def refresh_session(self): session_id = self.get_ru_tax_session() if not session_id:"No valid session present")) return SlipsTaxAPI.Failure"Refreshing session...")) client_secret = JalSettings().getValue('RuTaxClientSecret') refresh_token = JalSettings().getValue('RuTaxRefreshToken') self.web_session.headers['sessionId'] = session_id payload = '{' + f'"client_secret":"{client_secret}","refresh_token":"{refresh_token}"' + '}' response = '', data=payload) if response.status_code == 200:"Session refreshed: ") + f"{response.text}") json_content = json.loads(response.text) new_session_id = json_content['sessionId'] new_refresh_token = json_content['refresh_token'] settings = JalSettings() settings.setValue('RuTaxSessionId', new_session_id) settings.setValue('RuTaxRefreshToken', new_refresh_token) return SlipsTaxAPI.Pending # not Success as it is sent transparently to upper callers else: logging.error("Can't refresh session, response: ") + f"{response}/{response.text}") JalSettings().setValue('RuTaxSessionId', '') if self.get_ru_tax_session(): return SlipsTaxAPI.Failure else: return SlipsTaxAPI.Pending # not Success as it is sent transparently to upper callers
def get_ru_tax_session(self): stored_id = JalSettings().getValue('RuTaxSessionId') if stored_id != '': return stored_id login_dialog = LoginFNS() if login_dialog.exec() == QDialog.Accepted: stored_id = JalSettings().getValue('RuTaxSessionId') if stored_id is not None: return stored_id logging.warning("No Russian Tax SessionId available")) return ''
def refresh_session(self):'SlipsTaxAPI', "Refreshing session...")) session_id = self.get_ru_tax_session() client_secret = JalSettings().getValue('RuTaxClientSecret') refresh_token = JalSettings().getValue('RuTaxRefreshToken') s = requests.Session() s.headers['ClientVersion'] = '2.9.0' s.headers['Device-Id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) s.headers['Device-OS'] = 'Android' s.headers['sessionId'] = session_id s.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' s.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip' s.headers['User-Agent'] = 'okhttp/4.2.2' payload = '{' + f'"client_secret":"{client_secret}","refresh_token":"{refresh_token}"' + '}' response = '', data=payload) if response.status_code == 200: g_tr('SlipsTaxAPI', "Session refreshed: ") + f"{response.text}") json_content = json.loads(response.text) new_session_id = json_content['sessionId'] new_refresh_token = json_content['refresh_token'] settings = JalSettings() settings.setValue('RuTaxSessionId', new_session_id) settings.setValue('RuTaxRefreshToken', new_refresh_token) return SlipsTaxAPI.Pending # not Success as it is sent transparently to upper callers else: logging.error( g_tr('SlipsTaxAPI', "Can't refresh session, response: ") + f"{response}/{response.text}") return SlipsTaxAPI.Failure
def __init__(self, language): QMainWindow.__init__(self, None) self.running = False self.setupUi(self) self.restoreGeometry(base64.decodebytes(JalSettings().getValue('WindowGeometry', '').encode('utf-8'))) self.restoreState(base64.decodebytes(JalSettings().getValue('WindowState', '').encode('utf-8'))) self.ledger = Ledger() # Customize Status bar and logs self.ProgressBar = QProgressBar(self) self.StatusBar.addPermanentWidget(self.ProgressBar) self.ProgressBar.setVisible(False) self.ledger.setProgressBar(self, self.ProgressBar) self.Logs.setStatusBar(self.StatusBar) self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.logger.addHandler(self.Logs) log_level = os.environ.get('LOGLEVEL', 'INFO').upper() self.logger.setLevel(log_level) self.currentLanguage = language self.downloader = QuoteDownloader() self.statements = Statements(self) self.reports = Reports(self, self.mdiArea) self.backup = JalBackup(self, get_dbfilename(get_app_path())) self.estimator = None self.price_chart = None self.actionImportSlipRU.setEnabled(dependency_present(['pyzbar', 'PIL'])) self.actionAbout = QAction("About"), parent=self) self.MainMenu.addAction(self.actionAbout) self.langGroup = QActionGroup(self.menuLanguage) self.createLanguageMenu() self.statementGroup = QActionGroup(self.menuStatement) self.createStatementsImportMenu() self.reportsGroup = QActionGroup(self.menuReports) self.createReportsMenu() self.setWindowIcon(load_icon("jal.png")) self.connect_signals_and_slots() self.actionOperations.trigger()
def main(): sys.excepthook = exception_logger os.environ['QT_MAC_WANTS_LAYER'] = '1' # Workaround for error = init_and_check_db(get_app_path()) if error.code == LedgerInitError.EmptyDbInitialized: # If DB was just created from SQL - initialize it again error = init_and_check_db(get_app_path()) app = QApplication([]) language = JalDB().get_language_code(JalSettings().getValue('Language', default=1)) translator = QTranslator(app) language_file = get_app_path() + Setup.LANG_PATH + os.sep + language + '.qm' translator.load(language_file) app.installTranslator(translator) if error.code == LedgerInitError.OutdatedDbSchema: error = update_db_schema(get_app_path()) if error.code == LedgerInitError.DbInitSuccess: error = init_and_check_db(get_app_path()) if error.code != LedgerInitError.DbInitSuccess: window = QMessageBox() window.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) window.setWindowTitle("JAL: Start-up aborted") window.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) window.setText(error.message) window.setInformativeText(error.details) else: window = MainWindow(language) app.exec() app.removeTranslator(translator)
def output_accrued_interest(self, actions, trade_number, share, level): interest = readSQL("SELECT b.symbol AS symbol, b.isin AS isin, i.timestamp AS o_date, i.number AS number, " "i.amount AS interest, r.quote AS rate, cc.iso_code AS country_iso " "FROM dividends AS i " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON = i.account_id " "LEFT JOIN assets_ext AS b ON = i.asset_id AND b.currency_id=a.currency_id " "LEFT JOIN countries AS cc ON = a.country_id " "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ld ON i.timestamp=ld.ref_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS r ON ld.timestamp=r.timestamp AND a.currency_id=r.asset_id AND r.currency_id=:base_currency " "WHERE i.account_id=:account_id AND i.type=:interest AND i.number=:trade_number", [(":account_id", self.account_id), (":interest", Dividend.BondInterest), (":trade_number", trade_number), (":base_currency", JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency'))], named=True) if interest is None: return interest['empty'] = '' interest['interest'] = interest['interest'] if share == 1 else share * interest['interest'] interest['interest_rub'] = abs(round(interest['interest'] * interest['rate'], 2)) if interest['rate'] else 0 if interest['interest'] < 0: # Accrued interest paid for purchase interest['interest'] = -interest['interest'] interest['operation'] = ' ' * level * 3 + "НКД уплачен" interest['spending_rub'] = interest['interest_rub'] interest['income_rub'] = 0.0 else: # Accrued interest received for sale interest['operation'] = ' ' * level * 3 + "НКД получен" interest['income_rub'] = interest['interest_rub'] interest['spending_rub'] = 0.0 interest['report_template'] = "bond_interest" actions.append(interest)
