Esempio n. 1
    def average_hash_and_sizes(self):
        height = 0
        width = 0
        if isJython():
            image =
            height = image.getHeight()
            width = image.getWidth()
            newImage = BufferedImage(self.hash_size, self.hash_size,
            g = newImage.createGraphics()
            g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, self.hash_size, self.hash_size, None)
            allchannelpixels = [[], [], [], []]
            for i in range(self.hash_size):
                for j in range(self.hash_size):
                    pixel = int(newImage.getRGB(i, j))
                    allchannelpixels[0].append((pixel >> 16) & 0xFF)
                    allchannelpixels[1].append((pixel >> 8) & 0xFF)
                    allchannelpixels[2].append((pixel) & 0xFF)
                    allchannelpixels[3].append((pixel >> 24) & 0xFF)
        elif isIronPython():
            srcImage = Bitmap(self.image_path)
            height = srcImage.Height
            width = srcImage.Width
            newImage = Bitmap(self.hash_size, self.hash_size)
            gr = Graphics.FromImage(newImage)
            gr.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias
            gr.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
            gr.PixelOffsetMode = Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality
                         Rectangle(0, 0, self.hash_size, self.hash_size))
            allchannelpixels = [[], [], [], []]
            for i in range(self.hash_size):
                for j in range(self.hash_size):
                    pixel = newImage.GetPixel(i, j)
            self.image =
            width, height = self.image.size
            image = self.image.resize((self.hash_size, self.hash_size),
            allchannelpixels = [
                list(channel.getdata()) for channel in image.split()

        bits = []
        for pixels in allchannelpixels:
        return bits, width, height
class Image:
    """Holds an image of RGB pixels accessed by column and row indices (col, row).  
      Origin (0, 0) is at upper left."""

    # QUESTION:  For efficiency, should we also extract and save self.pixels (at image reading time)?
    # Also make setPixel(), getPixel(), setPixels() and getPixels() work on/with self.pixels.
    # And when writing, use code in current setPixels() to update image buffer, before writing it out?
    # This is something to try.

    def __init__(self, filename, width=None, height=None):
        """Create an image from a file, or an empty (black) image with specified dimensions."""

        # Since Python does not allow constructors with different signatures,
        # the trick is to reuse the first argument as a filename or a width.
        # If it is a string, we assume they want is to open a file.
        # If it is an int, we assume they want us to create a blank image.

        if type(filename) == type(""):  # is it a string?
            self.filename = filename  # treat is a filename
            self.image = BufferedImage(
                1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)  # create a dummy image
    # and read external image into ti

        elif type(filename) == type(1):  # is it a int?

            # create blank image with specified dimensions
            self.filename = "Untitled"
            self.width = filename  # holds image width (shift arguments)
            self.height = width  # holds image height
            self.image = BufferedImage(
                self.width, self.height,
                BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)  # holds image buffer (pixels)
            raise TypeError(
                "Image(): first argument must a filename (string) or an blank image width (int)."

        # display image
        self.display = JFrame()  # create frame window to hold image
        icon = ImageIcon(
            self.image)  # wrap image appropriately for displaying in a frame
        container = JLabel(icon)
        self.display.setContentPane(container)  # and place it


        # remember that this image has been created and is active (so that it can be stopped/terminated by JEM, if desired)

    def getWidth(self):
        """Returns the width of the image."""

        return self.width

    def getHeight(self):
        """Returns the height of the image."""

        return self.height

    def getPixel(self, col, row):
        """Returns a list of the RGB values for this pixel, e.g., [255, 0, 0]."""

        # Obsolete - convert the row so that row zero refers to the bottom row of pixels.
        #row = self.height - row - 1

        color = Color(self.image.getRGB(col, row))  # get pixel's color
        return [color.getRed(),
                color.getBlue()]  # create list of RGB values (0-255)

    def setPixel(self, col, row, RGBlist):
        """Sets this pixel's RGB values, e.g., [255, 0, 0]."""

