def test_reduce_mean(x, axis, kd, dtype_str, tensor_fn, dev_str, call): # smoke test x = tensor_fn(x, dtype_str, dev_str) ret = ivy.reduce_mean(x, axis, kd) # type test assert ivy.is_array(ret) # cardinality test if axis is None: expected_shape = [1] * len(x.shape) if kd else [] else: axis_ = [axis] if isinstance(axis, int) else axis axis_ = [item % len(x.shape) for item in axis_] expected_shape = list(x.shape) if kd: expected_shape = [ 1 if i % len(x.shape) in axis_ else item for i, item in enumerate(expected_shape) ] else: [expected_shape.pop(item) for item in axis_] expected_shape = [1] if expected_shape == [] else expected_shape assert ret.shape == tuple(expected_shape) # value test assert np.allclose(call(ivy.reduce_mean, x), ivy.numpy.reduce_mean(ivy.to_numpy(x))) # compilation test helpers.assert_compilable(ivy.reduce_mean)
def pixel_cost_volume(image1, image2, search_range, batch_shape=None): """ Compute cost volume from image feature patch comparisons between first image :math:`\mathbf{X}_1\in\mathbb{R}^{h×w×d}` and second image :math:`\mathbf{X}_2\in\mathbb{R}^{h×w×d}`, as used in FlowNet paper.\n `[reference] <>`_ :param image1: Image 1 *[batch_shape,h,w,D]* :type image1: array :param image2: Image 2 *[batch_shape,h,w,D]* :type image2: array :param search_range: Search range for patch comparisons. :type search_range: int :param batch_shape: Shape of batch. Inferred from inputs if None. :type batch_shape: sequence of ints, optional :return: Cost volume between the images *[batch_shape,h,w,(search_range*2+1)^2]* """ if batch_shape is None: batch_shape = image1.shape[:-3] # shapes as list batch_shape = list(batch_shape) # shape info shape = image1.shape h = shape[-3] w = shape[-2] max_offset = search_range * 2 + 1 # pad dims pad_dims = [[0, 0]] * len(batch_shape) + [[search_range, search_range] ] * 2 + [[0, 0]] # BS x (H+2*SR) x (W+2*SR) x D padded_lvl = _ivy.zero_pad(image2, pad_dims) # create list cost_vol = [] # iterate through patches for y in range(0, max_offset): for x in range(0, max_offset): # BS x H x W x D tensor_slice = padded_lvl[..., y:y + h, x:x + w, :] # BS x H x W x 1 cost = _ivy.reduce_mean(image1 * tensor_slice, axis=-1, keepdims=True) # append to list cost_vol.append(cost) # BS x H x W x (max_offset^2) return _ivy.concatenate(cost_vol, -1)
def _log_nested(self, nest, global_step, name_hierarchy, spec): if not ivy.exists(self._writer): raise Exception('torch must be installed in order to use the file writer for tensorboard logging.') if 'global_vector_norm' in spec: self._writer.add_scalar(name_hierarchy + '/global vector norm', ivy.to_scalar(ivy.to_native(nest.vector_norm(global_norm=True))), global_step) for k, v in nest.items(): new_name_hierarchy = name_hierarchy + '/' + k if isinstance(v, dict): self._log_nested(v, global_step, new_name_hierarchy, spec) else: if 'mean' in spec: self._writer.add_scalar(new_name_hierarchy + '/mean', ivy.to_scalar(ivy.to_native(ivy.reduce_mean(v))), global_step) if 'abs_mean' in spec: self._writer.add_scalar(new_name_hierarchy + '/abs mean', ivy.to_scalar(ivy.to_native(ivy.reduce_mean(ivy.abs(v)))), global_step) if 'var' in spec: self._writer.add_scalar(new_name_hierarchy + '/var', ivy.to_scalar(ivy.to_native(ivy.reduce_var(v))), global_step) if 'abs_var' in spec: self._writer.add_scalar(new_name_hierarchy + '/abs var', ivy.to_scalar(ivy.to_native(ivy.reduce_var(ivy.abs(v)))), global_step) if 'min' in spec: self._writer.add_scalar(new_name_hierarchy + '/min', ivy.to_scalar(ivy.to_native(ivy.reduce_min(v))), global_step) if 