def init_db(self, db_path) -> JalDBError: db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QSQLITE", Setup.DB_CONNECTION) if not db.isValid(): return JalDBError(JalDBError.DbDriverFailure) db.setDatabaseName(get_dbfilename(db_path)) db.setConnectOptions("QSQLITE_ENABLE_REGEXP=1") sqlite_version = readSQL("SELECT sqlite_version()") if parse_version(sqlite_version) < parse_version( Setup.SQLITE_MIN_VERSION): db.close() return JalDBError(JalDBError.OutdatedSqlite) tables = db.tables(QSql.Tables) if not tables:"Loading DB initialization script") error = self.run_sql_script(db_path + Setup.INIT_SCRIPT_PATH) if error.code != JalDBError.NoError: return error schema_version = JalSettings().getValue('SchemaVersion') if schema_version < Setup.TARGET_SCHEMA: db.close() return JalDBError(JalDBError.OutdatedDbSchema) elif schema_version > Setup.TARGET_SCHEMA: db.close() return JalDBError(JalDBError.NewerDbSchema) _ = executeSQL("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") db_triggers_enable() return JalDBError(JalDBError.NoError)
def init_and_check_db(db_path): db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QSQLITE", Setup.DB_CONNECTION) if not db.isValid(): return LedgerInitError(LedgerInitError.DbDriverFailure) db.setDatabaseName(get_dbfilename(db_path)) db.setConnectOptions("QSQLITE_ENABLE_REGEXP=1") tables = db.tables(QSql.Tables) if not tables: db.close() connection_name = db.connectionName() init_db_from_sql(get_dbfilename(db_path), db_path + Setup.INIT_SCRIPT_PATH) QSqlDatabase.removeDatabase(connection_name) return LedgerInitError(LedgerInitError.EmptyDbInitialized) schema_version = JalSettings().getValue('SchemaVersion') if schema_version < Setup.TARGET_SCHEMA: db.close() return LedgerInitError(LedgerInitError.OutdatedDbSchema) elif schema_version > Setup.TARGET_SCHEMA: db.close() return LedgerInitError(LedgerInitError.NewerDbSchema) _ = executeSQL("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") db_triggers_enable() return LedgerInitError(LedgerInitError.DbInitSuccess)
def onClick(self): if self.null_flag.isChecked(): if self.currency.selected_id == 0: self.currency.selected_id = JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency') self.currency_id = self.currency.selected_id else: self.currency_id = 0 self.changed.emit()
def login_fns(self): client_secret = JalSettings().getValue('RuTaxClientSecret') inn = self.InnEdit.text() password = self.PasswordEdit.text() s = requests.Session() s.headers['ClientVersion'] = '2.9.0' s.headers['Device-Id'] = str(uuid.uuid1()) s.headers['Device-OS'] = 'Android' s.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' s.headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip' s.headers['User-Agent'] = 'okhttp/4.2.2' payload = '{' + f'"client_secret":"{client_secret}","inn":"{inn}","password":"******"' + '}' response = '', data=payload) if response.status_code != 200: logging.error( g_tr('SlipsTaxAPI', "FNS login failed: ") + f"{response}/{response.text}") return g_tr('SlipsTaxAPI', "FNS login successful: ") + f"{response.text}") json_content = json.loads(response.text) new_session_id = json_content['sessionId'] new_refresh_token = json_content['refresh_token'] settings = JalSettings() settings.setValue('RuTaxSessionId', new_session_id) settings.setValue('RuTaxRefreshToken', new_refresh_token) self.accept()
def __init__(self, parent=None): MdiWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self.current_index = None # this is used in onOperationContextMenu() to track item for menu # Set icons self.NewOperationBtn.setIcon(load_icon("new.png")) self.CopyOperationBtn.setIcon(load_icon("copy.png")) self.DeleteOperationBtn.setIcon(load_icon("delete.png")) # Operations view context menu self.contextMenu = QMenu(self.OperationsTableView) self.actionReconcile = QAction(load_icon("reconcile.png"),"Reconcile"), self) self.actionCopy = QAction(load_icon("copy.png"),"Copy"), self) self.actionDelete = QAction(load_icon("delete.png"),"Delete"), self) self.contextMenu.addAction(self.actionReconcile) self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.contextMenu.addAction(self.actionCopy) self.contextMenu.addAction(self.actionDelete) # Customize UI configuration self.balances_model = BalancesModel(self.BalancesTableView) self.BalancesTableView.setModel(self.balances_model) self.balances_model.configureView() self.operations_model = OperationsModel(self.OperationsTableView) self.OperationsTableView.setModel(self.operations_model) self.operations_model.configureView() self.OperationsTableView.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.connect_signals_and_slots() self.NewOperationMenu = QMenu() for i in range(self.OperationsTabs.count()): if hasattr(self.OperationsTabs.widget(i), "isCustom"): self.OperationsTabs.widget(i).dbUpdated.connect(self.dbUpdated) self.OperationsTabs.widget(i).dbUpdated.connect( self.operations_model.refresh) self.NewOperationMenu.addAction( self.OperationsTabs.widget(i).name, partial(self.createOperation, i)) self.NewOperationBtn.setMenu(self.NewOperationMenu) # Setup balance and holdings parameters current_time = QDateTime.currentDateTime() current_time.setTimeSpec( Qt.UTC) # We use UTC everywhere so need to force TZ info self.BalanceDate.setDateTime(current_time) self.BalancesCurrencyCombo.setIndex( JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency')) self.OperationsTabs.setCurrentIndex(LedgerTransaction.NA) self.OperationsTableView.selectRow(0) self.DateRange.setCurrentIndex(0)
