Esempio n. 1
def find_resource(manager, name_or_id, wrap_exception=True, **find_args):
    """Helper for the _find_* methods."""
    # for str id which is not uuid (for Flavor, Keypair and hypervsior in cells
    # environments search currently)
    if getattr(manager, 'is_alphanum_id_allowed', False):
            return manager.get(name_or_id)
        except exceptions.NotFound:

    # first try to get entity as uuid
        tmp_id = encodeutils.safe_encode(name_or_id)

        if six.PY3:
            tmp_id = tmp_id.decode()

        return manager.get(tmp_id)
    except (TypeError, ValueError, exceptions.NotFound):

    # then try to get entity as name
            resource = getattr(manager, 'resource_class', None)
            name_attr = resource.NAME_ATTR if resource else 'name'
            kwargs = {name_attr: name_or_id}
            return manager.find(**kwargs)
        except exceptions.NotFound:

        # then try to find entity by human_id
            return manager.find(human_id=name_or_id, **find_args)
        except exceptions.NotFound:
    except exceptions.NoUniqueMatch:
        msg = (_("Multiple %(class)s matches found for '%(name)s', use an ID "
                 "to be more specific.") % {
                     'class': manager.resource_class.__name__.lower(),
                     'name': name_or_id
        if wrap_exception:
            raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
        raise exceptions.NoUniqueMatch(msg)

    # finally try to get entity as integer id
        return manager.get(int(name_or_id))
    except (TypeError, ValueError, exceptions.NotFound):
        msg = (_("No %(class)s with a name or ID of '%(name)s' exists.") % {
            'class': manager.resource_class.__name__.lower(),
            'name': name_or_id
        if wrap_exception:
            raise exceptions.CommandError(msg)
        raise exceptions.NotFound(404, msg)
Esempio n. 2
def validate_flavor_metadata_keys(keys):
    for key in keys:
        valid_name = VALID_KEY_REGEX.match(key)
        if not valid_name:
            msg = _('Invalid key: "%s". Keys may only contain letters, '
                    'numbers, spaces, underscores, periods, colons and '
            raise exceptions.CommandError(msg % key)
Esempio n. 3
 def do_help(self, args):
     Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.
     if args.command:
         if args.command in self.subcommands:
             raise exc.CommandError(_("'%s' is not a valid subcommand") %
Esempio n. 4
def do_action_on_many(action, resources, success_msg, error_msg):
    """Helper to run an action on many resources."""
    failure_flag = False

    for resource in resources:
            print(success_msg % resource)
        except Exception as e:
            failure_flag = True

    if failure_flag:
        raise exceptions.CommandError(error_msg)
Esempio n. 5
    def create(self, project_id, dest_project_id, **kwargs):
        """create project mapper
        :param project_id:
        :param dest_project_id:
        :param kwargs:
        if dest_project_id is None:
            raise exceptions.CommandError(
                _("dest project id must be specified."))

        body = self._build_body(project_id, dest_project_id, **kwargs)

        return self._create("/project_mapper", body, "project_mapper")
Esempio n. 6
    def create(self, image_id, dest_image_id, project_id=None, **kwargs):
        """create image mapper
        :param image_id:
        :param dest_image_id:
        :param project_id:
        :param kwargs:

        if dest_image_id is None:
            raise exceptions.CommandError(_("dest image id must be specified."))

        body = self._build_body(image_id, dest_image_id, project_id=project_id,

        return self._create("/image_mapper", body, "image_mapper")
Esempio n. 7
 def password(self):
     # Cache password so we prompt user at most once
     if self._password:
     elif self._validate_string(self.args.os_password):
         self._password = self.args.os_password
         verify_pass = strutils.bool_from_string(
             utils.env("OS_VERIFY_PASSWORD", default=False), True)
         self._password = self._prompt_password(verify_pass)
     if not self._password:
         raise exc.CommandError(
             'Expecting a password provided via either '
             '--os-password, env[OS_PASSWORD], or '
             'prompted response')
     return self._password
Esempio n. 8
    def _build_body(project_id, dest_project_id, **kwargs):

        project_mapper = {}

        if project_id is None:
            raise exceptions.CommandError(_("project id must be specified."))

