def calculate_likelihood(x, mu, a, theta, y):

    margin, was_retirement, bo5 = y

    sigma_obs = (1 - bo5) * theta["sigma_obs"] + bo5 * theta["sigma_obs_bo5"]

    # If it wasn't a retirement:
    margin_prob = norm.logpdf(margin, theta["a1"] * (a @ x) + theta["a2"],

    win_prob = jnp.log(expit((1 + theta["bo5_factor"] * bo5) * b * a @ x))

    # Otherwise:
    # Only the loser's skill matters:
    n_skills = x.shape[0]

    loser_x = x[n_skills // 2:]
    loser_mu = mu[n_skills // 2:]
    loser_a = -a[n_skills // 2:]

    loser_expected_skill = loser_a @ loser_mu
    loser_actual_skill = loser_a @ loser_x

    full_ret_factor = theta["ret_factor"] * (
        1 - theta["skill_factor"] * expit(b * loser_expected_skill))

    ret_prob = expit(full_ret_factor *
                     (loser_expected_skill - loser_actual_skill) +

    prob_retirement = jnp.log(ret_prob)
    prob_not_retirement = jnp.log(1 - ret_prob)

    return (1 - was_retirement) * (margin_prob + win_prob + prob_not_retirement
                                   ) + was_retirement * prob_retirement
Esempio n. 2
def print_results(coef: jnp.ndarray, interval_size: float = 0.95) -> None:
    Print the confidence interval for the effect size with interval_size
    probability mass.

    baseline_response = expit(coef[:, 0])
    response_with_calls = expit(coef[:, 0] + coef[:, 1])

    impact_on_probability = hpdi(response_with_calls - baseline_response,

    effect_of_gender = hpdi(coef[:, 2], prob=interval_size)

        f"There is a {interval_size * 100}% probability that calling customers "
        "increases the chance they'll make a purchase by "
        f"{(100 * impact_on_probability[0]):.2} to {(100 * impact_on_probability[1]):.2} percentage points."

        f"There is a {interval_size * 100}% probability the effect of gender on the log odds of conversion "
        f"lies in the interval ({effect_of_gender[0]:.2}, {effect_of_gender[1]:.2f})."
        " Since this interval contains 0, we can conclude gender does not impact the conversion rate."
Esempio n. 3
 def rvs(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if self.is_logits:
         # convert logits to probs
         if args:
             args = list(args)
             args[0] = expit(args[0])
             kwargs['p'] = expit(kwargs['p'])
     return super(_bernoulli_gen, self).rvs(*args, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 4
 def args_maker():
   k, n, logit, loc = map(rng, shapes, dtypes)
   k = np.floor(np.abs(k))
   n = np.ceil(np.abs(n))
   p = expit(logit)
   loc = np.floor(loc)
   return [k, n, p, loc]
Esempio n. 5
    def sample(self, state, model_args, model_kwargs):
        i, x, x_pe, x_grad, _, mean_accept_prob, adapt_state, rng_key = state
        x_flat, unravel_fn = ravel_pytree(x)
        x_grad_flat, _ = ravel_pytree(x_grad)
        shape = jnp.shape(x_flat)
        rng_key, key_normal, key_bernoulli, key_accept = random.split(
            rng_key, 4)

        mass_sqrt_inv = adapt_state.mass_matrix_sqrt_inv

        x_grad_flat_scaled = (mass_sqrt_inv @ x_grad_flat if self._dense_mass
                              else mass_sqrt_inv * x_grad_flat)

        # Generate proposal y.
        z = adapt_state.step_size * random.normal(key_normal, shape)

        p = expit(-z * x_grad_flat_scaled)
        b = jnp.where(random.uniform(key_bernoulli, shape) < p, 1.0, -1.0)

        dx_flat = b * z
        dx_flat_scaled = (mass_sqrt_inv.T @ dx_flat
                          if self._dense_mass else mass_sqrt_inv * dx_flat)

        y_flat = x_flat + dx_flat_scaled

        y = unravel_fn(y_flat)
        y_pe, y_grad = jax.value_and_grad(self._potential_fn)(y)
        y_grad_flat, _ = ravel_pytree(y_grad)
        y_grad_flat_scaled = (mass_sqrt_inv @ y_grad_flat if self._dense_mass
                              else mass_sqrt_inv * y_grad_flat)

        log_accept_ratio = (x_pe - y_pe + jnp.sum(
            softplus(dx_flat * x_grad_flat_scaled) -
            softplus(-dx_flat * y_grad_flat_scaled)))
        accept_prob = jnp.clip(jnp.exp(log_accept_ratio), a_max=1.0)

        x, x_flat, pe, x_grad = jax.lax.cond(
            random.bernoulli(key_accept, accept_prob),
            (y, y_flat, y_pe, y_grad),
            (x, x_flat, x_pe, x_grad),

