Esempio n. 1
 def distance(self, sem1, sem2):
     from jazzparser.formalisms.music_halfspan.harmstruct import \
     # Get dependency graphs for the two logical forms
     trees1 = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem1)
     trees2 = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem2)
     # Count the number of dependencies in each graph
     len1 = sum([len(tree) for tree in trees1])
     len2 = sum([len(tree) for tree in trees2])
     # Take the ratio between the sizes
     if len1 > len2:
         return 1.0 - (float(len2) / len1)
         return 1.0 - (float(len1) / len2)
 def test_call_me_irresponsible(self):
     # Call Me Irresponsible cadence
     sem = semantics_from_string(
         r"[<0,0>, "
         r"(((\$y.(((\$x.leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto($x)))))) "
         r"& (\$x.leftonto(leftonto($x)))) leftonto($y))) "
         r"& (\$x.leftonto(leftonto($x)))) <0,0>)]"
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 2)
     # One node in first tree
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 1)
     # Second tree is the hard one!
     # Should look like this:
     # <(0,0)/(0,0)>
     #   (leftonto(
     #      leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto))))
     #      leftonto(leftonto))
     #    leftonto(leftonto))
     # Check some things about the structure
     tree = trees[1].root
     # First split (just after root)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree), 2)
     # Other split
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0]), 2)
     # Others should not split
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0][0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0][0][0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0][0][0][0]), 1)
     # This is the lowest leaf
Esempio n. 3
 def test_call_me_irresponsible(self):
     # Call Me Irresponsible cadence
     sem = semantics_from_string(r"[<0,0>, "\
                 r"(((\$y.(((\$x.leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto($x)))))) "\
                     r"& (\$x.leftonto(leftonto($x)))) leftonto($y))) "\
                     r"& (\$x.leftonto(leftonto($x)))) <0,0>)]")
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 2)
     # One node in first tree
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 1)
     # Second tree is the hard one!
     # Should look like this:
     # <(0,0)/(0,0)>
     #   (leftonto(
     #      leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(leftonto)))) 
     #      leftonto(leftonto)) 
     #    leftonto(leftonto))
     # Check some things about the structure
     tree = trees[1].root
     # First split (just after root)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree), 2)
     # Other split
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0]), 2)
     # Others should not split
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0][0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0][0][0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(tree[0][0][0][0][0]), 1)
     # This is the lowest leaf
 def test_coordinate(self):
     # Build a semantics of a single point
     sem = semantics_from_string("[<3,1>]")
     # Build a tree for this
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should be only one tree
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 1)
     # Should just contain the root node corresponding to the point
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 1)
Esempio n. 5
 def test_coordinate(self):
     # Build a semantics of a single point
     sem = semantics_from_string("[<3,1>]")
     # Build a tree for this
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should be only one tree
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 1)
     # Should just contain the root node corresponding to the point
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 1)
 def test_coordinates(self):
     # Build a semantics of two points
     sem = semantics_from_string("[<3,1>, <2,2>]")
     # Build a tree for this
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should be two trees
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 2)
     # Should just contain the root node each corresponding to the points
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[1]), 1)
Esempio n. 7
 def test_coordinates(self):
     # Build a semantics of two points
     sem = semantics_from_string("[<3,1>, <2,2>]")
     # Build a tree for this
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should be two trees
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 2)
     # Should just contain the root node each corresponding to the points
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 1)
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[1]), 1)
    def test_predicates(self):
        # Build a semantics of a leftonto/rightonto with resolution
        sem = semantics_from_string("[leftonto(<0,0>)]")
        # Build a tree for this
        trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
        # Should have two nodes, leaf should be leftonto
        self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 2)
        self.assertEqual(trees[0][0].label, "leftonto")

        sem = semantics_from_string("[rightonto(<0,0>)]")
        trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
        # Should have two nodes, leaf should be rightonto
        self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 2)
        self.assertEqual(trees[0][0].label, "rightonto")

