Esempio n. 1
def test_reporter_file(tmp_path):
    r = Reporter()

    # Path to a temporary file
    p = tmp_path / 'foo.txt'

    # File can be added to the Reporter before it is created, because the file
    # is not read until/unless required
    k1 = r.add_file(p)

    # File has the expected key
    assert k1 == 'file:foo.txt'

    # Add some contents to the file
    p.write_text('Hello, world!')

    # The file's contents can be read through the Reporter
    assert r.get('file:foo.txt') == 'Hello, world!'

    # Write the report to file
    p2 = tmp_path / 'bar.txt'
    r.write('file:foo.txt', p2)

    # Write using a string path
    r.write('file:foo.txt', str(p2))

    # The Reporter produces the expected output file
    assert p2.read_text() == 'Hello, world!'
Esempio n. 2
def test_reporting_filters(test_mp, tmp_path):
    """Reporting can be filtered ex ante."""
    scen = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp, 'Reporting filters', 'Reporting filters',
    t, t_foo, t_bar, x = add_test_data(scen)

    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)
    x_key = rep.full_key('x')

    def assert_t_indices(labels):
        assert set(rep.get(x_key).index.levels[0]) == set(labels)

    # 1. Set filters directly
    rep.graph['filters'] = {'t': t_foo}

    # Reporter can be re-used by changing filters
    rep.graph['filters'] = {'t': t_bar}

    rep.graph['filters'] = {}

    # 2. Set filters using a convenience method
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Clear filters using the convenience method

    # 3. Set filters via configuration keys
    # NB passes through from_scenario() -> __init__() -> configure()
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen, filters={'t': t_foo})

    # Configuration key can also be read from file
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Write a temporary file containing the desired labels
    config_file = tmp_path / 'config.yaml'
        '  t: {!r}'.format(t_bar),

Esempio n. 3
def test_reporter_disaggregate():
    r = Reporter()
    foo = Key('foo', ['a', 'b', 'c'])
    r.add(foo, '<foo data>')
    r.add('d_shares', '<share data>')

    # Disaggregation works
    r.disaggregate(foo, 'd', args=['d_shares'])

    assert 'foo:a-b-c-d' in r.graph
    assert r.graph['foo:a-b-c-d'] == (computations.disaggregate_shares,
                                      'foo:a-b-c', 'd_shares')

    # Invalid method
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        r.disaggregate(foo, 'd', method='baz')
Esempio n. 4
def test_report_size(test_mp):
    """Stress-test reporting of large, sparse quantities."""
    from itertools import zip_longest

    import numpy as np

    # test_mp.add_unit('kg')
    scen = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp, 'size test', 'base', version='new')

    # Dimensions and their lengths
    dims = 'abcdef'
    sizes = [1, 5, 21, 21, 89, 377]  # Fibonacci #s; next 1597, 6765

    # commented: "377 / 73984365 elements = 0.00051% full"
    # from functools import reduce
    # from operator import mul
    # size = reduce(mul, sizes)
    # print('{} / {} elements = {:.5f}% full'
    #       .format(max(sizes), size, 100 * max(sizes) / size))

    # Names like f_0000 ... f_1596 along each dimension
    coords = []
    for d, N in zip(dims, sizes):
        # py3.5 compat: could use an f-string here
        coords.append(['{}_{:04d}'.format(d, i) for i in range(N)])
        # Add to Scenario
        scen.add_set(d, coords[-1])

    def _make_values():
        """Make a DataFrame containing each label in *coords* at least once."""
        values = list(zip_longest(*coords, np.random.rand(max(sizes))))
        result = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=list(dims) + ['value']) \
        result['unit'] = 'kg'
        return result

    # Fill the Scenario with quantities named q_01 ... q_09
    N = 10
    names = []
    for i in range(10):
        # py3.5 compat: could use an f-string here
        name = 'q_{:02d}'.format(i)
        scen.init_par(name, list(dims))
        scen.add_par(name, _make_values())

    # Create the reporter
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Add an operation that takes the product, i.e. requires all the q_*
    keys = [rep.full_key(name) for name in names]
    rep.add('bigmem', tuple([computations.product] + keys))