        # do not update adapt_state after warmup phase
        adapt_state = jax.lax.cond(
            i < self._num_warmup,
            (i, accept_prob, (x, ), adapt_state),
            lambda args: self._wa_update(*args),

        itr = i + 1
        n = jnp.where(i < self._num_warmup, itr, itr - self._num_warmup)
        mean_accept_prob = mean_accept_prob + (accept_prob -
                                               mean_accept_prob) / n

        return BarkerMHState(itr, x, pe, x_grad, accept_prob, mean_accept_prob,
                             adapt_state, rng_key)
Esempio n. 6
 def _rvs(self, n, p):
     if self.is_logits:
         p = expit(p)
     # use scipy samplers directly and put the samples on device later.
     # TODO: use util.binomial instead
     random_state = onp.random.RandomState(self._random_state)
     sample = random_state.binomial(n, p, self._size)
     return device_put(sample)
Esempio n. 7
 def log_abs_det_jacobian(self, x, y, intermediates=None):
     # Ref:
     # |det|(J) = Product(y * (1 - z))
     x = x - jnp.log(x.shape[-1] - jnp.arange(x.shape[-1]))
     z = jnp.clip(expit(x), a_min=jnp.finfo(x.dtype).tiny)
     # XXX we use the identity 1 - z = z * exp(-x) to not worry about
     # the case z ~ 1
     return jnp.sum(jnp.log(y[..., :-1] * z) - x, axis=-1)
Esempio n. 8
 def __init__(self, predictor, cutpoints, validate_args=None):
     predictor, self.cutpoints = promote_shapes(jnp.expand_dims(predictor, -1), cutpoints)
     self.predictor = predictor[..., 0]
     cumulative_probs = expit(cutpoints - predictor)
     # add two boundary points 0 and 1
     pad_width = [(0, 0)] * (jnp.ndim(cumulative_probs) - 1) + [(1, 1)]
     cumulative_probs = jnp.pad(cumulative_probs, pad_width, constant_values=(0, 1))
     probs = cumulative_probs[..., 1:] - cumulative_probs[..., :-1]
     super(OrderedLogistic, self).__init__(probs, validate_args=validate_args)
Esempio n. 9
 def _inverse(self, y):
     y = y - jnp.expand_dims(self.anchor_point, -1)
     s = expit(y)
     # x0 = s0, x1 = s1 - s0, x2 = s2 - s1,..., xn = 1 - s[n-1]
     # add two boundary points 0 and 1
     pad_width = [(0, 0)] * (jnp.ndim(s) - 1) + [(1, 1)]
     s = jnp.pad(s, pad_width, constant_values=(0, 1))
     x = s[..., 1:] - s[..., :-1]
     return x
Esempio n. 10
def sigmoid(x):
  r"""Sigmoid activation function.

  Computes the element-wise function:

  .. math::
    \mathrm{sigmoid}(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}
  return expit(x)
Esempio n. 11
def logistic_normal_integral_approx(mu, var):
    Approximates the logistic normal integral, E[logit^{-1}(X)], where
    X ~ N(mu, var).

    gamma = np.sqrt(1 + (np.pi * (var / 8)))

    return expit(mu / gamma)
Esempio n. 12
def sigmoid(x):
    """Sigmoid activation function.

