def cmd_join(self, args, e): player = nm_to_n(e.source()) if == # Start the game self.cmd_start(args, e) return if == self.reply( e, _('Game is in progress; please wait for the next game.')) return player = nm_to_n(e.source()) if player in self.reply(e, _('You are already in the game.')) elif len( >= 10: self.reply( e, _('Only 10 players are allowed to play. You\'ll have to wait')) else: self.reply(e, _('You are now in the game.')) self.fix_modes()
def _auth_user(self, connection, event, account, passwdhash): if account not in self.users: self.log.system('"%s" tried to auth with non-existent account "%s"' % (irclib.nm_to_n(event.source()), account)) return False try: if self.users[account]['pass'] == passwdhash: self.auths[event.source()] = {'account': account, 'authed': True, 'time': time.time()} self.communicate.notice(connection, event, 'Authentication successful.') self.log.system('"%s" authed as "%s" (acl level %d)' % (irclib.nm_to_n(event.source()), account, self.users[account]['aclid'])) except KeyError as ke: self.log.system('Missing entry in settings file: \'%s\'. Could not authenticate user.' % (ke)) self.communicate.notice(connection, event, 'Your account information is incomplete. Ask an admin to check the config file.')
def cmd_bring(self, args, e): if == self.reply(e, 'You can\'t bring someone into a game that\'s in progress!') return player = nm_to_n(e.source()) if player not in self.reply(e, 'You can\'t bring someone into a game that you haven\'t even joined!') return # Get the player that they're trying to bring: if len(args) != 1: self.reply(e, 'Usage: bring <nick>') return if args[0] in self.reply(e, 'That player is are already in the game.') elif len( >= 10: self.reply(e, 'Only 10 players are allowed to play. You\'ll have to wait') elif args[0] not in self.members_in_room: self.reply(e, 'You can\'t bring someone who isn\'t in the room!') return else:[0]) self.reply(e, 'Nice job, you just brought ' + args[0] + ' into the game, even though they\'re probably AFK.') self.fix_modes()
def cmd_team(self, args, e): if != "ChooseTeam": self.reply(e, "Now isn't the time for choosing a mission team. We'll tell you when we've found a target.") return player = nm_to_n(e.source()) if player != self.reply(e, "Only the leader can decide who is on the mission team.") return if not self.handle_nonplayers(e): return try: if len(args) != 2: raise ValueError if args[0].strip() == 'add': add = True elif args[0].strip() == 'remove': add = False else: raise ValueError member = self.match_name(args[1].strip()) if member is not None:, member, add) else: raise ValueError except ValueError: self.reply(e, "Command should be in the form of 'team [add|remove] [user]'")
def _on_msg(self, c, e): source = nm_to_n(e.source()) target = self.body = e.arguments()[0] if self.body == '' or self.body[0] == "<" or self.body[0:1] == " <": return if self.body[0] == ':': pass # special commands elif self.settings['nickname'].lower() in self.body.lower(): random.seed() if "repair" in self.body and self.damaged['status']: self.damaged.update({'status': False, 'time': time.time()}) c.privmsg(target, "Good as new, I think. Am I leaking?") return for move in list(moves.attacks): if move in self.body: n = random.randint(0,len(moves.getdamagemsg)-1) c.privmsg(target, moves.getdamagemsg[n]) self.damaged.update({'status': True, 'time': time.time()}) return n = random.randint(0,len(moves.scaredmsg)-1) c.privmsg(target, moves.scaredmsg[n])
def on_mode(self, c, e): nick = irclib.nm_to_n(e.source()) target = if irclib.is_channel(target): self._log(target, config.NOTIFY_NAME, '[%s] by <%s>.' % (' '.join(e.arguments()), nick), PSYCHAT_MSGTYPE_SYSTEM) else: pass
def cmd_sabotage(self, args, e): player = nm_to_n(e.source()) if != self.reply(e, _("You cannot sabotage before the game starts!")) return if player not in self.reply(e, _("You're not on any mission team!")) return if != "Mission": self.reply(e, _("Hold your horses, the mission hasn't started yet.")) return if e.eventtype() == "pubmsg": self.reply( e, _("You cannot public finish a mission! Send me your choice in private." )) return if player not in self.reply(e, _("You can't sabotage that.")) return, player, False)
def on_pubmsg(self, c, e): args = e.arguments()[0].split(" ") # Delete the leading "!" cmd = args[0][1:] if cmd == "quit" and self.channels[].is_oper(nm_to_n(e.source())): self.die("Twidderbot will return!")
