def doDemystify(data):
    escape_again = False

    #init jsFunctions and jsUnpacker
    jsF = JsFunctions()
    jsU = JsUnpacker()
    jsU2 = JsUnpackerV2()
    jsUW = JsUnwiser()
    jsUI = JsUnIonCube()
    jsUF = JsUnFunc()
    jsUP = JsUnPP()
    jsU95 = JsUnpacker95High()
    JsPush = JsUnPush()
    JsHive = hivelogic()

    # replace NUL
    #data = data.replace('\0','')

    # unescape
    r = re.compile('a1=["\'](%3C(?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile("""('%[\w%]{100,130}')""")
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(
                quoted, "unescape({0})".format(urllib.unquote_plus(quoted)))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*\\u00)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, quoted.decode('unicode-escape'))

    r = re.compile('(\'\+dec\("\w+"\)\+\')')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('dec\("(\w+)"\)')
            for dec_data in r2.findall(g):
                res = ''
                for i in dec_data:
                    res = res + chr(ord(i) ^ 123)
            data = data.replace(g, res)

    r = re.compile(
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile(
            for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64')))

    r = re.compile('(<script.*?str=\'@.*?str.replace)')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('.*?str=\'([^\']+)')
            for escape_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(escape_data.replace('@', '%')))

    r = re.compile('(base\([\'"]*[^\'"\)]+[\'"]*\))')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('base\([\'"]*([^\'"\)]+)[\'"]*\)')
            for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64')))
                escape_again = True

    r = re.compile(
    for g in r.findall(data):
            data = data.replace(g, wdecode(g))
            escape_again = True

    # n98c4d2c
    if 'function n98c4d2c(' in data:
        gs = parseTextToGroups(data, ".*n98c4d2c\(''\).*?'(%[^']+)'.*")
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            data = data.replace(gs[0], jsF.n98c4d2c(gs[0]))

    if 'var enkripsi' in data:
        r = re.compile(r"""enkripsi="([^"]+)""")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                s = ''
                for i in g:
                    s += chr(ord(i) ^ 2)
                data = data.replace("""enkripsi=\"""" + g, urllib.unquote(s))
    # o61a2a8f
    if 'function o61a2a8f(' in data:
        gs = parseTextToGroups(data, ".*o61a2a8f\(''\).*?'(%[^']+)'.*")
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            data = data.replace(gs[0], jsF.o61a2a8f(gs[0]))

    # RrRrRrRr
    if 'function RrRrRrRr(' in data:
        r = re.compile("(RrRrRrRr\(\"(.*?)\"\);)</SCRIPT>",
                       re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL)
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g[0], jsF.RrRrRrRr(g[1].replace('\\', '')))

    # hp_d01
    if 'function hp_d01(' in data:
        r = re.compile("hp_d01\(unescape\(\"(.+?)\"\)\);//-->")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.hp_d01(g))

    # ew_dc
    if 'function ew_dc(' in data:
        r = re.compile("ew_dc\(unescape\(\"(.+?)\"\)\);</SCRIPT>")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.ew_dc(g))

    # pbbfa0
    if 'function pbbfa0(' in data:
        r = re.compile("pbbfa0\(''\).*?'(.+?)'.\+.unescape")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.pbbfa0(g))

    if 'eval(function(' in data:
        data = re.sub(r"""function\(\w\w\w\w,\w\w\w\w,\w\w\w\w,\w\w\w\w""",
                      'function(p,a,c,k)', data.replace('#', '|'))
        data = re.sub(r"""\(\w\w\w\w\)%\w\w\w\w""", 'e%a', data)
        data = re.sub(r"""RegExp\(\w\w\w\w\(\w\w\w\w\)""", 'RegExp(e(c)', data)
        r = re.compile(r"""\.split\('([^']+)'\)""")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, '|')

    if """.replace(""" in data:
        r = re.compile(
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g[0], g[1])

    if '' in data:
        r = re.compile("\(unescape\(['\"](.+?)['\"]\)\)")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, g.decode('base64'))