    # One quantity fits in memory
    # assert False

    # All quantities together trigger MemoryError
Esempio n. 5
def test_reporter_describe(test_mp, test_data_path, capsys):
    scen = make_dantzig(test_mp)
    r = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # hexadecimal ID of *scen*
    id_ = hex(id(scen)) if != 'nt' else \
        '{:#018X}'.format(id(scen)).replace('X', 'x')

    # Describe one key
    desc1 = """'d:i':
- sum(dimensions=['j'], weights=None, ...)
- 'd:i-j':
  - data_for_quantity('par', 'd', 'value', ...)
  - 'scenario':
    - <ixmp.core.Scenario object at {id}>
  - 'filters':
    - {{}}""".format(id=id_)
    assert desc1 == r.describe('d:i')

    # Description was also written to stdout
    out1, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    assert desc1 + '\n' == out1

    # Description of all keys is as expected
    desc2 = (test_data_path / 'report-describe.txt').read_text() \
    assert desc2 == r.describe() + '\n'

    # Result was also written to stdout
    out2, _ = capsys.readouterr()
    assert desc2 == out2
Esempio n. 6
def test_reporter_from_dantzig(test_mp, test_data_path):
    scen = make_dantzig(test_mp, solve=test_data_path)

    # Reporter.from_scenario can handle the Dantzig problem
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Partial sums are available automatically (d is defined over i and j)
    d_i = rep.get('d:i')

    # Units pass through summation
    assert d_i.attrs['_unit'] == ureg.parse_units('km')

    # Summation across all dimensions results a 1-element Quantity
    d = rep.get('d:')
    assert len(d) == 1
    assert np.isclose(d.iloc[0], 11.7)

    # Weighted sum
    weights = Quantity(xr.DataArray(
        [1, 2, 3],
        coords=['chicago new-york topeka'.split()],
    new_key = rep.aggregate('d:i-j', 'weighted', 'j', weights)

    # ...produces the expected new key with the summed dimension removed and
    # tag added
    assert new_key == 'd:i:weighted'

    # ...produces the expected new value
    obs = rep.get(new_key)
    exp = (rep.get('d:i-j') * weights).sum(dim=['j']) / weights.sum(dim=['j'])
    # TODO: attrs has to be explicitly copied here because math is done which
    # returns a pd.Series
    exp = Quantity(exp, attrs=rep.get('d:i-j').attrs)

    assert_series_equal(obs.sort_index(), exp.sort_index())

    # Disaggregation with explicit data
    # (cases of canned food 'p'acked in oil or water)
    shares = xr.DataArray([0.8, 0.2], coords=[['oil', 'water']], dims=['p'])
    new_key = rep.disaggregate('b:j', 'p', args=[Quantity(shares)])

    # ...produces the expected key with new dimension added
    assert new_key == 'b:j-p'

    b_jp = rep.get('b:j-p')

    # Units pass through disaggregation
    assert b_jp.attrs['_unit'] == 'cases'

    # Set elements are available
    assert rep.get('j') == ['new-york', 'chicago', 'topeka']

    # 'all' key retrieves all quantities
    obs = { for da in rep.get('all')}
    exp = set('a b d f demand demand-margin z x'.split())
    assert obs == exp

    # Shorthand for retrieving a full key name
    assert rep.full_key('d') == 'd:i-j' and isinstance(rep.full_key('d'), Key)
Esempio n. 7
def test_reporting_platform_units(test_mp, caplog):
    """Test handling of units from ixmp.Platform.

    test_mp is loaded with some units includig '-', '???', 'G$', etc. which are
    not parseable with pint; and others which are not defined in a default
    pint.UnitRegistry. These tests check the handling of those units.

