Esempio n. 1
 def key_of(self, i):
     Returns the key associated with index i.
     :param i: the index of the key to return
     :return: the key associated with index i
     :raises IllegalArgumentException: unless 0 <= i < max_n
     :raises NoSuchElementException: if no key is associated with index i
     if i < 0 or i >= self.max_n:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("index is out of range")
     if not self.contains(i):
         raise IllegalArgumentException("index is not on the priority queue")
     return self.keys[i]
    def __init__(self, G, s):
        """Computes a shortest-paths tree from the source vertex s to every
        other vertex in the edge-weighted graph G.

        :param G: the edge-weighted graph
        :param s: the source vertex
        :raises IllegalArgumentException: if an edge weight is negative
        :raises IllegalArgumentException: unless 0 <= s < V

        for e in G.edges():
            if e.weight() < 0:
                raise IllegalArgumentException(
                    "edge {} has negative weight".format(e))

        self._dist_to = [float("inf")] * G.V()
        self._edge_to = [None] * G.V()
        self._dist_to[s] = 0.0
        self._pq = IndexMinPQ(G.V())
        self._pq.insert(s, 0)

        while not self._pq.is_empty():
            v = self._pq.del_min()
            for e in G.adj(v):
                self._relax(e, v)
Esempio n. 3
 def put(self, key, val):
     if key is None:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("called put() with None key")
     if val is None:
         self._st.pop(key, None)
         self._st[key] = val
    def from_stream(stream):
        """Initializes an edge-weighted graph from an input stream. The format
        is the number of vertices V, followed by the number of edges E,
        followed by E pairs of vertices and edge weights, with each entry
        separated by whitespace.

        :param stream: the input stream
        :raises IllegalArgumentException: if the endpoints of any edge are not in prescribed range
        :raises IllegalArgumentException: if the number of vertices or edges is negative
        :return: the edge-weighted graph
        :rtype: EdgeWeightedGraph

        g = EdgeWeightedGraph(stream.readInt())
        E = stream.readInt()
        if E < 0:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("Number of edges must be nonnegative")
        for _ in range(E):
            v = stream.readInt()
            w = stream.readInt()
            weight = stream.readFloat()
            e = Edge(v, w, weight)
        return g
Esempio n. 5
 def insert(self, i, key):
     Associates key with index i
     :param i: an index
     :param key: the key to associate with index i
     :raises IllegalArgumentException: unless 0 <= i < max_n
     :raises IllegalArgumentException: if there already is an item associated with index i
     if i < 0 or i >= self.max_n:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("index is not within range")
     if self.contains(i):
         raise IllegalArgumentException("index is already in the priority queue")
     self.n += 1
     self.qp[i] = self.n
     self.pq[self.n] = i
     self.keys[i] = key
Esempio n. 6
 def decrease_key(self, i, key):
     Decrease the key associated with index i to the specified value.
     :param i: the index of the key to decrease
     :param key: decrease the key associated with index i to this key
     :raises IllegalArgumentException: unless 0 <= i < max_n
     :raises IllegalArgumentException: if key >= key_of(i)
     :raises NoSuchElementException: if no key is associated with index i
     if i < 0 or i >= self.max_n:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("index is not within range")
     if not self.contains(i):
         raise IllegalArgumentException("index is not in the priority queue")
     if self.keys[i] <= key:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("calling decrease_key() with given argument would not strictly decrease the key")
     self.keys[i] = key
 def _validate_vertex(self, v):
     Raises an IllegalArgumentException unluess 0 <= v < V
     :param v: the vertex to validate
     if v < 0 or v >= self._V:
         raise IllegalArgumentException(
             "vertex {} is not between 0 and {}".format(v, self._V - 1))
Esempio n. 8
 def union(self, that):
     if that is None:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("called union() with a None argument")
     c = set()
     for x in self:
     for x in that:
     return c
Esempio n. 9
 def _validate_vertex(self, v):
     Raises an IllegalArgumentException unless 0 <= v < V
     :param v: the vertex to be validated
     V = len(self._dist_to)
     if v < 0 or v >= V:
         raise IllegalArgumentException(
             "vertex {} is not between 0 and {}".format(v, V - 1))
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, v, w, weight):
        """Initializes an edge between vertices v and w of the given weight.

