Esempio n. 1
    def populate_ad_to_img_dicts(self):
        # Key: Ad filepath
        # Value: List of image filepaths
        self.ad_to_img_pairs = OrderedDict()
        self.ad_to_img = OrderedDict()

        # Looping over ad filenames
        for date in os.listdir(self.root):
            for hour in os.listdir(join(self.root, date)):
                for ad_filepath in os.listdir(join(self.root, date, hour)):
                    imgs = self.imgs_from_ad(
                        join(self.root, date, hour, ad_filepath))
                    # Check if valid ad
                    if imgs:
                        # Add to dict list of images
                        self.ad_to_img[ad_filepath] = [
                            join(self.root, date, hour, ad_filepath, x)
                            for x in imgs
                        # Add to dict list of image pairs
                        self.ad_to_img_pairs[ad_filepath] = list(
                                lambda x: (join(self.root, date, hour,
                                                ad_filepath, x[0]),
                                           join(self.root, date, hour,
                                                ad_filepath, x[1])),
                                list(combs(imgs, 2))))
Esempio n. 2
    def solve_grid(self): = []

        # Generate coords of free spaces in the grid, then brute force combinations of those
        # - N choose R where N is the set of free coordinates, and R = self.add
        free_coords = []
        for i in range(len(self.grid)):  # For each row
            for j in range(len(self.grid)):  # For each cell in the row
                if self.grid[i][j] == 0:  # There is no watcher in the cell
                         j])  # This cell can potentially have a watcher in it

        num_solutions_found = 0
        for added_coords in combs(
                self.add):  # All combinations of possible watchers
            # Create the board to be tested
            to_be_tested = self.make_grid(self.gridsize,
                                          list(added_coords) + self.coords)
            if self.grid_is_valid(to_be_tested):  # Check validity of board
                num_solutions_found += 1

Esempio n. 3
def solution(num_buns, num_required):
    buns = [[] for i in range(num_buns)]
    if num_required == 0:
        return buns
    start = 0
    for c in combs(buns, num_buns - num_required + 1):
        for item in c:
        start += 1
    return buns
def find_counterfeit(coins):
    good, found = set(), set()
    for i, j in combs(range(len(coins)), 2):
        if not balanced(coins[i], coins[j]):
    result = [x for x in found.difference(good)]
    return result[0] if result else None
Esempio n. 5
def get_aspects(jdate, l_bodies=bodies):
    Return a structured array of aspects and orb
    Return None if there's no aspect
    bodies_id = l_bodies['id']
    return array([
        get_aspect(jdate, *comb)
        for comb in combs(bodies_id, 2) if get_aspect(jdate, *comb) is not None
                 dtype=[('body1', 'i4'), ('body2', 'i4'), ('i_asp', 'i4'),
                        ('orb', 'f4')])
Esempio n. 6
def solve_r(rules, a, L):
    positions = range(L)
    ri = 0
    for cp in combs(positions, rules[ri][1]):
        consistent = True
        for p in range(L):
            if p in cp:
                if a[p][rules[ri][0][p]] == 'N':
                    consistent = False
                if a[p][rules[ri][0][p]] == 'E':
                    consistent = False
            if not consistent: break
        if not consistent: continue
        saved_a = copy.deepcopy(a)
        for p in range(L):
            if p in cp:
                a[p][rules[ri][0][p]] = 'E'
                for d in range(10):
                    if d != rules[ri][0][p]: a[p][d] = 'N'
            else: a[p][rules[ri][0][p]] = 'N'
        for ri2 in range(len(rules)):
            if ri != ri2:
                count_wrong, count_correct = 0, 0
                for p in range(L):
                    if a[p][rules[ri2][0][p]] == 'E': count_correct += 1
                    elif a[p][rules[ri2][0][p]] == 'N': count_wrong += 1
                condition1 = count_correct > rules[ri2][1]
                condition2 = count_wrong > L - rules[ri2][1]
                if condition1 or condition2:
                    consistent = False
        if not consistent:
            a = saved_a
        saved_rule = rules.pop(ri)
        if len(rules):
            ans = solve_r(rules, a, L)
            if ans[1]: return ans
            answer = []
            for p in range(L):
                for d in range(10):
                    if a[p][d] == 'E' or a[p][d] == '?':
            return [''.join(answer), True]
        rules.insert(ri, saved_rule)
        a = saved_a
    return [str(0), False]
Esempio n. 7
def solve(upper_limit: int = 28123) -> int:
    prime_lst = lib.primes.prime_list(upper_limit)
    abundants = []
    can_sum = set()
    res = 0
    for num in range(1, upper_limit + 1):
        if is_abundant(num, prime_lst):
    for comb in combs(abundants, 2):
    for num in range(1, upper_limit + 1):
        if num not in can_sum:
            res += num
    return res
Esempio n. 8
    def get_ns_similarity(self):
        if not self.ns_names:
        if not self.ips:
            self.ips = self.__get_rr('A', ttl=True)