    # Prepare a Scenario with test data
    scen = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp, 'reporting_platform_units',
                         'reporting_platform_units', 'new')
    t, t_foo, t_bar, x = add_test_data(scen)
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)
    x_key = rep.full_key('x')

    # Convert 'x' to dataframe
    x = x.to_series().rename('value').reset_index()

    # Exception message, formatted as a regular expression
    msg = r"unit '{}' cannot be parsed; contains invalid character\(s\) '{}'"

    # Unit and components for the regex
    bad_units = [('-', '-', '-'), ('???', r'\?\?\?', r'\?'),
                 ('G$', r'G\$', r'\$')]
    for unit, expr, chars in bad_units:
        # Overwrite the parameter
        x['unit'] = unit
        scen.add_par('x', x)

        # Parsing units with invalid chars raises an intelligible exception
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg.format(expr, chars)):

    # Now using parseable but unrecognized units
    x['unit'] = 'USD/kWa'
    scen.add_par('x', x)

    # Unrecognized units are added automatically, with log messages emitted
    expected = [
        'Add unit definition: USD = [USD]',
        'Add unit definition: kWa = [kWa]',
    assert all(e in [rec.message for rec in caplog.records] for e in expected)

    # Mix of recognized/unrecognized units can be added: USD is already in the
    # unit registry, so is not re-added
    x['unit'] = 'USD/pkm'
    scen.add_par('x', x)

    assert not any('Add unit definition: USD = [USD]' in rec.message
                   for rec in caplog.records)
    assert any('Add unit definition: pkm = [pkm]' in rec.message
               for rec in caplog.records)
Esempio n. 8
def test_reporter_add_queue():
    r = Reporter()
    r.add('foo-0', (lambda x: x, 42))

    # A computation
    def _product(a, b):
        return a * b

    # A queue of computations to add. Only foo-1 succeeds on the first pass;
    # only foo-2 on the second pass, etc.
    strict = dict(strict=True)
    queue = [
        (('foo-4', _product, 'foo-3', 10), strict),
        (('foo-3', _product, 'foo-2', 10), strict),
        (('foo-2', _product, 'foo-1', 10), strict),
        (('foo-1', _product, 'foo-0', 10), {}),

    # Maximum 3 attempts → foo-4 fails on the start of the 3rd pass
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match='foo-3'):
        r.add(queue, max_tries=3, fail='raise')

    # But foo-2 was successfully added on the second pass, and gives the
    # correct result
    assert r.get('foo-2') == 42 * 10 * 10
Esempio n. 9
def test_reporter_read_config(test_mp, test_data_path):
    scen = make_dantzig(test_mp)
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Configuration can be read from file
    rep.configure(test_data_path / 'report-config-0.yaml')

    # Data from configured file is available
    assert rep.get('d_check').loc['seattle', 'chicago'] == 1.7
Esempio n. 10
def test_reporter(test_mp):
    scen = Scenario(test_mp,
                    'canning problem (MESSAGE scheme)',

    # Varies between local & CI contexts
    # DEBUG may be due to reuse of test_mp in a non-deterministic order
    if not scen.has_solution():

    # IXMPReporter can be initialized on a MESSAGE Scenario
    rep_ix = ixmp_Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # message_ix.Reporter can also be initialized
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Number of quantities available in a rudimentary MESSAGEix Scenario
    assert len(rep.graph['all']) == 120

    # Quantities have short dimension names
    assert 'demand:n-c-l-y-h' in rep.graph

    # Aggregates are available
    assert 'demand:n-l-h' in rep.graph

    # Quantities contain expected data
    dims = dict(coords=['chicago new-york topeka'.split()], dims=['n'])
    demand = xr.DataArray([300, 325, 275], **dims)

    # NB the call to squeeze() drops the length-1 dimensions c-l-y-h
    obs = rep.get('demand:n-c-l-y-h').squeeze(drop=True)
    # TODO: Squeeze on AttrSeries still returns full index, whereas xarray
    # drops everything except node
    obs = obs.reset_index(['c', 'l', 'y', 'h'], drop=True)
    # check_dtype is false because of casting in pd.Series to float
    # check_attrsis false because we don't get the unit addition in bare xarray
    assert_qty_equal(obs.sort_index(), demand,
                     check_attrs=False, check_dtype=False)