    # 24cast
    if 'destreamer(' in data:
        r = re.compile("destreamer\(\"(.+?)\"\)")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, destreamer(g))

    # JS P,A,C,K,E,D
    if jsU95.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU95.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsU2.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU2.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsU.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # JS W,I,S,E
    if jsUW.containsWise(data):
        data = jsUW.unwiseAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # JS IonCube
    if jsUI.containsIon(data):
        data = jsUI.unIonALL(data)
        escape_again = True

    # Js unFunc
    if jsUF.cointainUnFunc(data):
        data = jsUF.unFuncALL(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsUP.containUnPP(data):
        data = jsUP.UnPPAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if JsPush.containUnPush(data):
        data = JsPush.UnPush(data)

    if JsHive.contains_hivelogic(data):
        data = JsHive.unpack_hivelogic(data)

        data = zdecode(data)
    # unescape again
    if escape_again:
        data = doDemystify(data)
    return data
Esempio n. 2
def doDemystify(data):
    escape_again = False

    #init jsFunctions and jsUnpacker
    jsF = JsFunctions()
    jsU = JsUnpacker()
    jsU2 = JsUnpackerV2()
    jsUW = JsUnwiser()
    jsUI = JsUnIonCube()
    jsUF = JsUnFunc()
    jsUP = JsUnPP()
    jsU95 = JsUnpacker95High()
    JsPush = JsUnPush()
    JsHive = hivelogic()

    # replace NUL
    #data = data.replace('\0','')

    # unescape
    r = re.compile('a1=["\'](%3C(?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*\\u00)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, quoted.decode('unicode-escape'))

    r = re.compile('(\'\+dec\("\w+"\)\+\')')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('dec\("(\w+)"\)')
            for dec_data in r2.findall(g):
                res = ''
                for i in dec_data:
                    res = res + chr(ord(i) ^ 123)
            data = data.replace(g, res)

    r = re.compile(
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile(
            for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64')))

    r = re.compile('(<script.*?str=\'@.*?str.replace)')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('.*?str=\'([^\']+)')
            for escape_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(escape_data.replace('@', '%')))

    r = re.compile('(base\([\'"]*[^\'"\)]+[\'"]*\))')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('base\([\'"]*([^\'"\)]+)[\'"]*\)')
            for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64')))
                escape_again = True

    r = re.compile(
    for g in r.findall(data):
            data = data.replace(g, wdecode(g))
            escape_again = True

    if '"result2":"' in data:
        r = re.compile(r""":("(?!http)\w+\.\w+\.m3u8")""")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                _in = json.loads(g).split('.')
                aes =
                    .decode('hex'), AES.MODE_CBC, _in[1].decode('hex'))
                unpad = lambda s: s[0:-ord(s[-1])]
                    _url = unpad(aes.decrypt(_in[0].decode('hex')))
                    _url = None
                if _url:
                    data = data.replace(g, json.dumps(_url))
                    aes =
                        .decode('hex'), AES.MODE_CBC, _in[1].decode('hex'))
                    data = data.replace(

        r = re.compile(r""":("(?!http)[\w=\\/\+]+\.m3u8")""")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(

    # n98c4d2c
    if 'function n98c4d2c(' in data:
        gs = parseTextToGroups(data, ".*n98c4d2c\(''\).*?'(%[^']+)'.*")
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            data = data.replace(gs[0], jsF.n98c4d2c(gs[0]))

    if 'var enkripsi' in data:
        r = re.compile(r"""enkripsi="([^"]+)""")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                s = ''
                for i in g:
                    s += chr(ord(i) ^ 2)
                data = data.replace("""enkripsi=\"""" + g, urllib.unquote(s))
    # o61a2a8f
    if 'function o61a2a8f(' in data:
        gs = parseTextToGroups(data, ".*o61a2a8f\(''\).*?'(%[^']+)'.*")
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            data = data.replace(gs[0], jsF.o61a2a8f(gs[0]))