        if len(self.ns_names) > 2:
            similarities = list()
            all_combs = combs(self.ns_names, 2)
            for comb in all_combs:
            return sum(similarities) / len(similarities)
        elif len(self.ips) == 0 or len(self.ns_names) == 0:
            return 0.0
            return 1.0
Esempio n. 9
def sol(ps: int = 5):
    global P, PS, BIG_P
    two_cands = []
    for c in tqdm(combs(P, 2)):
        if in_primes(*c):

    old_arr = two_cands[:]
    for i in range(3, ps + 1):
        if i == 5:
        arr = go_over(old_arr)
        old_arr = arr[:]
        min_s = float("inf")
        for t in arr:
            min_s = min(min_s, sum(t))
    return min_s
Esempio n. 10
def sol(z: int) -> str:
    global P, PS
    #cache = dict()
    for i in tqdm(range(len(P))):
        digits = len(P[i])
        for j in range(1, digits):
            perms = combs(range(digits), j)
            for p in perms:
                fam = 0
                consider = False
                sol = []
                for n in range(0, 10):
                    s = replace(P[i], p, str(n))
                    contains = (r := str(int(s))) in PS
                    if P[i] == r:
                        consider = True
                    if contains:
                        fam += 1
                if consider and fam + 1 == z:
                    print((P[i]), p, fam)
Esempio n. 11
    def combine(self, n: int, k: int) -> List[List[int]]:
        #         def dfs(s, e):
        #             if s < e:
        #                 result.append([s, e])
        #                 return
        #             else:
        #                 for i in range(1, n+1):
        #                     for j in range(i, n):
        #                         dfs(i, j+1)

        #         result = []
        #         if n - k > 1:
        #             dfs(0, 0)
        #         elif n - k == 1:
        #             result.append([n])
        #             result.append([k])
        #         elif n - k == 0:
        #             result.append([n])

        #         return result

        return list(combs(range(1, n + 1), k))
def solution(relation):
    n_row = len(relation)
    n_col = len(relation[0])

    candidates = []
    for i in range(1, n_col + 1):
        # extend는 iterable의 각 항목을 넣는다.
        candidates.extend(combs(range(n_col), i))

    final = []
    for keys in candidates:
        tmp = [tuple([item[key] for key in keys]) for item in relation]
        if len(set(tmp)) == n_row:

    answer = set(final)
    for i in range(len(final)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(final)):
            # intersection을 이용해서 최소성을 만족하는지 확인
            if len(final[i]) == len(set(final[i]).intersection(set(final[j]))):
                # discard는 제거할 것이 없어도 실행 가능. remove와 차이점
    return len(answer)
def get_confusion_matrix(src, corr, alignments, confusion_dict_pos,
    assert len(src) == len(corr) == len(alignments), "len en: " + str(len(src)) + " len of corr: " + \
                                                     str(len(corr)) + " len all: " + str(len(alignments))

    def strip_direction(x):
        return x.split("_")[0]

