def get_feat_selection_lakeland(df, max_lvl=9): """ Gets the feature selection widget. :param df: :param max_lvl: :return: """ start_level = widgets.IntSlider(value=0, min=0, max=max_lvl, step=1, description='Start Level:', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d') end_level = widgets.IntSlider(value=0, min=0, max=max_lvl, step=1, description='End Level:', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d') level_selection = widgets.GridBox([start_level, end_level]) def change_start_level(change): end_level.min = start_level.value if end_level.value < start_level.value: end_level.value = start_level.value start_level.observe(change_start_level, names="value") lvl_feats = sorted(set([f[5:] for f in df.columns if f.startswith('lvl')])) sess_feats = sorted( set([f[5:] for f in df.columns if f.startswith('sess_')])) other_feats = sorted(set([f for f in df.columns if not f.startswith( 'lvl') and not f.startswith('sess_')])) selection_widget = widgets.GridBox([multi_checkbox_widget(lvl_feats, 'lvl'), multi_checkbox_widget( sess_feats, 'sess'), multi_checkbox_widget( other_feats, 'other'), level_selection], layout=widgets.Layout(grid_template_columns=f"repeat(3, 500px)")) return selection_widget
def get_feat_selection(df, session_prefix, max_lvl, cc_prefix_max_list=None): """ Gets the feature selection widget. :param df: :param max_lvl: :return: """ cc_prefix_max_list = cc_prefix_max_list or [] checkbox_widgets = [] slider_widgets = [] feats = set() for prefix, max_val in [('lvl', max_lvl)] + cc_prefix_max_list: start_val = widgets.IntSlider(value=0, min=0, max=max_val, step=1, description=f'Start {prefix}:', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d') end_val = widgets.IntSlider(value=0, min=0, max=max_val, step=1, description=f'End {prefix}:', disabled=False, continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True, readout_format='d') val_selection = widgets.GridBox([start_val, end_val]) slider_widgets.append(val_selection) val_feats_set = set(['_'.join(f.split('_')[1:]) for f in df.columns if f.startswith(prefix)]) feats = feats.union( [f'{prefix}{n}_{v}' for n in range(max_val+1) for v in val_feats_set]) val_feats = sorted(val_feats_set) val_feats_checkbox = multi_checkbox_widget(val_feats, prefix) checkbox_widgets.append(val_feats_checkbox) other_feats = sorted(set(df.columns).difference(feats)) selection_widget = widgets.GridBox(checkbox_widgets+slider_widgets+[multi_checkbox_widget(other_feats, 'other')], layout=widgets.Layout(grid_template_columns=f"repeat({len(slider_widgets)}, 500px)")) return selection_widget
def _get_tasks_gridbox(grid_job): gridbox_children = [task_gridbox_children] task_details_list = [] for task_name in grid_job.tasks.names: progress = grid_job.tasks.get(task_name).progress status = grid_job.tasks.get(task_name).status progress = widgets.IntProgress(value=progress, min=0, max=100) status_label = widgets.Label(status) task_name_label = widgets.Label(task_name) task_details = widgets.Output() logs = grid_job.tasks.get(task_name).logs details_button = _get_details_button(_toggle_info_display, task_details, task_name, logs) task_details_list.append(task_details) row_children = [ task_name_label, progress, status_label, details_button ] row_box = widgets.GridBox( children=row_children, layout=widgets.Layout(grid_template_columns='43% 43% 9% 5%')) gridbox_children.append(row_box) gridbox_children.append(task_details) grid_box = widgets.GridBox(children=gridbox_children, layout=widgets.Layout(width='100%')) return grid_box
def welems(self, elements, e): elTitle = widgets.Label(value='Elements') elemtext = ['Element#', 'Nodei', 'Nodej', 't', 'Mat#'] elem = [[] for i in range(self.e)] self.eitems = [[] for i in range(self.e)] self.ADDELEM = widgets.Button(description="Add Element", layout=widgets.Layout( border='solid 1px black', width='120px')) self.DELELEM = widgets.Button(description="Remove Element", layout=widgets.Layout( border='solid 1px black', width='120px')) elabel = widgets.GridBox( [widgets.Label(value=elemtext[j]) for j in range(5)], layout=widgets.Layout( grid_template_columns="repeat(5, 50px[col-start])")) for i in range(self.e): if (i < len(self.elements)): for j in