    :param x: Input value
    :type x: :obj:`float` or :obj:`numpy.array`

    :return: Sigmoid activated value: :math:`sigmoid(x) = \\dfrac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}`
    :rtype: :obj:`float`
    return expit(x)
Esempio n. 13
def calculate_likelihood(x, mu, a, theta, y):

    margin = y[0]

    margin_prob = norm.logpdf(margin, theta["a1"] * (a @ x) + theta["a2"],

    win_prob = jnp.log(expit(b * a @ x))

    return margin_prob + win_prob
def compute_probs(y, x, w):
    returns P(y_generated==y | x, w)

    y and x are data batches. w is a single parameter
    array of shape (num_features,)"""
    y = ((y - 1 / 2) * 2).astype(np.int32)
    logits = x @ w
    prob_y = special.expit(logits * y)
    return prob_y
Esempio n. 15
def sigmoid(x: Array) -> Array:
    r"""Sigmoid activation function.

  Computes the element-wise function:

  .. math::
    \mathrm{sigmoid}(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}

    x : input array
    return expit(x)
def loglikelihood(y, x, w):
    compute log p(y | x, w) for a single parameter w of
    shape (num_features,) and a batch of data (y, x) of
    shape (m,) and (m, num_features)

    log p(y | x, w) = sum_i(logp(yi| xi, w))
    y = ((y - 1 / 2) * 2).astype(np.int32)
    logits = x @ w
    prob_y = special.expit(logits * y)
    return np.sum(np.log(prob_y))
Esempio n. 17
    def transition_fn(carry, y):
        first_capture_mask, z = carry
        phi_gamma_t = numpyro.sample("phi_gamma", dist.Normal(0.0, 10.0))
        phi_t = expit(phi_beta + phi_gamma_t)
        with numpyro.plate("animals", N, dim=-1):
            with handlers.mask(mask=first_capture_mask):
                mu_z_t = first_capture_mask * phi_t * z + (1 - first_capture_mask)
                # NumPyro exactly sums out the discrete states z_t.
                z = numpyro.sample("z", dist.Bernoulli(dist.util.clamp_probs(mu_z_t)))
                mu_y_t = rho * z
                numpyro.sample("y", dist.Bernoulli(dist.util.clamp_probs(mu_y_t)), obs=y)

        first_capture_mask = first_capture_mask | y.astype(bool)
        return (first_capture_mask, z), None
Esempio n. 18
    def transition_fn(carry, y):
        first_capture_mask, z = carry
        with handlers.reparam(config={"phi_logit": LocScaleReparam(0)}):
            phi_logit_t = numpyro.sample("phi_logit", dist.Normal(phi_logit_mean, phi_sigma))
        phi_t = expit(phi_logit_t)
        with numpyro.plate("animals", N, dim=-1):
            with handlers.mask(mask=first_capture_mask):
                mu_z_t = first_capture_mask * phi_t * z + (1 - first_capture_mask)
                # NumPyro exactly sums out the discrete states z_t.
                z = numpyro.sample("z", dist.Bernoulli(dist.util.clamp_probs(mu_z_t)))
                mu_y_t = rho * z
                numpyro.sample("y", dist.Bernoulli(dist.util.clamp_probs(mu_y_t)), obs=y)

        first_capture_mask = first_capture_mask | y.astype(bool)
        return (first_capture_mask, z), None
Esempio n. 19
def unbounded_to_lower_and_upper_bounded(lower, upper):
    """Construct transform from reals to bounded interval.

        lower (float): Lower-bound of image of transform.
        upper (float): Upper-bound of image of transform.
    return ElementwiseMonotonicTransform(
        forward=lambda u: lower +
        (upper - lower) * expit(np.asarray(u, np.float64)),
        backward=lambda x: logit((np.asarray(x, np.float64) - lower) /
                                 (upper - lower)),
        image=RealInterval(lower, upper),
def calculate_marginal_lik(x, mu, a, cov_mat, theta, y):

    margin, was_retirement, bo5 = y

    sigma_obs = (1 - bo5) * theta["sigma_obs"] + bo5 * theta["sigma_obs_bo5"]

    latent_mean, latent_var = weighted_sum(x, cov_mat, a)

    # If it wasn't a retirement:
    margin_prob = norm.logpdf(
        theta["a1"] * (latent_mean) + theta["a2"],
        jnp.sqrt(sigma_obs**2 + theta["a1"]**2 * latent_var),

    win_prob = jnp.log(
            (1 + theta["bo5_factor"] * bo5) * b * latent_mean,
            (1 + theta["bo5_factor"] * bo5)**2 * b**2 * latent_var,

    n_skills = x.shape[0]