    for i in range(len(src)):
        src_n, src_g = conll2graph(src[i])
        corr_n, corr_g = conll2graph(corr[i])
        alignment = alignments[i]
        # Simplify the alignment to a set of one-to-one pairs
        one_to_one = []
        for k, v in alignment.items():
            if k == "X":
                # Do not analyse stuff added on the Ko side for now
            head = k
            tail = str(highest_or_none(v, corr_g))
            one_to_one.append((head, tail))
        # POS confusion dict
        for pair in one_to_one:
            head, tail = pair
            # Skip technical additional nodes
            if "." in head:
                src_pos = src_n[head]["pos"]
            except KeyError:
                print(i, src[i])
            if tail == "None":
                corr_pos = "None"
                corr_pos = corr_n[tail]["pos"]
                corr_pos = corr_n[tail]["pos"]
            if src_pos not in confusion_dict_pos:
                confusion_dict_pos[src_pos] = Counter()
            confusion_dict_pos[src_pos][corr_pos] += 1
        # Path confusion dict
        for pair in combs(one_to_one, 2):
            (src_head, corr_head), (src_tail, corr_tail) = pair
            # Skip technical additional nodes
            if "." in head:
            src_path_arr = get_path(src_head, src_tail, src_g)
            if len(src_path_arr) > 1:
            src_path = strip_direction(src_path_arr[0])
            if corr_head == corr_tail:
                corr_path = "Nodes collapsed"
            elif corr_head == "None" and corr_tail == "None":
                corr_path = "Both endpoints unaligned"
            elif corr_head == "None" or corr_tail == "None":
                corr_path = "One endpoint unaligned"
                corr_path_arr = get_path(corr_head, corr_tail, corr_g)
                corr_path = "->".join(list(map(strip_direction,
            if src_path not in confusion_dict_paths:
                confusion_dict_paths[src_path] = Counter()
            confusion_dict_paths[src_path][corr_path] += 1
Esempio n. 14
            if l[j][i] == 0:
            for k in range(j + 1, N):
                if l[k][i] == 0 or l[k][j] == 0:
                ans += 1
    print(f'#{tc} {ans}')

# 왜애애애애애애애애애앤지 모르겠지만 이게 더 빨라서 통과가 된다.
# 반복회수는 이게 더 만을텐데 배열의 인덱싱이 더 오래 걸려서 그런갑다..
# 테케는 1000개 N의 최대는 50개
# 각 인덱스가 최대 50개 인데 이게 좀 더 걸리나보다
# 찾아보니까 그냥 bool 배열을 만들어서 인덱싱 한사람도 있고 dfs쓴사람도 있다.

from itertools import combinations as combs

T = int(input())
for tc in range(1, T + 1):
    N, M = map(int, input().split())
    l = [[] for _ in range(N)]
    for _ in range(M):
        tmp = sorted(list(map(int, input().split())))
        l[tmp[0] - 1].append(tmp[1] - 1)
    ans = 0
    for comb in combs(range(N), 3):
        if comb[1] in l[comb[0]] and comb[2] in l[comb[0]] and comb[2] in l[
            ans += 1
    print(f'#{tc} {ans}')
Esempio n. 15
def in_primes(*args) -> bool:
    string = lambda num1, num2: int(str(num1) + str(num2)) in PS and int(
        str(num2) + str(num1)) in PS
    return all(string(*c) for c in combs(args, 2))
Esempio n. 16
A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from
the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 x 99.

Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.

from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as combs

def is_palin(n):
    return str(n) == str(n)[::-1]

products = (x*y for x,y in combs(range(100,1000),2))

print( max (x for x in products if is_palin(x)  ) )