        project_mapper['project_id'] = project_id
        if dest_project_id:
            project_mapper['dest_project_id'] = dest_project_id

        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            if value:
                project_mapper[key] = value

        return {'project_mapper': project_mapper}
Esempio n. 9
    def _build_body(image_id, dest_image_id, project_id=None, **kwargs):

        image_mapper = {}

        if image_id is None:
            raise exceptions.CommandError(_("image id must be specified."))

        image_mapper['image_id'] = image_id
        if dest_image_id:
            image_mapper['provider_image_id'] = dest_image_id

        if project_id:
            image_mapper['project_id'] = project_id

        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            if value:
                image_mapper[key] = value

        return {'image_mapper': image_mapper}
Esempio n. 10
    def create(self, flavor_id, dest_flavor_id, project_id=None, **kwargs):
        """create flavor mapper
        :param flavor_id:
        :param dest_flavor_id:
        :param project_id:
        :param kwargs:

        if dest_flavor_id is None:
            raise exceptions.CommandError(
                _("dest flavor id must be specified."))

        body = self._build_body(flavor_id,

        return self._create("/flavor_mapper", body, "flavor_mapper")
Esempio n. 11
    def _build_body(flavor_id, dest_flavor_id, project_id=None, **kwargs):

        flavor_mapper = {}

        if flavor_id is None:
            raise exceptions.CommandError(_("flavor id must be specified."))

        flavor_mapper['flavor_id'] = flavor_id
        if dest_flavor_id:
            flavor_mapper['dest_flavor_id'] = dest_flavor_id

        if project_id:
            flavor_mapper['project_id'] = project_id

        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            if value:
                flavor_mapper[key] = value

        return {'flavor_mapper': flavor_mapper}
Esempio n. 12
    def main(self, argv):
        # Parse args once to find version and debug settings
        parser = self.get_base_parser(argv)
        (args, args_list) = parser.parse_known_args(argv)

        self.extensions = []
        do_help = ('help' in argv) or (
            '--help' in argv) or ('-h' in argv) or not argv

        # bash-completion should not require authentication
        skip_auth = do_help or (
            'bash-completion' in argv)

        # Discover available auth plugins

        if not args.os_jacket_api_version:
            api_version = api_versions.get_api_version(
            api_version = api_versions.get_api_version(

        os_username = args.os_username
        os_user_id = args.os_user_id
        os_password = None  # Fetched and set later as needed
        os_project_name = getattr(
            args, 'os_project_name', getattr(args, 'os_tenant_name', None))
        os_project_id = getattr(
            args, 'os_project_id', getattr(args, 'os_tenant_id', None))
        os_auth_url = args.os_auth_url
        os_region_name = args.os_region_name
        os_auth_system = args.os_auth_system

        if "v2.0" not in os_auth_url:
            # NOTE(andreykurilin): assume that keystone V3 is used and try to
            # be more user-friendly, i.e provide default values for domains
            if (not args.os_project_domain_id and
                    not args.os_project_domain_name):
                setattr(args, "os_project_domain_id", "default")
            if not args.os_user_domain_id and not args.os_user_domain_name:
                setattr(args, "os_user_domain_id", "default")

        endpoint_type = args.endpoint_type
        insecure = args.insecure
        service_type = args.service_type
        service_name = args.service_name
        volume_service_name = args.volume_service_name
        bypass_url = args.bypass_url
        os_cache = args.os_cache
        cacert = args.os_cacert
        timeout = args.timeout

        keystone_session = None
        keystone_auth = None

        # We may have either, both or none of these.
        # If we have both, we don't need USERNAME, PASSWORD etc.
        # Fill in the blanks from the SecretsHelper if possible.
        # Finally, authenticate unless we have both.
        # Note if we don't auth we probably don't have a tenant ID so we can't
        # cache the token.
        auth_token = getattr(args, 'os_token', None)
        management_url = bypass_url if bypass_url else None

