Esempio n. 1
def test_pass_numpy_int():
    np = pytest.importorskip("numpy")

    s = isl.BasicMap("{[i,j]: 0<=i,j<15}")
    c0 = s.get_constraints()[0]

    c1 = c0.set_constant_val(np.int32(5))
Esempio n. 2
def test_align_spaces():
    m1 = isl.BasicMap("[m,n] -> {[i,j,k]->[l,o]:}")
    m2 = isl.BasicMap("[m,n] -> {[j,k,l,i]->[o]:}")

    result = isl.align_spaces(m1, m2)
    assert result.get_var_dict() == m2.get_var_dict()

    a1 = isl.Aff("[t0, t1, t2] -> { [(32)] }")
    a2 = isl.Aff("[t1, t0] -> { [(0)] }")

    with pytest.raises(isl.Error):
        a1_aligned = isl.align_spaces(a1, a2)

    a1_aligned = isl.align_spaces(a1, a2, obj_bigger_ok=True)
    a2_aligned = isl.align_spaces(a2, a1)

    assert a1_aligned == isl.Aff("[t1, t0, t2] -> { [(32)] }")
    assert a2_aligned == isl.Aff("[t1, t0, t2] -> { [(0)] }")
Esempio n. 3
def test_diamond_tiling(ctx_factory, interactive=False):
    ctx = ctx_factory()
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    ref_knl = lp.make_kernel(
        "[nx,nt] -> {[ix, it]: 1<=ix<nx-1 and 0<=it<nt}", """
        u[ix, it+2] = (
            2*u[ix, it+1]
            + dt**2/dx**2 * (u[ix+1, it+1] - 2*u[ix, it+1] + u[ix-1, it+1])
            - u[ix, it])

    knl_for_transform = ref_knl

    ref_knl = lp.prioritize_loops(ref_knl, "it, ix")

    import islpy as isl
    m = isl.BasicMap(
        "[nx,nt] -> {[ix, it] -> [tx, tt, tparity, itt, itx]: "
        "16*(tx - tt) + itx - itt = ix - it and "
        "16*(tx + tt + tparity) + itt + itx = ix + it and "
        "0<=tparity<2 and 0 <= itx - itt < 16 and 0 <= itt+itx < 16}")
    knl = lp.map_domain(knl_for_transform, m)
    knl = lp.prioritize_loops(knl, "tt,tparity,tx,itt,itx")

    if interactive:
        nx = 43
        u = np.zeros((nx, 200))
        x = np.linspace(-1, 1, nx)
        dx = x[1] - x[0]
        u[:, 0] = u[:, 1] = np.exp(-100 * x**2)

        u_dev = cl.array.to_device(queue, u)
        knl(queue, u=u_dev, dx=dx, dt=dx)

        u = u_dev.get()
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        types = {"dt,dx,u": np.float64}
        knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, types)
        ref_knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(ref_knl, types)

                                "nx": 200,
                                "nt": 300,
                                "dx": 1,
                                "dt": 1
Esempio n. 4
def islApiExamples():
    ctx = isl.Context()

    ## Spaces
    names = ['s\'', 'x1', 'x2']
    space1 = isl.Space.create_from_names(ctx, set = names)
    names = ['s', 'y1', 'y2']
    space2 = isl.Space.create_from_names(ctx, set = names)
    #Spaces are equal when their dimensions are equal
    print space1.is_equal(space2)
    #isl dim type can be set/in/out/param/all   
    print space1.find_dim_by_name(isl._isl.dim_type.all,'x2')
    #print space1.get_id_dict(isl._isl.dim_type.set)
    newid  = isl.Id(context = ctx, name = 'x0')
    space1 = space1.set_dim_id(isl._isl.dim_type.set, 1, newid)
    print space1.get_dim_id(isl._isl.dim_type.set, 1)
    #Looks like get_id_dict does not work as expected
    #print space1.get_id_dict(isl._isl.dim_type.set)
    print space1.get_var_dict()

    ## Sets
    space = isl.Space.create_from_names(ctx, set=["i", "j"])

    bset1 = (isl.BasicSet.universe(space)
            .add_constraint(isl.Constraint.ineq_from_names(space, {1: -1, "i": 1}))
            .add_constraint(isl.Constraint.ineq_from_names(space, {1: 5, "i": -1}))
            .add_constraint(isl.Constraint.ineq_from_names(space, {1: -1, "j": 1}))
            .add_constraint(isl.Constraint.ineq_from_names(space, {1: 5, "j": -1})))
    print bset1

    bset2 = isl.BasicSet("[N]->{[x, y] : x >= 0 and x < 5 and y >= 0 and y < N+4 and N >= 0 and N < 10}")    
    print bset2
    print bset2.polyhedral_hull()
    print bset2.lexmax()
    print bset2.lexmin()
    print bset2.lexmin().is_singleton()   