Esempio n. 17

team_damage = "16,000"

parses = ["180", "120", "60"]

coab_combos = ["_"] + [
    "".join(coabs) for x in range(1,
                                  len(coab_sort_key) + 1)
    for coabs in combs(coab_sort_key, x)

def copy_parses():
    return {"180": {}, "120": {}, "60": {}}.copy()

def coab_sort(coabs):
    if "none" == coabs.lower():
        return "_"
        return "".join(
                   key=lambda c_list: [coab_sort_key.index(c)
                                       for c in c_list]))
Esempio n. 18
from itertools import combinations as combs
from functools import reduce
in_file = open('input_1.txt', 'r')
# in_file = open('test_1.txt', 'r')
numList = map(lambda x: int(x[:-1]), in_file.readlines())
target = 2020

numsList = combs(numList, 3)
for nums in numsList:
    if sum(nums) == target:
        print(reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, nums, 1))
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as combs

s, k = input().split()
print(*[''.join(p) for p in combs(sorted(s), int(k))], sep='\n')
            thetapred = graddes[0]
            pred = surpred(xlin1int, thetapred)
            scoreint = predicttrain(pred)
            dif = scoreint-scorelin
            print (i,j), "  ", scoreint, "  ", round(dif*m)
            if dif > 0:

        print posints

    # interactionterms()
    # Note this takes about 3 min

    print "Time elapsed:", time() - start

intlist = list(combs(range(2, 13), 2))

alpha = 0.2
niter = 20000
lam = 0

# This was a first implementation of what later became titanlogregCV()
for (i, j) in intlist:
    tempds = logreg_prepdata(dba, [(i, j)])[0]
    tempds = Datasets(tempds)
    trainds = tempds.train()

    y = trainds[0::, 0]
    x = trainds[0::, 1::]

    graddes = gradientdescent(x, y, alpha, niter, lam, logreg=True)
Esempio n. 21
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as combs

check = [1] * 1001
check[0], check[1] = 0, 0
prime = []
for n in range(2, 1000):
    if check[n]:
    for i in range(n, 1000, n):
        check[i] = 0

dict_Vino = {}
for comb in combs(prime, 3):
    if sum(comb) in dict_Vino:
        dict_Vino[sum(comb)] += 1
        dict_Vino[sum(comb)] = 1

T = int(input())
for tc in range(1, T + 1):
    print(f'#{tc} {dict_Vino[int(input())]}')
Esempio n. 22
from itertools import combinations as combs

T = int(input())
for tc in range(1, T + 1):
    numbers = list(map(int, input().split()))
    sum_ = []
    for comb in combs(numbers, 3):
    sum_ = list(set(sum_))
    print(f'#{tc} {sum_[4]}')
def trust_eval(graph, totedges):
    trusted = 0
    not_trusted = 0

    for rev, rwe, trust in graph.edges(data=True): #set to true to guarantee 3-tuple return value
        if trust['weight'] == 1:
            trusted += 1
        if trust['weight'] == -1:
            not_trusted += 1
    print("Amount Trust Edges: ", trusted)
    print("Amount Distrust Edges: ", not_trusted)
    p_pos = round(trusted/totedges, 4)
    p_neg = round(1 - (trusted/totedges), 4)
    print("P(positive edge) = p: ", p_pos)
    print("P(negative edge) = 1 - p: ", p_neg)

    #expected and actual distributions
    triangles = nx.triangles(graph)
    t_count = sum(triangles.values())/3
    print("Amount of Triangles: ", t_count)

    #expected distribution
    print("\n-Expected Distribution-")

    TTT_percent = round((p_pos ** 3) * 100,1)
    TTT_num = round((t_count * TTT_percent)/100,1)
    print("TTT\t|\t" + str(TTT_percent) + "\t|\t" + str(TTT_num))
    TTD_percent = round((p_pos ** 2 * p_neg * 3) * 100,1)
    TTD_num = round((t_count * TTD_percent)/100,1)
    print("TTD\t|\t" + str(TTD_percent) + "\t|\t" + str(TTD_num))
    TDD_percent= round((p_pos * (p_neg ** 2) * 3) * 100,1)
    TDD_num= round((t_count * TDD_percent)/100,1)
    print("TDD\t|\t" + str(TDD_percent) + "\t|\t" + str(TDD_num))
    DDD_percent= round((p_neg ** 3) * 100,1)
    DDD_num= round((t_count * DDD_percent)/100,1)
    print("DDD\t|\t" + str(DDD_percent) + "\t|\t" + str(DDD_num))
    print("Total\t|\t" + str(100) + "\t|\t" + str(t_count))