    # Otherwise:
    # Only the loser's skill matters:
    loser_x = x[n_skills // 2:]
    loser_mu = mu[n_skills // 2:]
    loser_a = -a[n_skills // 2:]
    loser_cov_mat = cov_mat[n_skills // 2:, n_skills // 2:]

    loser_actual_mean, loser_actual_var = weighted_sum(loser_x, loser_cov_mat,
    loser_expected_skill = loser_a @ loser_mu

    full_ret_factor = theta["ret_factor"] * (
        1 - theta["skill_factor"] * expit(b * loser_expected_skill))

    ret_prob = logistic_normal_integral_approx(
        full_ret_factor * (loser_expected_skill - loser_actual_mean) +
        full_ret_factor**2 * loser_actual_var,

    prob_retirement = jnp.log(ret_prob)
    prob_not_retirement = jnp.log(1 - ret_prob)

    return (1 - was_retirement) * (win_prob + margin_prob + prob_not_retirement
                                   ) + (was_retirement * prob_retirement)
Esempio n. 21
        def epoch_step(opt_state, key):

            def train_step(opt_state, batch):
                opt_state, loss = self.update(next(itercount), opt_state, batch)
                return opt_state, loss

            batches = self._make_minibatches(observations, batch_size, key)
            opt_state, losses = scan(train_step, opt_state, batches)

            params = get_params(opt_state)
            mixing_coeffs, probs_logits = params
            probs = expit(probs_logits)
            self.model = (softmax(mixing_coeffs), probs)
            self._probs = probs

            return opt_state, (losses.mean(), *params, self.responsibilities(observations))
Esempio n. 22
def glmm(dept, male, applications, admit=None):
    v_mu = numpyro.sample('v_mu', dist.Normal(0, jnp.array([4., 1.])))

    sigma = numpyro.sample('sigma', dist.HalfNormal(jnp.ones(2)))
    L_Rho = numpyro.sample('L_Rho', dist.LKJCholesky(2, concentration=2))
    scale_tril = sigma[..., jnp.newaxis] * L_Rho
    # non-centered parameterization
    num_dept = len(np.unique(dept))
    z = numpyro.sample('z', dist.Normal(jnp.zeros((num_dept, 2)), 1))
    v =, z.T).T

    logits = v_mu[0] + v[dept, 0] + (v_mu[1] + v[dept, 1]) * male
    if admit is None:
        # we use a Delta site to record probs for predictive distribution
        probs = expit(logits)
        numpyro.sample('probs', dist.Delta(probs), obs=probs)
    numpyro.sample('admit', dist.Binomial(applications, logits=logits), obs=admit)
Esempio n. 23
def _discrete_gibbs_proposal_body_fn(z_init_flat, unravel_fn, pe_init, potential_fn, idx, i, val):
    rng_key, z, pe, log_weight_sum = val
    rng_key, rng_transition = random.split(rng_key)
    proposal = jnp.where(i >= z_init_flat[idx], i + 1, i)
    z_new_flat = ops.index_update(z_init_flat, idx, proposal)
    z_new = unravel_fn(z_new_flat)
    pe_new = potential_fn(z_new)
    log_weight_new = pe_init - pe_new
    # Handles the NaN case...
    log_weight_new = jnp.where(jnp.isfinite(log_weight_new), log_weight_new, -jnp.inf)
    # transition_prob = e^weight_new / (e^weight_logsumexp + e^weight_new)
    transition_prob = expit(log_weight_new - log_weight_sum)
    z, pe = cond(random.bernoulli(rng_transition, transition_prob),
                 (z_new, pe_new), identity,
                 (z, pe), identity)
    log_weight_sum = jnp.logaddexp(log_weight_new, log_weight_sum)
    return rng_key, z, pe, log_weight_sum
Esempio n. 24
 def g(params):
     """differentiable piece of objective in η problem."""
     y = params[1:]
     if log_transform:
         M = utils.M(self.n, t, np.exp(y))
         M = utils.M(self.n, t, y)
     L = self.C @ M
     ξ = self.mu0 * L.sum(1)
     if folded:
         ξ = utils.fold(ξ)
         r = expit(params[0])
         ξ = (1 - r) * ξ + r * self.AM_freq @ ξ
     loss_term = loss(np.squeeze(ξ), x)
     y_delta = y - y_ref
     ridge_term = (ridge_penalty / 2) * (y_delta.T @ Γ @ y_delta)
     return loss_term + ridge_term
Esempio n. 25
    def loss_fn(self, params, batch):
        Calculates expected mean negative loglikelihood.