def on_pubmsg(self, c, e): nick = irclib.nm_to_n(e.source()) target = message = e.arguments()[0] self._log(target, nick, message,PSYCHAT_MSGTYPE_NORMAL) if self.channels[target].is_oper(c.get_nickname()) and \ nick == config.OPERATOR_NAME and \ message.startswith(config.OPERATOR_COMMAND): self.connection.mode(target, '+o %s' % nick)
def on_pubmsg(self, c, e): nick = nm_to_n(e.source()) if e.arguments()[0].startswith("search "): results = get_results(e.arguments()[0].split("search ", 1)[1])[:3] for i in range(len(results)): title = "Title: %s" % results[i]["titleNoFormatting"] self.connection.notice(nick, title.encode("utf-8", "ignore")) url = "URL: %s" % results[i]["url"] self.connection.notice(nick, url.encode("utf-8", "ignore"))
def cmd_moderation(self, args, e): if self.game_starter and self.game_starter != nm_to_n(e.source()): self.reply(e, "%s started the game, and so has administrative control. " "Request denied." % self.game_starter) return if len(args) != 1: self.reply(e, "Usage: moderation on|off") return if args[0] == 'on': self.moderation = True elif args[0] == 'off': self.moderation = False else: self.reply(e, "Usage: moderation on|off") return self.say_public('Moderation turned %s by %s' % (args[0], nm_to_n(e.source()))) self.fix_modes()
def cmd_unvote(self, args, e): if != "Vote": self.reply(e, "No election is currently being held.") return if not self.handle_nonplayers(e): return player = nm_to_n(e.source()), player)
def cmd_decline(self, args, e): if != "Vote": self.reply(e, _("No election is currently being held.")) return if not self.handle_nonplayers(e): return player = nm_to_n(e.source()), player, False)
def cmd_moderation(self, args, e): if self.game_starter and self.game_starter != nm_to_n(e.source()): self.reply( e, _("%s started the game, and so has administrative control. " "Request denied.") % self.game_starter) return if len(args) != 1: self.reply(e, _("Usage: moderation on|off")) return if args[0] == 'on': self.moderation = True elif args[0] == 'off': self.moderation = False else: self.reply(e, _("Usage: moderation on|off")) return self.say_public( _('Moderation turned %s by %s') % (args[0], nm_to_n(e.source()))) self.fix_modes()
def cmd_join(self, args, e): player = nm_to_n(e.source()) if == # Start the game self.cmd_start(args, e) return if == self.reply(e, 'Game is in progress; please wait for the next game.') return player = nm_to_n(e.source()) if player in self.reply(e, 'You are already in the game.') elif len( >= 10: self.reply(e, 'Only 10 players are allowed to play. You\'ll have to wait') else: self.reply(e, 'You are now in the game.') self.fix_modes()
def cmd_slap(self, args, e): if len(args) < 1: self.reply(e, _("You slap yourself around a but with a large trout.")) if args[0] == "all": slapped_players = [ m for m in self.members_in_room if m != self.desired_nickname and m != nm_to_n(e.source()) ] for slapped in slapped_players: self.reply( e, _("You slap %s around a bit with a large trout.") % slapped) else: self.reply( e, _("You slap %s around a bit with a large trout.") % args[0])
def cmd_start(self, args, e): "Initialize a resistance game." game_starter = nm_to_n(e.source()) chname, chobj = self.channels.items()[0] if == self.say_public( _("A game started by %s is in progress; " "that person must end it.") % self.game_starter) elif == = self.game_starter = game_starter self.game_starter_last_seen = time.time() self.say_public( _("A new game has been started by %s; " "say '%s: join' to join the game.") % (self.game_starter, self.connection.get_nickname())) self.say_public( _("%s: Say '%s: start' when everyone has joined.") % (self.game_starter, self.connection.get_nickname())) self.fix_modes() elif == if self.game_starter and game_starter != self.game_starter: self.say_public( _("Game startup was begun by %s; " "that person must finish starting it.") % self.game_starter) return self.game_starter = game_starter self.game_starter_last_seen = time.time() if len( < settings.min_users: self.say_public( _("Sorry, to start a game, there must be at least active %d players." ) % (settings.min_users)) else: self.fix_modes()
def cmd_finish(self, args, e): player = nm_to_n(e.source()) if != self.reply(e, "You cannot sabotage before the game starts!") return if player not in self.reply(e, "You're not on any mission team!") return if != "Mission": self.reply(e, "Hold your horses, the mission hasn't started yet.") return if e.eventtype() == "pubmsg": self.reply(e, "You cannot public finish a mission! Send me your choice in private.") return, player, True)
def cmd_team(self, args, e): if != "ChooseTeam": self.reply( e, _("Now isn't the time for choosing a mission team. We'll tell you when we've found a target." )) return player = nm_to_n(e.source()) if player != self.reply( e, _("Only the leader can decide who is on the mission team.")) return if not self.handle_nonplayers(e): return try: if len(args) != 2: raise ValueError if args[0].strip() == 'add': add = True elif args[0].strip() == 'remove': add = False else: raise ValueError member = self.match_name(args[1].strip()) if member is not None:, member, add) else: raise ValueError except ValueError: self.reply( e, "Command should be in the form of 'team [add|remove] [user]'")
