Esempio n. 1
def krr_loo_cv(X, y, kernels, kp_range):
    N, *_ = X.shape
    best_kp = best_c = best_err = np.inf
    best_kernel = None
    for kernel, kp in iter_prod(kernels, kp_range):
        K = kernel(X, X, kp)
        L, U = np.linalg.eig(K)
        L = L.real
        c_center = L.mean()
        c_range = c_center * np.logspace(-5, 5, 11)

        UL = U @ np.diag(L)
        for c in c_range:
            Lc = 1 / (L + c)
            S = UL @ np.diag(Lc) @ U.T
            denominator = (1 - np.diag(S))**2
            numerator = (y - S @ y)**2
            err = (numerator / denominator).mean()
            if err < best_err:
                best_err = err
                best_kernel = kernel
                best_kp = kp
                best_c = c

    return best_kernel, best_kp, best_c, best_err
Esempio n. 2
def build_plotter(surfs,
                  nan_color=(0, 0, 0, 1),
                  background=(1, 1, 1),
                  size=(400, 400),
    """Build plotter arranged according to the `layout`.

    surfs : dict[str, BSPolyData]
        Dictionary of surfaces.
    layout : array-like, shape = (n_rows, n_cols)
        Array of surface keys in `surfs`. Specifies how window is arranged.
    array_name : array-like, optional
        Names of point data array to plot for each layout entry.
        Use a tuple with multiple array names to plot multiple arrays
        (overlays) per layout entry. Default is None.
    view : array-like, optional
        View for each each layout entry. Possible views are {'lateral',
        'medial', 'ventral', 'dorsal'}. If None, use default view.
        Default is None.
    color_bar : {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'} or None, optional
        Location where color bars are rendered. If None, color bars are not
        included. Default is None.
    color_range : {'sym'}, tuple or sequence.
        Range for each array name. If 'sym', uses a symmetric range. Only used
        if array has positive and negative values. Default is None.
    share : {'row', 'col', 'both'} or bool, optional
        If ``share == 'row'``, point data for surfaces in the same row share
        same data range. If ``share == 'col'``, the same but for columns.
        If ``share == 'both'``, all data shares same range. If True, similar
        to ``share == 'both'``. Default is False.
    label_text : dict[str, array-like], optional
        Label text for column/row. Possible keys are {'left', 'right',
        'top', 'bottom'}, which indicate the location. Default is None.
    cmap : str or sequence of str, optional
        Color map name (from matplotlib) for each array name.
        Default is 'viridis'.
    nan_color : tuple
        Color for nan values. Default is (0, 0, 0, 1).
    zoom : float or sequence of float, optional
        Zoom applied to the surfaces in each layout entry.
    background : tuple
        Background color. Default is (1, 1, 1).
    size : tuple, optional
        Window size. Default is (400, 400).
    kwargs : keyword-valued args
        Additional arguments passed to the renderers, actors, mapper, color_bar
        or plotter. Keywords starting with:

        - 'renderer__' are passed to the renderers.
        - 'actor__' are passed to the actors.
        - 'mapper__' are passed to the mappers.
        - 'cb__' are passed to color bar actors.
        - 'text__' are passed to color text actors.

        The rest of keywords are passed to the plotter.

    plotter : Plotter
        An instance of Plotter.

    See Also

    If sequences, shapes of `array_name`, `view` and `zoom` must be equal
    or broadcastable to the shape of `layout`. Renderer keywords must also
    be broadcastable to the shape of `layout`.

    If sequences, shapes of `cmap` and `cbar_range` must be equal or
    broadcastable to the shape of `array_name`, including the number of array
    names per entry. Actor and mapper keywords must also be broadcastable to
    the shape of `array_name`.


    # Layout
    for k in np.unique(layout):
        if k not in surfs and k is not None:
            raise ValueError("Key '%s' is not in 'surfs'" % k)

    # Share
    if share is True:
        share = 'b'
    elif share is None or share is False:
        share = None
    elif share in {'row', 'r', 'col', 'c', 'both', 'b'}:
        share = share[0]
        raise ValueError("Unknown share=%s" % share)