        params : tuple
            Consists of mixing coefficients and probabilities of the Bernoulli distribution respectively.

        batch : array
            The subset of observations

        * int
            Negative log likelihood
        mixing_coeffs, probs = params
        self.model = (softmax(mixing_coeffs), expit(probs))
        return -self.expected_log_likelihood(batch) / len(batch)
Esempio n. 26
def _newton_iteration(y_train, K, f):
    pi = expit(f)
    W = pi * (1 - pi)
    # Line 5
    W_sr = np.sqrt(W)
    W_sr_K = W_sr[:, np.newaxis] * K
    B = np.eye(W.shape[0]) + W_sr_K * W_sr
    L = cholesky(B, lower=True)
    # Line 6
    b = W * f + (y_train - pi)
    # Line 7
    a = b - W_sr * cho_solve((L, True),
    # Line 8
    f =

    # Line 10: Compute log marginal likelihood in loop and use as
    #          convergence criterion
    lml = -0.5 * \
        - np.log1p(np.exp(-(y_train * 2 - 1) * f)).sum() \
        - np.log(np.diag(L)).sum()
    return lml, f, (pi, W_sr, L, b, a)
Esempio n. 27
def _uniform_transition_kernel(current_tree, new_tree):
    # This function computes transition prob for subtrees (ref [2], section A.3.1).
    # e^new_weight / (e^new_weight + e^current_weight)
    transition_prob = expit(new_tree.weight - current_tree.weight)
    return transition_prob
Esempio n. 28
 def args_maker():
     x, logit, loc = map(rng, shapes, dtypes)
     x = onp.floor(x)
     p = expit(logit)
     loc = onp.floor(loc)
     return [x, p, loc]
Esempio n. 29
    def fit_sgd(self, observations, batch_size, rng_key=None, optimizer=None, num_epochs=1):
        Fits the model using gradient descent algorithm with the given hyperparameters.

        observations : array
            The observation sequences which Bernoulli Mixture Model is trained on

        batch_size : int
            The size of the batch

        rng_key : array
            Random key of shape (2,) and dtype uint32

        optimizer : jax.experimental.optimizers.Optimizer
            Optimizer to be used

        num_epochs : int
            The number of epoch the training process takes place

        * array
            Mean loss values found per epoch

        * array
            Mixing coefficients found per epoch

        * array
            Probabilities of Bernoulli distribution found per epoch

        * array
            Responsibilites found per epoch
        global opt_init, opt_update, get_params

        if rng_key is None:
            rng_key = PRNGKey(0)

        if optimizer is not None:
            opt_init, opt_update, get_params = optimizer

        opt_state = opt_init((softmax(self.mixing_coeffs), logit(self.probs)))
        itercount = itertools.count()

        def epoch_step(opt_state, key):

            def train_step(opt_state, batch):
                opt_state, loss = self.update(next(itercount), opt_state, batch)
                return opt_state, loss

            batches = self._make_minibatches(observations, batch_size, key)
            opt_state, losses = scan(train_step, opt_state, batches)

            params = get_params(opt_state)
            mixing_coeffs, probs_logits = params
            probs = expit(probs_logits)
            self.model = (softmax(mixing_coeffs), probs)
            self._probs = probs

            return opt_state, (losses.mean(), *params, self.responsibilities(observations))

        epochs = split(rng_key, num_epochs)
        opt_state, history = scan(epoch_step, opt_state, epochs)
        params = get_params(opt_state)
        mixing_coeffs, probs_logits = params
        probs = expit(probs_logits)
        self.model = (softmax(mixing_coeffs), probs)
        self._probs = probs
        return history
Esempio n. 30
def chance_constraint(hu, epsilon, gamma):    # Pr(h(u) >= 0 ) >= (1-epsilon)
    return jnp.mean(expit(hu / gamma), axis=1) - (1 - epsilon)     # take the sum over the samples (M)