Esempio n. 1
 def check_node(self, n):
     x = var_to_skolem('__', Variable('X', n.sort)).suffix(str(n.sort))
     y = var_to_skolem('__', Variable('Y', n.sort)).suffix(str(n.sort))
     #        print "x.sort: {}",format(x.sort)
     s = self.solver
     # if we have a witness we can show node is definite (present in all models)
     wit = get_witness(n)
     #        print "checking: {}".format(n.fmla)
     cube = substitute_clause(n.fmla, {'X': x})
     #        print "cube: {!r}".format(cube)
     #        print wit
     #        if wit != None:
     ##            print "wit: {}, wit.sort: {}, x.sort: {}".format(wit,wit.sort,x.sort)
     res = s_check_cube(s, cube,
                        (Atom(equals, [x, wit]) if wit != None else None))
     ##        print"check cube: %s = %s" % (cube,res)
     #        res = s_check_cube(s,substitute_clause(n.fmla,{'X':x}))
     #        print "status: {}".format(res)
     n.status = res
     s_add(s, cube_to_z3(substitute_clause(n.fmla, {'X': x})))
     s_add(s, cube_to_z3(substitute_clause(n.fmla, {'X': y})))
     s_add(s, cube_to_z3([Literal(0, Atom(equals, [x, y]))]))
     n.summary = s.check() != z3.unsat
Esempio n. 2
def mk_variant_assign_clauses(lhs, rhs):
    n = lhs.rep
    new_n = new(n)
    args = lhs.args
    dlhs = new_n(*sym_placeholders(n))
    vs = dlhs.args
    eqs = [
        eq_atom(v, a) for (v, a) in zip(vs, args)
        if not isinstance(a, Variable)
    rn = dict((a.rep, v) for v, a in zip(vs, args) if isinstance(a, Variable))
    drhs = substitute_ast(rhs, rn)
    nondet = n.suffix("_nd").skolem()
    if eqs:
        nondet = Ite(And(*eqs), nondet, n(*dlhs.args))
    lsort, rsort = lhs.sort, rhs.sort
    fmlas = [
            pto(lsort, rsort)(dlhs, Variable('X', rsort)),
            Equals(Variable('X', rsort), drhs))
    for s in ivy_module.module.variants[]:
        if s != rsort:
            fmlas.append(Not(pto(lsort, s)(dlhs, Variable('X', s))))
    new_clauses = Clauses(fmlas, [Definition(dlhs, nondet)])
    return new_clauses
Esempio n. 3
def rela_fact(polarity, relname, n1, n2):
    return ([~lit for lit in fmla1] + [
        for lit in substitute_clause(n2.fmla, {'X': Variable('Y', n2.sort)})
    ] + [
            Atom(relname, [Variable('X', n1.sort),
                           Variable('Y', n2.sort)]))
Esempio n. 4
 def empty_edge(self, rel_lit, head, tail):
     g = self
     fmla = [~lit for lit in head.fmla] + [
         ~substitute_lit(lit, {'X': Variable('Y')}) for lit in tail.fmla
     ] + [~rel_lit]
     #        print "adding clause: %s" % fmla
def interp_from_unsat_core(clauses1, clauses2, core, interpreted):
    used_syms = used_symbols_clauses(core)
    vars = used_variables_clauses(core)
    if vars:
        #        print "interpolant would require skolem constants"
        return None
    core_consts = used_constants_clauses(core)
    clauses2_consts = used_constants_clauses(clauses2)
    #    print "interp_from_unsat_core core_consts = {}".format(map(str,core_consts))
    #    print "interp_from_unsat_core clauses2_consts = {}".format(map(str,clauses2_consts))
    renaming = dict()
    i = 0
    for v in core_consts:
        if v not in clauses2_consts or v.is_skolem(
        ):  # and v not in interpreted:
            renaming[v] = Variable('V' + str(i), Constant(v).get_sort())
            i += 1