        # Try multiple applications
        sem = semantics_from_string("[leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(<0,0>)))]")
        trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
        # Should have 4 nodes
        self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 4)
Esempio n. 9
 def test_predicates(self):
     # Build a semantics of a leftonto/rightonto with resolution
     sem = semantics_from_string("[leftonto(<0,0>)]")
     # Build a tree for this
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should have two nodes, leaf should be leftonto
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 2)
     self.assertEqual(trees[0][0].label, "leftonto")
     sem = semantics_from_string("[rightonto(<0,0>)]")
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should have two nodes, leaf should be rightonto
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 2)
     self.assertEqual(trees[0][0].label, "rightonto")
     # Try multiple applications
     sem = semantics_from_string("[leftonto(leftonto(leftonto(<0,0>)))]")
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should have 4 nodes
     self.assertEqual(len(trees[0]), 4)
 def test_coordination(self):
     # Build a semantics of a coordination
     sem = semantics_from_string(r"[((\$x.leftonto($x)) & (\$y.leftonto($y)) leftonto(<0,0>))]")
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should look like this:
     # <(0,0)/(0,0)>(leftonto(leftonto leftonto))
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 1)
     tree = trees[0]
     self.assertEqual(tree.root.label, (0, 0))
     self.assertEqual(tree[0].label, "leftonto")
     self.assertEqual(tree[0][0].label, "leftonto")
     self.assertEqual(tree[0][1].label, "leftonto")
Esempio n. 11
 def test_coordination(self):
     # Build a semantics of a coordination
     sem = semantics_from_string(r"[((\$x.leftonto($x)) & (\$y.leftonto($y)) leftonto(<0,0>))]")
     trees = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem)
     # Should look like this:
     # <(0,0)/(0,0)>(leftonto(leftonto leftonto))
     self.assertEqual(len(trees), 1)
     tree = trees[0]
     self.assertEqual(tree.root.label, (0,0))
     self.assertEqual(tree[0].label, "leftonto")
     self.assertEqual(tree[0][0].label, "leftonto")
     self.assertEqual(tree[0][1].label, "leftonto")
Esempio n. 12
    def run(self, args, state):
        from jazzparser.formalisms.music_halfspan.harmstruct import \
        if self.options['res']:
            resnum = int(args[0])
            res = state.results[resnum]
            song = res.semantics
            print "Dependency tree for result %d\n" % resnum
            songnum = int(args[0])
            name, song = get_song(songnum, state)
            print "Dependency tree for '%s'\n" % name

        print "Semantics:"
        print song
        print "\nTrees:"
        for t in semantics_to_dependency_trees(song):
            print t
Esempio n. 13
 def fscore_match(self, sem1, sem2):
     The core computation of the distance metric. Takes care of the tree 
     comparison and cadence alignment and return the vital statistics.
     from jazzparser.formalisms.music_halfspan.harmstruct import \
     from jazzparser.misc.tree.lces import lces_size
     from jazzparser.utils.distance import align
     res_score = self.options['res_score']
     # Get dependency graphs for the two logical forms
     if sem1 is None:
         trees1 = []
         trees1 = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem1)
     if sem2 is None:
         trees2 = []
         trees2 = semantics_to_dependency_trees(sem2)
     if sem1 is None or sem2 is None:
         # Empty input: give zero score to everything
         alignment_score = 0.0
         alignment = []
         transpose = None
         # Try each possible transposition of the second tree to make this 
         #  metric key independent
         distances = []
         for x_trans in range(4):
             for y_trans in range(3):
                 def _align(tree1, tree2):
                     # Transpose the label in the second tree
                     label2 = ((tree2.root.label[0] + x_trans) % 4,
                               (tree2.root.label[1] + y_trans) % 3)
                     # Check the root to find out whether they have the same resolution
                     same_res = tree1.root.label == label2
                     # Find out what cadence type each is
                     same_cad = _cadence_type(tree1) == _cadence_type(tree2)
                     if same_cad:
                         # Compare the structure of the cadences
                         tree_similarity = lces_size(tree1, tree2)
                         tree_similarity = 0
                     # Work out how much score to give a matching resolution
                     if res_score == -1:
                         res_match = tree_similarity + 1
                         res_match = res_score
                     return - tree_similarity - (res_match if same_res else 0)
                 aligned,dist = align(trees1, trees2, delins_cost=0, 
         alignment_score,alignment,transpose = min(distances, 
                                                         key=lambda x:x[0])
         alignment_score = -float(alignment_score)
     def _max_score(trees):
         Get the maximum possible score that could be assigned to a match 
         with this tree set.
         score = 0
         for tree in trees:
             # Do the same things as _align (below), but max possible score
             # Maximum similarity is just the size of the tree
             tree_sim = len(tree)
             if res_score == -1:
                 res_match = tree_sim + 1
                 res_match = res_score
             # Assume the same resolution and cadence type
             score += tree_sim + res_match
         return score
     max_score1 = _max_score(trees1)
     max_score2 = _max_score(trees2)
     return alignment_score, max_score1, max_score2, alignment, transpose