Esempio n. 1
def hackAffine(message): 
    # Python programs can be stopped at any time by pressing Ctrl-C (on 
    # Windows) or Ctrl-D (on Mac and Linux) 
    print('(Press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-D to quit at any time.)') 
    # brute-force by looping through every possible key 
    for i in range(26 ** 2): 
        key = 0
        while True: 
            key = random.randint(2, 1024) 
            if crackMath.gcd(key, 26) == 1:
        for j in range(1,26):
            decryptedText = affineCipher.decrypt(message,key,j) 
            if not SILENT_MODE: 
                print 'Tried Key %s, %s... (%s)' % (key, j, decryptedText[:40]) 
            if isEnglish.method(decryptedText)>70: 
                # Check with the user if the decrypted key has been found. 
                print'Possible encryption hack:' 
                print'Key: %s, %s' % (key, j) 
                print'Decrypted message: ' + decryptedText[:200] 
                print'Enter D for done, or just press Enter to continue hacking:' 
                response = raw_input('> ') 
                if response.strip().upper().startswith('D'): 
                    return decryptedText
    return None 
Esempio n. 2
def checkForEnglish(text, number, percent):
    """text is the text we are checking, number is the number of words already transformed.
    percent is the percent that is desired to be english. 
    note that if 70% is the percent, 
    it will fail whenever the first n = number of words are only 70% english
    Basically this is the UI for this program,
    If it fails, it will return True
    If it is english, it'll ask, 
    if it seems like english to the user, then the system will exit
    else, it just returns False. 
    # first, we simply say False if the number is too small
    if number < 2:
        return False
    # next, we split up the words
    temp = [i for i in text if i in ALPHA]
    temp = "".join(temp)
    words = temp.split(" ")
    words = words[:number]
    sentence = " ".join(words)

    # next we check for fail

    failCheck = isEnglish.method(sentence)
    failPercent = 100 - percent
    # print round(failCheck), text[:60]
    if failCheck < 50:
        return True
    # next we check to see if it is English
    check = isEnglish.method(text)
    if check >= percent:
        print "hmm... possible crack. does this look right?"
        print text
        answer = raw_input("y/n: ")
        if answer == "y":
            return True

    # the default case, is basically False, keep on cracking
    return False
Esempio n. 3
def method(text, percent = 70):
    for i in range(2,len(text)):
        possible = td.decrypt(text,i)
        poss_percent = isEnglish.method(possible)
        if poss_percent > percent:
            print "possible solution: "
            print possible
            print "key: " , i
            print "do you want to keep going? (y/n): "
            answer = raw_input(">>>")
            if answer == "n":