#    print "interp_from_unsat_core core = {}".format(core)
#    print "interp_from_unsat_core renaming = {}".format(renaming)
    renamed_core = substitute_constants_clauses(core, renaming)
    #    print "interp_from_unsat_core renamed_core = {}".format(renamed_core)
    res = simplify_clauses(
        Clauses([Or(*[negate(c) for c in renamed_core.fmlas])]))
    #    print "interp_from_unsat_core res = {}".format(res)
    return res
Esempio n. 6
    def subactions(self) :
        if isinstance(self.args[0],ivy_ast.Some):
            ps = list(self.args[0].params())
            fmla = self.args[0].fmla()
            vs = [Variable('V{}'.format(idx),x.sort) for idx,x in enumerate(ps)]
            subst = dict((c,v) for c,v in zip(ps,vs))
            sfmla = substitute_constants_ast(fmla,subst)
            if isinstance(self.args[0],ivy_ast.SomeMinMax):
                idx = self.args[0].index()
                if idx not in ps:
                    ltsym = Symbol('<',RelationSort([idx.sort,idx.sort]))
                    operator = lambda x,y: Not(ltsym(x,y))
                    ivar = substitute_constants_ast(idx,subst)
                    comp = operator(ivar,idx) if isinstance(self.args[0],ivy_ast.SomeMin) else operator(idx,ivar)
                    fmla = And(fmla,Implies(sfmla,comp))
                else :
                    leqsym = Symbol('<=',RelationSort([idx.sort,idx.sort]))
                    operator = lambda x,y: And(leqsym(x,y),Not(Equals(x,y)))
                    ivar = next(v for p,v in zip(ps,vs) if p == idx)
                    comp = operator(ivar,idx) if isinstance(self.args[0],ivy_ast.SomeMin) else operator(idx,ivar)
                    fmla = And(fmla,Not(And(sfmla,comp)))
            if_part = LocalAction(*(ps+[Sequence(AssumeAction(fmla),self.args[1])]))
            else_action = self.args[2] if len(self.args) >= 3 else Sequence()
            else_part = Sequence(AssumeAction(Not(sfmla)),else_action)
#            iu.dbg('if_part')
#            iu.dbg('else_part')
            if not is_boolean(self.args[0]):
                raise IvyError(self,'condition must be boolean') 
            if_part = Sequence(AssumeAction(self.args[0]),self.args[1])
            else_action = self.args[2] if len(self.args) >= 3 else Sequence()
            else_part = Sequence(AssumeAction(dual_formula(self.args[0])),else_action)
        return if_part,else_part
Esempio n. 7
 def compile_concepts(self, concepts):
     clauses =
     #        print "compile_concepts clauses={}".format(clauses)
     vs = used_variables_in_order_clauses(clauses)
     sksubs = dict(
         (v.rep, var_to_skolem('__', Variable(v.rep, v.sort))) for v in vs)
     clauses = substitute_clauses(clauses, sksubs)
     #        print "clauses: {}".format(clauses)
     return clauses
Esempio n. 8
 def concept_label(self, concept):
     fmla = concept.formula
     if len(concept.variables) == 1:
         v = concept.variables[0]
         if can_abbreviate_formula(v, fmla):
             res = il.fmla_to_str_ambiguous(
                 ilu.substitute_ast(fmla, {v.rep: Variable('', v.sort)}))
             return res.replace(' ', '').replace('()', '')
     return str(fmla)
Esempio n. 9
 def check_edge(self, f1, f2, solver):
     x = var_to_skolem('__',
     y = var_to_skolem('__',
     s_add(solver, cube_to_z3(substitute_clause(f1, {'X': x})))
     s_add(solver, cube_to_z3(substitute_clause(f2, {'X': y})))
     #        print "xsort: {}, ysort: {}".format(x.get_sort(),y.get_sort())
     #        print "rel_lit: {}, subs: {}".format(self.rel_lit,substitute_lit(self.rel_lit,{'X':x,'Y':y}))
     res = s_check_cube(solver,
                        [substitute_lit(self.rel_lit, {
                            'X': x,
                            'Y': y
     return res
Esempio n. 10
def initial_concept_domain(sorts):

    concepts = empty_concepts()