    ## Points
    points = []
    print points
    point = points[0].get_coordinate_val(isl._isl.dim_type.all, 0)
    pointx = point.get_num_si()/point.get_num_si()
    # The same thing can be achieved with to_python() provided by islpy
    print point.to_python()
    point = points[0].get_coordinate_val(isl._isl.dim_type.all, 1)
    pointy = point.get_num_si()/point.get_num_si()
    print (pointx, pointy)

    ## Dependence computation

    mapspace = isl.Space.create_from_names(ctx, in_=["i", "j"], out = ["i1", "j1"], params = ["N"])
    ## Schedule and AST
    # Creating an identity schedule
    bmap = (isl.BasicMap.identity(mapspace)
           .add_constraint(isl.Constraint.ineq_from_names(mapspace, {1: -1, "i": 1}))
           .add_constraint(isl.Constraint.ineq_from_names(mapspace, {"N": 1, "i": -1}))
           .add_constraint(isl.Constraint.ineq_from_names(mapspace, {1: -1, "j": 1}))
           .add_constraint(isl.Constraint.ineq_from_names(mapspace, {"N": 1, "j": -1})))
    #bmap = bmap.insert_dims(isl._isl.dim_type.out, 0, 1)
    #name = bmap.get_dim_name(isl._isl.dim_type.out, 1)
    #bmap = bmap.set_dim_name(isl._isl.dim_type.out, dim, 'S_' + name)

    print bmap
    astbld = isl.AstBuild.from_context(isl.BasicSet("[N] -> { : }"))
    astbld = astbld.set_options(isl.UnionMap("{}"))
    # Printing is strange
    printer = isl.Printer.to_str(ctx)
    printer = printer.set_output_format(isl.format.C)
    printer = (isl.AstBuild.ast_from_schedule(astbld, isl.UnionMap.from_map(bmap))).print_(printer, isl.AstPrintOptions.alloc(ctx))
    print printer.get_str()
    extSet = isl.BasicSet("[n] -> { [i] : exists (a = [i/10] : 0 <= i and i <= n and i - 10 a <= 6) }")
    print extSet
    print extSet.get_local_space()
    print extSet.get_local_space().get_div(0)
    extMap = isl.BasicMap.from_domain_and_range(extSet, extSet)
    astbld = isl.AstBuild.from_context(isl.BasicSet("[n] -> { : }"))
    astbld = astbld.set_options(isl.UnionMap("{}"))
    # Printing is strange
    printer = isl.Printer.to_str(ctx)
    printer = printer.set_output_format(isl.format.C)
    printer = (isl.AstBuild.ast_from_schedule(astbld, isl.UnionMap.from_map(extMap))).print_(printer, isl.AstPrintOptions.alloc(ctx))
    print printer.get_str()

    gen = isl.BasicMap("[C, R] -> { Ixx[x, y] -> [Dir_i0', T_i0', Dir_i1', T_i1', t, i0', i1'] : t = 0 and i0' = x and i1' = y and x >= 1 and x <= R and y >= 1 and y <= C and R >= 1 and C >= 1 and 64T_i0' <= x and 64T_i0' >= -63 + x and 64T_i0' <= -32 + x - 64Dir_i0' and 64T_i0' >= -95 + x - 64Dir_i0' and Dir_i0' >= -1 and Dir_i0' <= 0 and 64T_i1' <= y and 64T_i1' >= -63 + y and 64T_i1' <= -32 + y - 64Dir_i1' and 64T_i1' >= -95 + y - 64Dir_i1' and Dir_i1' >= -1 and Dir_i1' <= 0 }")
    #gen = isl.UnionMap("[R, C] -> { harris[x, y] -> [1, x, y] : C = 10 and R = 10 and x >= 2 and x <= 9 and y >= 2 and y <= 9; Iyy[x, y] -> [0, x, y] : C = 10 and R = 10 and x >= 1 and x <= 10 and y >= 1 and y <= 10}")
    genbld = isl.AstBuild.from_context(isl.BasicSet("[C, R]->{: R > 1 and C > 1}"))
    #genbld = astbld.set_options(isl.UnionMap("{[i,j] -> unroll[0] : i < 4 or i > 99996}"))
    id_ = isl.Id.alloc(ctx, "Test1", "FakeObj")
    gen = gen.set_tuple_id(isl._isl.dim_type.in_, id_)
    #id_ = isl.Id.alloc(ctx, "Test2", "FakeObj")
    #print gen.get_tuple_name(isl._isl.dim_type.out)