        :param v: one vertex
        :param w: the other vertex
        :param weight: the weight of this edge
        :raises IllegalArgumentException: if either v or w is a negative integer
        :raises IllegalArgumentException: if weight is NaN

        if v < 0:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("vertex index must be a nonnegative integer")
        if w < 0:
            raise IllegalArgumentException("vertex index must be a nonnegative integer")
        if math.isnan(weight):
            raise IllegalArgumentException("Weight is NaN")
        self._v = v
        self._w = w
        self._weight = weight
Esempio n. 11
 def floor(self, key):
     if key is None:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("called floor() with None key")
     floor = None
     for k in self:
         if (floor is None and k <= key) or (floor is not None and k<=key and k>floor):
             floor = k
     if floor is None:
         raise NoSuchElementException("all keys are greater than " + str(key))
     return floor
Esempio n. 12
 def ceiling(self, key):
     if key is None:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("called ceiling() with None key")
     ceiling = None
     for k in self:
         if (ceiling is None and k >= key) or (ceiling is not None and k>=key and k<ceiling):
             ceiling = k
     if ceiling is None:
         raise NoSuchElementException("all keys are less than " + str(key))
     return ceiling
Esempio n. 13
 def contains(self, i):
     Is i an index on this priority queue?
     :param i: an index
     :return: True if i is an index on this priority queue False otherwise
     :rtype: bool
     :raises IllegalArgumentException: unless 0 <= i < max_n
     if i < 0 or i >= self.max_n:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("index is not within range")
     return self.qp[i] != -1
Esempio n. 14
 def __init__(self, v, w, weight):
     Initializes a directed edge from vertex v to vertex w with
     the given weight.
     :param v: the tail vertex
     :param w: the head vertex
     :param weight: the weight of the directed edge
     :raises IllegalArgumentException: if either v or w is a negative integer
     :raises IllegalArgumentException: if weight is NaN
     if v < 0:
         raise IllegalArgumentException(
             "Vertex names must be nonnegative integers")
     if w < 0:
         raise IllegalArgumentException(
             "Vertex names must be nonnegative integers")
     if math.isnan(weight):
         raise IllegalArgumentException("Weight is NaN")
     self._v = v
     self._w = w
     self._weight = weight
Esempio n. 15
 def intersects(self, that):
     if that is None:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("called intersects() with a null argument")
     c = set()
     if self.size() < that.size():
         for x in self:
             if that.contains(x):
         for x in that:
             if self.contains(x):
     return c
Esempio n. 16
 def __init__(self, V):
     Initializes an empty edge-weighted graph with V vertices and 0 edges.
     :param V: the number of vertices
     :raises IllegalArgumentException: if V < 0
     if V < 0:
         raise IllegalArgumentException(
             "Number of vertices must be nonnegative")
     self._V = V
     self._E = 0
     self._adj = [None] * V
     for v in range(V):
         self._adj[v] = Bag()
Esempio n. 17
 def other(self, vertex):
     Returns the endpoint of this edge that is different from the given vertex.
     :param vertex: one endpoint of this edge
     :return: the other endpoint of this edge
     :rtype: int
     :raises IllegalArgumentException: if the vertex is not one of the endpoints of this edge
     if vertex == self._v:
         return self._w
     elif vertex == self._w:
         return self._v
         raise IllegalArgumentException("Illegal endpoint")
Esempio n. 18
 def change_key(self, i, key):
     Change the key associated with index i to the specified value.
     :param i: the index of the key to change
     :param key: change the key associated with index i to this key
     :raises IllegalArgumentException: unless 0 <= i < max_n
     :raises NoSuchElementException: if no key is associated with index i
     if i < 0 or i >= self.max_n:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("index is not within range")
     if not self.contains(i):
         raise NoSuchElementException("index is not in the priority queue")
     self.keys[i] = key
Esempio n. 19
 def delete(self, i):
     Remove the key associated with index i
     :param i: the index of the key to remove
     :raises IllegalArgumentException: unless 0 <= i < max_n
     :raises NoSuchElementException: if no key is associated with index i
     if i < 0 or i >= self.max_n:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("index is not in range")
     if not self.contains(i):
         raise NoSuchElementException("index is not in the priority queue")
     index = self.qp[i]
     self._exch(index, self.n)
     self.n -= 1
     self.keys[i] = None
     self.qp[i] = -1
Esempio n. 20
 def _validate_vertex(self, v):
     V = len(self._marked)
     if v < 0 or v >= V:
         raise IllegalArgumentException(
             "vertex {} is not between 0 and {}".format(v, V - 1))
Esempio n. 21
 def get(self, key):
     if key is None:
        raise IllegalArgumentException("called get() with None key")
     return self._st.get(key)
Esempio n. 22
 def delete(self, key):
     if key is None:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("called delete() with None key")
     self._st.pop(key, None)
Esempio n. 23
 def add(self, key):
     if key is None:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("called add() with a None key")
Esempio n. 24
 def _validate_column_index(self, col):
     if col < 0 or col >= self.width():
         raise IllegalArgumentException()
Esempio n. 25
 def _validate_row_index(self, row):
     if row < 0 or row >= self.height():
         raise IllegalArgumentException()
Esempio n. 26
 def contains(self, key):
     if key is None:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("called contains() with a None key")
     return key in self._set
Esempio n. 27
 def delete(self, key):
     if key is None:
         raise IllegalArgumentException("called delete() with a None key")
     if self.contains(key):