    #actual distribution

    weight = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'weight')
    Triads = [edge for edge in nx.enumerate_all_cliques(graph)if len(edge) == 3]
    triad_list = list(map(lambda edge: list(map(lambda edge: (edge, weight[edge]), combs(edge, 2))), Triads))
    TTT_count = 0
    TTD_count = 0
    TDD_count = 0
    DDD_count = 0
    for triad in triad_list:
        e1_weight = triad[0][1]
        e2_weight = triad[1][1]
        e3_weight = triad[2][1]
        #identify type based on weight
        if(e1_weight == 1 and e2_weight == 1 and e3_weight == 1):
            triad_type = "TTT"
            TTT_count += 1
        if(e1_weight == 1 and e2_weight == 1 and e3_weight == -1) or (e1_weight == -1 and e2_weight == 1 and e3_weight == 1) or (e1_weight == 1 and e2_weight == -1 and e3_weight == 1):
            triad_type = "TTD"
            TTD_count += 1
        if(e1_weight == -1 and e2_weight == -1 and e3_weight == 1) or (e1_weight == 1 and e2_weight == -1 and e3_weight == -1) or (e1_weight == -1 and e2_weight == 1 and e3_weight == -1):
            triad_type = "TDD"
            TDD_count += 1 
        if(e1_weight == -1 and e2_weight == -1 and e3_weight == -1):
            triad_type = "DDD"
            DDD_count += 1
        print(triad_type + "\t|\t" + str(triad[0]) + "\t|\t" + str(triad[1]) + "\t|\t" + str(triad[2]))
    TTT_percent = round((TTT_count *100)/t_count, 1)
    TTD_percent = round((TTD_count *100)/t_count, 1)
    TDD_percent = round((TDD_count *100)/t_count, 1)
    DDD_percent = round((DDD_count *100)/t_count, 1)

    print("\nActual Distribution:")

    print("TTT\t|\t" + str(TTT_percent) + "\t|\t" + str(TTT_count))
    print("TTD\t|\t" + str(TTD_percent) + "\t|\t" + str(TTD_count))
    print("TDD\t|\t" + str(TDD_percent) + "\t|\t" + str(TDD_count))
    print("DDD\t|\t" + str(DDD_percent) + "\t|\t" + str(DDD_count))
    print("Total\t|\t" + str(100) + "\t|\t" + str(t_count))
Esempio n. 24
from itertools import combinations as combs
from fractions import Fraction

maxi = 15
tot = 0
for i in range(maxi/2+1,maxi+1):
	#calculate probability of having exactly i right
	for j in combs(range(2, maxi+2), i):
		res = 1
		for k in range(2,maxi+2):
			if k in j:
				res *= Fraction(1,k)
				res *= Fraction(k-1,k)
		tot += res
print tot

#gives 9219406943/20922789888000
#so 2269
Esempio n. 25
from itertools import combinations as combs
import math
T = int(input())
for _ in range(T):
    s = []
    answer = 0
    nums = list(map(int, input().split(' ')))
    s.extend(combs(nums, 2))
    for pair in s:
        answer += math.gcd(pair[0], pair[1])
Esempio n. 26
from itertools import combinations as combs
from functools import reduce
from operator import mul

def prod(numbers):
    return reduce(mul, numbers, 1)

def first(iterable):
    return next(iter(iterable))

with open('input/day_01.txt') as f:
    report = [int(n) for n in f]

part1 = first(prod(nums) for nums in combs(report, 2) if sum(nums) == 2020)
part2 = first(prod(nums) for nums in combs(report, 3) if sum(nums) == 2020)

print('Part 1:', part1)
print('Part 2:', part2)
    from itertools import combinations_with_replacement 
    print list(combinations_with_replacement('12345',2))
[('1', '1'), ('1', '2'), ('1', '3'), ('1', '4'), ('1', '5'), 
('2', '2'), ('2', '3'), ('2', '4'), ('2', '5'), ('3', '3'), 
('3', '4'), ('3', '5'), ('4', '4'), ('4', '5'), ('5', '5')]
    A = [1,1,3,3,3]
    print list(combinations(A,2))
[(1, 1), (1, 3), (1, 3), (1, 3), (1, 3), (1, 3), (1, 3), (3, 3), (3, 3), (3, 3)]

