Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: GJBoth/jax
def _emit_lowering_rule_as_fun(lowering_rule,
                               ctx: LoweringRuleContext) -> builtin.FuncOp:
  """Emits the contents of a lowering rule as a private function."""
  input_types = map(aval_to_ir_types, ctx.avals_in)
  output_types = map(aval_to_ir_types, ctx.avals_out)
  flat_input_types = util.flatten(input_types)
  flat_output_types = util.flatten(output_types)
  ftype = ir.FunctionType.get(flat_input_types, flat_output_types)
  assert ctx.primitive is not None
  func_op = builtin.FuncOp(, ftype, ip=ctx.module_context.ip)
  func_op.attributes["sym_visibility"] = ir.StringAttr.get("private")
  entry_block = func_op.add_entry_block()
  with ir.InsertionPoint(entry_block):
    unflattened_args = util.unflatten(entry_block.arguments,
                                      map(len, input_types))
    outs = lowering_rule(ctx, *_unwrap_singleton_ir_values(unflattened_args))
    std.ReturnOp(util.flatten(map(wrap_singleton_ir_values, outs)))
  return func_op
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: rsepassi/jax
def lower_jaxpr_to_fun(ctx: LoweringContext,
                       name: str,
                       jaxpr: core.ClosedJaxpr,
                       public: bool = False,
                       replace_units_with_dummy: bool = False,
                       replace_tokens_with_dummy: bool = False) -> str:
    """Lowers jaxpr and its callees to an IR function.

  Assumes that an MLIR context, location, and insertion point are set.

    ctx: the lowering context.
    name: the function name. The name will be uniquified by the symbol table,
      so it is ok to use the same name multiple times.
    jaxpr: the jaxpr to lower.
    public: if true, the function's visibility is set to "public".
    replace_units_with_dummy: if true, unit arguments/return values are
      replaced with bool arrays of size [0].
    replace_tokens_with_dummy: if true, token arguments/return values are
      replaced with bool arrays of size [0].
  Returns the name of the function.
    def aval_to_types(aval):
        if replace_units_with_dummy and aval is core.abstract_unit:
            aval = core.ShapedArray((), np.dtype(np.bool_))
        elif replace_tokens_with_dummy and aval is core.abstract_token:
            aval = core.ShapedArray((), np.dtype(np.bool_))
        return aval_to_ir_types(aval)

    input_types = map(aval_to_types, jaxpr.in_avals)
    output_types = map(aval_to_types, jaxpr.out_avals)
    flat_input_types = util.flatten(input_types)
    flat_output_types = util.flatten(output_types)
    ftype = ir.FunctionType.get(flat_input_types, flat_output_types)
    func_op = builtin.FuncOp(name, ftype, ip=ctx.ip)
    func_op.attributes["sym_visibility"] = ir.StringAttr.get(
        "public" if public else "private")
    symbol_name = ir.StringAttr(ctx.symbol_table.insert(func_op)).value
    entry_block = func_op.add_entry_block()
    with ir.InsertionPoint(entry_block):
        unflattened_args = util.unflatten(entry_block.arguments,
                                          map(len, input_types))
        args: List[List[ir.Value]] = []
        for aval, arg in zip(jaxpr.in_avals, unflattened_args):
            if replace_units_with_dummy and aval is core.abstract_unit:
            elif replace_tokens_with_dummy and aval is core.abstract_token:
        callee_name_stack = xla.extend_name_stack(ctx.name_stack,
                                                  xla.wrap_name(name, 'jit'))
        out_vals = jaxpr_subcomp(ctx.replace(name_stack=callee_name_stack),
                                 jaxpr.jaxpr, map(ir_constants,
                                                  jaxpr.consts), *args)
        outs = []
        for aval, out in zip(jaxpr.out_avals, out_vals):
            if replace_units_with_dummy and aval is core.abstract_unit:
                outs.append(ir_constants(np.zeros((), np.bool_)))
            elif replace_tokens_with_dummy and aval is core.abstract_token:
                outs.append(ir_constants(np.zeros((), np.bool_)))

    return symbol_name
Esempio n. 3
def lower_jaxpr_to_fun(
    ctx: ModuleContext,
    name: str,
    jaxpr: core.ClosedJaxpr,
    public: bool = False,
    replace_units_with_dummy: bool = False,
    replace_tokens_with_dummy: bool = False,
    replicated_args: Optional[Sequence[bool]] = None,
    arg_shardings: Optional[Sequence[Optional[xc.OpSharding]]] = None,
    result_shardings: Optional[Sequence[Optional[xc.OpSharding]]] = None,
    input_output_aliases: Optional[Sequence[Optional[int]]] = None
) -> builtin.FuncOp:
    """Lowers jaxpr and its callees to an IR function.