        # Obsolete - convert the row so that row zero refers to the bottom row of pixels.
        #row = self.height - row - 1

        color = Color(RGBlist[0], RGBlist[1],
                      RGBlist[2])  # create color from RGB values
        self.image.setRGB(col, row, color.getRGB())

    def getPixels(self):
        """Returns a 2D list of pixels (col, row) - each pixel is a list of RGB values, e.g., [255, 0, 0]."""

        pixels = []  # initialize list of pixels
        #for row in range(self.height-1, 0, -1):   # load pixels from image
        for row in range(0, self.height):  # load pixels from image
            pixels.append([])  # add another empty row
            for col in range(self.width):  # populate row with pixels
                # RGBlist = self.getPixel(col, row)   # this works also (but slower)
                color = Color(self.image.getRGB(col, row))  # get pixel's color
                RGBlist = [color.getRed(),
                           ]  # create list of RGB values (0-255)
                    RGBlist)  # add a pixel as (R, G, B) values (0-255, each)

        # now, 2D list of pixels has been created, so return it
        return pixels

    def setPixels(self, pixels):
        """Sets image to the provided 2D list of pixels (col, row) - each pixel is a list of RGB values, e.g., [255, 0, 0]."""

        self.height = len(pixels)  # get number of rows
        self.width = len(
        )  # get number of columns (assume all columns have same length

        #for row in range(self.height-1, 0, -1):   # iterate through all rows
        for row in range(0, self.height):  # iterate through all rows
            for col in range(
                    self.width):  # iterate through every column on this row

                RGBlist = pixels[row][col]
                #self.setPixel(col, row, RGBlist)   # this works also (but slower)
                color = Color(RGBlist[0], RGBlist[1],
                              RGBlist[2])  # create color from RGB values
                self.image.setRGB(col, row, color.getRGB())

    def read(self, filename):
        """Read an image from a .png, .gif, or .jpg file. as 2D list of RGB pixels."""

        # JEM working directory fix (see above)
        filename = fixWorkingDirForJEM(filename)  # does nothing if not in JEM

        # ***
        #print "fixWorkingDirForJEM( filename ) =", filename

        file = File(filename)  # read file from current directory
        self.image =
        self.width = self.image.getWidth(None)
        self.height = self.image.getHeight(None)

        pixels = []  # initialize list of pixels

        # load pixels from image
        for row in range(self.height):
            pixels.append([])  # add another empty row
            for col in range(self.width):  # now, populate row with pixels
                color = Color(self.image.getRGB(col, row))  # get pixel's color
                RGBlist = [color.getRed(),
                           ]  # create list of RGB values (0-255)
                    RGBlist)  # add a pixel as (R, G, B) values (0-255, each)

        # now, pixels have been loaded from image file, so create an image

    def write(self, filename):
        """Saves the pixels to a file (.png or .jpg)."""

        # JEM working directory fix (see above)
        filename = fixWorkingDirForJEM(filename)  # does nothing if not in JEM

        # ***
        #print "fixWorkingDirForJEM( filename ) =", filename

        # get suffix
        suffix = filename[-3:]
        suffix = suffix.lower()

        if suffix == "jpg" or suffix == "png":
            ImageIO.write(self.image, suffix, File(filename))  # save, and also
            self.filename = filename  # update image filename
            self.display.setTitle(self.filename)  # update display title
            print "Filename must end in .jpg or .png"

    def show(self):
        """It displays the image."""

        #self.display.repaint()          # draw it

    def hide(self):
        """It hides the image."""

Esempio n. 3
class Image:
   """Holds an image of RGB pixels accessed by column and row indices (col, row).  
      Origin (0, 0) is at upper left."""
# QUESTION:  For efficiency, should we also extract and save self.pixels (at image reading time)?
# Also make setPixel(), getPixel(), setPixels() and getPixels() work on/with self.pixels.  
# And when writing, use code in current setPixels() to update image buffer, before writing it out?
# This is something to try.
   def __init__(self, filename, width=None, height=None): 
      """Create an image from a file, or an empty (black) image with specified dimensions."""
      # Since Python does not allow constructors with different signatures,
      # the trick is to reuse the first argument as a filename or a width.
      # If it is a string, we assume they want is to open a file.
      # If it is an int, we assume they want us to create a blank image.
      if type(filename) == type(""):  # is it a string?
         self.filename = filename        # treat is a filename
         self.image = BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)  # create a dummy image             # and read external image into ti
      elif type(filename) == type(1): # is it a int?
         # create blank image with specified dimensions
         self.filename = "Untitled"
         self.width = filename       # holds image width (shift arguments)
         self.height = width         # holds image height
         self.image = BufferedImage(self.width, self.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB)  # holds image buffer (pixels)
         raise  TypeError("Image(): first argument must a filename (string) or an blank image width (int).")
      # display image
      self.display = JFrame()      # create frame window to hold image
      icon = ImageIcon(self.image) # wrap image appropriately for displaying in a frame
      container = JLabel(icon)         
      self.display.setContentPane(container)  # and place it