    genbld = genbld.set_options(isl.UnionMap("[C, R] -> { [Dir_i0', T_i0', Dir_i1', T_i1', t, i0', i1'] -> unroll[x] : x = 0 or x = 2}"))
    idl =  isl.IdList.alloc(ctx, 3)
    print idl
    idl = idl.add(isl.Id.alloc(ctx, 'Dir_i0', None))
    idl = idl.add(isl.Id.alloc(ctx, 'T_i0', None))
    idl = idl.add(isl.Id.alloc(ctx, 'Dir_i1', None))
    idl = idl.add(isl.Id.alloc(ctx, 'T_i1', None))
    idl = idl.add(isl.Id.alloc(ctx, 't', None))
    idl = idl.add(isl.Id.alloc(ctx, 'i0', None))
    idl = idl.add(isl.Id.alloc(ctx, 'i1', None))
    genbld = genbld.set_iterators(idl)
    printer = isl.Printer.to_str(ctx)
    printer = printer.set_output_format(isl.format.C)
    #astRoot = isl.AstBuild.ast_from_schedule(genbld, isl.UnionMap.from_map(gen))
    print genbld.get_schedule_space()
    astRoot = genbld.ast_from_schedule(isl.UnionMap.from_map(gen))
    print genbld.get_schedule_space()
    printer = astRoot.print_(printer, isl.AstPrintOptions.alloc(ctx))
    print printer.get_str()

    applyBase = isl.BasicMap("[rows, cols] -> { Dx_2_img2[c, x, y] -> [3, c, x, y] : c >= 0 and c <= 2 and x >= 2 and 4x <= 4 + rows and y >= 2 and 2y <= 2 + cols and rows >= 1 and cols >= 1 }")
    align = isl.BasicMap("[rows, cols]->{[a, b, c, d] -> [a, d, b, c]}")
    print applyBase.apply_range(align)

    mem = isl.BasicMap("[cols, rows] -> { Uy_2_img2[c, x, y] -> [c, T_i1', T_i2', 7, 4x, 4y] : c >= 0 and c <= 2 and x >= 2 and 4x <= 4 + rows and y >= 2 and 4y <= 4 + cols and rows >= 1 and cols >= 1 and 64T_i1' <= -2 + x and 64T_i1' >= -70 + x and 64T_i2' <= -2 + y and 64T_i2' >= -73 + y }")
    acc = isl.BasicMap("[cols, rows] -> { Uy_2_img2[c, x, y] -> [c, T_i1', T_i2', 7, x-64T_i1', y-64T_i2'] : c >= 0 and c <= 2 and x >= 2 and 4x <= 4 + rows and y >= 2 and 4y <= 4 + cols and rows >= 1 and cols >= 1 and 64T_i1' <= -2 + x and 64T_i1' >= -70 + x and 64T_i2' <= -2 + y and 64T_i2' >= -73 + y and rows >= 256 and cols >= 256}")
    print acc.range().dim_min(4), acc.range().dim_max(4)

    split = isl.BasicMap("[cols, rows] -> { Uy_0_img1[c, x, y, _Mul_x, _Mul_y] -> [_T_i1, _T_i2, 1, 5, c, x, y] : exists (e0 = floor((-1 + y)/2): rows = 768 and 64_T_i1 = x - _Mul_x and 64_T_i2 = y - _Mul_y and cols = 1024 and 2e0 = -1 + y and c >= 0 and c <= 2 and x >= 2 and x <= 769 and y >= 2 and y <= 1025) }")
    print split
Esempio n. 5
def test_align_spaces():
    m1 = isl.BasicMap("[m,n] -> {[i,j,k]->[l,o]:}")
    m2 = isl.BasicMap("[m,n] -> {[j,k,l,i]->[o]:}")

    result = isl.align_spaces(m1, m2)
    assert result.get_var_dict() == m2.get_var_dict()
Esempio n. 6
def test_map_domain_transform_map_validity_and_errors(ctx_factory):