    # ixmp.Reporter pre-populated with only model quantities and aggregates
    assert len(rep_ix.graph) == 5088

    # message_ix.Reporter pre-populated with additional, derived quantities
    assert len(rep.graph) == 7975

    # Derived quantities have expected dimensions
    vom_key = rep.full_key('vom')
    assert vom_key not in rep_ix
    assert vom_key == 'vom:nl-t-yv-ya-m-h'

    # …and expected values
    vom = (
        rep.get(rep.full_key('ACT')) * rep.get(rep.full_key('var_cost'))
    # check_attrs false because `vom` multiply above does not add units
    assert_qty_equal(vom, rep.get(vom_key), check_attrs=False)
Esempio n. 11
def test_reporter_read_config(test_mp, test_data_path):
    scen = make_dantzig(test_mp)

    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning,
                      match=r"Unrecognized sections {'notarealsection'}"):
        rep.read_config(test_data_path / 'report-config-0.yaml')

    # Data from configured file is available
    assert rep.get('d_check').loc['seattle', 'chicago'] == 1.7
Esempio n. 12
def test_reporter_from_scenario(message_test_mp):
    scen = Scenario(message_test_mp, **SCENARIO["dantzig"])

    # Varies between local & CI contexts
    # DEBUG may be due to reuse of test_mp in a non-deterministic order
    if not scen.has_solution():

    # IXMPReporter can be initialized on a MESSAGE Scenario
    rep_ix = ixmp_Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # message_ix.Reporter can also be initialized
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Number of quantities available in a rudimentary MESSAGEix Scenario
    assert len(rep.graph["all"]) == 123

    # Quantities have short dimension names
    assert "demand:n-c-l-y-h" in rep

    # Aggregates are available
    assert "demand:n-l-h" in rep

    # Quantities contain expected data
    dims = dict(coords=["chicago new-york topeka".split()], dims=["n"])
    demand = Quantity(xr.DataArray([300, 325, 275], **dims), name="demand")

    # NB the call to squeeze() drops the length-1 dimensions c-l-y-h
    obs = rep.get("demand:n-c-l-y-h").squeeze(drop=True)
    # check_attrs False because we don't get the unit addition in bare xarray
    assert_qty_equal(obs, demand, check_attrs=False)

    # ixmp.Reporter pre-populated with only model quantities and aggregates
    assert len(rep_ix.graph) == 5225

    # message_ix.Reporter pre-populated with additional, derived quantities
    # This is the same value as in
    assert len(rep.graph) == 12690

    # Derived quantities have expected dimensions
    vom_key = rep.full_key("vom")
    assert vom_key not in rep_ix
    assert vom_key == "vom:nl-t-yv-ya-m-h"

    # …and expected values
    var_cost = rep.get(rep.full_key("var_cost"))
    ACT = rep.get(rep.full_key("ACT"))
    product = rep.get_comp("product")
    vom = product(var_cost, ACT)
    # check_attrs false because `vom` multiply above does not add units
    assert_qty_equal(vom, rep.get(vom_key))
Esempio n. 13
def report(context, config, key):
    """Run reporting for KEY."""
    # Import here to avoid importing reporting dependencies when running
    # other commands
    from ixmp.reporting import Reporter

    # Instantiate the Reporter with the Scenario loaded by main()
    r = Reporter.from_scenario(context['scen'])

    # Read the configuration file, if any
    if config:

    # Print the target
Esempio n. 14
def test_reporter_read_config(test_mp, test_data_path, caplog):
    scen = make_dantzig(test_mp)

    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)


    # Warning is raised when reading configuration with unrecognized section(s)
    rep.read_config(test_data_path / 'report-config-0.yaml')

    assert ("Unrecognized sections ['notarealsection'] in reporting "
            "configuration will have no effect") == caplog.records[0].message

    # Data from configured file is available
    assert rep.get('d_check').loc['seattle', 'chicago'] == 1.7
Esempio n. 15
def test_reporting_aggregate(test_mp):
    scen = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp, 'Group reporting', 'group reporting', 'new')
    t, t_foo, t_bar, x = add_test_data(scen)