    # RrRrRrRr
    if 'function RrRrRrRr(' in data:
        r = re.compile("(RrRrRrRr\(\"(.*?)\"\);)</SCRIPT>",
                       re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL)
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g[0], jsF.RrRrRrRr(g[1].replace('\\', '')))

    # hp_d01
    if 'function hp_d01(' in data:
        r = re.compile("hp_d01\(unescape\(\"(.+?)\"\)\);//-->")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.hp_d01(g))

    # ew_dc
    if 'function ew_dc(' in data:
        r = re.compile("ew_dc\(unescape\(\"(.+?)\"\)\);</SCRIPT>")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.ew_dc(g))

    # pbbfa0
    if 'function pbbfa0(' in data:
        r = re.compile("pbbfa0\(''\).*?'(.+?)'.\+.unescape")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.pbbfa0(g))

    if 'eval(function(' in data:
        data = re.sub(r"""function\(\w\w\w\w,\w\w\w\w,\w\w\w\w,\w\w\w\w""",
                      'function(p,a,c,k)', data.replace('#', '|'))
        data = re.sub(r"""\(\w\w\w\w\+0\)%\w\w\w\w""", 'e%a', data)
        data = re.sub(r"""RegExp\(\w\w\w\w\(\w\w\w\w\)""", 'RegExp(e(c)', data)
        r = re.compile(r"""\.split\('([^']+)'\)""")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, '|')

    if """.replace(""" in data:
        r = re.compile(r""".replace\(["']([^"']+)["'],\s*["']([^"']*)["']\)""")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g[0], g[1])

    if '' in data:
        r = re.compile("\(unescape\(['\"](.+?)['\"]\)\)")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, g.decode('base64'))

    # 24cast
    if 'destreamer(' in data:
        r = re.compile("destreamer\(\"(.+?)\"\)")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, destreamer(g))

    # JS P,A,C,K,E,D
    if jsU95.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU95.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsU2.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU2.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsU.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # JS W,I,S,E
    if jsUW.containsWise(data):
        data = jsUW.unwiseAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # JS IonCube
    if jsUI.containsIon(data):
        data = jsUI.unIonALL(data)
        escape_again = True

    # Js unFunc
    if jsUF.cointainUnFunc(data):
        data = jsUF.unFuncALL(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsUP.containUnPP(data):
        data = jsUP.UnPPAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if JsPush.containUnPush(data):
        data = JsPush.UnPush(data)

    if JsHive.contains_hivelogic(data):
        data = JsHive.unpack_hivelogic(data)

    # unescape again
    if escape_again:
        data = doDemystify(data)
    return data
Esempio n. 3
def doDemystify(data):
    from base64 import b64decode
    escape_again = False
    #lib.common.log("JairoDemyst:" + data)
    #init jsFunctions and jsUnpacker
    jsF = JsFunctions()
    jsU = JsUnpacker()
    jsU2 = JsUnpackerV2()
    jsUW = JsUnwiser()
    jsUI = JsUnIonCube()
    jsUF = JsUnFunc()
    jsUP = JsUnPP()
    jsU95 = JsUnpacker95High()
    JsPush = JsUnPush()
    JsHive = hivelogic()

    # replace NUL
    #data = data.replace('\0','')

    # unescape
    r = re.compile('a1=["\'](%3C(?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile("""('%[\w%]{100,130}')""")
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(
                quoted, "unescape({0})".format(urllib.unquote_plus(quoted)))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*\\u00)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, quoted.decode('unicode-escape'))

    r = re.compile('(\'\+dec\("\w+"\)\+\')')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('dec\("(\w+)"\)')
            for dec_data in r2.findall(g):
                res = ''
                for i in dec_data:
                    res = res + chr(ord(i) ^ 123)
            data = data.replace(g, res)

    r = re.compile(
    #lib.common.log("JairoXDecrypt: " + data)
    if r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('window\.atob\([\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]\)')
            for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    '"' + urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64') + '"'))