  Assumes that an MLIR context, location, and insertion point are set.

    ctx: the lowering context.
    name: the function name. The name will be uniquified by the symbol table,
      so it is ok to use the same name multiple times.
    jaxpr: the jaxpr to lower.
    public: if true, the function's visibility is set to "public".
    replace_units_with_dummy: if true, unit arguments/return values are
      replaced with bool arrays of size [0].
    replace_tokens_with_dummy: if true, token arguments/return values are
      replaced with bool arrays of size [0].
    replicated_args: if present, annotates arguments as replicated.
    arg_shardings: sharding annotations for each argument (optional).
    result_shardings: sharding annotations for each argument (optional).
    input_output_aliases: optional sequence that maps argument numbers to the
      corresponding output that should alias them.
  Returns the name of the function.
    def aval_to_types(aval):
        if replace_units_with_dummy and aval is core.abstract_unit:
            aval = core.ShapedArray((), np.dtype(np.bool_))
        elif replace_tokens_with_dummy and aval is core.abstract_token:
            aval = core.ShapedArray((), np.dtype(np.bool_))
        return aval_to_ir_types(aval)

    input_types = map(aval_to_types, jaxpr.in_avals)
    output_types = map(aval_to_types, jaxpr.out_avals)
    flat_input_types = util.flatten(input_types)
    flat_output_types = util.flatten(output_types)
    ftype = ir.FunctionType.get(flat_input_types, flat_output_types)
    func_op = builtin.FuncOp(name, ftype, ip=ctx.ip)
    func_op.attributes["sym_visibility"] = ir.StringAttr.get(
        "public" if public else "private")
    if (replicated_args is not None or arg_shardings is not None
            or input_output_aliases is not None):
        arg_attrs: List[Dict[str, ir.Attribute]] = [
            {} for _ in range(len(flat_input_types))

        if replicated_args is not None:
            replicated_ir_args = [
                [replicated] * len(types)
                for replicated, types in zip(replicated_args, input_types)
            for attrs, replicated in zip(arg_attrs,
                if replicated:
                        "mhlo.is_same_data_across_replicas"] = ir.UnitAttr.get(

        if arg_shardings is not None:
            ir_arg_shardings = [
                [sharding] * len(types)
                for sharding, types in zip(arg_shardings, input_types)
            for attrs, sharding in zip(arg_attrs,
                if sharding is not None:
                    attrs["mhlo.sharding"] = ir.StringAttr.get(

        if input_output_aliases is not None:
            output_ids = util.unflatten(list(range(len(flat_output_types))),
                                        map(len, output_types))
            aliases: List[Optional[int]] = []
            for types, alias in zip(input_types, input_output_aliases):
                if alias is None:
                    aliases.extend([None] * len(types))

            for attrs, alias in zip(arg_attrs, aliases):
                if alias is not None:
                    attrs["tf.aliasing_output"] = i32_attr(alias)

        func_op.arg_attrs = ir.ArrayAttr.get(
            [ir.DictAttr.get(attrs) for attrs in arg_attrs])

    if result_shardings is not None:
        ir_result_shardings = util.flatten(
            [[sharding] * len(types)
             for sharding, types in zip(result_shardings, output_types)])
        func_op.result_attrs = ir.ArrayAttr.get([
            ir.DictAttr.get({} if sharding is None else {
            }) for sharding in ir_result_shardings

    entry_block = func_op.add_entry_block()
    with ir.InsertionPoint(entry_block):
        unflattened_args = util.unflatten(entry_block.arguments,
                                          map(len, input_types))
        args: List[List[ir.Value]] = []
        for aval, arg in zip(jaxpr.in_avals, unflattened_args):
            if replace_units_with_dummy and aval is core.abstract_unit:
            elif replace_tokens_with_dummy and aval is core.abstract_token:
        callee_name_stack = xla.extend_name_stack(ctx.name_stack,
                                                  xla.wrap_name(name, 'jit'))
        out_vals = jaxpr_subcomp(ctx.replace(name_stack=callee_name_stack),
                                 jaxpr.jaxpr, map(ir_constants,
                                                  jaxpr.consts), *args)
        outs = []
        for aval, out in zip(jaxpr.out_avals, out_vals):
            if replace_units_with_dummy and aval is core.abstract_unit:
                outs.append(ir_constants(np.zeros((), np.bool_)))
            elif replace_tokens_with_dummy and aval is core.abstract_token:
                outs.append(ir_constants(np.zeros((), np.bool_)))

    return func_op