def prepare_derivatives(self): derivatives = [] # Take all actions without conversion query = executeSQL("SELECT s.symbol, d.qty AS qty, cc.iso_code AS country_iso, " "o.timestamp AS o_date, qo.quote AS o_rate, o.settlement AS os_date, o.number AS o_number, " "qos.quote AS os_rate, o.price AS o_price, o.qty AS o_qty, o.fee AS o_fee, " "c.timestamp AS c_date, qc.quote AS c_rate, c.settlement AS cs_date, c.number AS c_number, " "qcs.quote AS cs_rate, c.price AS c_price, c.qty AS c_qty, c.fee AS c_fee " "FROM deals AS d " "JOIN trades AS o ON AND o.op_type=d.open_op_type " "JOIN trades AS c ON AND c.op_type=d.close_op_type " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON = :account_id " "LEFT JOIN assets_ext AS s ON = o.asset_id AND s.currency_id=a.currency_id " "LEFT JOIN countries AS cc ON = a.country_id " "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ldo ON o.timestamp=ldo.ref_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS qo ON ldo.timestamp=qo.timestamp AND a.currency_id=qo.asset_id AND qo.currency_id=:base_currency " "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ldos ON o.settlement=ldos.ref_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS qos ON ldos.timestamp=qos.timestamp AND a.currency_id=qos.asset_id AND qos.currency_id=:base_currency " "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ldc ON c.timestamp=ldc.ref_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS qc ON ldc.timestamp=qc.timestamp AND a.currency_id=qc.asset_id AND qc.currency_id=:base_currency " "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ldcs ON c.settlement=ldcs.ref_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS qcs ON ldcs.timestamp=qcs.timestamp AND a.currency_id=qcs.asset_id AND qcs.currency_id=:base_currency " "WHERE c.settlement>=:begin AND c.settlement<:end AND d.account_id=:account_id " "AND s.type_id = :derivative " "ORDER BY s.symbol, o.timestamp, c.timestamp", [(":begin", self.year_begin), (":end", self.year_end), (":account_id", self.account_id), (":base_currency", JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency')), (":derivative", PredefinedAsset.Derivative)]) while deal = readSQLrecord(query, named=True) if not self.use_settlement: deal['os_rate'] = deal['o_rate'] deal['cs_rate'] = deal['c_rate'] deal['o_type'] = "Покупка" if deal['qty'] >= 0 else "Продажа" deal['c_type'] = "Продажа" if deal['qty'] >= 0 else "Покупка" deal['o_amount'] = round(deal['o_price'] * abs(deal['qty']), 2) deal['o_amount_rub'] = round(deal['o_amount'] * deal['os_rate'], 2) if deal['os_rate'] else 0 deal['c_amount'] = round(deal['c_price'] * abs(deal['qty']), 2) deal['c_amount_rub'] = round(deal['c_amount'] * deal['cs_rate'], 2) if deal['cs_rate'] else 0 deal['o_fee'] = deal['o_fee'] * abs(deal['qty'] / deal['o_qty']) deal['c_fee'] = deal['c_fee'] * abs(deal['qty'] / deal['c_qty']) deal['o_fee_rub'] = round(deal['o_fee'] * deal['o_rate'], 2) if deal['o_rate'] else 0 deal['c_fee_rub'] = round(deal['c_fee'] * deal['c_rate'], 2) if deal['c_rate'] else 0 deal['income_rub'] = deal['c_amount_rub'] if deal['qty'] >= 0 else deal['o_amount_rub'] deal['income'] = deal['c_amount'] if deal['qty'] >= 0 else deal['o_amount'] deal['spending_rub'] = deal['o_amount_rub'] if deal['qty'] >= 0 else deal['c_amount_rub'] deal['spending_rub'] = deal['spending_rub'] + deal['o_fee_rub'] + deal['c_fee_rub'] deal['spending'] = deal['o_amount'] if deal['qty'] >= 0 else deal['c_amount'] deal['spending'] = deal['spending'] + deal['o_fee'] + deal['c_fee'] deal['profit_rub'] = deal['income_rub'] - deal['spending_rub'] deal['profit'] = deal['income'] - deal['spending'] deal['report_template'] = "trade" derivatives.append(deal) self.insert_totals(derivatives, ["income_rub", "spending_rub", "profit_rub", "profit"]) return derivatives
def onLanguageChanged(self, action): language_code = if language_code != self.currentLanguage: JalSettings().setValue('Language', JalDB().get_language_id(language_code)) QMessageBox().information(self,"Restart required"),"Language was changed to ") + QLocale.languageToString(QLocale(language_code).language()) + "\n" +"You should restart application to apply changes\n" "Application will be terminated now"), QMessageBox.Ok) self.close()
def send_sms(self): client_secret = JalSettings().getValue('RuTaxClientSecret') self.phone_number = self.PhoneNumberEdit.text().replace('-', '') payload = '{' + f'"client_secret":"{client_secret}","phone":"{self.phone_number}"' + '}' response = '', data=payload) if response.status_code != 204: logging.error("FNS login failed: ") + f"{response}/{response.text}") else:"SMS was requested successfully"))
def currency_id(self, currency_symbol) -> int: match = [x for x in self._data[FOF.SYMBOLS] if x['symbol'] == currency_symbol and self._asset(x['asset'])['type'] == FOF.ASSET_MONEY] if match: if len(match) == 1: return match[0]["asset"] else: raise Statement_ImportError("Multiple currency match for ") + f"{currency_symbol}") else: asset_id = max([0] + [x['id'] for x in self._data[FOF.ASSETS]]) + 1 self._data[FOF.ASSETS].append({"id": asset_id, "type": "money", "name": ""}) symbol_id = max([0] + [x['id'] for x in self._data[FOF.SYMBOLS]]) + 1 currency = {"id": symbol_id, "asset": asset_id, "symbol": currency_symbol, "currency": -JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency')} self._data[FOF.SYMBOLS].append(currency) return asset_id
def output_purchase(self, actions, operation_id, proceed_qty, basis, level, group): if proceed_qty <= 0: return proceed_qty purchase = readSQL("SELECT AS trade_id, s.symbol, s.isin AS isin, s.type_id AS type_id, " "coalesce(d.qty-SUM(lq.total_value), d.qty) AS qty, " "t.timestamp AS t_date, qt.quote AS t_rate, t.number AS trade_number, " "t.settlement AS s_date, qts.quote AS s_rate, t.price AS price, t.fee AS fee " "FROM trades AS t " "JOIN deals AS d ON AND t.op_type=d.open_op_type " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON = t.account_id " "LEFT JOIN assets_ext AS s ON = t.asset_id AND s.currency_id=a.currency_id " "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ldt ON t.timestamp=ldt.ref_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS qt ON ldt.timestamp=qt.timestamp AND a.currency_id=qt.asset_id AND qt.currency_id=:base_currency " "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ldts ON t.settlement=ldts.ref_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS qts ON ldts.timestamp=qts.timestamp AND a.currency_id=qts.asset_id AND qts.currency_id=:base_currency " "LEFT JOIN t_last_assets AS lq ON = " "WHERE = :operation_id", [(":operation_id", operation_id), (":base_currency", JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency'))], named=True) if purchase['qty'] <= (2 * Setup.CALC_TOLERANCE): return proceed_qty # This trade was fully mached before purchase['operation'] = ' ' * level * 3 + "Покупка" purchase['basis_ratio'] = 100.0 * basis deal_qty = purchase['qty'] purchase['qty'] = proceed_qty if proceed_qty < deal_qty else deal_qty purchase['amount'] = round(purchase['price'] * purchase['qty'], 2) purchase['amount_rub'] = round(purchase['amount'] * purchase['s_rate'], 2) if purchase['s_rate'] else 0 purchase['fee'] = purchase['fee'] * purchase['qty'] / deal_qty purchase['fee_rub'] = round(purchase['fee'] * purchase['t_rate'], 2) if purchase['t_rate'] else 0 purchase['income_rub'] = 0 purchase['spending_rub'] = round(basis*(purchase['amount_rub'] + purchase['fee_rub']), 2) _ = executeSQL("INSERT INTO t_last_assets (id, total_value) VALUES (:trade_id, :qty)", [(":trade_id", purchase['trade_id']), (":qty", purchase['qty'])]) if level >= 0: # Don't output if level==-1, i.e. corp action is out of report scope purchase['report_template'] = "trade" purchase['report_group'] = group actions.append(purchase) if purchase['type_id'] == PredefinedAsset.Bond: share = purchase['qty'] / deal_qty if purchase['qty'] < deal_qty else 1 self.output_accrued_interest(actions, purchase['trade_number'], share, level) return proceed_qty - purchase['qty']
