Esempio n. 1
    def testReadWriteJSON(self):
        ostream = io.ByteArrayOutputStream()
        writeJSON(self.l, output=ostream)

        istream = io.ByteArrayInputStream(ostream.toByteArray())
        l = readJSON(istream)

        assert self.l.count() == l.count()

        c = self.l.cursor("STATE_ABBR = 'TX'")
        ostream = io.ByteArrayOutputStream()
        writeJSON(c, output=ostream)

        istream = io.ByteArrayInputStream(ostream.toByteArray())
        l = readJSON(istream)
        assert 1 == l.count()
        f = [x for x in l.features()][0]

        assert 'Texas' == f['STATE_NAME']
Esempio n. 2
def _toXML(filter, pretty=True, version=1.0):
  Encodes a filter object as XML.


  ogc, ogcconfig = _ogc(version)
  e = Encoder(ogcconfig)
  e.indenting = pretty
  e.omitXMLDeclaration = True
  out = io.ByteArrayOutputStream()
  e.encode(filter, ogc.Filter, out)
  return str(lang.String(out.toByteArray()))
Esempio n. 3
    def execute(self, data):
        if not self.is_jython:
            print '[!] This module can only be used in jython!'
            return data

        # Creating XStream object and creating Java object from XML structure
        xs = XStream()
        serial = xs.fromXML(data)

        # writing created Java object to and serializing it with ObjectOutputStream
        bos = io.ByteArrayOutputStream()
        oos = io.ObjectOutputStream(bos)

        # I had a problem with signed vs. unsigned bytes, hence the & 0xff
        return "".join([chr(x & 0xff) for x in bos.toByteArray().tolist()])
Esempio n. 4
    def serializeData(self):
        Serialize data, put the result inside self.output
        self.output = '\xAC\xED\x00\x05'

        for type_, data in self.input:
            print type_
            print data
            print len(data)

            if type_ == 'object':

                # Create XStream object and create Java object from the XML structure
                xs = XStream()
                serialized = xs.fromXML(data)

                # Serialize created object with ObjectOutputStream
                bos = io.ByteArrayOutputStream()
                oos = io.ObjectOutputStream(bos)

                self.output += bos.toByteArray()[4:]

            elif type_ == 'block':

                # TC_BLOCKDATA = (byte)0x77
                if len(data) <= 0xff:
                    self.output += '\x77'
                    self.output += struct.pack('<B',
                                               len(data))  # length on 1 byte

                # TC_BLOCKDATALONG = (byte)0x7A
                    self.output += '\x7A'
                    self.output += struct.pack(
                        '>I', len(data))  # length on 4 bytes (big endian)

                self.output += ''.join(
                    list(map(lambda x: chr(int(x, 16)), data)))