range(5): self.eitems[i].append( widgets.FloatText(value=self.elements[i, j], layout=widgets.Layout( width='50px', height='22px'))) elem[i] = widgets.HBox(self.eitems[i], layout=widgets.Layout(height='30px')) if (i >= len(self.elements)): for j in range(5): if (j < 3): self.eitems[i].append( widgets.FloatText( value=self.elements[i - 1, j] + 1, layout=widgets.Layout(width='50px', height='22px'))) if (j >= 3): self.eitems[i].append( widgets.FloatText( value=self.elements[i - 1, j], layout=widgets.Layout(width='50px', height='22px'))) elem[i] = widgets.GridBox(self.eitems[i], layout=widgets.Layout(height='30px')) elemr = widgets.VBox([elem[j] for j in range(e)]) brow = widgets.HBox([self.ADDELEM, self.DELELEM], layout=widgets.Layout(width='30%')) self.relem = widgets.VBox( [elTitle, elabel, elemr, brow], layout=widgets.Layout(border='solid 1px black')) return self.relem, self.ADDELEM, self.DELELEM, self.eitems
def layout_app(header, sidebar, main_, footer): header_area = widgets.HBox( children=header, layout=widgets.Layout( width="auto", grid_area="header", justify_content="center" ), ) sidebar_area = widgets.HBox( children=sidebar, layout=widgets.Layout(width="auto", grid_area="sidebar") ) main_area = widgets.HBox( children=main_, layout=widgets.Layout(width="auto", grid_area="main") ) footer_area = widgets.HBox( children=footer, layout=widgets.Layout( width="auto", grid_area="footer", justify_content="center" ), ) page = widgets.GridBox( children=[header_area, main_area, sidebar_area, footer_area], layout=widgets.Layout( width="95%", grid_template_rows="auto auto auto", grid_template_columns="25% 25% 25% 25%", grid_template_areas=""" "header header header header" "sidebar main main main " "footer footer footer footer" """, ), ) ip.display(page)
def widget(self): box = widgets.GridBox(layout=widgets.Layout( grid_template_columns='25% 25% 25% 25%')) #box = widgets.VBox() self._update(box) return box
def __init__(self, module, scheduler=None): self._module = module self.info_labels = {} lst = [] for k, lab in self.info_keys.items(): lst.append(ipw.Label(lab)) lst.append(self._info_label(k)) lst.append(ipw.Label("Rows")) self._rows_label = ipw.Label("0") lst.append(self._rows_label) self._module.after_run_proc = _refresh_info(self) gb = ipw.GridBox( lst, layout=ipw.Layout(grid_template_columns="repeat(2, 120px)")) if not module.hist: super().__init__(children=[gb]) else: hlist = [] for hmod in module.hist.values(): hout = VegaWidget(spec=spec_no_data) hlist.append(hout) hmod.after_run_proc = _refresh_info_hist(hout, hmod) htab = ipw.Tab(hlist) for i, t in enumerate(module.hist.keys()): htab.set_title(i, t) super().__init__(children=[gb, htab])
def form(fields, label_position="left"): if label_position not in {"left", "top"}: raise ValueError("label_position") if label_position == "left": grid_template_columns = "auto 1fr" label_layout = widgets.Layout(display="flex", justify_content="flex-end") children = list( chain.from_iterable( (widgets.Label(label + ":", layout=label_layout), control) for label, control in fields)) else: grid_template_columns = "max-content" children = [ widgets.VBox([widgets.Label(label + ":"), control], layout=widgets.Layout(margin="0")) for label, control in fields ] return widgets.GridBox( children=children, layout=widgets.Layout( grid_template_columns=grid_template_columns, grid_template_rows="max-content " * len(fields), grid_gap="8px", ), )
def labelled_input_generator( label: str, layout_class: Literal['HBox', 'VBox'], text_default_value: Optional[str] = None, layout: Optional[widgets.Layout] = None, text_class: Union[Type[widgets.Text], Type[widgets.Textarea]] = widgets.Text ) -> widgets.Box: """Construct a labelled input field. :param label: The label string of the field :param layout_class: The name of layout class :param text_default_value: The default value for the input. :param layout: The user-defined layout, which will override layout_class :param text_class: The text widget used for the user input. :return: An IPython widget containing a label and a text input field. """ if layout is None: if layout_class == 'HBox': layout = widgets.Layout(grid_template_columns='1fr 3fr') else: layout = widgets.Layout(grid_template_columns='1fr') return