    # add one node for each sort
    for sort in sorts:
        X = Variable('X', sort)
        add_domain_concept_fmla(concepts, Equals(X, X), kind='nodes')

    return make_concept_domain(concepts)
Esempio n. 11
def create_unit_sort(concepts):
    sort = il.UninterpretedSort('unit')
    if 'unit' not in il.sig.sorts:
        il.sig.sorts['unit'] = sort
    if 'has_unit' not in concepts:  # HACK: will this damage anything?
        X = Variable('X', sort)
        add_domain_concept_fmla(concepts, Equals(X, X), kind='nodes')
        concepts['has_unit'] = []

    return il.sig.sorts['unit']
Esempio n. 12
 def get_cond(self):
     if isinstance(self.args[0],ivy_ast.Some):
         ps = list(self.args[0].params())
         fmla = self.args[0].fmla()
         vs = [Variable('V{}'.format(idx),x.sort) for idx,x in enumerate(ps)]
         subst = dict((c,v) for c,v in zip(ps,vs))
         sfmla = substitute_constants_ast(fmla,subst)
         return Exists(vs,sfmla)
         return self.args[0]
Esempio n. 13
 def splatter(self, node, constants=None):
     if constants == None:
         constants = ilu.used_constants_clauses(self.constraints)
     concepts = self.concept_session.domain.concepts
     name = + '.splatter'
     concepts[name] = enum_concepts(name, None, None)
     for cons in constants:
         c1 = concept_from_formula(Equals(Variable('X', node.sort), cons))
         concepts[] = c1
     self.concept_session.domain.split(, name)
Esempio n. 14
def get_projections_of_ternaries(wit):
    #    print "witness: {}".format(wit)
    for sym in ivy_logic.all_symbols():
        #        print "rel: {}. sort = {}".format(sym,sym.sort)
        if sym.is_relation() and len(sym.sort.dom) == 3:
            #            print "ternary: {}, sort = {}".format(sym,sym.sort)
            for i in range(3):
                if sym.sort.dom[i] == wit.sort:
                    yield sym(*[
                        t if t is wit else Variable(t, s)
                        for t, s in zip(lins(['X', 'Y'], i, wit), sym.sort.dom)
Esempio n. 15
def make_lit_label(lit):
    # pred = lit.atom.relname
    # if pred != "=":
    #     label = pred
    # else:
    #     terms = lit.atom.args
    #     arg = 1 if isinstance(terms[0],Variable) else 0
    #     label = "=" + lit.atom.args[arg].rep
    for v in used_variables_ast(lit):
        return repr(substitute_lit(lit,
                                   {v.rep: Variable('', v.sort)})).replace(
                                       ' ', '').replace('()', '')
    label = str(lit.atom)
    return label if lit.polarity == 1 else "~" + label
def update_frame_constraint(update, relations):
    """ Return a clause list constraining all updated symbols
    to keep their previous values """
    clauses = []
    for sym in update[0]:
        if sym in relations:
            arity = relations[sym]
            vs = [Variable("V{}".format(i)) for i in range(0, arity)]
            lit1 = Literal(1, Atom(sym, vs))
            lit2 = Literal(1, Atom(new(sym), vs))
            clauses += [[~lit1, lit2], [lit1, ~lit2]]
            clauses.append([eq_lit(Constant(sym), Constant(new(sym)))])
    return Clauses(clauses)
Esempio n. 17
    def set_state(self, clauses, recomp=True):
        self.state = clauses
        self.solver_clauses = true_clauses()
        self.predicates = self.get_predicates(clauses)
        sig = self.parent_state.domain.sig
        ufs = [
            x for x, arity in self.parent_state.domain.functions.iteritems()
            if arity == 1 and not has_enumerated_sort(sig, x)
        if not hasattr(self, 'brels'):
            self.brels = ([
                self.make_rel_lit(r, ['X', 'Y'])
                for r, arity in self.parent_state.domain.all_relations
                if arity == 2
            ] + [
                    Atom(equals, [
                        App(f, Variable('X', f.sort.dom[0])),
                        Variable('Y', f.sort.rng)
                    ])) for f in ufs
#        brels =  list(used_binary_relations_clauses(clauses))
#        brels = [r for r in brels if ((r != equals) and not r.startswith('__'))]
##        print "brels: %s" % brels
        self.relations = [GraphRelation(self, rel) for rel in self.brels]
        self.relations += [
            GraphRelationUnary(self, rel) for rel in self.predicates
            if not isinstance(rel, tuple) and used_variables_ast(rel)
        self.relations += [
            GraphFunctionUnary(self, Literal(1, rel[0]))
            for rel in self.predicates if isinstance(rel, tuple)
        self.needs_recompute = True
        if recomp:
Esempio n. 18
 def get_predicates(self, clauses):
     #        print "get_predicates: {}".format(clauses)
     d = self.parent_state.domain
     sig = d.sig
     urs = [
         x for x in used_unary_relations_clauses(clauses)
         if not is_skolem(x)
     cs = [
         x for x in used_constants_clauses(clauses) if not is_skolem(x)
         and not has_enumerated_sort(sig, x) and not x.is_numeral()
     ufs = [
         x for x in used_unary_functions_clauses(clauses)
         if not is_skolem(x) and has_enumerated_sort(sig, x)
     nrs = [x for x, arity in d.relations.iteritems() if arity == 0]
         urs, [x for x, arity in d.relations.iteritems() if arity == 1])
     union_to_list(cs, [
         x for x, arity in d.functions.iteritems()
         if arity == 0 and not has_enumerated_sort(sig, x)
     union_to_list(ufs, [
         x for x, arity in d.functions.iteritems()
         if arity == 1 and has_enumerated_sort(sig, x)
     #        print "ufs: {}".format(ufs)
     ccs = [Constant(c) for c in cs]
     #        print "sorts: {}".format([(c,c.get_sort()) for c in ccs])
     return ([Literal(1, Atom(c, [])) for c in nrs] + [
         Literal(1, Atom(equals, [Variable("X", c.get_sort()), c]))
         for c in ccs
     ] + [Literal(1, Atom(r, [Variable("X", r.sort.dom[0])]))
          for r in urs] + [(App(f, Variable('X', f.sort.dom[0])), [
              Constant(Symbol(x, f.sort.rng)) for x in f.sort.rng.defines()
          ]) for f in ufs])
Esempio n. 19
def concepts_from_sig(symbols, concepts):

