def EIC(mean, std, best):
    # Constrained expected improvement
    delta = -(mean[0, :] - best)
    deltap = -(mean[0, :] - best)
    deltap = np.clip(deltap, a_min=0.)
    Z = delta / std[0, :]
    EI = deltap - np.abs(deltap) * norm.cdf(-Z) + std * norm.pdf(Z)
    constraints =[1:, :] / std[1:, :]), axis=0)
    return -EI[0] * constraints[0]
def EI(mean, std, best):
    # from
    delta = -(mean - best)
    deltap = -(mean - best)
    deltap = np.clip(deltap, a_min=0.)
    Z = delta / std
    EI = deltap - np.abs(deltap) * norm.cdf(-Z) + std * norm.pdf(Z)
    return -EI[0]
Esempio n. 3
def actor_loss(actor_params, fixed_critic_params, env_dynamics, batch):
    state, _, _, _, alpha = batch

    inputs = np.concatenate((state, alpha), 1)
    action = actor_forward(actor_params, inputs)

    inputs = np.concatenate((state, action, alpha), 1)
    q_s, upsilon_s = critic_forward(fixed_critic_params, inputs)

    cvar = q_s - (norm.pdf(alpha) / norm.cdf(alpha)) * np.sqrt(upsilon_s)

    return -cvar.mean()
Esempio n. 4
    def normal_cdf(self, x, mu=0, sigma=1):
        The cumulative distribution function for the Normal distribution


            >>> import pyhf
            >>> pyhf.set_backend("jax")
            >>> pyhf.tensorlib.normal_cdf(0.8)
            DeviceArray(0.7881446, dtype=float64)
            >>> values = pyhf.tensorlib.astensor([0.8, 2.0])
            >>> pyhf.tensorlib.normal_cdf(values)
            DeviceArray([0.7881446 , 0.97724987], dtype=float64)

            x (:obj:`tensor` or :obj:`float`): The observed value of the random variable to evaluate the CDF for
            mu (:obj:`tensor` or :obj:`float`): The mean of the Normal distribution
            sigma (:obj:`tensor` or :obj:`float`): The standard deviation of the Normal distribution

            JAX ndarray: The CDF
        return norm.cdf(x, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
Esempio n. 5
 def cdf(self, value):
     return norm.cdf(value, loc=self._loc, scale=self._scale)
def LW_LCBC(mean, std, weights, kappa=2.0, threshold=3.0):
    lcb = mean[0, :] - threshold - kappa * std[0, :] * weights
    constraints =[1:, :] / std[1:, :]), axis=0)
    return lcb[0] * constraints[0]
Esempio n. 7
def logredshiftprior(x, a, b):
    lognorm = np.log(norm.cdf(zmax, loc=a, scale=b) - norm.cdf(0, loc=a, scale=b))
    return norm.logpdf(x, loc=a, scale=b) - lognorm
Esempio n. 8
 def cdf(idx):
     x = std_gaussian_bins(prior_prec)[idx]
     return _nearest_uint(norm.cdf(x, mean, stdd) * (1 << post_prec))
Esempio n. 9
 def constrain(self, unconstrained_x: jnp.ndarray):
     return self.prior_mins + norm.cdf(unconstrained_x) * (self.prior_maxs -
Esempio n. 10
 def predict(self, X, w):
     p = jnorm.cdf(, w))
     y = np.array((p > 0.5), dtype='int32')
     return y, p
    w_pred = compute_w_gmm(X_star, **kwargs)

# Compute the upper and lower bounds of the posterior distributions
lower = mean - 2.0 * std
upper = mean + 2.0 * std

print(mean.shape, std.shape, lower.shape, upper.shape)

# Evaluate the acquisition function
acq_fn1 = lambda x: gp_model.constrained_acquisition(x, **kwargs)
LW_LCBCacq = vmap(acq_fn1)(X_star)

# Compute the ratio and weights derived by the constraints and convert everything into numpy for plotting
ratio1 = mean[1, :] / std[1, :]

weight1 = norm.cdf(mean[1, :] / std[1, :])

LW_LCBCacq = onp.array(LW_LCBCacq)

mean = onp.array(mean)
std = onp.array(std)

ratio1 = onp.array(ratio1)

weight1 = onp.array(weight1)

y_f_pred = onp.array(mean[0, :])
y1_c_pred = onp.array(mean[1, :])

y_f_std = onp.array(std[0, :])