    #r = re.compile('((?:eval\(decodeURIComponent\(|window\.)atob\([\'"][^\'"]+[\'"]\)+)')
    #while r.findall(data):
    #for g in r.findall(data):
    #r2 = re.compile('(?:eval\(decodeURIComponent\(|window\.)atob\([\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]\)+')
    #for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
    #data = data.replace(g, urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64')))

    #jairox: ustreamix -- Obfuscator HTML :
    r = re.compile(
    if r.findall(data):
            matches = re.compile(
            chunks = matches[0][1].split(',')
            op = int(matches[0][2])
            dec_data = r""
            for chunk in chunks:
                    tmp = chunk.replace('"', '')
                    tmp = str(b64decode(tmp))
                    dig = int(re.sub('[\D\s\n]', '', tmp))
                    dig = dig - op
                    dec_data += chr(dig)
            data = re.sub(
                dec_data, data)


    r = re.compile('(<script.*?str=\'@.*?str.replace)')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('.*?str=\'([^\']+)')
            for escape_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(escape_data.replace('@', '%')))

    r = re.compile('(base\([\'"]*[^\'"\)]+[\'"]*\))')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('base\([\'"]*([^\'"\)]+)[\'"]*\)')
            for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64')))
                escape_again = True

    if not 'sawlive' in data:
        r = re.compile('\?i=([^&]+)&r=([^&\'"]+)')
        for g in r.findall(data):
            print g
                _a, _b = g[0].split('%2F')
                _res = (_a +
                        '=').decode('base-64') + '?' + _b.decode('base-64')
                data = data.replace(g[0], _res)
                data = data.replace(g[1],

    if 'var enkripsi' in data:
        r = re.compile(r"""enkripsi="([^"]+)""")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                s = ''
                for i in g:
                    s += chr(ord(i) ^ 2)
                data = data.replace("""enkripsi=\"""" + g, urllib.unquote(s))

    if """.replace(""" in data:
        r = re.compile(
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                if '\\' in g[0]:
                    data = data.replace(g[0].lower(), g[1])
                data = data.replace(g[0], g[1])
        r = re.compile(
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                if '\\' in g[0]:
                    data = data.replace(g[0].lower(), g[1])
                data = data.replace(g[0], g[1])

    # 24cast
    if 'destreamer(' in data:
        r = re.compile("destreamer\(\"(.+?)\"\)")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, destreamer(g))

    # JS P,A,C,K,E,D
    if jsU95.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU95.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsU2.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU2.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsU.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # JS W,I,S,E
    if jsUW.containsWise(data):
        data = jsUW.unwiseAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # JS IonCube
    if jsUI.containsIon(data):
        data = jsUI.unIonALL(data)
        escape_again = True

    # Js unFunc
    if jsUF.cointainUnFunc(data):
        data = jsUF.unFuncALL(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsUP.containUnPP(data):
        data = jsUP.UnPPAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if JsPush.containUnPush(data):
        data = JsPush.UnPush(data)

    if JsHive.contains_hivelogic(data):
        data = JsHive.unpack_hivelogic(data)

    if'hiro":".*?[\(\)\[\]\!\+]+', data) != None:
        data = unFuckFirst(data)
        #lib.common.log("JairoDemyst: " + data)

    if"zoomtv", data, re.IGNORECASE) != None:
        #lib.common.log("JairoZoom:" + data)
        data = zadd(data)
        data = zadd2(data)
            data = zdecode(data)
            escape_again = True
    # unescape again
    if escape_again:
        data = doDemystify(data)
    return data
def doDemystify(data):
    escape_again = False

