class TypeStack(object): class Pair(object): def __init__(self, first, second): self.first = first self.second = second def __init__(self): self.stack = ArrayList() def push(self, first, second): self.stack.append(self.Pair(first, second)) def pop(self, first, second): if len(self.stack): self.stack.pop() #v = len(self.stack) - 1 #if v in self.stack: self.stack.remove(v) def contains(self, first, second): for p in self.stack: if (p.first is first and p.second is second) or (p.first is second and p.second is first): return True return False
class BurpExtender(IBurpExtender, ITab, IHttpListener, AbstractTableModel, IContextMenuFactory): # # implement IBurpExtender # def registerExtenderCallbacks(self, callbacks): # set default values ## Pre-defined callbacks.setExtensionName("Body2Header") self._imenu_description = "Add this URL to the scope of Body2Header" self._remove_description = "Remove this URL from the scope" self._scopes = ArrayList() ## User-defined self._header_name_default = "X-CSRF-Token" self._value_source_regex_default = re.compile("<meta name=\"csrf-token\" content=\"(.*?)\">", re.MULTILINE) self._csrf_token = "" # store callbacks set an alias for stdout and helpers self._callbacks = callbacks self._out = callbacks.getStdout() self._helpers = callbacks.getHelpers() # initialize GUI callbacks.registerContextMenuFactory(self) self.initializeGUI() callbacks.addSuiteTab(self) # register ourselves as an HTTP listener callbacks.registerHttpListener(self) def log(self, message): self._out.write("[{0}] {1}\n".format(,message)) # # implement IHttpListener # def processHttpMessage(self, toolFlag, messageIsRequest, messageInfo): # only process if tools are in the setting if not self._checkboxes[toolFlag].isSelected(): return None request_url = self._helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo).getUrl() if not messageIsRequest: body = self._helpers.bytesToString(messageInfo.getResponse()).encode('utf-8') for scope in self._scopes: if not scope.isMatch(request_url): continue csrf_token_b = if csrf_token_b != None: scope.stored_value = self.log("New value for {0}: {1}".format(scope.header_name, scope.stored_value)) # only process requests/responses in the scope for scope in self._scopes: if not scope.isMatch(request_url): continue # Intercept and modify the request if messageIsRequest: request = messageInfo.getRequest() requestInfo = self._helpers.analyzeRequest(request) # update headers headers = requestInfo.getHeaders() headers = [h for h in headers if not h.startswith(scope.header_name+':')] if scope.header_name != "" and scope.stored_value != "": headers.append(scope.header_name + ': ' + scope.stored_value) self.log("{0} was added to the current request.".format(scope.header_name)) # fetching body to rebubild the request body = request[requestInfo.getBodyOffset():] updatedRequest = self._helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, body) messageInfo.setRequest(updatedRequest) # Utilities def updateTokenSourceRegex(self, e): row = self._url_table.getSelectedRow() if row == -1: return self._scopes[row].value_regex = re.compile(self._form_value_regex.getText(), re.MULTILINE) self._label_value_regex_now_2.setText(self._scopes[row].value_regex.pattern) self.fireTableRowsUpdated(row, row) def updateHeaderName(self, e): row = self._url_table.getSelectedRow() if row == -1: return self._scopes[row].header_name = self._form_header.getText() self._label_header_now_2.setText(self._scopes[row].header_name) self.fireTableRowsUpdated(row, row) def addURLDirectly(self, e): row = self._scopes.size() self._scopes.add(ScopeInfo(self._form_add_url.getText(), self._value_source_regex_default, url_regex = re.compile(self._form_add_url.getText(), re.MULTILINE), header_name = self._header_name_default)) self._form_add_url.setText("") self.fireTableRowsInserted(row, row) def removeFromScope(self, invocation): index_to_delete = self._url_table.getSelectedRow() self._scopes.pop(index_to_delete) self.fireTableRowsDeleted(index_to_delete, index_to_delete) def addToScope(self, invocation): messagesInfo = self._add_invocation.getSelectedMessages() row = self._scopes.size() for messageInfo in messagesInfo: self._scopes.add(ScopeInfo(self._helpers.analyzeRequest(messageInfo).getUrl(), self._value_source_regex_default, header_name = self._header_name_default)) self.fireTableRowsInserted(row, row) # # implement IContextMenuFactory # def createMenuItems(self, invocation): self._add_invocation = invocation self._imenu = JMenuItem(self._imenu_description, actionPerformed=self.addToScope) return [self._imenu] # # extend AbstractTableModel # def getRowCount(self): try: return self._scopes.size() except: return 0 def getColumnCount(self): return 3 def getColumnName(self, columnIndex): if columnIndex == 0: return "URL Regex" if columnIndex == 1: return "Value Regex" if columnIndex == 2: return "Header Name" return "" def getValueAt(self, rowIndex, columnIndex): if columnIndex == 0: return self._scopes[rowIndex].url_regex.pattern if columnIndex == 1: return self._scopes[rowIndex].value_regex.pattern if columnIndex == 2: return self._scopes[rowIndex].header_name return "" # # implement ITab # def getTabCaption(self): return "Body2Header" def getUiComponent(self): return self._splitpane # # GUI settings # def initializeGUI(self): # table panel of scope entries self._url_table = Table(self) table_popup = JPopupMenu(); remove_item_menu = JMenuItem(self._remove_description, actionPerformed=self.removeFromScope) table_popup.add(remove_item_menu) self._url_table.setComponentPopupMenu(table_popup) self._url_table.addMouseListener(TableMouseListener(self._url_table)) scrollPane = JScrollPane(self._url_table) # setting panel ## locate checkboxes ### for constants, see: self._checkboxes = { 2: JCheckBox('Target'), 4: JCheckBox('Proxy'), 8: JCheckBox('Spider'), 16: JCheckBox('Scanner'), 32: JCheckBox('Intruder'), 64: JCheckBox('Repeater'), 128: JCheckBox('Sequencer'), 1024: JCheckBox('Extender') } checkboxes_components = {0: dict(zip(range(1,len(self._checkboxes) + 1), self._checkboxes.values()))} self._label_value_regex_now_1 = JLabel("(1) Regex for the value to store: ") self._label_value_regex_now_2 = JLabel("") self._label_value_regex = JLabel("(1) New regex:") self._form_value_regex = JTextField("", 64) self._button_value_regex = JButton('Update', actionPerformed=self.updateTokenSourceRegex) self._label_header_now_1 = JLabel("(2) Header for sending the value: ") self._label_header_now_2 = JLabel("") self._label_header = JLabel("(2) New header key: ") self._form_header = JTextField("", 64) self._button_header = JButton('Update', actionPerformed=self.updateHeaderName) self._label_add_url = JLabel("Add this URL: ") self._form_add_url = JTextField("", 64) self._button_add_url = JButton('Add', actionPerformed=self.addURLDirectly) ## logate regex settings ui_components_for_settings_pane = { 0: { 0: JLabel("Local Settings:") }, 1: { 0: self._label_value_regex_now_1, 1: self._label_value_regex_now_2 }, 2: { 0: self._label_value_regex, 1: self._form_value_regex, 2: self._button_value_regex}, 3: { 0: self._label_header_now_1, 1: self._label_header_now_2 }, 4: { 0: self._label_header, 1: self._form_header, 2: self._button_header}, 5: { 0: {'item': JSeparator(JSeparator.HORIZONTAL), 'width': 3, }}, 6: { 0: JLabel("General Settings:") }, 7: { 0: self._label_add_url, 1: self._form_add_url, 2: self._button_add_url}, 8: { 0: JLabel("Use this extender in:"), 1: {'item': self.compose_ui(checkboxes_components), 'width': 3} } } # build a split panel & set UI component self._splitpane = JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT) self._splitpane.setResizeWeight(0.85) self._splitpane.setLeftComponent(scrollPane) self._splitpane.setRightComponent(self.compose_ui(ui_components_for_settings_pane)) self._callbacks.customizeUiComponent(self._splitpane) def compose_ui(self, components): panel = JPanel() panel.setLayout(GridBagLayout()) constraints= GridBagConstraints() constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL constraints.insets = Insets(2, 1, 2, 1) for i in components: for j in components[i]: constraints.gridy, constraints.gridx = i, j constraints.gridwidth = components[i][j]['width'] if type(components[i][j]) == dict and 'width' in components[i][j] else 1 constraints.gridheight = components[i][j]['height'] if type(components[i][j]) == dict and 'height' in components[i][j] else 1 item = components[i][j]['item'] if type(components[i][j]) == dict and 'item' in components[i][j] else components[i][j] panel.add(item, constraints) return panel