You are given a string S
Your task is to print all possible size K replacement
combinations of the string in lexicographic sorted order.


from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as combs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    s, k = input().split()
    print(*[''.join(p) for p in combs(sorted(s), int(k))], sep='\n')

""" Test input:

Esempio n. 28
from itertools import combinations as combs

def is_mono(n):
    n = str(n)
    for i in range(1, len(n)):
        if n[i] < n[i - 1]:
            return False
    return True

T = int(input())
for tc in range(1, T + 1):
    N = int(input())
    A = list(map(int, input().split()))
    ans = 0
    for comb in combs(A, 2):
        num = comb[0] * comb[1]
        if is_mono(num):
            if ans < num:
                ans = num
    if ans == 0:
        ans = -1
    print(f'#{tc} {ans}')
Esempio n. 29
def get_confusion_matrices(corpus, cursor, collapse_subcategories=False):
    # Load data
    en = []
    ko = []
    alignments = []
    for en_, ko_, alignment_str in cursor.execute(
        f'SELECT `en`, `ru`, `alignment` FROM `{corpus}` WHERE `verified` = 1'
    pos_pairs = []
    path_pairs = []
    for i in range(len(en)):
        en_n, en_g    = conll2graph(en[i])
        ko_n, ko_g    = conll2graph(ko[i])
        alignment     = alignments[i]        
        edges         = []
        # Select edges participating in one-to-one and many-to-one relationships
        # and fill the POS confusion matrix
        for k, v in alignment.items():
            # Add none-to-smth to the POS matrix
            if k == 'X':
                for idx in v:
                    if '.' in idx:
                    new_node = ko_n[idx]
            # Filter out one-to-many
            elif len(v) > 1:
            head = k
            tail = v[0]
            edges.append((head, tail))
            en_pos = en_n[head]['pos']
            if tail == 'X':
                ko_pos = 'None'
                ko_pos = ko_n[tail]['pos']
            pos_pairs.append((en_pos, ko_pos))
        for pair in combs(edges, 2):
            (en_head, ko_head), (en_tail, ko_tail) = pair
            en_path_arr = get_path(en_head, en_tail, en_g)
            # Don't care for long source-side paths for now
            if len(en_path_arr) > 1:
            en_path = strip_direction(en_path_arr[0])
            if collapse_subcategories:
                en_path = strip_subcategory(en_path)
            if ko_head == ko_tail:
                ko_path = 'Nodes collapsed'
            # Skip unaligned
            elif ko_head == 'X' or ko_tail == 'X':
                ko_path_arr = get_path(ko_head, ko_tail, ko_g)
                ko_path_arr = list(map(strip_direction, ko_path_arr))
                if collapse_subcategories:
                    ko_path = '+'.join(
                        list(map(strip_subcategory, ko_path_arr))
                    ko_path = '+'.join(ko_path_arr)
            path_pairs.append((en_path, ko_path))
    target_lang_name = corpus.split('-')[1]
    pos_dict = defaultdict(list)
    for head_pos, tail_pos in pos_pairs:
    pos_df = pd.DataFrame(pos_dict)

    path_dict = defaultdict(list)
    for head_path, tail_path in path_pairs:
    path_df = pd.DataFrame(path_dict)

    return (
        pd.crosstab(pos_df['en'], pos_df[target_lang_name]), 
        pd.crosstab(path_df['en'], path_df[target_lang_name])
Esempio n. 30
 def complete_graph(n):
     vertices = list(range(1, n + 1))
     edges = [(a, b, 1) for a, b in combs(vertices, 2)]
     return Graph(vertices, edges)