   def getWidth(self):
      """Returns the width of the image.""" 
      return self.width
   def getHeight(self):
      """Returns the height of the image.""" 
      return self.height
   def getPixel(self, col, row):
      """Returns a list of the RGB values for this pixel, e.g., [255, 0, 0].""" 
      # Obsolete - convert the row so that row zero refers to the bottom row of pixels.
      #row = self.height - row - 1

      color = Color(self.image.getRGB(col, row))  # get pixel's color
      return [color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue()]  # create list of RGB values (0-255)

   def setPixel(self, col, row, RGBlist):
      """Sets this pixel's RGB values, e.g., [255, 0, 0].""" 
      # Obsolete - convert the row so that row zero refers to the bottom row of pixels.
      #row = self.height - row - 1

      color = Color(RGBlist[0], RGBlist[1], RGBlist[2])  # create color from RGB values
      self.image.setRGB(col, row, color.getRGB())

   def getPixels(self):
      """Returns a 2D list of pixels (col, row) - each pixel is a list of RGB values, e.g., [255, 0, 0].""" 
      pixels = []                      # initialize list of pixels
      #for row in range(self.height-1, 0, -1):   # load pixels from image      
      for row in range(0, self.height):   # load pixels from image      
         pixels.append( [] )              # add another empty row
         for col in range(self.width):    # populate row with pixels    
            # RGBlist = self.getPixel(col, row)   # this works also (but slower)    
            color = Color(self.image.getRGB(col, row))  # get pixel's color
            RGBlist = [color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue()]  # create list of RGB values (0-255)
            pixels[-1].append( RGBlist )   # add a pixel as (R, G, B) values (0-255, each)

      # now, 2D list of pixels has been created, so return it
      return pixels

   def setPixels(self, pixels):
      """Sets image to the provided 2D list of pixels (col, row) - each pixel is a list of RGB values, e.g., [255, 0, 0].""" 
      self.height = len(pixels)        # get number of rows
      self.width  = len(pixels[0])     # get number of columns (assume all columns have same length
      #for row in range(self.height-1, 0, -1):   # iterate through all rows      
      for row in range(0, self.height):   # iterate through all rows     
         for col in range(self.width):    # iterate through every column on this row
            RGBlist = pixels[row][col]
            #self.setPixel(col, row, RGBlist)   # this works also (but slower)
            color = Color(RGBlist[0], RGBlist[1], RGBlist[2])  # create color from RGB values
            self.image.setRGB(col, row, color.getRGB())

   def read(self, filename): 
      """Read an image from a .png, .gif, or .jpg file. as 2D list of RGB pixels."""
      # JEM working directory fix (see above)
      filename = fixWorkingDirForJEM( filename )   # does nothing if not in JEM
      # ***
      #print "fixWorkingDirForJEM( filename ) =", filename

      file = File(filename)    # read file from current directory
      self.image =
      self.width  = self.image.getWidth(None)
      self.height = self.image.getHeight(None)
      pixels = []   # initialize list of pixels
      # load pixels from image
      for row in range(self.height):
         pixels.append( [] )   # add another empty row
         for col in range(self.width):   # now, populate row with pixels
            color = Color(self.image.getRGB(col, row))  # get pixel's color
            RGBlist = [color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue()]  # create list of RGB values (0-255)
            pixels[-1].append( RGBlist )   # add a pixel as (R, G, B) values (0-255, each)

      # now, pixels have been loaded from image file, so create an image
   def write(self, filename):
      """Saves the pixels to a file (.png or .jpg)."""
      # JEM working directory fix (see above)
      filename = fixWorkingDirForJEM( filename )   # does nothing if not in JEM
      # ***
      #print "fixWorkingDirForJEM( filename ) =", filename

      # get suffix
      suffix = filename[-3:]   
      suffix = suffix.lower()
      if suffix == "jpg" or suffix =="png":
         ImageIO.write(self.image, suffix, File(filename))  # save, and also
         self.filename = filename               # update image filename
         self.display.setTitle(self.filename)   # update display title            
         print "Filename must end in .jpg or .png"

   def show(self):
      """It displays the image."""
      #self.display.repaint()          # draw it

   def hide(self):
      """It hides the image."""