widgets.GridBox( [widgets.Label(label), text_class(value=text_default_value)], layout=layout)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Create description label self.description_label = widgets.Label( value=kwargs.get("description", "")), "value"), (self, "description")) # Create widgets value_trait = self.traits()["value"] ctx = kwargs["ctx"] self.widgets = ctx.create_widgets_for_model_cls( ctx.resolve(value_trait.klass)) # Create box container for widgets self.widgets_container = widgets.GridBox( list(self.widgets.values()), layout={"flex_flow": "column"}) self._links = [] self._logger = ctx.logger shared_trait_names = self.class_traits().keys() & self.widgets.keys() if shared_trait_names: raise ValueError( f"Traits {shared_trait_names} clash with builtin widget trait names" ) super().__init__( children=[ self.description_label, self.widgets_container, ], **kwargs, )
def make_clear_button(watcher: "IBMDashboard") -> widgets.GridBox: """Makes the clear button. Args: watcher: The watcher widget instance. Returns: The clear button widget. """ clear = widgets.Button( description="Clear", button_style="primary", layout=widgets.Layout(width="70px", grid_area="right", padding="0px 0px 0px 0px"), ) def on_clear_button_clicked(_): """Clear finished jobs.""" watcher.clear_done() clear.on_click(on_clear_button_clicked) clear_button = widgets.GridBox( children=[clear], layout=widgets.Layout( width="100%", grid_template_columns="20% 20% 20% 20% 20%", grid_template_areas=""" ". . . . right " """, ), ) return clear_button
def _add_element_pane(self, element): header, field_values = self._unpack_element(element) if self.attempt_batch_prefetch: self._do_retrieve_batch(element, field_values) import html grid_content_boxes = [] for field, value in field_values.items(): field_display_name = self._to_field_display_name(element, field) if field_display_name and (value is not None) and not ([] == value): field_widget = widgets.HTML( value="<b>{}</b>".format(html.escape(field_display_name))) field_box = widgets.Box(children=[field_widget], layout=self.field_box_layout) slot_widget_list = self._value_widget_list( element, field, value) slot_box = widgets.Box(children=slot_widget_list, layout=self.slot_box_layout) grid_content_boxes.extend([field_box, slot_box]) content = widgets.GridBox(layout=self.grid_container_layout, children=grid_content_boxes) self.accordion.children = list(self.accordion.children) + [content] self.accordion.set_title(len(self.element_list), header) self.element_id_to_index[self._to_hashable_identifier(element)] = len( self.element_list) self.element_list.append(element)
def get_parameters_tab(self): items = [] par_name_list = list(self.model.parameters.keys()) par_name_list.sort() for par_name in par_name_list: par = self.model.parameters[par_name] cb = widgets.Checkbox( value=not par.hidden, description=par_name, disabled=False) items.append(cb) def par_eventhandler(change): owner = change['owner'] pop_name = owner.description new_val = change['new'] pop = self.model.parameters[pop_name] pop.hidden = not new_val for item in items: item.observe(par_eventhandler, names='value') return widgets.GridBox(items, layout=widgets.Layout(grid_template_columns="repeat(3, 200px)"))
def box_maker(name, widget, group): layout = widgets.Layout(grid_template_columns="1fr", border='2px solid gray') b = widgets.GridBox(layout=layout) module = extract_module_name(widget, full=True) #print(' ', widget.__name__, module) if 'selection' in module: extra_args = dict(options=[1, 2, 3]) elif 'progress' in widget.__name__.lower(): extra_args = dict(value=50) elif 'gridspeclayout' in widget.__name__.lower(): extra_args = dict(n_rows=3, n_columns=3) else: extra_args = {} wid = widget(description='A label!', **extra_args) try: short_description = wid.__doc__.split('\n')[0] if not short_description: short_description = wid.__doc__.split('\n')[1] except AttributeError: short_description = '' url = f'{help_url_base}#{name}' help_link = f'<h3><a href="{url}" rel="nofollow" target="_self" style="color:gray;">{name}</a></h3><p>{short_description}</p>' title = widgets.Output() title.append_display_data(HTML(help_link)) title.layout.padding = '10px' b.layout.overflow_x = 'hidden' b.children = [title, wid] return b