def __init__(self, parent=None): MdiWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self.parent_mdi = parent self.holdings_model = HoldingsModel(self.HoldingsTableView) self.HoldingsTableView.setModel(self.holdings_model) self.holdings_model.configureView() self.HoldingsTableView.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.connect_signals_and_slots() # Setup holdings parameters current_time = QDateTime.currentDateTime() current_time.setTimeSpec( Qt.UTC) # We use UTC everywhere so need to force TZ info self.HoldingsDate.setDateTime(current_time) self.HoldingsCurrencyCombo.setIndex( JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency'))
def calculateIncomeSpendings(self): query = executeSQL("WITH " "_months AS (SELECT strftime('%s', datetime(timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month') ) " "AS month, asset_id, MAX(timestamp) AS last_timestamp " "FROM quotes AS q " "LEFT JOIN assets AS a ON " "WHERE a.type_id=:asset_money " "GROUP BY month, asset_id), " "_category_amounts AS ( " "SELECT strftime('%s', datetime(t.timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'start of month')) AS month_start, " "t.category_id AS id, sum(-t.amount * coalesce(q.quote, 1)) AS amount " "FROM ledger AS t " "LEFT JOIN _months AS d ON month_start = d.month AND t.asset_id = d.asset_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON d.last_timestamp = q.timestamp AND t.asset_id = q.asset_id " "AND q.currency_id=:base_currency " "WHERE (t.book_account=:book_costs OR t.book_account=:book_incomes) " "AND t.timestamp>=:begin AND t.timestamp<=:end " "GROUP BY month_start, category_id) " "SELECT ct.level,,,, ct.path, ca.month_start, " "coalesce(ca.amount, 0) AS amount " "FROM categories_tree AS ct " "LEFT JOIN _category_amounts AS ca ON " "LEFT JOIN categories AS c ON " "ORDER BY path, month_start", [(":asset_money", PredefinedAsset.Money), (":book_costs", BookAccount.Costs), (":book_incomes", BookAccount.Incomes), (":begin", self._begin), (":end", self._end), (":base_currency", JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency'))], forward_only=True) self._root = ReportTreeItem(self._begin, self._end, -1, "ROOT") # invisible root self._root.appendChild(ReportTreeItem(self._begin, self._end, 0,"TOTAL"))) # visible root indexes = range(query.record().count()) while values = list(map(query.value, indexes)) leaf = self._root.getLeafById(values[self.COL_ID]) if leaf is None: parent = self._root.getLeafById(values[self.COL_PID]) leaf = ReportTreeItem(self._begin, self._end, values[self.COL_ID], values[self.COL_NAME], parent) parent.appendChild(leaf) if values[self.COL_TIMESTAMP]: year = int(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(values[self.COL_TIMESTAMP])).strftime('%Y')) month = int(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(values[self.COL_TIMESTAMP])).strftime('%m').lstrip('0')) leaf.addAmount(year, month, values[self.COL_AMOUNT]) self.modelReset.emit() self._view.expandAll()
def prepare_dividends(self): dividends = [] query = executeSQL("SELECT d.type, d.timestamp AS payment_date, s.symbol, s.full_name AS full_name, " "s.isin AS isin, d.amount AS amount, AS tax, q.quote AS rate, p.quote AS price, " " AS country, c.iso_code AS country_iso, c.tax_treaty AS tax_treaty " "FROM dividends AS d " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON d.account_id = " "LEFT JOIN assets_ext AS s ON = d.asset_id AND s.currency_id=a.currency_id " "LEFT JOIN countries AS c ON s.country_id = " "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ld ON d.timestamp=ld.ref_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON ld.timestamp=q.timestamp AND a.currency_id=q.asset_id AND q.currency_id=:base_currency " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS p ON d.timestamp=p.timestamp AND d.asset_id=p.asset_id AND p.currency_id=a.currency_id " "WHERE d.timestamp>=:begin AND d.timestamp<:end AND d.account_id=:account_id " " AND d.amount>0 AND (d.type=:type_dividend OR d.type=:type_stock_dividend) " "ORDER BY d.timestamp", [(":begin", self.year_begin), (":end", self.year_end), (":account_id", self.account_id), (":base_currency", JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency')), (":type_dividend", Dividend.Dividend), (":type_stock_dividend", Dividend.StockDividend)]) while dividend = readSQLrecord(query, named=True) dividend["note"] = '' if dividend["type"] == Dividend.StockDividend: if not dividend["price"]: logging.error("No price data for stock dividend: ") + f"{dividend}") continue dividend["amount"] = dividend["amount"] * dividend["price"] dividend["note"] = "Дивиденд выплачен в натуральной форме (ценными бумагами)" dividend["amount_rub"] = round(dividend["amount"] * dividend["rate"], 2) if dividend["rate"] else 0 dividend["tax_rub"] = round(dividend["tax"] * dividend["rate"], 2) if dividend["rate"] else 0 dividend["tax2pay"] = round(0.13 * dividend["amount_rub"], 2) if dividend["tax_treaty"]: if dividend["tax2pay"] > dividend["tax_rub"]: dividend["tax2pay"] = dividend["tax2pay"] - dividend["tax_rub"] else: dividend["tax2pay"] = 0 dividend['tax_treaty'] = "Да" if dividend['tax_treaty'] else "Нет" dividend['report_template'] = "dividend" del dividend['type'] del dividend['price'] dividends.append(dividend) self.insert_totals(dividends, ["amount", "amount_rub", "tax", "tax_rub", "tax2pay"]) return dividends
def response_esia(self, auth_code, state): client_secret = JalSettings().getValue('RuTaxClientSecret') payload = '{' + f'"authorization_code": "{auth_code}", "client_secret": "{client_secret}", "state": "{state}"' \ + '}' response = '', data=payload) if response.status_code != 200: logging.error("ESIA login failed: ") + f"{response}/{response.text}") return"ESIA login successful: ") + f"{response.text}") json_content = json.loads(response.text) new_session_id = json_content['sessionId'] new_refresh_token = json_content['refresh_token'] settings = JalSettings() settings.setValue('RuTaxSessionId', new_session_id) settings.setValue('RuTaxRefreshToken', new_refresh_token) self.accept()