    # Reporter
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Define some groups
    t_groups = {'foo': t_foo, 'bar': t_bar, 'baz': ['foo1', 'bar5', 'bar6']}

    # Add aggregates
    key1 = rep.aggregate('x:t-y', 'agg1', {'t': t_groups}, keep=True)

    # Group has expected key and contents
    assert key1 == 'x:t-y:agg1'

    # Aggregate is computed without error
    agg1 = rep.get(key1)

    # Expected set of keys along the aggregated dimension
    assert set(agg1.coords['t'].values) == set(t) | set(t_groups.keys())

    # Sums are as expected
    # TODO: the check_dtype arg assumes Quantity backend is a AttrSeries,
    # should that be made default in assert_qty_allclose?
    assert_qty_allclose(agg1.sel(t='foo', drop=True),
    assert_qty_allclose(agg1.sel(t='bar', drop=True),
    assert_qty_allclose(agg1.sel(t='baz', drop=True),
                        x.sel(t=['foo1', 'bar5', 'bar6']).sum('t'),

    # Add aggregates, without keeping originals
    key2 = rep.aggregate('x:t-y', 'agg2', {'t': t_groups}, keep=False)

    # Distinct keys
    assert key2 != key1

    # Only the aggregated and no original keys along the aggregated dimension
    agg2 = rep.get(key2)
    assert set(agg2.coords['t'].values) == set(t_groups.keys())

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        # Not yet supported; requires two separate operations
        rep.aggregate('x:t-y', 'agg3', {'t': t_groups, 'y': [2000, 2010]})
Esempio n. 16
def test_reporter_add_product(test_mp):
    scen = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp, 'reporter_add_product',
                         'reporter_add_product', 'new')
    *_, x = add_test_data(scen)
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # add_product() works
    key = rep.add_product('x squared', 'x', 'x', sums=True)

    # Product has the expected dimensions
    assert key == 'x squared:t-y'

    # Product has the expected value
    exp = as_quantity(x * x)
    exp.attrs['_unit'] = UNITS('kilogram ** 2').units
    assert_qty_equal(exp, rep.get(key))
Esempio n. 17
def test_aggregate(test_mp):
    scen = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp, 'Group reporting', 'group reporting', 'new')
    t, t_foo, t_bar, x = add_test_data(scen)

    # Reporter
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Define some groups
    t_groups = {'foo': t_foo, 'bar': t_bar, 'baz': ['foo1', 'bar5', 'bar6']}

    # Use the computation directly
    agg1 = computations.aggregate(as_quantity(x), {'t': t_groups}, True)

    # Expected set of keys along the aggregated dimension
    assert set(agg1.coords['t'].values) == set(t) | set(t_groups.keys())

    # Sums are as expected
    assert_qty_allclose(agg1.sel(t='foo', drop=True), x.sel(t=t_foo).sum('t'))
    assert_qty_allclose(agg1.sel(t='bar', drop=True), x.sel(t=t_bar).sum('t'))
    assert_qty_allclose(agg1.sel(t='baz', drop=True),
                        x.sel(t=['foo1', 'bar5', 'bar6']).sum('t'))

    # Use Reporter convenience method
    key2 = rep.aggregate('x:t-y', 'agg2', {'t': t_groups}, keep=True)

    # Group has expected key and contents
    assert key2 == 'x:t-y:agg2'

    # Aggregate is computed without error
    agg2 = rep.get(key2)

    assert_qty_equal(agg1, agg2)

    # Add aggregates, without keeping originals
    key3 = rep.aggregate('x:t-y', 'agg3', {'t': t_groups}, keep=False)

    # Distinct keys
    assert key3 != key2

    # Only the aggregated and no original keys along the aggregated dimension
    agg3 = rep.get(key3)
    assert set(agg3.coords['t'].values) == set(t_groups.keys())

    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        # Not yet supported; requires two separate operations
        rep.aggregate('x:t-y', 'agg3', {'t': t_groups, 'y': [2000, 2010]})
Esempio n. 18
def report(context, config, key):
    """Run reporting for KEY."""
    # Import here to avoid importing reporting dependencies when running
    # other commands
    from ixmp.reporting import Reporter
    if not context:
        raise click.UsageError('give either --url, --platform or --dbprops '
                               'before command report')