    # {{{ Make kernel

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "[nx,nt] -> {[x, y, z, t]: 0 <= x,y,z < nx and 0 <= t < nt}",
            "[m] -> {[j]: 0 <= j < m}",
        a[y,x,t,z] = b[y,x,t,z]  {id=stmta}
        for j
            <>temp = j  {dep=stmta}
        lang_version=(2018, 2),
    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, {"b": np.float32})
    ref_knl = knl

    # }}}

    # {{{ Make sure map_domain *succeeds* when map includes 2 of 4 dims in one
    # domain.

    # {{{ Apply domain change mapping that splits t and renames y; (similar to
    # split_iname test above, but doesn't hurt to test this slightly different
    # scenario)

    knl_map_dom = ref_knl

    # Create map_domain mapping that only includes t and y
    # (x and z should be unaffected)
    import islpy as isl
    transform_map = isl.BasicMap(
        "[nx,nt] -> {[t, y] -> [t_outer, t_inner, y_new]: "
        "0 <= t_inner < 16 and "
        "16*t_outer + t_inner = t and "
        "0 <= 16*t_outer + t_inner < nt and "
        "y = y_new"

    # Call map_domain to transform kernel; this should *not* produce an error
    knl_map_dom = lp.map_domain(knl_map_dom, transform_map)

    # Prioritize loops
    desired_prio = "x, t_outer, t_inner, z, y_new"

    # Use constrain_loop_nesting if it's available
    cln_attr = getattr(lp, "constrain_loop_nesting", None)
    if cln_attr is not None:
        knl_map_dom = lp.constrain_loop_nesting(  # noqa pylint:disable=no-member
            knl_map_dom, desired_prio)
        knl_map_dom = lp.prioritize_loops(knl_map_dom, desired_prio)

    # Get a linearization
    proc_knl_map_dom = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl_map_dom)
    lin_knl_map_dom = lp.get_one_linearized_kernel(
        proc_knl_map_dom["loopy_kernel"], proc_knl_map_dom.callables_table)

    # }}}

    # {{{ Use split_iname and rename_iname, and make sure we get the same result

    knl_split_iname = ref_knl
    knl_split_iname = lp.split_iname(knl_split_iname, "t", 16)
    knl_split_iname = lp.rename_iname(knl_split_iname, "y", "y_new")
        # Use constrain_loop_nesting if it's available
        knl_split_iname = lp.constrain_loop_nesting(knl_split_iname,
    except AttributeError:
        knl_split_iname = lp.prioritize_loops(knl_split_iname, desired_prio)
    proc_knl_split_iname = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl_split_iname)
    lin_knl_split_iname = lp.get_one_linearized_kernel(

    for d_map_domain, d_split_iname in zip(
        d_map_domain_aligned = _ensure_dim_names_match_and_align(
            d_map_domain, d_split_iname)
        assert d_map_domain_aligned == d_split_iname

    for litem_map_domain, litem_split_iname in zip(
            lin_knl_map_dom.linearization, lin_knl_split_iname.linearization):
        assert litem_map_domain == litem_split_iname

    # Can't easily compare instructions because equivalent subscript
    # expressions may have different orders

                            "nx": 32,
                            "nt": 32,
                            "m": 32

    # }}}

    # }}}

    # {{{ Make sure we error on a map that is not bijective

    # Not bijective
    transform_map = isl.BasicMap(
        "[nx,nt] -> {[t, y, rogue] -> [t_new, y_new]: "
        "y = y_new and t = t_new"

    from loopy.diagnostic import LoopyError
    knl = ref_knl
        knl = lp.map_domain(knl, transform_map)
        raise AssertionError()
    except LoopyError as err:
        assert "map must be bijective" in str(err)

    # }}}

    # {{{ Make sure there's an error if transform map does not apply to
    # exactly one domain.

    test_maps = [
        # Map where some inames match exactly one domain but there's also a
        # rogue dim
        isl.BasicMap("[nx,nt] -> {[t, y, rogue] -> [t_new, y_new, rogue_new]: "
                     "y = y_new and t = t_new and rogue = rogue_new"
        # Map where all inames match exactly one domain but there's also a
        # rogue dim
        isl.BasicMap("[nx,nt] -> {[t, y, x, z, rogue] -> "
                     "[t_new, y_new, x_new, z_new, rogue_new]: "
                     "y = y_new and t = t_new and x = x_new and z = z_new "
                     "and rogue = rogue_new"
        # Map where no inames match any domain
        isl.BasicMap("[nx,nt] -> {[rogue] -> [rogue_new]: "
                     "rogue = rogue_new"

    for transform_map in test_maps:
            knl = lp.map_domain(knl, transform_map)
            raise AssertionError()
        except LoopyError as err:
            assert ("was not applicable to any domain. "
                    "Transform map must be applicable to exactly one domain."
                    in str(err))