def make_clear_button(watcher: 'IQXDashboard') -> widgets.GridBox: """Makes the clear button. Args: watcher: The watcher widget instance. Returns: The clear button widget. """ clear = widgets.Button(description='Clear', button_style='primary', layout=widgets.Layout(width='70px', grid_area='right', padding="0px 0px 0px 0px")) def on_clear_button_clicked(_): """Clear finished jobs.""" watcher.clear_done() clear.on_click(on_clear_button_clicked) clear_button = widgets.GridBox( children=[clear], layout=widgets.Layout(width='100%', grid_template_columns='20% 20% 20% 20% 20%', grid_template_areas=''' ". . . . right " ''')) return clear_button
def colorwidget(img, paramlist=None): """Display info to user on colorspace if paramlist is not empty.""" if paramlist: seg = colorspace(paramlist=paramlist) else: seg = colorspace() print(f"seg.params = {seg.params}") widg = dict() widglist = [] for ppp, ind in zip(seg.paramindexes, range(len(seg.paramindexes))): thislist = seg.params.ranges[ppp] name = ppp current_value = seg.params[ppp] if current_value not in thislist: # TODO: We should find the min distance between current_value and # this list and use that instead. current_value = thislist[0] thiswidg = widgets.SelectionSlider( options=tuple(thislist), disabled=False, description=name, value=current_value, continuous_update=False, orientation="horizontal", readout=True, ) widglist.append(thiswidg) widg[ppp] = thiswidg def func(**kwargs): """Find mask and fitness for current algorithm. Show masked image.""" for k in kwargs: seg.params[k] = kwargs[k] colorspace = seg.evaluate(img) # fit = Segmentors.FitnessFunction(mask, gmask) fig = showtwo(img, colorspace) showimage( img, ax=fig.gca(), color=seg.params["colorspace"], multichannel=seg.params["multichannel"], channel=seg.params["channel"], ) # I like the idea of printing the sharepython but it should be below the figures. # print(seg.sharepython(img)) # plt.title('Fitness Value: ' + str(fit[0])) layout = widgets.Layout(grid_template_columns="1fr 1fr 1fr") u_i = widgets.GridBox(widglist, layout=layout) out = widgets.interactive_output(func, widg) display(u_i, out) return seg.params
def collapsible(title, params, expanded=False): grid = widgets.Layout(width='900px', grid_template_columns="repeat(2, 400px)") inner = widgets.GridBox(params, layout=grid) a = widgets.Accordion(children=[inner]) a.set_title(0, title) a.selected_index = 0 if expanded else None return a
def __init__(self): super(MyControlWidget, self).__init__() # Load settings self.settings = QtCore.QSettings("Lev Corp.", "woerdle-zehla") self.input_widget = widgets.GridBox() self.source_file_input = None self.sample_size_box = None self.init_ui()
def __init__(self, col): width = round(100.0 / col, 2) template = "" for i in range(col): template += str(width) + "% " self.grid = widgets.GridBox( children=[], layout=widgets.Layout( grid_template_columns=template ) )
def wid(n, m): items = [ widgets.Text(value='0', placeholder='a', description=indices(n, m)[i], layout=Layout(width='75%', height='75%'), disabled=False) for i in indices(n, m).keys() ] return widgets.GridBox( items, layout=widgets.Layout( grid_template_columns="repeat({}, 200px)".format(m)))
def build_button_controls(self): self.labelled_sample_size_box = self.label_sample_size_box() self.sample_button = create_expanded_button('Sample', 'warning') self.calculate_button = create_expanded_button('Calculate', 'warning') return widgets.GridBox( [ self.labelled_sample_size_box, self.sample_button, self.calculate_button ], layout=widgets.Layout(grid_template_columns="repeat(1, 99.5%)"))
def __init__(self, df, html_col, target, labels): self.df = df self.html_col = html_col = target self.labels = labels # go to next unfilled row self.current_pos = self.df[target].isnull().idxmax() if self.current_pos is None or self.current_pos > len(self.df): self.current_pos = self.df.iloc[0].index self.progress = ipywidgets.widgets.HTML(grid_area='progress') self.update_progress() # create main section self.update_to_pos(self.current_pos) previous_button = ipywidgets.widgets.Button(tooltip='previous', icon='arrow-left', layout=ipywidgets.Layout( height='auto', width='auto'), grid_area='prev') next_button = ipywidgets.widgets.Button(tooltip='next', icon='arrow-right', layout=ipywidgets.Layout( height='auto', width='auto'), grid_area='next') previous_button.on_click(lambda