Esempio n. 1
def _radial_and_tangential_undistort(
    xd: jnp.ndarray,
    yd: jnp.ndarray,
    k1: float = 0,
    k2: float = 0,
    k3: float = 0,
    p1: float = 0,
    p2: float = 0,
    eps: float = 1e-9,
    max_iterations=10) -> Tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]:
  """Computes undistorted (x, y) from (xd, yd)."""
  # Initialize from the distorted point.
  x = xd.copy()
  y = yd.copy()

  for _ in range(max_iterations):
    fx, fy, fx_x, fx_y, fy_x, fy_y = _compute_residual_and_jacobian(
        x=x, y=y, xd=xd, yd=yd, k1=k1, k2=k2, k3=k3, p1=p1, p2=p2)
    denominator = fy_x * fx_y - fx_x * fy_y
    x_numerator = fx * fy_y - fy * fx_y
    y_numerator = fy * fx_x - fx * fy_x
    step_x = jnp.where(
        jnp.abs(denominator) > eps, x_numerator / denominator,
    step_y = jnp.where(
        jnp.abs(denominator) > eps, y_numerator / denominator,

    x = x + step_x
    y = y + step_y

  return x, y
Esempio n. 2
def generate_positions(rng: rjax.PRNGKey,
                       genpcls: dict,
                       pos0: np.ndarray,
                       pcl: GenParticle = None):
    """ Generates position according to the momentum direction and lifetime
        Traverses decay tree recursively """
    if pcl is None:
        genpcls['root']['pos'] = Position.from_ndarray(pos0)
        pcl = genpcls['root']['gpcl']
        genpcls[]['pos'] = Position.from_ndarray(pos0)

    for ch in pcl.children:
        particle = genpcls[]['pcl']
        if particle.lifetime > 0.0001 and particle.lifetime < 1:
            mom = genpcls[]['mom']
            nevt = mom.size
            rng, key = rjax.split(rng)
            time = particle.lifetime * rjax.exponential(key, (nevt, 1))
            # TODO: add gamma factor multiplier here (relativistic correction)
            chpos = pos0 + mom.velocity(particle.mass) * time
            chpos = pos0.copy()
        generate_positions(rng, genpcls, chpos, ch)