def prepare_broker_fees(self): fees = [] query = executeSQL("SELECT a.timestamp AS payment_date, d.amount AS amount, d.note AS note, q.quote AS rate " "FROM actions AS a " "LEFT JOIN action_details AS d ON " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS c ON = :account_id " "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ld ON a.timestamp=ld.ref_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON ld.timestamp=q.timestamp AND c.currency_id=q.asset_id AND q.currency_id=:base_currency " "WHERE a.timestamp>=:begin AND a.timestamp<:end " "AND a.account_id=:account_id AND d.category_id=:fee", [(":begin", self.year_begin), (":end", self.year_end), (":account_id", self.account_id), (":fee", PredefinedCategory.Fees), (":base_currency", JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency'))]) while fee = readSQLrecord(query, named=True) fee['amount'] = -fee['amount'] fee['amount_rub'] = round(fee['amount'] * fee['rate'], 2) if fee['rate'] else 0 fee['report_template'] = "fee" fees.append(fee) self.insert_totals(fees, ["amount", "amount_rub"]) return fees
def prepare_exchange_rate_dates(self): _ = executeSQL("DELETE FROM t_last_dates") _ = executeSQL("INSERT INTO t_last_dates(ref_id, timestamp) " "SELECT ref_id, coalesce(MAX(q.timestamp), 0) AS timestamp " "FROM (" "SELECT d.timestamp AS ref_id FROM dividends AS d WHERE d.account_id = :account_id " "UNION " "SELECT a.timestamp AS ref_id FROM actions AS a WHERE a.account_id = :account_id " "UNION " "SELECT d.open_timestamp AS ref_id FROM deals AS d WHERE d.account_id=:account_id " "UNION " "SELECT d.close_timestamp AS ref_id FROM deals AS d WHERE d.account_id=:account_id " "UNION " "SELECT c.settlement AS ref_id FROM deals AS d LEFT JOIN trades AS c ON " "( AND c.op_type=d.open_op_type) OR ( AND c.op_type=d.close_op_type) " "WHERE d.account_id = :account_id) " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON = :account_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON ref_id >= q.timestamp " "AND a.currency_id=q.asset_id AND q.currency_id=:base_currency " "WHERE ref_id IS NOT NULL " "GROUP BY ref_id", [(":account_id", self.account_id), (":base_currency", JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency'))], commit=True)
def login_fns(self): client_secret = JalSettings().getValue('RuTaxClientSecret') inn = self.InnEdit.text() password = self.PasswordEdit.text() payload = '{' + f'"client_secret":"{client_secret}","inn":"{inn}","password":"******"' + '}' response = '', data=payload) if response.status_code != 200: logging.error("FNS login failed: ") + f"{response}/{response.text}") return"FNS login successful: ") + f"{response.text}") json_content = json.loads(response.text) new_session_id = json_content['sessionId'] new_refresh_token = json_content['refresh_token'] settings = JalSettings() settings.setValue('RuTaxSessionId', new_session_id) settings.setValue('RuTaxRefreshToken', new_refresh_token) self.accept()
def login_sms(self): if not self.phone_number: return client_secret = JalSettings().getValue('RuTaxClientSecret') code = self.CodeEdit.text() payload = '{' + f'"client_secret":"{client_secret}","code":"{code}","phone":"{self.phone_number}"' + '}' response = '', data=payload) if response.status_code != 200: logging.error("FNS login failed: ") + f"{response}/{response.text}") return"FNS login successful: ") + f"{response.text}") json_content = json.loads(response.text) new_session_id = json_content['sessionId'] new_refresh_token = json_content['refresh_token'] settings = JalSettings() settings.setValue('RuTaxSessionId', new_session_id) settings.setValue('RuTaxRefreshToken', new_refresh_token) self.accept()
def __init__(self, language): QMainWindow.__init__(self, None) self.setupUi(self) self.currentLanguage = language self.current_index = None # this is used in onOperationContextMenu() to track item for menu self.ledger = Ledger() self.downloader = QuoteDownloader() self.taxes = TaxesRus() self.statements = StatementLoader() self.backup = JalBackup(self, get_dbfilename(get_app_path())) self.estimator = None self.price_chart = None self.actionImportSlipRU.setEnabled( dependency_present(['pyzbar', 'PIL'])) self.actionAbout = QAction("About"), parent=self) self.MainMenu.addAction(self.actionAbout) self.langGroup = QActionGroup(self.menuLanguage) self.createLanguageMenu() self.statementGroup = QActionGroup(self.menuStatement) self.createStatementsImportMenu() # Set icons self.setWindowIcon(load_icon("jal.png")) self.NewOperationBtn.setIcon(load_icon("new.png")) self.CopyOperationBtn.setIcon(load_icon("copy.png")) self.DeleteOperationBtn.setIcon(load_icon("delete.png")) # Operations view context menu self.contextMenu = QMenu(self.OperationsTableView) self.actionReconcile = QAction(load_icon("reconcile.png"),"Reconcile"), self) self.actionCopy = QAction(load_icon("copy.png"),"Copy"), self) self.actionDelete = QAction(load_icon("delete.png"),"Delete"), self) self.contextMenu.addAction(self.actionReconcile) self.contextMenu.addSeparator() self.contextMenu.addAction(self.actionCopy) self.contextMenu.addAction(self.actionDelete) # Customize Status bar and logs self.ProgressBar = QProgressBar(self) self.StatusBar.addWidget(self.ProgressBar) self.ProgressBar.setVisible(False) self.ledger.setProgressBar(self, self.ProgressBar) self.NewLogEventLbl = QLabel(self) self.StatusBar.addWidget(self.NewLogEventLbl) self.Logs.setNotificationLabel(self.NewLogEventLbl) self.Logs.setFormatter( logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')) self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.logger.addHandler(self.Logs) log_level = os.environ.get('LOGLEVEL', 'INFO').upper() self.logger.setLevel(log_level) # Setup reports tab self.reports = Reports(self.ReportTableView, self.ReportTreeView) # Customize UI configuration self.balances_model = BalancesModel(self.BalancesTableView) self.BalancesTableView.setModel(self.balances_model) self.balances_model.configureView() self.holdings_model = HoldingsModel(self.HoldingsTableView) self.HoldingsTableView.setModel(self.holdings_model) self.holdings_model.configureView() self.HoldingsTableView.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.operations_model = OperationsModel(self.OperationsTableView) self.OperationsTableView.setModel(self.operations_model) self.operations_model.configureView() self.OperationsTableView.