b: self.move_pos('prev')) next_button.on_click(lambda b: self.move_pos('next')) clear_button = ipywidgets.Button(description='Clear', layout=ipywidgets.Layout( height='50px', width='auto'), grid_area='clear') clear_button.on_click(lambda b: self.clear()) self.set_button_labels() self.grid = ipywidgets.GridBox(children=[ previous_button, self.html_section, next_button, clear_button, self.button_grid, self.progress ], layout=ipywidgets.Layout( max_width='1400px', grid_template_rows='auto auto auto', grid_template_columns='10% 80% 10%', grid_template_areas=''' "prev main next" "clear button_grid progress" '''))
def wprops(self, props, m): matTitle = widgets.Label(value='Material Properties') mattext = ['mat#', 'Ex', 'Ey', 'vx', 'vy', 'G'] prop = [[] for i in range(self.m)] self.mitems = [[] for i in range(self.m)] self.ADDMAT = widgets.Button( description="Add Material", layout=widgets.Layout(border='solid 1px black')) self.DELMAT = widgets.Button( description="Remove Material", layout=widgets.Layout(border='solid 1px black')) matlabel = widgets.GridBox( [widgets.Label(value=mattext[j]) for j in range(6)], layout=widgets.Layout( grid_template_columns="repeat(6, 50px[col-start])")) for i in range(self.m): if (i < len(self.props)): for j in range(6): self.mitems[i].append( widgets.FloatText(value=self.props[i, j], layout=widgets.Layout(width='70px'))) prop[i] = widgets.GridBox( self.mitems[i], layout=widgets.Layout( grid_template_columns="repeat(6, 50px[col-start])")) if (i >= len(self.props)): for j in range(6): self.mitems[i].append( widgets.FloatText(value=self.props[i - 1, j], layout=widgets.Layout(width='70px'))) prop[i] = widgets.GridBox( self.mitems[i], layout=widgets.Layout( grid_template_columns="repeat(6, 50px[col-start])")) matr = widgets.VBox([prop[j] for j in range(m)]) brow = widgets.HBox([self.ADDMAT, self.DELMAT]) self.rowm = widgets.VBox([matTitle, matlabel, matr, brow], layout=widgets.Layout( border='solid 1px black', width='35%')) return self.rowm, self.ADDMAT, self.DELMAT, self.mitems
def __init__(self, input_box, plot_box, output_box): # File layout. self.file_box = wg.Box() # Help layout. self.help_box = wg.Box() # Input area. narrow_input_btn = self.autosize_button('🡐') narrow_input_btn.on_click(self.on_narrow_input) widen_input_btn = self.autosize_button('🡒') widen_input_btn.on_click(self.on_widen_input) input_header = wg.HBox( [wg.Label(value='Input'), narrow_input_btn, widen_input_btn]) input_layout = wg.VBox([input_header, input_box], layout=wg.Layout(width='auto', grid_area='input')) # Plot area. narrow_plot = self.autosize_button('🡑') narrow_plot.on_click(self.on_narrow_plot) widen_plot = self.autosize_button('🡓') widen_plot.on_click(self.on_widen_plot) plot_header = wg.HBox( [wg.Label(value='Plots'), narrow_plot, widen_plot]) plot_layout = wg.VBox([plot_header, plot_box], layout=wg.Layout(width='auto', grid_area='plot')) # Output area. output_header = wg.HBox([wg.Label(value='Output')]) output_layout = wg.VBox([output_header, output_box], layout=wg.Layout(width='auto', grid_area='output')) self.calc_layout = wg.GridBox( children=[input_layout, plot_layout, output_layout], layout=wg.Layout(grid_template_rows='50% auto', grid_template_columns='50% auto', grid_template_areas=''' "input plot" "input output" ''')) # Tabbed layout for overall app. self.main_view = wg.Tab() self.main_view.children = [ self.calc_layout, self.help_box, self.file_box ] self.main_view.set_title(0, 'App') self.main_view.set_title(1, 'Help') self.main_view.set_title(2, 'File')