    for c in sorted(symbols, key=str):

        dom, rng = c.sort.dom, c.sort.rng

        if il.is_enumerated_sort(rng):
            # TODO: we have no way to display enumerated constants
            if len(dom) in [1, 2]:
                vs = [Variable(n, s) for n, s in zip(['X', 'Y'], dom)]
                ec = concept_from_formula(c(*vs))
                concepts[] = enum_concepts(, vs, c(*vs))
                for cons in rng.constructors:
                    c1 = add_domain_concept_fmla(concepts,
                                                 Equals(c(*vs), cons),

        elif il.is_boolean_sort(rng):
            # TODO: we have no way to display boolean constants
            if len(dom) in [1, 2, 3]:
                vs = [Variable(n, s) for n, s in zip(['X', 'Y', 'Z'], dom)]
                add_domain_concept_fmla(concepts, c(*vs))

        elif il.is_first_order_sort(rng):
            if len(dom) == 0:
                                        Equals(Variable('X', rng), c))
            elif len(dom) in [1, 2]:
                vs = [
                    Variable(n, s)
                    for n, s in zip(['X', 'Y', 'Z'], dom + (rng, ))
                fmla = Equals(c(*vs[0:-1]), vs[-1])
                add_domain_concept_fmla(concepts, fmla)
Esempio n. 20
 def action_update(self,domain,pvars):
     lhs = self.args[0]
     n = lhs.rep
     new_n = new(n)
     args = lhs.args
     vs = [Variable("X%d" % i,s) for i,s in enumerate(n.sort.dom)]
     eqs = [eq_atom(v,a) for (v,a) in zip(vs,args) if not isinstance(a,Variable)]
     if is_atom(lhs):
         clauses = And(*([Or(Not(Atom(new_n,vs)),Atom(n,vs),eq) for eq in eqs] +
                         [Or(Atom(new_n,vs),Not(Atom(n,vs)),eq) for eq in eqs]))
     elif is_individual_ast(lhs.rep):
         clauses = And(*[Or(eq_atom(type(lhs)(new_n,vs),type(lhs)(n,vs)),eq) for eq in eqs])
     else: # TODO: ???
         clauses = And()
     clauses = formula_to_clauses(clauses)
     return ([n], clauses, false_clauses())
Esempio n. 21
 def witness(self, node):
     g = self
     for lit in node.fmla:
         #            print lit
         if is_equality_lit(lit) and isinstance(lit.atom.args[0], Variable):
             self.add_witness_constraint(node, lit.atom.args[1])
             return lit.atom.args[1]
     uc = used_symbols_clauses(g.state)
     fmlas = [n.fmla for n in g.all_nodes]
     for f in fmlas:
     nc = unused_constant(uc, node.sort)
     #        print "type(nc) = {}".format(type(nc))
     self.add_witness_constraint(node, nc)
     self.split(node, eq_lit(Variable('X', node.sort), nc))
     return nc
Esempio n. 22
 def check_edge(self, f1, solver):
     x = var_to_skolem('__',
     s_add(solver, cube_to_z3(substitute_clause(f1, {'X': x})))
     #  print "xsort: {}, ysort: {}".format(x.get_sort(),y.get_sort())
     #        print "rel_lit: {}, subs: {}".format(self.rel_lit,substitute_lit(self.rel_lit,{'X':x,'Y':y}))
     f = self.fmla
     vals = [Constant(Symbol(y, f.sort.rng)) for y in f.sort.rng.defines()]
     status = 'undef'
     for v in vals:
         if s_check_fmla(solver, self.test_lit(x, v).atom) == z3.unsat:
             status = v
     return status
Esempio n. 23
def concepts_from_sig(symbols, concepts):