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.connect_signals_and_slots() self.NewOperationMenu = QMenu() for i in range(self.OperationsTabs.count()): if hasattr(self.OperationsTabs.widget(i), "isCustom"): self.OperationsTabs.widget(i).dbUpdated.connect( self.ledger.rebuild) self.OperationsTabs.widget(i).dbUpdated.connect( self.operations_model.refresh) self.NewOperationMenu.addAction( self.OperationsTabs.widget(i).name, partial(self.createOperation, i)) self.NewOperationBtn.setMenu(self.NewOperationMenu) # Setup balance and holdings parameters current_time = QDateTime.currentDateTime() current_time.setTimeSpec( Qt.UTC) # We use UTC everywhere so need to force TZ info self.BalanceDate.setDateTime(current_time) self.BalancesCurrencyCombo.setIndex( JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency')) self.HoldingsDate.setDateTime(current_time) self.HoldingsCurrencyCombo.setIndex( JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency')) self.OperationsTabs.setCurrentIndex(TransactionType.NA) self.OperationsTableView.selectRow(0) self.OnOperationsRangeChange(0)
def prepare_corporate_actions(self): corp_actions = [] # get list of all deals that were opened with corp.action and closed by normal trade query = executeSQL("SELECT d.open_op_id AS operation_id, s.symbol, d.qty AS qty, " "t.number AS trade_number, t.timestamp AS t_date, qt.quote AS t_rate, " "t.settlement AS s_date, qts.quote AS s_rate, t.price AS price, t.fee AS fee, " "s.full_name AS full_name, s.isin AS isin, s.type_id AS type_id " "FROM deals AS d " "JOIN trades AS t ON AND t.op_type=d.close_op_type " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON = :account_id " "LEFT JOIN assets_ext AS s ON = t.asset_id AND s.currency_id=a.currency_id " "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ldt ON t.timestamp=ldt.ref_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS qt ON ldt.timestamp=qt.timestamp AND a.currency_id=qt.asset_id AND qt.currency_id=:base_currency " "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS ldts ON t.settlement=ldts.ref_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS qts ON ldts.timestamp=qts.timestamp AND a.currency_id=qts.asset_id AND qts.currency_id=:base_currency " "WHERE t.settlement<:end AND d.account_id=:account_id AND d.open_op_type=:corp_action " "ORDER BY s.symbol, t.timestamp", [(":end", self.year_end), (":account_id", self.account_id), (":corp_action", LedgerTransaction.CorporateAction), (":base_currency", JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency'))]) group = 1 basis = 1 previous_symbol = "" while actions = [] sale = readSQLrecord(query, named=True) if previous_symbol != sale['symbol']: # Clean processed qty records if symbol have changed _ = executeSQL("DELETE FROM t_last_assets") if sale["s_date"] >= self.year_begin: # Don't put sub-header of operation is out of scope corp_actions.append({'report_template': "symbol_header", 'report_group': 0, 'description': f"Сделки по бумаге: {sale['symbol']} - {sale['full_name']}"}) previous_symbol = sale['symbol'] sale['operation'] = "Продажа" sale['basis_ratio'] = 100.0 * basis sale['amount'] = round(sale['price'] * sale['qty'], 2) if sale['s_rate']: sale['amount_rub'] = round(sale['amount'] * sale['s_rate'], 2) else: sale['amount_rub'] = 0 if sale['t_rate']: sale['fee_rub'] = round(sale['fee'] * sale['t_rate'], 2) else: sale['fee_rub'] = 0 sale['income_rub'] = sale['amount_rub'] sale['spending_rub'] = sale['fee_rub'] if sale["t_date"] < self.year_begin: # Don't show deal that is before report year (level = -1) self.proceed_corporate_action(actions, sale['operation_id'], sale['symbol'], sale['qty'], basis, -1, group) else: sale['report_template'] = "trade" sale['report_group'] = group actions.append(sale) if sale['type_id'] == PredefinedAsset.Bond: self.output_accrued_interest(actions, sale['trade_number'], 1, 0) self.proceed_corporate_action(actions, sale['operation_id'], sale['symbol'], sale['qty'], basis, 1, group) self.insert_totals(actions, ["income_rub", "spending_rub"]) corp_actions += actions group += 1 return corp_actions
def rebuild(self, from_timestamp=-1, fast_and_dirty=False): exception_happened = False last_timestamp = 0 self.amounts.clear() self.values.clear() if from_timestamp >= 0: frontier = from_timestamp operations_count = readSQL( "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM operation_sequence WHERE timestamp >= :frontier", [(":frontier", frontier)]) else: frontier = self.getCurrentFrontier() operations_count = readSQL( "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM operation_sequence WHERE timestamp >= :frontier", [(":frontier", frontier)]) if operations_count > self.SILENT_REBUILD_THRESHOLD: if QMessageBox().warning( None,"Confirmation"), f"{operations_count}" + self. tr(" operations require rebuild. Do you want to do it right now?" ), QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No) == QMessageBox.No: JalSettings().setValue('RebuildDB', 1) return if operations_count == 0:"Leger is empty")) return if self.progress_bar is not None: self.progress_bar.setRange(0, operations_count) self.main_window.showProgressBar(True)"Re-building ledger since: ") + f"{datetime.utcfromtimestamp(frontier).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')}" ) start_time = _ = executeSQL("DELETE FROM deals WHERE close_timestamp >= :frontier", [(":frontier", frontier)]) _ = executeSQL("DELETE FROM ledger WHERE timestamp >= :frontier", [(":frontier", frontier)]) _ = executeSQL( "DELETE FROM ledger_totals WHERE timestamp >= :frontier", [(":frontier", frontier)]) _ = executeSQL("DELETE FROM open_trades WHERE timestamp >= :frontier", [(":frontier", frontier)]) db_triggers_disable() if fast_and_dirty: # For 30k operations difference of execution time is - with 0:02:41 / without 0:11:44 _ = executeSQL("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF") try: query = executeSQL( "SELECT op_type, id, timestamp, account_id, subtype FROM operation_sequence " "WHERE timestamp >= :frontier", [(":frontier", frontier)]) while data = readSQLrecord(query, named=True) last_timestamp = data['timestamp'] operation = LedgerTransaction().get_operation( data['op_type'], data['id'], data['subtype']) operation.processLedger(self) if self.progress_bar is not None: self.progress_bar.setValue( except Exception as e: exception_happened = True logging.error(f"{traceback.format_exc()}") finally: if fast_and_dirty: _ = executeSQL("PRAGMA synchronous = ON") db_triggers_enable() if self.progress_bar is not None: self.main_window.showProgressBar(False) # Fill ledger totals values _ = executeSQL( "INSERT INTO ledger_totals" "(op_type, operation_id, timestamp, book_account, asset_id, account_id, amount_acc, value_acc) " "SELECT op_type, operation_id, timestamp, book_account, " "asset_id, account_id, amount_acc, value_acc FROM ledger " "WHERE id IN (" "SELECT MAX(id) FROM ledger WHERE timestamp >= :frontier " "GROUP BY op_type, operation_id, book_account, account_id, asset_id)", [(":frontier", frontier)]) JalSettings().setValue('RebuildDB', 0) if exception_happened: logging.error( self. tr("Exception happened. Ledger is incomplete. Please correct errors listed in log" )) else:"Ledger is complete. Elapsed time: ") + f"{ - start_time}" +", new frontier: ") + f"{datetime.utcfromtimestamp(last_timestamp).strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')}" ) self.updated.emit()