    #init jsFunctions and jsUnpacker
    jsF = JsFunctions()
    jsU = JsUnpacker()
    jsU2 = JsUnpackerV2()
    jsUW = JsUnwiser()
    jsUI = JsUnIonCube()
    jsUF = JsUnFunc()
    jsUP = JsUnPP()
    jsU95 = JsUnpacker95High()
    JsPush = JsUnPush()

    # replace NUL
    #data = data.replace('\0','')

    # unescape
    r = re.compile('a1=["\'](%3C(?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*\\u00)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, quoted.decode('unicode-escape'))

    r = re.compile('(\'\+dec\("\w+"\)\+\')')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('dec\("(\w+)"\)')
            for dec_data in r2.findall(g):
                res = ''
                for i in dec_data:
                    res = res + chr(ord(i) ^ 123)
            data = data.replace(g, res)

    r = re.compile(
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile(
            for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64')))

    r = re.compile('(<script.*?str=\'@.*?str.replace)')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('.*?str=\'([^\']+)')
            for escape_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(escape_data.replace('@', '%')))

    r = re.compile('(base\([\'"]*[^\'"\)]+[\'"]*\))')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('base\([\'"]*([^\'"\)]+)[\'"]*\)')
            for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64')))
                escape_again = True

    r = re.compile(
    for g in r.findall(data):
            data = data.replace(g, wdecode(g))
            escape_again = True

    # n98c4d2c
    if 'function n98c4d2c(' in data:
        gs = parseTextToGroups(data, ".*n98c4d2c\(''\).*?'(%[^']+)'.*")
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            data = data.replace(gs[0], jsF.n98c4d2c(gs[0]))

    # o61a2a8f
    if 'function o61a2a8f(' in data:
        gs = parseTextToGroups(data, ".*o61a2a8f\(''\).*?'(%[^']+)'.*")
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            data = data.replace(gs[0], jsF.o61a2a8f(gs[0]))

    # RrRrRrRr
    if 'function RrRrRrRr(' in data:
        r = re.compile("(RrRrRrRr\(\"(.*?)\"\);)</SCRIPT>",
                       re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL)
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g[0], jsF.RrRrRrRr(g[1].replace('\\', '')))

    # hp_d01
    if 'function hp_d01(' in data:
        r = re.compile("hp_d01\(unescape\(\"(.+?)\"\)\);//-->")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.hp_d01(g))

    # ew_dc
    if 'function ew_dc(' in data:
        r = re.compile("ew_dc\(unescape\(\"(.+?)\"\)\);</SCRIPT>")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.ew_dc(g))

    # pbbfa0
    if 'function pbbfa0(' in data:
        r = re.compile("pbbfa0\(''\).*?'(.+?)'.\+.unescape")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.pbbfa0(g))

    if '' in data:
        r = re.compile("\(unescape\(['\"](.+?)['\"]\)\)")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, g.decode('base64'))

    # 24cast
    if 'destreamer(' in data:
        r = re.compile("destreamer\(\"(.+?)\"\)")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, destreamer(g))

    # JS P,A,C,K,E,D
    if jsU95.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU95.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsU2.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU2.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsU.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # JS W,I,S,E
    if jsUW.containsWise(data):
        data = jsUW.unwiseAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # JS IonCube
    if jsUI.containsIon(data):
        data = jsUI.unIonALL(data)
        escape_again = True

    # Js unFunc
    if jsUF.cointainUnFunc(data):
        data = jsUF.unFuncALL(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsUP.containUnPP(data):
        data = jsUP.UnPPAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if JsPush.containUnPush(data):
        data = JsPush.UnPush(data)

    # unescape again
    if escape_again:
        data = doDemystify(data)
    return data
def doDemystify(data):
    escape_again = False

    #init jsFunctions and jsUnpacker
    jsF = JsFunctions()
    jsU = JsUnpacker()
    jsU2 = JsUnpackerV2()
    jsUW = JsUnwiser()
    jsUF = JsUnFunc()
    jsUP = JsUnPP()
    JsPush = JsUnPush()

