Esempio n. 1
def main():
    usage = "%prog [options] [<session-name>]"
    description = "Restores a previously saved interactive shell session. "\
        "If no session name is given, starts up the interactive shell with "\
        "an empty state. "\
        "Sessions are saved using the 'save' command from the interactive "\
        "shell after parsing"
    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description)
    parser.add_option("-l", "--list", dest="list", action="store_true", help="list stored shell sessions")
    parser.add_option("-r", "--remove", dest="remove", action="store_true", help="remove a previously stored shell session")
    parser.add_option("-p", "--parser", dest="parser", action="store", help="load tools associated with the named parser")
    options, arguments = parser.parse_args()
    tools = []
    if options.parser:
        parser = get_parser(options.parser)
    if options.list:
        # List sessions and exit
        print ", ".join(ShellState.list())
    if options.remove:
        # Delete the session and exit
    if len(arguments) < 1:
        # No shell session name: start with an empty shell state
        name = arguments[0]
        # Start up the shell
        restore_shell(name, tools=tools)
Esempio n. 2
def main():
    usage = "jazzparser [<options>]"
    description = "The main parser interface for the Jazz Parser"
    ## Process the input options
    optparser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description)
    # File input options
    group = OptionGroup(optparser, "Input", "Input type and location")
    group.add_option("--file", "-f", dest="file", action="store", help="use a file to get parser input from. Use --filetype to specify the type of the file.")
    group.add_option("--filetype", "--ft", dest="filetype", action="store", help="select the file type for the input file (--file). Use '--filetype help' for a list of available types. Default: chords", default='chords')
    group.add_option("--file-options", "--fopt", dest="file_options", action="store", help="options for the input file (--file). Type '--fopt help', using '--ft <type>' to select file type, for a list of available options.")
    group.add_option("--index", "--indices", dest="input_index", action="store", help="select individual inputs to process. Specify as a comma-separated list of indices. All inputs are loaded as usual, but only the ith input is processed, for each i in the list")
    group.add_option("--only-load", dest="only_load", action="store_true", help="don't do anything with the inputs, just load and list them. Handy for checking the inputs load and getting their indices")
    group.add_option("--partitions", dest="partitions", action="store", type="int", help="divide the input data into this number of partitions and use a different set of models for each. For any parser, tagger and backoff that takes a 'model' argument, the partition number will be appended to the given value")
    group.add_option("--seq-parts", "--sequence-partitions", dest="sequence_partitions", action="store", help="use a chord sequence index to partition the inputs. Input type (bulk) must support association of the inputs with chord sequences by id. Sequences in the given sequence index file are partitioned n ways (--partitions) and the inputs are processed according to their associated sequence.")
    group.add_option("--continue", "--skip-done", dest="skip_done", action="store_true", help="skip any inputs for which a readable results file already exists. This is useful for continuing a bulk job that was stopped in the middle")
    group = OptionGroup(optparser, "Parser", "Parser, supertagger and backoff parser")
    group.add_option("-d", "--derivations", dest="derivations", action="store_true", help="keep derivation logs during parse.")
    group.add_option("-g", "--grammar", dest="grammar", action="store", help="use the named grammar instead of the default.")
    # Parser options
    group.add_option("-p", "--parser", dest="parser", action="store", help="use the named parser algorithm instead of the default. Use '-p help' to see the list of available parsers. Default: %s" % settings.DEFAULT_PARSER, default=settings.DEFAULT_PARSER)
    group.add_option("--popt", "--parser-options", dest="popts", action="append", help="specify options for the parser. Type '--popt help', using '--parser <name>' to select a parser module, to get a list of options.")
    # Tagger options
    group.add_option("-t", "--tagger", "--supertagger", dest="supertagger", action="store", help="run the parser using the named supertagger. Use '-t help' to see the list of available taggers. Default: %s" % settings.DEFAULT_SUPERTAGGER, default=settings.DEFAULT_SUPERTAGGER)
    group.add_option("--topt", "--tagger-options", dest="topts", action="append", help="specify options for the tagger. Type '--topt help', using '-u <name>' to select a tagger module, to get a list of options.")
    # Backoff options
    group.add_option("-b", "--backoff", "--noparse", dest="backoff", action="store", help="use the named backoff model as a backoff if the parser produces no results")
    group.add_option("--bopt", "--backoff-options", "--backoff-options", "--npo", dest="backoff_opts", action="append", help="specify options for the  backoff model. Type '--npo help', using '--backoff <name>' to select a backoff modules, to get a list of options.")