    # Instantiate the Reporter with the Scenario loaded by main()
    r = Reporter.from_scenario(context['scen'])

    # Read the configuration file, if any

    # Print the target
Esempio n. 19
def report(ctx, config, default):
    # Import here to avoid importing reporting dependencies when running
    # other commands
    from ixmp.reporting import Reporter

    # Instantiate the Reporter with the Scenario loaded by main()
    r = Reporter.from_scenario(ctx.obj['scen'])

    # Read the configuration file, if any
    if config:

    # Process remaining configuration from command-line arguments
    if default:

    # Print the default target
Esempio n. 20
def test_configure(test_mp, test_data_path):
    # TODO test: configuration keys 'units', 'replace_units'

    # Configure globally; reads 'rename_dims' section
    configure(rename_dims={'i': 'i_renamed'})

    # Reporting uses the RENAME_DIMS mapping of 'i' to 'i_renamed'
    scen = make_dantzig(test_mp)
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)
    assert 'd:i_renamed-j' in rep, rep.graph.keys()
    assert ['seattle', 'san-diego'] == rep.get('i_renamed')

    # Original name 'i' are not found in the reporter
    assert 'd:i-j' not in rep, rep.graph.keys()
    pytest.raises(KeyError, rep.get, 'i')

    # Remove the configuration for renaming 'i', so that other tests work
Esempio n. 21
def test_reporting_file_formats(test_data_path, tmp_path):
    r = Reporter()

    expected = xr.DataArray.from_series(
        pd.read_csv(test_data_path / 'report-input.csv',
                    index_col=['i', 'j'])['value'])

    # CSV file is automatically parsed to xr.DataArray
    p1 = test_data_path / 'report-input.csv'
    k = r.add_file(p1)
    assert_xr_equal(r.get(k), expected)

    # Write to CSV
    p2 = tmp_path / 'report-output.csv'
    r.write(k, p2)

    # Output is identical to input file, except for order
    assert (sorted(p1.read_text().split('\n')) == sorted(

    # Write to Excel
    p3 = tmp_path / 'report-output.xlsx'
    r.write(k, p3)
Esempio n. 22
def test_reporter_describe(test_mp, test_data_path):
    scen = make_dantzig(test_mp)
    r = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # hexadecimal ID of *scen*
    id_ = hex(id(scen)) if != 'nt' else \
        '{:#018X}'.format(id(scen)).replace('X', 'x')

    # Describe one key
    expected = """'d:i':
- sum(dimensions=['j'], weights=None, ...)
- 'd:i-j':
  - data_for_quantity('par', 'd', 'value', ...)
  - 'scenario':
    - <ixmp.core.Scenario object at {id}>
  - 'filters':
    - {{}}
    assert r.describe('d:i') == expected

    # Describe all keys
    expected = (test_data_path / 'report-describe.txt').read_text() \
    assert r.describe() == expected
Esempio n. 23
def test_reporter_visualize(test_mp, tmp_path):
    scen = make_dantzig(test_mp)
    r = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    r.visualize(str(tmp_path / 'visualize.png'))
Esempio n. 24
def test_reporting_units():
    """Test handling of units within Reporter computations."""
    r = Reporter()

    # Create some dummy data
    dims = dict(coords=['a b c'.split()], dims=['x'])
          Quantity(xr.DataArray([1., 3, 8], attrs={'_unit': 'MJ'}, **dims)))
          Quantity(xr.DataArray([5., 6, 8], attrs={'_unit': 'hour'}, **dims)))
    r.add('efficiency', Quantity(xr.DataArray([0.9, 0.8, 0.95], **dims)))

    # Aggregation preserves units
    r.add('energy', (computations.sum, 'energy:x', None, ['x']))
    assert r.get('energy').attrs['_unit'] == ureg.parse_units('MJ')

