def test_explodeMultiPointGeometry(self): """Test exploding POINT multipart to single part geometries works""" myGeometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt('MULTIPOINT((-0.966314 0.445890),' '(-0.281133 0.555729))') myCollection = explodeMultiPartGeometry(myGeometry) myMessage = 'Expected 2 parts from multipart point geometry' assert len(myCollection) == 2, myMessage
def test_explodeMultiLineGeometry(self): """Test exploding LINES multipart to single part geometries works""" myGeometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt('MULTILINESTRING((-0.974159 0.526961,' ' -0.291594 0.644645), (-0.411893 0.728331,' ' -0.160834 0.568804))') myCollection = explodeMultiPartGeometry(myGeometry) myMessage = 'Expected 2 parts from multipart line geometry' assert len(myCollection) == 2, myMessage
def test_explodeMultiPolygonGeometry(self): """Test exploding POLY multipart to single part geometries works""" myGeometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt('MULTIPOLYGON(((-0.966314 0.445890,' '-0.281133 0.555729,-0.092839 0.218369,-0.908780 0.035305,-0.966314' ' 0.445890)),((-0.906164 0.003923,-0.077148 0.197447,0.043151' ' -0.074533,-0.882628 -0.296824,-0.906164 0.003923)))') myCollection = explodeMultiPartGeometry(myGeometry) myMessage = 'Expected 2 parts from multipart polygon geometry' assert len(myCollection) == 2, myMessage