def prepare_tax(self): _ = executeSQL("DELETE FROM t_last_dates") _ = executeSQL("DELETE FROM t_last_quotes") _ = executeSQL( "INSERT INTO t_last_dates(ref_id, timestamp) " "SELECT ref_id, coalesce(MAX(q.timestamp), 0) AS timestamp " "FROM (" "SELECT t.timestamp AS ref_id FROM trades AS t " "WHERE t.account_id=:account_id AND t.asset_id=:asset_id " "UNION " "SELECT t.settlement AS ref_id FROM trades AS t " "WHERE t.account_id=:account_id AND t.asset_id=:asset_id " ") LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON = :account_id " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS q ON ref_id >= q.timestamp AND a.currency_id=q.asset_id AND q.currency_id=:base_currency " "WHERE ref_id IS NOT NULL " "GROUP BY ref_id ORDER BY ref_id", [(":account_id", self.account_id), (":asset_id", self.asset_id), (":base_currency", JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency'))]) _ = executeSQL( "INSERT INTO t_last_quotes(timestamp, asset_id, quote) " "SELECT MAX(timestamp) AS timestamp, asset_id, quote " "FROM quotes AS q LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON = :account_id " "WHERE q.asset_id = :asset_id OR q.asset_id = a.currency_id AND q.currency_id=:base_currency " "GROUP BY asset_id", [(":account_id", self.account_id), (":asset_id", self.asset_id), (":base_currency", JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency'))]) self.quote = readSQL( "SELECT quote FROM t_last_quotes WHERE asset_id=:asset_id", [(":asset_id", self.asset_id)]) if self.quote is None: logging.error("Can't get current quote for ") + self.asset_name) return self.currency_name = JalDB().get_asset_name( JalDB().get_account_currency(self.account_id)) self.rate = readSQL( "SELECT quote FROM accounts AS a " "LEFT JOIN t_last_quotes AS q ON q.asset_id=a.currency_id WHERE id=:account_id", [(":account_id", self.account_id)]) if self.rate is None: logging.error("Can't get current rate for ") + self.currency_name) return query = executeSQL( "SELECT strftime('%d/%m/%Y', datetime(t.timestamp, 'unixepoch')) AS timestamp, " "t.qty AS qty, t.price AS o_price, oq.quote AS o_rate FROM trades AS t " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS ac ON = :account_id " "LEFT JOIN t_last_dates AS od ON od.ref_id = IIF(t.settlement=0, t.timestamp, t.settlement) " "LEFT JOIN quotes AS oq ON ac.currency_id=oq.asset_id AND oq.currency_id=:base_currency " "AND oq.timestamp=od.timestamp " "WHERE t.account_id=:account_id AND t.asset_id=:asset_id AND t.qty*(:total_qty)>0 " "ORDER BY t.timestamp DESC, DESC", [(":account_id", self.account_id), (":asset_id", self.asset_id), (":total_qty", self.asset_qty), (":base_currency", JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency'))]) table = [] remainder = self.asset_qty profit = 0 value = 0 profit_rub = 0 value_rub = 0 while record = readSQLrecord(query, named=True) record['qty'] = record[ 'qty'] if record['qty'] <= remainder else remainder record['profit'] = record['qty'] * (self.quote - record['o_price']) record[ 'o_rate'] = 1 if record['o_rate'] == '' else record['o_rate'] record['profit_rub'] = record['qty'] * ( self.quote * self.rate - record['o_price'] * record['o_rate']) record['tax'] = 0.13 * record['profit_rub'] if record[ 'profit_rub'] > 0 else 0 table.append(record) remainder -= record['qty'] profit += record['profit'] value += record['qty'] * record['o_price'] profit_rub += record['profit_rub'] value_rub += record['qty'] * record['o_price'] * record['o_rate'] if remainder <= 0: break tax = 0.13 * profit_rub if profit_rub > 0 else 0 table.append({ 'timestamp':"TOTAL"), 'qty': self.asset_qty, 'o_price': value / self.asset_qty, 'o_rate': value_rub / value, 'profit': profit, 'profit_rub': profit_rub, 'tax': tax }) data = pd.DataFrame(table) self.dataframe = data
def calculateBalances(self): query = executeSQL( "WITH " "_last_quotes AS (SELECT MAX(timestamp) AS timestamp, asset_id, currency_id, quote " "FROM quotes WHERE timestamp <= :balances_timestamp GROUP BY asset_id, currency_id), " "_last_dates AS (SELECT account_id AS ref_id, MAX(timestamp) AS timestamp " "FROM ledger WHERE timestamp <= :balances_timestamp GROUP BY ref_id) " "SELECT a.type_id AS account_type, AS type_name, l.account_id AS account, " " AS account_name, a.currency_id AS currency, c.symbol AS currency_name, " "SUM(CASE WHEN l.book_account=:assets_book THEN l.amount*q.quote ELSE l.amount END) AS balance, " "SUM(CASE WHEN l.book_account=:assets_book THEN l.amount*coalesce(q.quote*r.quote/ra.quote, 0) " "ELSE l.amount*coalesce(r.quote/ra.quote, 0) END) AS balance_a, " "(d.timestamp - coalesce(a.reconciled_on, 0))/86400 AS unreconciled, " " AS active " "FROM ledger AS l " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON l.account_id = " "LEFT JOIN assets_ext AS c ON = a.currency_id AND c.currency_id = :base_currency " "LEFT JOIN account_types AS t ON a.type_id = " "LEFT JOIN _last_quotes AS q ON l.asset_id = q.asset_id AND q.currency_id = a.currency_id " "LEFT JOIN _last_quotes AS r ON a.currency_id = r.asset_id AND r.currency_id = :base_currency " "LEFT JOIN _last_quotes AS ra ON ra.asset_id = :currency AND ra.currency_id = :base_currency " "LEFT JOIN _last_dates AS d ON l.account_id = d.ref_id " "WHERE (book_account=:money_book OR book_account=:assets_book OR book_account=:liabilities_book) " "AND l.timestamp <= :balances_timestamp " "GROUP BY l.account_id " "HAVING ABS(balance)>:tolerance " "ORDER BY account_type", [(":currency", self._currency), (":money_book", BookAccount.Money), (":assets_book", BookAccount.Assets), (":liabilities_book", BookAccount.Liabilities), (":balances_timestamp", self._date), (":tolerance", Setup.DISP_TOLERANCE), (":base_currency", JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency'))], forward_only=True) self._data = [] current_type = 0 current_type_name = '' field_names = list( map(query.record().fieldName, range( query.record().count()))) + ['level'] while values = readSQLrecord(query, named=True) values['level'] = 0 if self._active_only and (values['active'] == 0): continue if values['account_type'] != current_type: if current_type != 0: sub_total = sum([ row['balance_a'] for row in self._data if row['account_type'] == current_type ]) self._data.append( dict( zip(field_names, [ current_type, current_type_name, 0, '', 0, '', 0, sub_total, 0, 1, 1 ]))) current_type = values['account_type'] current_type_name = values['type_name'] self._data.append(values) if current_type != 0: sub_total = sum([ row['balance_a'] for row in self._data if row['account_type'] == current_type ]) self._data.append( dict( zip(field_names, [ current_type, current_type_name, 0, '', 0, '', 0, sub_total, 0, 1, 1 ]))) total_sum = sum( [row['balance_a'] for row in self._data if row['level'] == 0]) self._data.append( dict( zip(field_names, [0,"Total"), 0, '', 0, '', 0, total_sum, 0, 1, 2]))) self.modelReset.emit()