    # Units are derived for a ratio of two quantities
    r.add('power', (computations.ratio, 'energy:x', 'time'))
    assert r.get('power').attrs['_unit'] == ureg.parse_units('MJ/hour')

    # Product of dimensioned and dimensionless quantities keeps the former
    r.add('energy2', (computations.product, 'energy:x', 'efficiency'))
    assert r.get('energy2').attrs['_unit'] == ureg.parse_units('MJ')
Esempio n. 25
def test_platform_units(test_mp, caplog, ureg):
    """Test handling of units from ixmp.Platform.

    test_mp is loaded with some units including '-', '???', 'G$', etc. which
    are not parseable with pint; and others which are not defined in a default
    pint.UnitRegistry. These tests check the handling of those units.

    # Prepare a Scenario with test data
    scen = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp, 'reporting_platform_units',
                         'reporting_platform_units', 'new')
    t, t_foo, t_bar, x = add_test_data(scen)
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)
    x_key = rep.full_key('x')

    # Convert 'x' to dataframe
    x = x.to_series().rename('value').reset_index()

    # Exception message, formatted as a regular expression
    msg = r"unit '{}' cannot be parsed; contains invalid character\(s\) '{}'"

    # Unit and components for the regex
    bad_units = [('-', '-', '-'), ('???', r'\?\?\?', r'\?'),
                 ('E$', r'E\$', r'\$')]
    for unit, expr, chars in bad_units:
        # Add the unit

        # Overwrite the parameter
        x['unit'] = unit
        scen.add_par('x', x)

        # Parsing units with invalid chars raises an intelligible exception
        with pytest.raises(ComputationError, match=msg.format(expr, chars)):

    # Now using parseable but unrecognized units
    x['unit'] = 'USD/kWa'
    scen.add_par('x', x)

    # Unrecognized units are added automatically, with log messages emitted
    with assert_logs(caplog, ['Add unit definition: kWa = [kWa]']):

    # Mix of recognized/unrecognized units can be added: USD is already in the
    # unit registry, so is not re-added
    x['unit'] = 'USD/pkm'
    scen.add_par('x', x)

    assert not any('Add unit definition: USD = [USD]' in m
                   for m in caplog.messages)

    # Mixed units are discarded
    x.loc[0, 'unit'] = 'kg'
    scen.add_par('x', x)

    with assert_logs(caplog, "x: mixed units ['kg', 'USD/pkm'] discarded"):

    # Configured unit substitutions are applied
    rep.graph['config']['units'] = dict(apply=dict(x='USD/pkm'))

    with assert_logs(caplog, "x: replace units dimensionless with USD/pkm"):
        x = rep.get(x_key)

    # Applied units are pint objects with the correct dimensionality
    unit = x.attrs['_unit']
    assert isinstance(unit, pint.Unit)
    assert unit.dimensionality == {'[USD]': 1, '[km]': -1}
Esempio n. 26
def test_reporter_apply():
    # Reporter with two scalar values
    r = Reporter()
    r.add('foo', (lambda x: x, 42))
    r.add('bar', (lambda x: x, 11))

    N = len(r.keys())

    # A computation
    def _product(a, b):
        return a * b

    # A generator method that yields keys and computations
    def baz_qux(key):
        yield key + ':baz', (_product, key, 0.5)
        yield key + ':qux', (_product, key, 1.1)

    # Apply the generator to two targets
    r.apply(baz_qux, 'foo')
    r.apply(baz_qux, 'bar')

    # Four computations were added to the reporter
    N += 4
    assert len(r.keys()) == N
    assert r.get('foo:baz') == 42 * 0.5
    assert r.get('foo:qux') == 42 * 1.1
    assert r.get('bar:baz') == 11 * 0.5
    assert r.get('bar:qux') == 11 * 1.1

    # A generator that takes two arguments
    def twoarg(key1, key2):
        yield key1 + '__' + key2, (_product, key1, key2)

    r.apply(twoarg, 'foo:baz', 'bar:qux')

    # One computation added to the reporter
    N += 1
    assert len(r.keys()) == N
    assert r.get('foo:baz__bar:qux') == 42 * 0.5 * 11 * 1.1