    # unescape
    r = re.compile('a1=["\'](%3C(?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile("""('%[\w%]{100,130}')""")
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(
                quoted, "unescape({0})".format(urllib.unquote_plus(quoted)))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*\\u00)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, quoted.decode('unicode-escape'))

    r = re.compile('(\'\+dec\("\w+"\)\+\')')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('dec\("(\w+)"\)')
            for dec_data in r2.findall(g):
                res = ''
                for i in dec_data:
                    res = res + chr(ord(i) ^ 123)
            data = data.replace(g, res)

    r = re.compile(
    if r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile(r"""window\.atob\(['"]([^'"]+)['"]\)""")
            for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    '"' + urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64') + '"'))

    #r = re.compile('((?:eval\(decodeURIComponent\(|window\.)atob\([\'"][^\'"]+[\'"]\)+)')
    #while r.findall(data):
    #for g in r.findall(data):
    #r2 = re.compile('(?:eval\(decodeURIComponent\(|window\.)atob\([\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]\)+')
    #for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
    #data = data.replace(g, urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64')))

    r = re.compile('(<script.*?str=\'@.*?str.replace)')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('.*?str=\'([^\']+)')
            for escape_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(escape_data.replace('@', '%')))

    r = re.compile('(base\([\'"]*[^\'"\)]+[\'"]*\))')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('base\([\'"]*([^\'"\)]+)[\'"]*\)')
            for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64')))
                escape_again = True

    r = re.compile('\?i=([^&]+)&r=([^&\'"]+)')
    for g in r.findall(data):
        print g
            _a, _b = g[0].split('%2F')
            _res = (_a + '=').decode('base-64') + '?' + _b.decode('base-64')
            data = data.replace(g[0], _res)
            data = data.replace(g[1], urllib.unquote(g[1]).decode('base-64'))

    if 'var enkripsi' in data:
        r = re.compile(r"""enkripsi="([^"]+)""")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                s = ''
                for i in g:
                    s += chr(ord(i) ^ 2)
                data = data.replace("""enkripsi=\"""" + g, urllib.unquote(s))

    if """.replace(""" in data:
        r = re.compile(r""".replace\(/([^/]+)/g,\s*["']([^"']*)["']\)""")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                if '\\' in g[0]:
                    data = data.replace(g[0].lower(), g[1])
                data = data.replace(g[0], g[1])
        r = re.compile(
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                if '\\' in g[0]:
                    data = data.replace(g[0].lower(), g[1])
                data = data.replace(g[0], g[1])

    # JS P,A,C,K,E,D
    if jsU2.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU2.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsU.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # JS W,I,S,E
    if jsUW.containsWise(data):
        data = jsUW.unwiseAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # Js unFunc
    if jsUF.cointainUnFunc(data):
        data = jsUF.unFuncALL(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsUP.containUnPP(data):
        data = jsUP.UnPPAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if JsPush.containUnPush(data):
        data = JsPush.UnPush(data)

        data = zdecode(data)
        escape_again = True
    # unescape again
    if escape_again:
        data = doDemystify(data)
    return data
Esempio n. 6
def doDemystify(data):

    #init jsFunctions and jsUnpacker
    jsF = JsFunctions()
    jsU = JsUnpacker()
    jsUV2 = JsUnpackerV2()
    jsUW = JsUnwiser()
    jsUI = JsUnIonCube()
    jsUF = JsUnFunc()
    jsUP = JsUnPP()
    jsU95 = JsUnpacker95High()

    # replace NUL
    data = data.replace('\0', '')

    # unescape
    r = re.compile('a1=["\'](%3C(?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*\\u00)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, quoted.decode('unicode-escape'))

    # n98c4d2c
    if 'function n98c4d2c(' in data:
        gs = parseTextToGroups(data, ".*n98c4d2c\(''\).*?'(%[^']+)'.*")
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            data = data.replace(gs[0], jsF.n98c4d2c(gs[0]))

