Esempio n. 1
    def data_for_variable(self, variable, min_depth=None, max_depth=None):
        function to go through all the depth_from, depth_to, sensor combinations
        for the given variable and yields ISMNTimeSeries if a match is found.
        if min_depth and/or max_depth where given it only returns a
        ISMNTimeSeries if depth_from >= min_depth and/or depth_to <= max_depth

        variable: string
            variable to read
            one of
                * 'soil moisture',
                * 'soil temperature',
                * 'soil suction',
                * 'precipitation',
                * 'air temperature',
                * 'field capacity',
                * 'permanent wilting point',
                * 'plant available water',
                * 'potential plant available water',
                * 'saturation',
                * 'silt fraction',
                * 'snow depth',
                * 'sand fraction',
                * 'clay fraction',
                * 'organic carbon',
                * 'snow water equivalent',
                * 'surface temperature',
                * 'surface temperature quality flag original'
        min_depth : float, optional
            depth_from of variable has to be >= min_depth in order to be
        max_depth : float, optional
            depth_to of variable has to be <= max_depth in order to be

        time_series : iterator(ismn.readers.ISMNTimeSeries)
            ISMNTimeSeries object containing data and metadata

        if min_depth is None:
            min_depth = np.min(self.depth_from)
        if max_depth is None:
            max_depth = np.max(self.depth_to)

        for var, d1, d2, filename in zip(self.variables, self.depth_from,
                                         self.depth_to, self.filenames):
            if var != variable:

            if ((d1 >= min_depth) & (d2 <= max_depth)):

                yield readers.read_data(filename)
Esempio n. 2
    def read_ts(self, idx):
        read a time series directly by the id

        idx : int
            id into self.metadata, best one of those returned
            from get_dataset_ids()

        timeseries : pandas.DataFrame
            of the read data
        ts = readers.read_data(self.metadata['filename'][idx])
Esempio n. 3
def data_import():
    """Creates a dictionary with longitude, latitude and soil moisture data
    as values for each ISMN file located in ./data/ISMN_Filt .
    The key of each dictionary entry is created as a combination of network
    name, station name and sensor type.
    Also a CSV file with each key and the corresponding coordinates (
    latitude & longitude) is created in the directory ./data/

    :return: Dictionary containing ISMN data.
    sm_files = [
        f for f in glob.glob("./data/ISMN_Filt/**/*_sm_*.stm", recursive=True)

    dict_ismn = {}
    long = []
    lat = []
    station = []

    for i in sm_files:
        data = ismn.read_data(i)
        header_elements, filename_elements = ismn.get_info_from_file(i)
        dict_ismn[header_elements[1] + "-" + header_elements[2] + "-" +
                  header_elements[8]] = [
                      header_elements[3], header_elements[4],
        station.append(header_elements[1] + "-" + header_elements[2] + "-" +

    with open('./data/stations.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
        filewriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',')

    return dict_ismn
Esempio n. 4
    def read_variable(self,
        actually reads the given variable from the file. Parameters are
        required until any ambiguity is resolved. If there is only one depth for
        the given variable then only variable is required. If there are multiple
        depths at least depth_from is required. If there are multiple depth_to
        possibilities for one variable-depth_from combination also depth_to has to
        be specified. If 2 sensors are measuring the same variable in the same
        depth then also the sensor has to be specified.

        variable: string
            variable to read
            one of
                * 'soil moisture',
                * 'soil temperature',
                * 'soil suction',
                * 'precipitation',
                * 'air temperature',
                * 'field capacity',
                * 'permanent wilting point',
                * 'plant available water',
                * 'potential plant available water',
                * 'saturation',
                * 'silt fraction',
                * 'snow depth',
                * 'sand fraction',
                * 'clay fraction',
                * 'organic carbon',
                * 'snow water equivalent',
                * 'surface temperature',
                * 'surface temperature quality flag original'
        depth_from : float, optional
            shallower depth of layer the variable was measured at
        depth_to : float, optional
            deeper depth of layer the variable was measured at
        sensor : string, optional
            name of the sensor

        data : readers.ISMNTimeSeries
            ISMNTimeSeries object containing the relevant metadata for the time series
            as well as a .data pointing to a pandas.DataFrame

            if not all ambiguity was resolved by the given input parameters or
            if no data was found for the given input parameters

        if depth_from is None:
            depth_f, depth_t = self.get_depths(variable)
            if depth_f.size > 1:
                raise ISMNError("there are multiple depths for this variable"
                                "Please specify the one you want to read")
            elif depth_f.size == 1:
                depth_from = depth_f[0]
            elif depth_f.size == 0:
                raise ISMNError("there are no depths for this variable"
                                "Something went wrong")
        if depth_to is None:
            depth_f, depth_t = self.get_depths(variable)
            if depth_t.size > 1:
                raise ISMNError(
                    "there are multiple depths with the same depth_from value"
                    "Please specify the depth_to value you want to read")
            elif depth_t.size == 1:
                depth_to = depth_t[0]
            elif depth_t.size == 0:
                raise ISMNError("there are no depths for this variable"
                                "Something went wrong")

        if sensor is None:
            sensors = self.get_sensors(variable, depth_from, depth_to)
            if sensors.size > 1:
                raise ISMNError(
                    "there are multiple sensors for this combination of "
                    "variable, depth_to, depth_from. Please specify which one "
                    "you want to read")
            elif sensors.size == 1:
                sensor = sensors[0]
            elif sensors.size == 0:
                raise ISMNError(
                    "there are no sensors for this variable, depth_from, depth_to "
                    "combination. Please make sure you specified valid depths")

        index_filename = np.where((variable == self.variables)
                                  & (depth_from == self.depth_from)
                                  & (depth_to == self.depth_to)
                                  & (sensor == self.sensors))[0]

        if index_filename.size != 1:
            raise ISMNError(
                "There is no data for this combination of variable, depth_from, "
                "depth_to and sensor. Please check.")
            return readers.read_data(self.filenames[index_filename[0]])