Esempio n. 1
md.transient.requested_outputs = [
    'default', 'GroundedArea', 'FloatingArea', 'IceVolume',

print_text('::: issm -- set boundary conditions :::', 'red')

# Set the default boundary conditions for an ice-sheet :
#md = im.SetMarineIceSheetBC(md)  # create placeholder arrays for indicies
md.extrude(6, 1.0)
md = im.setflowequation(md, mdl_odr, 'all')
md.flowequation.fe_HO = 'P1'

# save the state of the model :
#im.savevars(out_dir + '', 'md', md)

# solve :
print_text('::: issm -- solving :::', 'red')

md.cluster = im.generic('name', im.gethostname(), 'np', 4)
md.verbose = im.verbose('solution', True, 'control', True, 'convergence', True)
md = im.solve(md, 'Transient')

# save the state of the model :
im.savevars(out_dir + '', 'md', md)
Esempio n. 2
# brent search specific parameters :
elif opt_met == 'brent':
  md.inversion.step_threshold          = 0.7 * np.ones(md.inversion.nsteps)
  md.inversion.maxiter_per_step        = 20  * np.ones(md.inversion.nsteps)
  md.inversion.gradient_scaling        = 50  * np.ones(md.inversion.nsteps)
  md.inversion.cost_function_threshold = np.nan 

## FIXME: it is not obvious that the velocity observations have to be extruded :
#md.inversion.vx_obs   = im.project3d(md,'vector',
#                                     md.inversion.vx_obs,'type','node')
#md.inversion.vy_obs   = im.project3d(md,'vector',
#                                     md.inversion.vy_obs,'type','node')
#md.inversion.vel_obs  = im.project3d(md,'vector',
#                                     md.inversion.vel_obs,'type','node')
#print md.inversion.vx_obs
#print md.inversion.vy_obs
#print md.inversion.vel_obs

# assimilate the velocity data :
md.cluster = im.generic('name', im.gethostname(), 'np', 2)
md.verbose = im.verbose('solution', True, 'control', True)
md         = im.solve(md, 'Stressbalance')

im.savevars(out_dir + name + '.md', 'md', md)

Esempio n. 3
# specifiy the flow equation and FE basis :
md = im.setflowequation(md, mdl_odr, 'all')
md.flowequation.fe_HO = 'P1'

## set no-slip basal velocity BC :
## FIXME: if you do not call ``md.extrude()`` before, ``md.mesh.vertexonbase``
##        does not exist.
#basal_v                         = md.mesh.vertexonbase
#md.stressbalance.spcvx[basal_v] = 0.0
#md.stressbalance.spcvy[basal_v] = 0.0
#md.stressbalance.spcvz[basal_v] = 0.0

# save the state of the model :
im.savevars(out_dir + '', 'md', md)

# solve :

## initialize the velocity for the CFL condition:
#md.cluster = im.generic('name', im.gethostname(), 'np', 2)
#md.verbose = im.verbose('solution', True, 'convergence', True)
#md         = im.solve(md, 'Stressbalance')
#md.initialization.vx  = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vx
#md.initialization.vy  = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vy
#md.initialization.vz  = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vz
#md.initialization.vel = md.results.StressbalanceSolution.Vel

# solve the transient :
Esempio n. 4
mask[mask == 2] = -1

# ice is grounded for mask equal one
md.mask.groundedice_levelset = mask

# ice is present when negative :
md.mask.ice_levelset = -1 * np.ones(md.mesh.numberofvertices)

# geometry :
cs.print_text('::: issm -- constructing geometry :::', 'red')

S = im.InterpFromGridToMesh(dbm.x, dbm.y,['S'], md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y,
B = im.InterpFromGridToMesh(dbm.x, dbm.y,['B'], md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y,
S = S.astype('float64')
B = B.astype('float64')

# upper surface :
md.geometry.surface = S

# lower surface :
md.geometry.base = B

#thickness is the difference between surface and base :
md.geometry.thickness = md.geometry.surface - md.geometry.base

# save the state of the model :
im.savevars(var_dir + '', 'md', md)
Esempio n. 5
# change data type to that required by InterpFromGridToMesh() :
x1 = dmg.x.astype('float64')
y1 = dmg.y.astype('float64')
velx =['vx'].astype('float64')
vely =['vy'].astype('float64')

# calculate the velocity magnitude :
vel = np.sqrt(velx**2 + vely**2)

# interpolate the data onto the issm mesh :
vx = im.InterpFromGridToMesh(x1, y1, velx, md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y, 0)[0]
vy = im.InterpFromGridToMesh(x1, y1, vely, md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y, 0)[0]
u_mag = im.InterpFromGridToMesh(x1, y1, vel, md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y, 0)[0]

# while we have the velocity observations, save them to the model now for
# inversion later :
md.inversion.vx_obs = velx
md.inversion.vy_obs = vely
md.inversion.vel_obs = vel

# refine mesh using surface velocities as metric :
md = im.bamg(md, 'hmin', 5000, 'hmax', 500000, 'gradation', 3, 'field', u_mag,
             'err', 8)

# plot the mesh to be sure :
#im.plotmodel(md, 'data', 'mesh')

# save the state of the model :
im.savevars(out_dir + '', 'md', md)
Esempio n. 6
# save the state of the model :
var_dict = {
    'md.mask.groundedice_levelset': md.mask.groundedice_levelset,
    'md.mask.ice_levelset': md.mask.ice_levelset,
    'md.initialization.temperature': md.initialization.temperature,
    'md.geometry.surface': md.geometry.surface,
    'md.geometry.base': md.geometry.base,
    'md.geometry.thickness': md.geometry.thickness,
    'md.inversion.vx_obs': md.inversion.vx_obs,
    'md.inversion.vy_obs': md.inversion.vy_obs,
    'md.inversion.vel_obs': md.inversion.vel_obs,
    'md.friction_coefficient': md.friction.coefficient
im.savevars(out_dir + 'issm_nio.shelve', var_dict)

# plot the data :
tp_kwargs = {'linestyle': '-', 'lw': 0.1, 'color': 'k', 'alpha': 0.5}

quiver_kwargs = {
    'pivot': 'middle',
    'color': '0.0',
    'scale': 100,
    'alpha': 1.0,
    'width': 0.001,
    'headwidth': 3.0,
    'headlength': 3.0,
    'headaxislength': 3.0
Esempio n. 7
# calculate the velocity magnitude :
vel   = np.sqrt(velx**2 + vely**2)

# interpolate the data onto the issm mesh :
u_mag = im.InterpFromGridToMesh(x1, y1, vel, md.mesh.x, md.mesh.y, 0)[0]

# refine mesh using surface velocities as metric :
md    = im.bamg(md,
                'hmax',      100000,
                'hmin',      1000,
                'gradation', 100,
                'field',     u_mag,
                'err',       8)

# FIXME: doesn't work :
# plot the mesh to be sure :
#im.plotmodel(md, 'data', 'mesh')

# save the state of the model :
# FIXME: the savevars method will work for small problems, but fails without 
#        error for large ones.  Thus this doesn't work :
#          im.savevars(out_dir + '', 'md', md)
#        and instead we do this :
im.savevars(out_dir + 'issm_nio.shelve', 'md.mesh', md.mesh)