    # o61a2a8f
    if 'function o61a2a8f(' in data:
        gs = parseTextToGroups(data, ".*o61a2a8f\(''\).*?'(%[^']+)'.*")
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            data = data.replace(gs[0], jsF.o61a2a8f(gs[0]))

    # RrRrRrRr
    if 'function RrRrRrRr(' in data:
        r = re.compile("(RrRrRrRr\(\"(.*?)\"\);)</SCRIPT>",
                       re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL)
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g[0], jsF.RrRrRrRr(g[1].replace('\\', '')))

    # hp_d01
    if 'function hp_d01(' in data:
        r = re.compile("hp_d01\(unescape\(\"(.+?)\"\)\);//-->")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.hp_d01(g))

    # ew_dc
    if 'function ew_dc(' in data:
        r = re.compile("ew_dc\(unescape\(\"(.+?)\"\)\);</SCRIPT>")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.ew_dc(g))

    # pbbfa0
    if 'function pbbfa0(' in data:
        r = re.compile("pbbfa0\(''\).*?'(.+?)'.\+.unescape")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.pbbfa0(g))

    if '' in data:
        r = re.compile("\(unescape\(['\"](.+?)['\"]\)\)")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, g.decode('base64'))

    # 24cast
    if 'destreamer(' in data:
        r = re.compile("destreamer\(\"(.+?)\"\)")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, destreamer(g))

    # Tiny url
    #r = re.compile('[\'"](http://(?:www.)?[^\'"]+)[\'"]',re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL)
    #m = r.findall(data)
    #if m:
    #for tiny in m:
    #data = data.replace(tiny, get_redirected_url(tiny))

    # JS P,A,C,K,E,D
    if jsU.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU.unpackAll(data)

    escape_again = False
    #if still exists then apply v2
    if jsUV2.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsUV2.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsU95.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU95.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # JS W,I,S,E
    if jsUW.containsWise(data):
        data = jsUW.unwiseAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # JS IonCube
    if jsUI.containsIon(data):
        data = jsUI.unIonALL(data)
        escape_again = True

    # Js unFunc
    if jsUF.cointainUnFunc(data):
        data = jsUF.unFuncALL(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsUP.containUnPP(data):
        data = jsUP.UnPPAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # unescape again
    if escape_again:
        r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']([^\'"]+)["\']')
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                quoted = g
                data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))
    return data
Esempio n. 7
def doDemystify(data):
    common.log('MR DECODE0: ')
    escape_again = False

    #init jsFunctions and jsUnpacker
    jsF = JsFunctions()
    jsU = JsUnpacker()
    jsU2 = JsUnpackerV2()
    jsUW = JsUnwiser()
    jsUI = JsUnIonCube()
    jsUF = JsUnFunc()
    jsUP = JsUnPP()
    jsU95 = JsUnpacker95High()
    JsPush = JsUnPush()

    #common.log('MR DECODE1: ' + data)

    r = re.compile(
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            common.log('MR DECODE2: ' + g)
            marian = re.compile(
            mysplit = re.compile('s\.split\("([^"]+)"').findall(
            myadd = re.compile('unescape\(tmp\[1\] \+ "([^"]+)"\)').findall(
            myadd2 = re.compile('charCodeAt\(i\)\)\+(.*?)\)\;').findall(
            mystring = urllib.unquote(marian[0][2])
            ile = mystring.split(str(mysplit))
            k = ile[1] + str(myadd)
            print("Ile", ile[1], k)
            alina = []
            # for y in k:
            #    print("y",y)

            for i in range(0, len(mystring)):
                aa = ord(mystring[i])
                bb = int(k[i % len(k)])
                alina.append((bb ^ aa) + int(myadd2))

            res = ''.join(map(chr, alina))
            # common.log('Malina: %s ' % malina)
        data = data.replace(g, res)
    common.log('MR DECODE10: ' + data)