        if os_auth_system and os_auth_system != "keystone":
                'jacketclient auth plugins that are not keystone are deprecated.'
                ' Auth plugins should now be done as plugins to keystoneauth'
                ' and selected with --os-auth-type or OS_AUTH_TYPE'))
            auth_plugin = jacketclient.auth_plugin.load_plugin(os_auth_system)
            auth_plugin = None

        if not endpoint_type:
            endpoint_type = DEFAULT_JACKET_ENDPOINT_TYPE

        # This allow users to use endpoint_type as (internal, public or admin)
        # just like other openstack clients (glance, cinder etc)
        if endpoint_type in ['internal', 'public', 'admin']:
            endpoint_type += 'URL'

        if not service_type:
            # Note(alex_xu): We need discover version first, so if there isn't
            # service type specified, we use default jacket service type.
            service_type = DEFAULT_JACKET_SERVICE_TYPE

        # If we have an auth token but no management_url, we must auth anyway.
        # Expired tokens are handled by
        must_auth = not (auth_token and management_url)

        # Do not use Keystone session for cases with no session support. The
        # presence of auth_plugin means os_auth_system is present and is not
        # keystone.
        use_session = True
        if auth_plugin or bypass_url or os_cache or volume_service_name:
            use_session = False

        # FIXME(usrleon): Here should be restrict for project id same as
        # for os_username or os_password but for compatibility it is not.
        if must_auth and not skip_auth:
            if auth_plugin:

            if not auth_plugin or not auth_plugin.opts:
                if not os_username and not os_user_id:
                    raise exc.CommandError(
                        _("You must provide a username "
                          "or user ID via --os-username, --os-user-id, "
                          "env[OS_USERNAME] or env[OS_USER_ID]"))

            if not any([os_project_name, os_project_id]):
                raise exc.CommandError(_("You must provide a project name or"
                                         " project ID via --os-project-name,"
                                         " --os-project-id, env[OS_PROJECT_ID]"
                                         " or env[OS_PROJECT_NAME]. You may"
                                         " use os-project and os-tenant"
                                         " interchangeably."))

            if not os_auth_url:
                if os_auth_system and os_auth_system != 'keystone':
                    os_auth_url = auth_plugin.get_auth_url()

            if not os_auth_url:
                    raise exc.CommandError(
                        _("You must provide an auth url "
                          "via either --os-auth-url or env[OS_AUTH_URL] "
                          "or specify an auth_system which defines a "
                          "default url with --os-auth-system "
                          "or env[OS_AUTH_SYSTEM]"))

            if use_session:
                # Not using Nova auth plugin, so use keystone
                with utils.record_time(self.times, args.timings,
                                       'auth_url', args.os_auth_url):
                    keystone_session = (
                    keystone_auth = (
                # set password for auth plugins
                os_password = args.os_password

        if (not skip_auth and
                not any([os_project_name, os_project_id])):
            raise exc.CommandError(_("You must provide a project name or"
                                     " project id via --os-project-name,"
                                     " --os-project-id, env[OS_PROJECT_ID]"
                                     " or env[OS_PROJECT_NAME]. You may"
                                     " use os-project and os-tenant"
                                     " interchangeably."))

        if not os_auth_url and not skip_auth:
            raise exc.CommandError(
                _("You must provide an auth url "
                  "via either --os-auth-url or env[OS_AUTH_URL]"))