    # Multiprocessing options
    group = OptionGroup(optparser, "Multiprocessing")
    group.add_option("--processes", dest="processes", action="store", type="int", help="number of processes to create to perform parses in parallel. Default: 1, i.e. no process pool. Use -1 to create a process for every input", default=1)
    # Output options
    group = OptionGroup(optparser, "Output")
    group.add_option("--output", dest="output", action="store", help="directory name to output parse results to. A filename specific to the individual input will be appended to this")
    group.add_option("--topn", dest="topn", action="store", type="int", help="limit the number of final results to store in the output file to the top n by probability. By default, stores all")
    group.add_option("--output-opts", "--oopts", dest="output_opts", action="store", help="options that affect the output formatting. Use '--output-opts help' for a list of options.")
    group.add_option("-a", "--atomic-results", dest="atoms_only", action="store_true", help="only include atomic categories in the results.")
    group.add_option("-l", "--latex", dest="latex", action="store_true", help="output all results as Latex source. Used to produce a whole Latex document, but doesn't any more")
    group.add_option("--all-times", dest="all_times", action="store_true", help="display all timing information on semantics in output.")
    group.add_option("-v", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="output verbose debugging information.")
    group.add_option("--time", dest="time", action="store_true", help="time how long the parse takes and output with the results.")
    group.add_option("--no-results", dest="no_results", action="store_true", help="don't print out the parse results at the end. Obviously you'll want to make sure they're going to a file (--output). This is useful for bulk parse jobs, where the results produce a lot of unnecessary output")
    group.add_option("--no-progress", dest="no_progress", action="store_true", help="don't output the summary of completed sequences after each one finishes")
    # Output analysis and harmonical
    group = OptionGroup(optparser, "Output processing", "Output analysis and harmonical")
    group.add_option("--harmonical", dest="harmonical", action="store", help="use the harmonical to play the chords justly intoned according to the top result and output to a wave file.")
    group.add_option("--enharmonical", dest="enharmonical", action="store", help="use the harmonical to play the chords in equal temperament and output to a wave file.")
    group.add_option("--midi", dest="midi", action="store_true", help="generate MIDI files from the harmonical, instead of wave files.")
    group.add_option("--tempo", dest="tempo", action="store", type=int, help="tempo to use for the generated music (see --harmonical/--enharmonical). Default: 120", default=120)
    group.add_option("--lh-analysis", dest="lh_analysis", action="store_true", help="output the Longuet-Higgins space interpretation of the semantics for each result.")
    group.add_option("--lh-coordinates", dest="lh_coord", action="store_true", help="like lh-analysis, but displays the coordinates of the points instead of their names.")
    # Logging options
    group = OptionGroup(optparser, "Logging")
    group.add_option("--long-progress", dest="long_progress", action="store_true", help="print a summary of the chart so far after each chord/word has been processed.")
    group.add_option("--progress", "--short-progress", dest="short_progress", action="store_true", help="print a small amount of information out during parsing to indicate progress.")
    group.add_option("--logger", dest="logger", action="store", help="directory to put parser logging in. A filename based on an identifier for each individual input will be appended.")
    # Shell options
    group = OptionGroup(optparser, "Shell", "Interactive shell for inspecting results and parser state")
    group.add_option("-i", "--interactive", dest="interactive", action="store_true", help="enter interactive mode after parsing.")
    group.add_option("--error", dest="error_shell", action="store_true", help="catch any errors, report them and then enter the interactive shell. This also catches keyboard interrupts, so you can use it to halt parsing and enter the shell.")
    # Read in command line options and args
    options, clinput = parse_args_with_config(optparser)

    ########################### Option processing ####################
    # Get log level option first, so we can start using the logger
    if options.debug:
        log_level = logging.DEBUG
        log_level = logging.INFO
    # Set up a logger
    if options.latex:
        settings.OPTIONS.OUTPUT_LATEX = True
    if options.logger:
        # Directory
        parse_logger_dir = options.logger
        parse_logger_dir = None
    ######## Grammar ########
    # Check the grammar actually exists
    grammar_names = get_grammar_names()
    if options.grammar is not None and options.grammar not in grammar_names:
        # This is not a valid grammar name
        logger.error("The grammar '%s' does not exist. Possible "\
            "grammars are: %s." % (options.grammar, ", ".join(grammar_names)))
        return 1
    grammar = get_grammar(options.grammar)
    ######## Parser ########
    # Load the requested parser
    from jazzparser.parsers import PARSERS
    if options.parser.lower() == "help":
        print "Available parsers are: %s" % ", ".join(PARSERS)
        return 0
        parser_cls = get_parser(options.parser)
    except ParserLoadError:
        logger.error("The parser '%s' could not be loaded. Possible "\
            "parsers are: %s" % (options.parser, ", ".join(PARSERS)))
        return 1
    # Get parser options
    if options.popts is not None:
        poptstr = options.popts
        if "help" in [s.strip().lower() for s in poptstr]:
            # Output this tagger's option help
            from jazzparser.utils.options import options_help_text
            print options_help_text(parser_cls.PARSER_OPTIONS, intro="Available options for selected parser")
            return 0
        poptstr = ":".join(poptstr)
        poptstr = ""
    popts = ModuleOption.process_option_string(poptstr)
    # Check that the options are valid
    except ModuleOptionError, err:
        logger.error("Problem with parser options (--popt): %s" % err)
        return 1