    # replace NUL
    #data = data.replace('\0','')

    # unescape
    r = re.compile('a1=["\'](%3C(?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*%\w\w)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, urllib.unquote_plus(quoted))

    r = re.compile('unescape\(\s*["\']((?=[^\'"]*\\u00)[^\'"]+)["\']')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            quoted = g
            data = data.replace(quoted, quoted.decode('unicode-escape'))

    r = re.compile('(\'\+dec\("\w+"\)\+\')')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('dec\("(\w+)"\)')
            for dec_data in r2.findall(g):
                res = ''
                for i in dec_data:
                    res = res + chr(ord(i) ^ 123)
            data = data.replace(g, res)

    r = re.compile(
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile(
            for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64')))

    r = re.compile('(<script.*?str=\'@.*?str.replace)')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('.*?str=\'([^\']+)')
            for escape_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(escape_data.replace('@', '%')))

    r = re.compile('(base\([\'"]*[^\'"\)]+[\'"]*\))')
    while r.findall(data):
        for g in r.findall(data):
            r2 = re.compile('base\([\'"]*([^\'"\)]+)[\'"]*\)')
            for base64_data in r2.findall(g):
                data = data.replace(
                    g, urllib.unquote(base64_data.decode('base-64')))
                escape_again = True

    r = re.compile(
    for g in r.findall(data):
            data = data.replace(g, wdecode(g))
            escape_again = True

    # n98c4d2c
    if 'function n98c4d2c(' in data:
        gs = parseTextToGroups(data, ".*n98c4d2c\(''\).*?'(%[^']+)'.*")
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            data = data.replace(gs[0], jsF.n98c4d2c(gs[0]))

    # o61a2a8f
    if 'function o61a2a8f(' in data:
        gs = parseTextToGroups(data, ".*o61a2a8f\(''\).*?'(%[^']+)'.*")
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            data = data.replace(gs[0], jsF.o61a2a8f(gs[0]))

    # RrRrRrRr
    if 'function RrRrRrRr(' in data:
        r = re.compile("(RrRrRrRr\(\"(.*?)\"\);)</SCRIPT>",
                       re.IGNORECASE + re.DOTALL)
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs != None and gs != []:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g[0], jsF.RrRrRrRr(g[1].replace('\\', '')))

    # hp_d01
    if 'function hp_d01(' in data:
        r = re.compile("hp_d01\(unescape\(\"(.+?)\"\)\);//-->")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.hp_d01(g))

    # ew_dc
    if 'function ew_dc(' in data:
        r = re.compile("ew_dc\(unescape\(\"(.+?)\"\)\);</SCRIPT>")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.ew_dc(g))

    # pbbfa0
    if 'function pbbfa0(' in data:
        r = re.compile("pbbfa0\(''\).*?'(.+?)'.\+.unescape")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, jsF.pbbfa0(g))

    if '' in data:
        r = re.compile("\(unescape\(['\"](.+?)['\"]\)\)")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, g.decode('base64'))

    # 24cast
    if 'destreamer(' in data:
        r = re.compile("destreamer\(\"(.+?)\"\)")
        gs = r.findall(data)
        if gs:
            for g in gs:
                data = data.replace(g, destreamer(g))

    # JS P,A,C,K,E,D
    if jsU95.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU95.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsU2.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU2.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsU.containsPacked(data):
        data = jsU.unpackAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # JS W,I,S,E
    if jsUW.containsWise(data):
        data = jsUW.unwiseAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    # JS IonCube
    if jsUI.containsIon(data):
        data = jsUI.unIonALL(data)
        escape_again = True

    # Js unFunc
    if jsUF.cointainUnFunc(data):
        data = jsUF.unFuncALL(data)
        escape_again = True

    if jsUP.containUnPP(data):
        data = jsUP.UnPPAll(data)
        escape_again = True

    if JsPush.containUnPush(data):
        data = JsPush.UnPush(data)

    # unescape again
    if escape_again:
        data = doDemystify(data)
    return data