        # This client is just used to discover api version. Version API needn't
        # microversion, so we just pass version 2 at here.
        self.cs = client.Client(
            os_username, os_password, os_project_name,
            tenant_id=os_project_id, user_id=os_user_id,
            auth_url=os_auth_url, insecure=insecure,
            region_name=os_region_name, endpoint_type=endpoint_type,
            extensions=self.extensions, service_type=service_type,
            service_name=service_name, auth_system=os_auth_system,
            auth_plugin=auth_plugin, auth_token=auth_token,
            timings=args.timings, bypass_url=bypass_url,
            os_cache=os_cache, http_log_debug=args.debug,
            cacert=cacert, timeout=timeout,
            session=keystone_session, auth=keystone_auth,

        if not skip_auth:
            if not api_version.is_latest():
                if api_version > api_versions.APIVersion("1.0"):
                    if not api_version.matches(jacketclient.API_MIN_VERSION,
                        raise exc.CommandError(
                            _("The specified version isn't supported by "
                              "client. The valid version range is '%(min)s' "
                              "to '%(max)s'") % {
                                "min": jacketclient.API_MIN_VERSION.get_string(),
                                "max": jacketclient.API_MAX_VERSION.get_string()}
            api_version = api_versions.discover_version(self.cs, api_version)

        # build available subcommands based on version
        self.extensions = client.discover_extensions(api_version)

        subcommand_parser = self.get_subcommand_parser(
            api_version, do_help=do_help, argv=argv)
        self.parser = subcommand_parser

        if or not argv:
            return 0

        args = subcommand_parser.parse_args(argv)
        self._run_extension_hooks('__post_parse_args__', args)

        # Short-circuit and deal with help right away.
        if args.func == self.do_help:
            return 0
        elif args.func == self.do_bash_completion:
            return 0

        if not args.service_type:
            service_type = (utils.get_service_type(args.func) or

        if utils.isunauthenticated(args.func):
            # NOTE(alex_xu): We need authentication for discover microversion.
            # But the subcommands may needn't it. If the subcommand needn't,
            # we clear the session arguments.
            keystone_session = None
            keystone_auth = None

        # Recreate client object with discovered version.
        self.cs = client.Client(
            os_username, os_password, os_project_name,
            tenant_id=os_project_id, user_id=os_user_id,
            auth_url=os_auth_url, insecure=insecure,
            region_name=os_region_name, endpoint_type=endpoint_type,
            extensions=self.extensions, service_type=service_type,
            service_name=service_name, auth_system=os_auth_system,
            auth_plugin=auth_plugin, auth_token=auth_token,
            timings=args.timings, bypass_url=bypass_url,
            os_cache=os_cache, http_log_debug=args.debug,
            cacert=cacert, timeout=timeout,
            session=keystone_session, auth=keystone_auth)

        # Now check for the password/token of which pieces of the
        # identifying keyring key can come from the underlying client
        if must_auth:
            helper = SecretsHelper(args, self.cs.client)
            self.cs.client.keyring_saver = helper
            if (auth_plugin and auth_plugin.opts and
                    "os_password" not in auth_plugin.opts):
                use_pw = False
                use_pw = True

            tenant_id = helper.tenant_id
            # Allow commandline to override cache
            if not auth_token:
                auth_token = helper.auth_token
            if not management_url:
                management_url = helper.management_url
            if tenant_id and auth_token and management_url:
                self.cs.client.tenant_id = tenant_id
                self.cs.client.auth_token = auth_token
                self.cs.client.management_url = management_url
                self.cs.client.password_func = lambda: helper.password
            elif use_pw:
                # We're missing something, so auth with user/pass and save
                # the result in our helper.
                self.cs.client.password = helper.password

            # This does a couple of bits which are useful even if we've
            # got the token + service URL already. It exits fast in that case.
            if not utils.isunauthenticated(args.func):
                if not use_session:
                    # Only call authenticate() if Nova auth plugin is used.
                    # If keystone is used, authentication is handled as part
                    # of session.
        except exc.Unauthorized:
            raise exc.CommandError(_("Invalid OpenStack Jacket credentials."))
        except exc.AuthorizationFailure:
            raise exc.CommandError(_("Unable to authorize user"))

        args.func(self.cs, args)

        if args.timings:
            self._dump_timings(self.times + self.cs.get_timings())