    # Color bar
    if color_bar is True:
        color_bar = 'right'
    elif color_bar is None or color_bar is False:
        color_bar = None
    elif color_bar not in {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'}:
        raise ValueError("Unknown color_bar=%s" % color_bar)

    if share == 'c' and color_bar in {'left', 'right'}:
        raise ValueError("Incompatible color_bar=%s and "
                         "share=%s" % (color_bar, share))

    if share == 'r' and color_bar in {'top', 'bottom'}:
        raise ValueError("Incompatible color_bar=%s and "
                         "share=%s" % (color_bar, share))

    layout = np.atleast_2d(layout)
    nrow, ncol = shape = layout.shape

    view = _broadcast(view, 'view', shape)
    zoom = _broadcast(zoom, 'zoom', shape)

    array_name = _expand_arg(array_name, 'array_name', shape)
    cmap = _expand_arg(cmap, 'cmap', shape, ref=array_name)
    color_range = _expand_arg(color_range, 'cbar_range', shape, ref=array_name)

    ren_kwds = _grep_args('renderer', kwargs, shape=shape)
    actor_kwds = _grep_args('actor', kwargs, shape=shape, ref=array_name)
    mapper_kwds = _grep_args('mapper', kwargs, shape=shape, ref=array_name)
    cb_kwds = _grep_args('cb', kwargs)
    text_kwds = _grep_args('text', kwargs)
    # lut_kwds = _grep_args('lut', kwargs)

    # Label text
    if label_text is None:
        label_text = {}
    elif isinstance(label_text, (list, np.ndarray)):
        label_text = {'left': label_text}

    # Array ranges
    specs = _get_ranges(layout, surfs, array_name, share, color_range)

    # Grid
    grid_row, grid_col, ridx, cidx, entries = \
        _gen_grid(nrow, ncol, label_text, color_bar, share)

    kwargs.update({'nrow': grid_row, 'ncol': grid_col, 'size': size})
    p = Plotter(**kwargs)

    for iren, jren in iter_prod(range(len(ridx)), range(len(cidx))):
        i, j = ridx[iren], cidx[jren]

        kwds = dp.renderer_kwds.copy()
        kwds.update({'row': iren, 'col': jren, 'background': background})

        # Renderers for empty entries
        if isinstance(i, str) or isinstance(j, str):
            if isinstance(i, str) and isinstance(j, str):

        kwds.update({k: v[i, j] for k, v in ren_kwds.items()})
        kwds['background'] = background  # just in case
        ren = p.AddRenderer(**kwds)

        if layout[i, j] is None:

        s = surfs[layout[i, j]]
        for ia, name in enumerate(array_name[i, j]):
            if name is False or name is None:

            sp = specs[ia, i, j]

            # Actor
            actor = dp.actor_kwds.copy()
            actor.update({k: v[i, j][ia] for k, v in actor_kwds.items()})
            if view[i, j] is not None:
                actor['orientation'] = orientations[view[i, j]]

            # Mapper
            mapper = dp.mapper_kwds.copy()
            mapper['scalarVisibility'] = name is not True
            mapper['interpolateScalarsBeforeMapping'] = not sp['disc']
            mapper.update({k: v[i, j][ia] for k, v in mapper_kwds.items()})
            mapper['inputDataObject'] = s
            if name is not True:
                mapper['arrayName'] = name

            # Lut
            lut = dp.lookuptable_kwds.copy()
            lut['numberOfTableValues'] = sp['nval']
            lut['range'] = (sp['min'], sp['max'])

            cm = cmap[i, j][ia]
            if cm is not None:
                if cm in colormaps:
                    table = colormaps[cm]
                    cm = plt.get_cmap(cm)
                    nvals = lut['numberOfTableValues']
                    table = cm(np.linspace(0, 1, nvals)) * 255
                    table = table.astype(np.uint8)

                lut['table'] = table
            if nan_color:
                lut['nanColor'] = nan_color

            # Do not support indexed lut for now
            # if sp['disc']:
            # lut['IndexedLookup'] = True
            # color_idx = sp['val']
            # lut['annotations'] = (color_idx, color_idx.astype(str))
            # cb_kwds['labelFormat'] = '%-4.0f'

            mapper['lookuptable'] = lut

            ren.AddActor(**actor, mapper=mapper)

        ren.activeCamera.parallelProjection = True
        ren.activeCamera.Zoom(zoom[i, j])

    # Plot renderers for color bar, text
    for e in entries:
        kwds = dp.renderer_kwds.copy()
        kwds.update({'row': e.row, 'col': e.col, 'background': background})
        ren1 = p.AddRenderer(**kwds)
        if isinstance(e.label, str):
            _add_text(ren1, e.label, e.loc, **text_kwds)
        else:  # color bar
            ren_lut = p.renderers[p.populated[e.label]][-1]
            lut = ren_lut.actors.lastActor.mapper.lookupTable
            _add_colorbar(ren1, lut.VTKObject, e.loc, **cb_kwds)

    return p
Esempio n. 3
def params_prod(params):
    return (dict(zip(params, x)) for x in iter_prod(*params.values()))