    for c in sorted(symbols, key=str):

        dom, rng = c.sort.dom, c.sort.rng

        if il.is_enumerated_sort(rng):
            if len(dom) in [0, 1, 2]:
                if len(dom) == 0:
                    if c in il.sig.constructors:
                    # Hack: we treat enumerated constants as labels on the bogus sort "unit"
                    vs, xvs = [], [Variable('X', create_unit_sort(concepts))]
                    vs, xvs = [
                        Variable(n, s) for n, s in zip(['X', 'Y'], dom)
                    ], None
                ec = concept_from_formula(c(*vs), vs=xvs)
                concepts[] = enum_concepts(, vs, c(*vs))
                for cons in rng.constructors:
                    c1 = add_domain_concept_fmla(concepts,
                                                 Equals(c(*vs), cons),

        elif il.is_boolean_sort(rng):
            # TODO: we have no way to display boolean constants
            if len(dom) in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
                if len(dom) == 0:
                    if c in il.sig.constructors:
                    # Hack: we treat boolean constants as labels on the bogus sort "unit"
                    vs, xvs = [], [Variable('X', create_unit_sort(concepts))]
                    vs, xvs = [
                        Variable(n, s) for n, s in zip(['X', 'Y', 'Z'], dom)
                    ], None
                add_domain_concept_fmla(concepts, c(*vs), vs=xvs)

        elif il.is_first_order_sort(rng):
            if len(dom) == 0:
                                        Equals(Variable('X', rng), c))
            elif len(dom) in [1, 2]:
                vs = [
                    Variable(n, s)
                    for n, s in zip(['X', 'Y', 'Z'], dom + (rng, ))
                fmla = Equals(c(*vs[0:-1]), vs[-1])
                add_domain_concept_fmla(concepts, fmla)
Esempio n. 24
def xtra_concept(sort, vn1, vn2):
    return Literal(
        1, Atom('__xtra:' + sort,
                [Variable(vn1, sort), Variable(vn2, sort)]))
Esempio n. 25
def witness_concept(c):
    return concept_from_formula(Equals(Variable('X', c.sort), c))
Esempio n. 26
def make_field_update(self,l,f,r,domain,pvars):
    if not f.is_relation() or len(f.sort.dom) != 2:
        raise IvyError(self, "field " + str(f) + " must be a binary relation")
    v = Variable('X',f.sort.dom[1])
    aa = AssignAction(f(l,v),r(v))
    return aa.action_update(domain,pvars)
Esempio n. 27
def node_concept(sort, varname):
    return Literal(1, Atom('__node:' + sort, [Variable(varname, sort)]))
Esempio n. 28
 def variable(self, name):
     return Variable(name, self.sort)
Esempio n. 29
 def make_rel_lit(self, rel, varnames):
     args = [Variable(v, t) for v, t in zip(varnames, rel.sort.dom)]
     return Literal(1, Atom(rel, args))