def segmentwidget(img, gmask, params=None, alg=None): """Generate GUI. Produce slider for each parameter for the current segmentor. Show both options for the masked image. Keyword arguments: img -- original image gmask -- ground truth segmentation mask for the image params -- list of parameter options alg -- algorithm to search parameters over """ if params is None and alg is None: alg = 'FB' params = [alg, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\ (1, 1), 0, 'checkerboard', 'checkerboard', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] elif params is None and alg is not None: params = [alg, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,\ (1, 1), 0, 'checkerboard', 'checkerboard', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] elif params is not None and alg is not None: params[0] = alg seg = Segmentors.algoFromParams(params) widg = dict() widglist = [] for ppp in seg.paramindexes: thislist = eval(seg.params.ranges[ppp]) thiswidg = widgets.SelectionSlider(options=tuple(thislist), disabled=False, description=ppp, value=seg.params[ppp], continuous_update=False, orientation='horizontal', readout=True) widglist.append(thiswidg) widg[ppp] = thiswidg def func(img=img, mask=gmask, **kwargs): """Find mask and fitness for current algorithm. Show masked image.""" print(seg.params["algorithm"]) for k in kwargs: seg.params[k] = kwargs[k] mask = seg.evaluate(img) fit = Segmentors.FitnessFunction(mask, gmask) fig = showtwo(img, mask) plt.title('Fitness Value: ' + str(fit[0])) layout = widgets.Layout(grid_template_columns='1fr 1fr 1fr') u_i = widgets.GridBox(widglist, layout=layout) out = widgets.interactive_output(func, widg) display(u_i, out) return seg.params
def ui(self): """Return the input container.""" wdg = [] grid_layout = ipy.Layout(grid_template_columns=self._tpl, grid_gap='5px 5px') lbl = ipy.HTML('{}'.format(self.label)) hint = ipy.Label(self.hint) wdg = [] wdg.append(lbl) wdg.append(self.input) wdg.append(hint) box = ipy.GridBox(wdg, layout=grid_layout) return box
def __init__(self, graph, variables=[]): if not isinstance(graph, (networkx.Graph, networkx.DiGraph)): graph = graph.networkx() self._graph = graph self._variables = variables nodes = graph.vertices() self._rank = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(nodes)} try: # ignore a FutureWarning in numpy raised # by networkx's planar_layout with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") layout = networkx.planar_layout(graph) except networkx.NetworkXException: layout = networkx.spring_layout(graph) xs = bqplot.LinearScale() ys = bqplot.LinearScale() cs = bqplot.ColorScale(scheme='Reds') x = [layout[node][0] for node in nodes] y = [layout[node][1] for node in nodes] fig_layout = ipywidgets.Layout(width='400px', height='400px') self._mark = mark = bqplot.marks.Graph(node_data=self.node_data(), link_type='line', directed=graph.is_directed(), scales={ 'x': xs, 'y': ys, 'link_color': cs }, x=x, y=y, charge=-600, colors=self.colors()) fig = bqplot.Figure(marks=[mark], layout=fig_layout) self._variable_views = {} variables_boxes = [] for v in variables: label = ipywidgets.Label(v['name']) output = ipywidgets.Output() self._variable_views[v['name']] = output variables_boxes.extend([label, output]) variables_view = ipywidgets.GridBox( variables_boxes, layout=ipywidgets.Layout(grid_template_columns='1fr 1fr')) ipywidgets.VBox.__init__(self, [fig, variables_view]) self.update()
def start_experiment(self): # linking button and function together using a button's method [button.on_click(self.on_button_clicked) for button in self.buttons] return widgets.GridBox(children=self.buttons + [self.out] + [self.img], layout=widgets.Layout( width='70%', grid_template_rows='auto auto', grid_template_columns='25% 25% 25% 25%', grid_template_areas=''' "instruct instruct instruct instruct" "button0 button1 button2 button3" "output output output output" '''))
def widget_layout(self, out): sliders = self.sliders layout = ipw.Layout(grid_template_columns='1fr 1fr') param_sliders_list = [sliders[py_var] for py_var in self.py_vars[1:]] t_slider = sliders['t'] grid = ipw.GridBox(param_sliders_list, layout=layout) w_max_text = ipw.FloatText(value=self.w_max, description=r'w_max', disabled=False) out_w_max = ipw.interactive_output(self.set_w_max, {'w_max': w_max_text}) hbox = ipw.HBox([t_slider, w_max_text]) box = ipw.VBox([hbox, grid, out, out_w_max]) display(box)
def start_experiment(self): # linking button and function together using a button's method [button.on_click(self.on_button_clicked) for button in self.buttons] self.next_trial() return widgets.GridBox(children=self.buttons + [self.canvas], layout=widgets.Layout( width='50%', justify_items='center', grid_template_rows='auto auto', grid_template_columns='10% 40% 40% 10%', grid_template_areas=''' ". canvas canvas ." ". button0 button1 ." "output output output output" '''))