def cmd_bring(self, args, e): if == self.reply( e, _('You can\'t bring someone into a game that\'s in progress!')) return player = nm_to_n(e.source()) if player not in self.reply( e, _('You can\'t bring someone into a game that you haven\'t even joined!' )) return # Get the player that they're trying to bring: if len(args) != 1: self.reply(e, _('Usage: bring <nick>')) return if args[0] in self.reply(e, _('That player is are already in the game.')) elif len( >= 10: self.reply( e, _('Only 10 players are allowed to play. You\'ll have to wait')) elif args[0] not in self.members_in_room: self.reply(e, _('You can\'t bring someone who isn\'t in the room!')) return else:[0]) self.reply( e, _('Nice job, you just brought %s into the game, even though they\'re probably AFK.' ) % args[0]) self.fix_modes()
def cmd_start(self, args, e): "Initialize a resistance game." game_starter = nm_to_n(e.source()) chname, chobj = self.channels.items()[0] if == self.say_public("A game started by %s is in progress; " "that person must end it." % self.game_starter) elif == = self.game_starter = game_starter self.game_starter_last_seen = time.time() self.say_public("A new game has been started by %s; " "say '%s: join' to join the game." % (self.game_starter, self.connection.get_nickname())) self.say_public("%s: Say '%s: start' when everyone has joined." % (self.game_starter, self.connection.get_nickname())) self.fix_modes() elif == if self.game_starter and game_starter != self.game_starter: self.say_public("Game startup was begun by %s; " "that person must finish starting it." % self.game_starter) return self.game_starter = game_starter self.game_starter_last_seen = time.time() if len( < settings.min_users: self.say_public("Sorry, to start a game, there must be at least active %d players." % (settings.min_users)) else: self.fix_modes()
def on_pubmsg(self, connection, event): cmdParts = event.arguments()[0].split() if len(cmdParts) > 0 and cmdParts[0] == '.': target = self.acl key = None last = 1 for arg in cmdParts[1:]: try: target = target[arg] key = arg last += 1 except KeyError: break except TypeError: break try: if key is not None and hasattr(self, 'cmd_%s' % (key)): authed = 'OK' account = '' if event.source() in self.auths: account = self.auths[event.source()]['account'] if not self._check_acl(event, cmdParts[1:last]): self.communicate.notice(connection, event, 'Yout lack access to this command.') authed = 'DENIED' else: getattr(self, 'cmd_%s' % (key))(connection, event, cmdParts[1:last], cmdParts[last:]) self.log.command('"%s" (%s): (%s) %s' % (irclib.nm_to_n(event.source()), account, authed, ' '.join(cmdParts[1:]))) return except TypeError as te: print(te) return except assets.RconIdentifierError: self.communicate.notice(connection, event, 'No rcon available for \'%s\'.' % (cmdParts[1])) return self.communicate.notice(connection, event, 'No such command. Try \'!sf help\' for an overview of available commands.')
def on_quit(self, c, e): nick = irclib.nm_to_n(e.source()) for target, ch in self.channels.items(): if ch.has_user(nick): self._log(target, config.NOTIFY_NAME, '<%s> has quit.' % nick, PSYCHAT_MSGTYPE_SYSTEM)
def notice(self, connection, event, message): connection.notice(irclib.nm_to_n(event.source()), message)
def on_kick(self, c, e): nick_s = irclib.nm_to_n(e.source()) nick_m = e.arguments()[0] because_of = e.arguments()[1] self._log(, config.NOTIFY_NAME, '<%s> was kicked by <%s> because of "%s".' % (nick_m, nick_s, because_of), PSYCHAT_MSGTYPE_SYSTEM)
def on_nick(self, c, e): before = irclib.nm_to_n(e.source()) after = for target, ch in self.channels.items(): if ch.has_user(before): self._log(target, config.NOTIFY_NAME, '<%s> is now known as <%s>.' % (before, after), PSYCHAT_MSGTYPE_SYSTEM)
def handle_nonplayers(self, e): player = nm_to_n(e.source()) if player not in self.reply(e, "Hush, you're not playing this game.") return False return True
def on_part(self, c, e): nick = irclib.nm_to_n(e.source()) self._log(, config.NOTIFY_NAME, '<%s> has left.' % nick, PSYCHAT_MSGTYPE_SYSTEM)
def handle_nonplayers(self, e): player = nm_to_n(e.source()) if player not in self.reply(e, _("Hush, you're not playing this game.")) return False return True
def cmd_end(self, args, e): game_ender = nm_to_n(e.source()) self.end_game(game_ender)
def cmd_slap(self, args, e): if args[0] == "all": slapped_players = [m for m in self.members_in_room if m != self.desired_nickname and m != nm_to_n(e.source())] for slapped in slapped_players: self.reply(e, "You slap " + member + " around a bit with a large trout.") else: self.reply(e, "You slap " + args[0] + " around a bit with a large trout.")
def cmd_slap(self, args, e): if len(args) < 1: self.reply(e, _("You slap yourself around a but with a large trout.")) if args[0] == "all": slapped_players = [m for m in self.members_in_room if m != self.desired_nickname and m != nm_to_n(e.source())] for slapped in slapped_players: self.reply(e, _("You slap %s around a bit with a large trout.") % slapped) else: self.reply(e, _("You slap %s around a bit with a large trout.") % args[0])