'abs_min' in spec: self._writer.add_scalar(new_name_hierarchy + '/abs min', ivy.to_scalar(ivy.to_native(ivy.reduce_min(ivy.abs(v)))), global_step) if 'max' in spec: self._writer.add_scalar(new_name_hierarchy + '/max', ivy.to_scalar(ivy.to_native(ivy.reduce_max(v))), global_step) if 'abs_max' in spec: self._writer.add_scalar(new_name_hierarchy + '/abs max', ivy.to_scalar(ivy.to_native(ivy.reduce_max(ivy.abs(v)))), global_step) if 'vector_norm' in spec: self._writer.add_scalar(new_name_hierarchy + '/vector norm', ivy.to_scalar(ivy.to_native(ivy.vector_norm(v))), global_step)
def compute_cost_and_sdfs(learnable_anchor_vals, anchor_points, start_anchor_val, end_anchor_val, query_points, sim): anchor_vals = ivy.concatenate( (ivy.expand_dims(start_anchor_val, 0), learnable_anchor_vals, ivy.expand_dims(end_anchor_val, 0)), 0) joint_angles = ivy_robot.sample_spline_path(anchor_points, anchor_vals, query_points) link_positions = ivy.transpose( sim.ivy_manipulator.sample_links(joint_angles), (1, 0, 2)) length_cost = compute_length(link_positions) sdf_vals = sim.sdf(ivy.reshape(link_positions, (-1, 3))) coll_cost = -ivy.reduce_mean(sdf_vals) total_cost = length_cost + coll_cost * 10 return total_cost[0], joint_angles, link_positions, ivy.reshape( sdf_vals, (-1, 100, 1))
def get_reward(self): """ Get reward based on current state :return: Reward array """ # Goal proximity. x = ivy.reduce_sum(ivy.cos(self.angles), -1) y = ivy.reduce_sum(ivy.sin(self.angles), -1) xy = ivy.concatenate([ivy.expand_dims(x, 0), ivy.expand_dims(y, 0)], axis=0) rew = ivy.reshape( ivy.exp(-1 * ivy.reduce_sum((xy - self.goal_xy)**2, -1)), (-1, )) return ivy.reduce_mean(rew, axis=0, keepdims=True)
def compute_cost_and_sdfs(learnable_anchor_vals, anchor_points, start_anchor_val, end_anchor_val, query_points, sim): anchor_vals = ivy.concatenate( (ivy.expand_dims(start_anchor_val, 0), learnable_anchor_vals, ivy.expand_dims(end_anchor_val, 0)), 0) poses = ivy_robot.sample_spline_path(anchor_points, anchor_vals, query_points) inv_ext_mat_query_vals = ivy_mech.rot_vec_pose_to_mat_pose(poses) body_positions = ivy.transpose( sim.ivy_drone.sample_body(inv_ext_mat_query_vals), (1, 0, 2)) length_cost = compute_length(body_positions) sdf_vals = sim.sdf(ivy.reshape(body_positions, (-1, 3))) coll_cost = -ivy.reduce_mean(sdf_vals) total_cost = length_cost + coll_cost * 10 return total_cost[0], poses, body_positions, ivy.reshape( sdf_vals, (-1, 100, 1))
def _compute_cost(self, network, batch, dev_str, v=None): network_output = network(batch.input, v=v) return ivy.reduce_mean((network_output -**2)[0]
def compute_length(query_vals): start_vals = query_vals[:, 0:-1] end_vals = query_vals[:, 1:] dists_sqrd = ivy.maximum((end_vals - start_vals)**2, 1e-12) distances = ivy.reduce_sum(dists_sqrd, -1)**0.5 return ivy.reduce_mean(ivy.reduce_sum(distances, 1))
def loss_fn(v_): out = linear_layer(x, v=v_) return ivy.reduce_mean(out)[0]
def loss_fn(v_): out, (state_h, state_c) = lstm_layer(x, v=v_) return ivy.reduce_mean(out)[0]
def _loss_fn(self, model, rays_o, rays_d, target, v=None): rgb, depth = ivy_vision.render_implicit_features_and_depth( model, rays_o, rays_d, near=ivy.ones(self._img_dims, dev_str=self._dev_str) * 2, far=ivy.ones(self._img_dims, dev_str=self._dev_str) * 6, samples_per_ray=self._num_samples, v=v) return ivy.reduce_mean((rgb - target) ** 2)[0]
def loss_fn(v): pred = model(esm_obs, v=v) return ivy.reduce_mean((pred - target)**2)
def loss_fn(v_): out = module(x, v=v_) return ivy.reduce_mean(out)[0]