout( width='100%', visibility='hidden')) self._num_results_slider = widgets.IntSlider(description='Results:', value=num_results, min=1, max=max_results, step=1, layout={'width': '40em'}, style=ROOT_LEVEL_STYLE) self._location_formatter = vectorian.render.location.LocationFormatter( ) self._render = MatchRenderWidget(iquery) self._results = widgets.HTML(value='') self._results_format = 'excerpt' self._results_obj = None widgets.Accordion(children=[], titles=[]) self._vbox = widgets.VBox([ widgets.HBox([self._query, self._submit_query]), self._num_results_slider, self._partition.widget, self._sentence.widget, self._render.widget, self._progress, self._results ]) self._task_start_time = None
def __init__(self, select_indexes_function, zip_prepend): self.series = {} self.extent = None self.figure_xy_ratio = None self.wc_pk = None self.zip_prepend = zip_prepend self.select_indexes_function = select_indexes_function ### ------------------------------------------- ### Selector self.elem_list = [] self.selections_vbox = ipw.VBox([]) self.add_row_btn = ipw.Button(description='Add series row', disabled=True) self.add_row_btn.on_click(lambda b: self.add_selection_row()) style = {'description_width': '80px'} layout = {'width': '40%'} self.selector_widget = ipw.VBox( [self.add_row_btn, self.selections_vbox]) ### ------------------------------------------- ### Plotter self.plot_btn = ipw.Button(description='Plot', disabled=True) self.plot_btn.on_click(self.plot_series) self.clear_btn = ipw.Button(description='Clear', disabled=True) self.clear_btn.on_click(self.full_clear) self.plot_output = ipw.VBox() ### ------------------------------------------- self.fig_y = 4 ### ------------------------------------------- ### Creating a zip self.zip_btn = ipw.Button(description='Image zip', disabled=True) self.zip_btn.on_click(self.create_zip_link) self.zip_progress = ipw.FloatProgress(value=0, min=0, max=1.0, description='progress:', bar_style='info', orientation='horizontal') self.link_out = ipw.Output()
def __init__(self, iterable, size=None): = iter(iterable) if not size: size = len(iterable) self.size = size self.current = 0 self.next_report_time = time.time() + MIN_REPORT_INTERVAL assert type(MIN_REPORT_PERCENTAGE) == float self.min_report_interval_count = MIN_REPORT_PERCENTAGE * size self.next_report_count = self.min_report_interval_count self.f = ipyw.FloatProgress(max=size) ipyd.display(self.f)
def integrateODSeries(ODs, parameters, start_stop=[0, 3], fignum=1): num_traces = len(ODs) integrated_ODs = np.zeros(num_traces) progress = widgets.FloatProgress(value=0.0, min=0.0, max=1.0) display(progress) for i in range(num_traces): time_ms = timeArray(parameters[i]) integrated_ODs[i] = sliceIntegrate(ODs[i], time_ms, start_stop, fignum) if i == 0: num_traces += 1 progress.value = float(i) / (num_traces - 1) return integrated_ODs
def make_sample_ui(width="600px"): """ Construct sample UI using ipywidgets +-------------------------------+ | Pick your favorite food color | | <===progress bar=============>| | [b1] [b2] [b3] .. [bn]| | <<<<<<<<< dbg output >>>>>>>>>| +-------------------------------+ Returns object with properties: .ui -- Top level ui container `display(state.ui)` .color -- None initially, set to text when user select color by pressing button .progress -- FloatProgress(0, 10) .dbg -- ipywidgets.Output() """ colors = ["lime", "olive", "tomato", "salmon", "wheat", "orange", "plum"] progress = w.FloatProgress(value=0, min=0, max=1, description="", layout=w.Layout(width="100%")) lbl = w.HTML( "<center><h2>Pick your favorite food color</h2></center>", layout=w.Layout(width="100%"), ) state = SimpleNamespace(color=None, progress=progress, ui=None, dbg=w.Output()) def on_btn_click(btn): state.color = btn.description with state.dbg: print("\nClicked {}".format(btn.description)) def mk_btn(color): btn = w.Button(description=color, style=dict(button_color=color)) btn.on_click(on_btn_click) return btn state.ui = w.VBox( [ lbl, progress, w.HBox([mk_btn(color) for color in colors]), state.dbg ], layout=w.Layout(width=width, overflow="hidden"), ) return state
def getRawDataset_BUB(folder_path, start_num, stop_num, print_bool, skips=[], initial=False, alternate=False): stop_num += 1 blocked_YbOH_raw = [] #ch1 blocked_Yb_raw = [] #ch2 blocked_params = [] unblocked_YbOH_raw = [] unblocked_Yb_raw = [] unblocked_params = [] blocked = initial switch_b_ub = True progress = widgets.FloatProgress(value=0.0, min=0.0, max=1.0) display(progress) for i in range(start_num, stop_num): if i in skips: pass else: if blocked: data, params = file2dataset(folder_path, i, print_bool) params[blocked_INDEX] = blocked blocked_YbOH_raw.append(data[0]) blocked_Yb_raw.append(data[1]) blocked_params.append(params) #print('blocked ',i) elif not blocked: data, params = file2dataset(folder_path, i, print_bool) params[blocked_INDEX] = blocked unblocked_YbOH_raw.append(data[0]) unblocked_Yb_raw.append(data[1]) unblocked_params.append(params) #print('unblocked ',i) if alternate: if switch_b_ub: blocked = not blocked switch_b_ub = False else: switch_b_ub = True else: blocked = not blocked progress.value = float(i - start_num + 1) / (stop_num - start_num) blocked_dataset = [blocked_YbOH_raw, blocked_Yb_raw, blocked_params] unblocked_dataset = [ unblocked_YbOH_raw, unblocked_Yb_raw, unblocked_params ] return [blocked_dataset, unblocked_dataset]
def brian2_progress_reporter(): ''' Returns a widget and callback function to be used with Brian 2 ''' progress_slider = ipw.FloatProgress(description="Simulation progress", min=0, max=1) progress_slider.layout.width = '100%' def update_progress(elapsed, complete, t_start, duration): progress_slider.value = complete if complete==1: progress_slider.bar_style = 'success' else: progress_slider.bar_style = '' return progress_slider, update_progress
def __init__(self, app): = app self._ProgressWidget = widgets.FloatProgress( 0,, bar_style='') self._PauseButton = widgets.Button(description="Pause") self._PauseButton.on_click(self.on_pause_button_clicked) self._InterruptButton = widgets.Button(description="Interrupt") self._InterruptButton.on_click(self.on_interrupt_button_clicked) self._usedTimeLabel = widgets.Label(value='00:00:00') self.ui = widgets.HBox([ self._PauseButton, self._InterruptButton, self._ProgressWidget, self._usedTimeLabel ])
def spark(self, line, cell): global context_id args = magic_arguments.parse_argstring(self.spark, line) contextid='"%s"'%context_id out=args.out command=execute_command(eval(contextid),'1',cell) output = widgets.Output() button = widgets.Button(description="Cancel") progress = widgets.FloatProgress(value=0.0, min=0.0, max=1.0) display(widgets.VBox([output,widgets.HBox([widgets.Label("CommandId: %s"%command['CommandId']),progress,button])])) spark_magic(button,progress,command,out,output,