def calculateHoldings(self): query = executeSQL( "WITH " "_last_quotes AS (SELECT MAX(timestamp) AS timestamp, asset_id, currency_id, quote " "FROM quotes WHERE timestamp <= :holdings_timestamp GROUP BY asset_id, currency_id), " "_last_assets AS (" "SELECT id, SUM(t_value) AS total_value " "FROM " "(" "SELECT, SUM(l.amount) AS t_value " "FROM ledger AS l " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON l.account_id = " "WHERE (l.book_account=:money_book OR l.book_account=:liabilities_book) " "AND a.type_id = :investments AND l.timestamp <= :holdings_timestamp GROUP BY " "UNION ALL " "SELECT, SUM(l.amount*q.quote) AS t_value " "FROM ledger AS l " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON l.account_id = " "LEFT JOIN _last_quotes AS q ON l.asset_id = q.asset_id AND q.currency_id = a.currency_id " "WHERE l.book_account=:assets_book AND a.type_id = :investments AND l.timestamp <= :holdings_timestamp " "GROUP BY" ") " "GROUP BY id HAVING ABS(total_value) > :tolerance) " "SELECT h.currency_id, c.symbol AS currency, h.account_id, h.account, h.asset_id, " "h.currency_id=h.asset_id AS asset_is_currency, coalesce(a.symbol, c.symbol) AS asset, " "coalesce(a.full_name, c.full_name) AS asset_name, ad.value AS expiry, h.qty, h.value AS value_i, " "h.quote, h.quote_a, " "FROM (" "SELECT a.currency_id, l.account_id, AS account, l.asset_id, sum(l.amount) AS qty, " "sum(l.value) AS value, q.quote, q.quote*r.quote/ra.quote AS quote_a, t.total_value AS total " "FROM ledger AS l " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON l.account_id = " "LEFT JOIN _last_quotes AS q ON l.asset_id = q.asset_id AND q.currency_id = a.currency_id " "LEFT JOIN _last_quotes AS r ON a.currency_id = r.asset_id AND r.currency_id = :base_currency " "LEFT JOIN _last_quotes AS ra ON ra.asset_id = :currency AND ra.currency_id = :base_currency " "LEFT JOIN _last_assets AS t ON l.account_id = " "WHERE a.type_id = :investments AND l.book_account = :assets_book AND l.timestamp <= :holdings_timestamp " "GROUP BY l.account_id, l.asset_id " "HAVING ABS(qty) > :tolerance " "UNION ALL " "SELECT a.currency_id, l.account_id, AS account, l.asset_id, sum(l.amount) AS qty, " "0 AS value, 1, r.quote/ra.quote AS quote_a, t.total_value AS total " "FROM ledger AS l " "LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON l.account_id = " "LEFT JOIN _last_quotes AS r ON a.currency_id = r.asset_id AND r.currency_id = :base_currency " "LEFT JOIN _last_quotes AS ra ON ra.asset_id = :currency AND ra.currency_id = :base_currency " "LEFT JOIN _last_assets AS t ON l.account_id = " "WHERE (l.book_account=:money_book OR l.book_account=:liabilities_book) " "AND a.type_id = :investments AND l.timestamp <= :holdings_timestamp " "GROUP BY l.account_id, l.asset_id " "HAVING ABS(qty) > :tolerance " ") AS h " "LEFT JOIN assets_ext AS c ON AND c.currency_id=:base_currency " "LEFT JOIN assets_ext AS a ON AND a.currency_id=h.currency_id " "LEFT JOIN asset_data AS ad ON AND ad.datatype=:expiry " "ORDER BY currency, account, asset_is_currency, asset", [(":currency", self._currency), (":money_book", BookAccount.Money), (":assets_book", BookAccount.Assets), (":liabilities_book", BookAccount.Liabilities), (":holdings_timestamp", self._date), (":investments", PredefindedAccountType.Investment), (":tolerance", Setup.DISP_TOLERANCE), (":expiry", AssetData.ExpiryDate), (":base_currency", JalSettings().getValue('BaseCurrency'))], forward_only=True) # Load data from SQL to tree self._root = TreeItem({}) currency = 0 c_node = None account = 0 a_node = None while values = readSQLrecord(query, named=True) values['level'] = 2 if values['currency_id'] != currency: currency = values['currency_id'] c_node = TreeItem(values, self._root)['level'] = 0['asset_name'] = ''['expiry'] = 0['qty'] = 0 self._root.appendChild(c_node) if values['account_id'] != account: account = values['account_id'] a_node = TreeItem(values, c_node)['level'] = 1['asset_name'] = ''['expiry'] = 0['qty'] = 0 c_node.appendChild(a_node) if values['quote']: if values['asset_is_currency']: profit = 0 else: profit = values['quote'] * values['qty'] - values['value_i'] if values['value_i'] != 0: profit_relative = values['quote'] * values['qty'] / values[ 'value_i'] - 1 else: profit_relative = 0 value = values['quote'] * values['qty'] share = 100.0 * value / values['total'] value_adjusted = values['quote_a'] * values['qty'] if values[ 'quote_a'] else 0 values.update( dict( zip(self.calculated_names, [ share, profit, profit_relative, value, value_adjusted ]))) else: values.update(dict(zip(self.calculated_names, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))) node = TreeItem(values, a_node) a_node.appendChild(node) # Update totals for i in range(self._root.count()): # Iterate through each currency currency_child = self._root.getChild(i) for j in range(currency_child.count( )): # Iterate through each account for given currency self.add_node_totals(currency_child.getChild(j)) self.add_node_totals(currency_child) for j in range(currency_child.count( )): # Calculate share of each account within currency if['value']: currency_child.getChild(j).data['share'] = \ 100.0 * currency_child.getChild(j).data['value'] /['value'] # Get full total of totals for all currencies adjusted to common currency total = sum([ self._root.getChild(i).data['value_a'] for i in range(self._root.count()) ]) for i in range(self._root.count( )): # Calculate share of each currency (adjusted to common currency) if total != 0: self._root.getChild( i).data['share'] = 100.0 * self._root.getChild( i).data['value_a'] / total else: self._root.getChild(i).data['share'] = None self.modelReset.emit() self._view.expandAll()