    # A useless generator that does nothing
    def useless(key):

    r.apply(useless, 'foo:baz__bar:qux')

    # Nothing added to the reporter
    assert len(r.keys()) == N
Esempio n. 27
def test_reporter(scenario):
    r = Reporter.from_scenario(scenario)


    assert 'scenario' in r.graph
Esempio n. 28
def test_reporter_add():
    """Adding computations that refer to missing keys raises KeyError."""
    r = Reporter()
    r.add('a', 3)
    r.add('d', 4)

    # Adding an existing key with strict=True
    with pytest.raises(KeyExistsError, match=r"key 'a' already exists"):
        r.add('a', 5, strict=True)

    def gen(other):
        """A generator for apply()."""
        return (lambda a, b: a * b, 'a', other)

    def msg(*keys):
        """Return a regex for str(MissingKeyError(*keys))."""
        return 'required keys {!r} not defined'.format(tuple(keys)) \
                                               .replace('(', '\\(') \
                                               .replace(')', '\\)')

    # One missing key
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg('b')):
        r.add_product('ab', 'a', 'b')

    # Two missing keys
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg('c', 'b')):
        r.add_product('abc', 'c', 'a', 'b')

    # Using apply() targeted at non-existent keys also raises an Exception
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg('e', 'f')):
        r.apply(gen, 'd', 'e', 'f')

    # add(..., strict=True) checks str or Key arguments
    g = Key('g', 'hi')
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg('b', g)):
        r.add('foo', (computations.product, 'a', 'b', g), strict=True)

    # aggregate() and disaggregate() call add(), which raises the exception
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg(g)):
        r.aggregate(g, 'tag', 'i')
    with pytest.raises(MissingKeyError, match=msg(g)):
        r.disaggregate(g, 'j')

    # add(..., sums=True) also adds partial sums
    r.add('foo:a-b-c', [], sums=True)
    assert 'foo:b' in r

    # add(name, ...) where name is the name of a computation
    r.add('select', 'bar', 'a', indexers={'dim': ['d0', 'd1', 'd2']})

    # add(name, ...) with keyword arguments not recognized by the computation
    # raises an exception
    msg = "unexpected keyword argument 'bad_kwarg'"
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
        r.add('select', 'bar', 'a', bad_kwarg='foo', index=True)
Esempio n. 29
def data(test_mp, request):
    scen = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp,,, 'new')
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)
    yield [scen, rep] + list(add_test_data(scen))
Esempio n. 30
def test_filters(test_mp, tmp_path, caplog):
    """Reporting can be filtered ex ante."""
    scen = ixmp.Scenario(test_mp, 'Reporting filters', 'Reporting filters',
    t, t_foo, t_bar, x = add_test_data(scen)

    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)
    x_key = rep.full_key('x')

    def assert_t_indices(labels):
        assert set(rep.get(x_key).coords['t'].values) == set(labels)

    # 1. Set filters directly
    rep.graph['config']['filters'] = {'t': t_foo}

    # Reporter can be re-used by changing filters
    rep.graph['config']['filters'] = {'t': t_bar}

    rep.graph['config']['filters'] = {}

    # 2. Set filters using a convenience method
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Clear filters using the convenience method

    # Clear using the convenience method with no args

    # 3. Set filters via configuration keys
    # NB passes through from_scenario() -> __init__() -> configure()
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen, filters={'t': t_foo})

    # Configuration key can also be read from file
    rep = Reporter.from_scenario(scen)

    # Write a temporary file containing the desired labels
    config_file = tmp_path / 'config.yaml'
        '  t: {!r}'.format(t_bar),


    # Filtering too heavily:
    # Remove one value from the database at valid coordinates
    removed = {'t': t[:1], 'y': list(x.coords['y'].values)[:1]}
    scen.remove_par('x', removed)

    # Set filters to retrieve only this coordinate

    # A warning is logged
    msg = '\n  '.join([
        "0 values for par 'x' using filters:",
        repr(removed), 'Subsequent computations may fail.'
    with assert_logs(caplog, msg):