    # }}}

    # {{{ Make sure there's an error if we try to map inames in priorities

    knl = ref_knl
    knl = lp.prioritize_loops(knl, "y, z")
    knl = lp.prioritize_loops(knl, "x, z")
        transform_map = isl.BasicMap("[nx,nt] -> {[t, y] -> [t_new, y_new]: "
                                     "y = y_new and t = t_new }")
        knl = lp.map_domain(knl, transform_map)
        raise AssertionError()
    except ValueError as err:
        assert ("Loop priority ('y', 'z') contains iname(s) "
                "transformed by map" in str(err))

    # }}}

    # {{{ Make sure we error when stmt.within_inames contains at least one but
    # not all mapped inames

    # {{{ Make potentially problematic kernel

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "[n, m] -> { [i, j]: 0 <= i < n and 0 <= j < m }",
            "[ell] -> { [k]: 0 <= k < ell }",
        for i
            <>t0 = i  {id=stmt0}
            for j
                <>t1 = j  {id=stmt1, dep=stmt0}
            <>t2 = i + 1  {id=stmt2, dep=stmt1}
        for k
           <>t3 = k  {id=stmt3, dep=stmt2}
        lang_version=(2018, 2),

    # }}}

    # This should fail:
        transform_map = isl.BasicMap("[n, m] -> {[i, j] -> [i_new, j_new]: "
                                     "i_new = i + j and j_new = 2 + i }")
        knl = lp.map_domain(knl, transform_map)
        raise AssertionError()
    except LoopyError as err:
        assert ("Statements must be within all or none of the mapped inames"
                in str(err))

    # This should succeed:
    transform_map = isl.BasicMap("[n, m] -> {[i] -> [i_new]: i_new = i + 2 }")
    knl = lp.map_domain(knl, transform_map)
Esempio n. 7
def test_map_domain_vs_split_iname(ctx_factory):

    # {{{ Make kernel

    knl = lp.make_kernel(
            "[nx,nt] -> {[x, t]: 0 <= x < nx and 0 <= t < nt}",
            "[ni] -> {[i]: 0 <= i < ni}",
        a[x,t] = b[x,t]  {id=stmta}
        c[x,t] = d[x,t]  {id=stmtc}
        e[i] = f[i]
        lang_version=(2018, 2),
    knl = lp.add_and_infer_dtypes(knl, {"b,d,f": np.float32})
    ref_knl = knl

    # }}}

    # {{{ Apply domain change mapping

    knl_map_dom = ref_knl

    # Create map_domain mapping:
    import islpy as isl
    transform_map = isl.BasicMap("[nt] -> {[t] -> [t_outer, t_inner]: "
                                 "0 <= t_inner < 32 and "
                                 "32*t_outer + t_inner = t and "
                                 "0 <= 32*t_outer + t_inner < nt}")

    # Call map_domain to transform kernel
    knl_map_dom = lp.map_domain(knl_map_dom, transform_map)

    # Prioritize loops (prio should eventually be updated in map_domain?)
    loop_priority = "x, t_outer, t_inner"
    knl_map_dom = lp.prioritize_loops(knl_map_dom, loop_priority)

    # Get a linearization
    proc_knl_map_dom = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl_map_dom)
    lin_knl_map_dom = lp.get_one_linearized_kernel(
        proc_knl_map_dom["loopy_kernel"], proc_knl_map_dom.callables_table)

    # }}}

    # {{{ Split iname and see if we get the same result

    knl_split_iname = ref_knl
    knl_split_iname = lp.split_iname(knl_split_iname, "t", 32)
    knl_split_iname = lp.prioritize_loops(knl_split_iname, loop_priority)
    proc_knl_split_iname = lp.preprocess_kernel(knl_split_iname)
    lin_knl_split_iname = lp.get_one_linearized_kernel(

    for d_map_domain, d_split_iname in zip(
        d_map_domain_aligned = _ensure_dim_names_match_and_align(
            d_map_domain, d_split_iname)
        assert d_map_domain_aligned == d_split_iname

    for litem_map_domain, litem_split_iname in zip(
            lin_knl_map_dom.linearization, lin_knl_split_iname.linearization):
        assert litem_map_domain == litem_split_iname

    # Can't easily compare instructions because equivalent subscript
    # expressions may have different orders

                            "nx": 128,
                            "nt": 128,
                            "ni": 128