Esempio n. 1
    def assign_orientation(self):
        signs = defaultdict(list)
        scaffolds = self.scaffolds
        for mlg in self.linkage_groups:
            mapname = mlg.mapname
            series = mlg.series
            if mapname == self.pivot:
                pivot_oo = mlg.oo
                pivot_nmarkers = mlg.nmarkers

            for i, j in combinations(range(len(scaffolds)), 2):
                si, sj = scaffolds[i], scaffolds[j]
                si, sj = series.get(si, []), series.get(sj, [])
                d = self.get_orientation(si, sj)
                if not d:
                signs[i, j].append((d, mapname))

        for e, v in signs.items():
            signs[e] = self.weighted_mean(v)

        signs_edges = sorted((a, b, w) for (a, b), w in signs.items())
        signs = determine_signs(scaffolds, signs_edges)

        # Finally flip this according to pivot map, then weight by #_markers
        pivot_oo = [pivot_oo.get(x, 0) for x in scaffolds]
        nmarkers = [pivot_nmarkers.get(x, 0) for x in scaffolds]
        flipr = signs * np.sign(np.array(pivot_oo)) * nmarkers
        if sum(flipr) < 0:
            signs = -signs
        return signs
Esempio n. 2
    def assign_orientation(self):
        signs = defaultdict(list)
        scaffolds = self.scaffolds
        for mlg in self.linkage_groups:
            mapname = mlg.mapname
            series = mlg.series
            if mapname == self.pivot:
                pivot_oo = mlg.oo
                pivot_nmarkers = mlg.nmarkers

            for i, j in combinations(range(len(scaffolds)), 2):
                si, sj = scaffolds[i], scaffolds[j]
                si, sj = series.get(si, []), series.get(sj, [])
                d = self.get_orientation(si, sj)
                if not d:
                signs[i, j].append((d, mapname))

        for e, v in signs.items():
            signs[e] = self.weighted_mean(v)

        signs_edges = sorted((a, b, w) for (a, b), w in signs.items())
        signs = determine_signs(scaffolds, signs_edges)

        # Finally flip this according to pivot map, then weight by #_markers
        pivot_oo = [pivot_oo.get(x, 0) for x in scaffolds]
        nmarkers = [pivot_nmarkers.get(x, 0) for x in scaffolds]
        flipr = signs * np.sign(np.array(pivot_oo)) * nmarkers
        if sum(flipr) < 0:
            signs = - signs
        return signs
Esempio n. 3
def test_determine_signs(nodes, edges, expected):
    from jcvi.algorithms.matrix import determine_signs

    assert np.allclose(determine_signs(nodes, edges), expected)
Esempio n. 4
def solve_component(h, sizes, fwlog):
    Solve the component first by orientations, then by positions.
    from jcvi.algorithms.matrix import determine_signs, determine_positions
    from jcvi.assembly.base import orientationflips

    nodes, edges = h.nodes(), h.edges(data=True)
    nodes = sorted(nodes)
    inodes = dict((x, i) for i, x in enumerate(nodes))

    # Solve signs
    ledges = []
    for a, b, c in edges:
        orientation = c["orientation"]
        orientation = '+' if orientation[0] == orientation[1] else '-'
        a, b = inodes[a], inodes[b]
        if a > b:
            a, b = b, a

        ledges.append((a, b, orientation))

    N = len(nodes)
    print >> fwlog, N, ", ".join(nodes)

    signs = determine_signs(nodes, ledges)
    print >> fwlog, signs

    # Solve positions
    dedges = []
    for a, b, c in edges:
        orientation = c["orientation"]
        distance = c["distance"]
        a, b = inodes[a], inodes[b]
        if a > b:
            a, b = b, a

        ta = '+' if signs[a] > 0 else '-'
        tb = '+' if signs[b] > 0 else '-'
        pair = ta + tb

        if orientationflips[orientation] == pair:
            distance = - distance
        elif orientation != pair:

        dedges.append((a, b, distance))

    positions = determine_positions(nodes, dedges)
    print >> fwlog, positions

    bed = []
    for node, sign, position in zip(nodes, signs, positions):
        size = sizes[node]
        if sign < 0:
            start = position - size
            end = position
            orientation = "-"
            start = position
            end = position + size
            orientation = "+"
        bed.append((node, start, end, orientation))

    key = lambda x: x[1]
    offset = key(min(bed, key=key))
    for node, start, end, orientation in bed:
        start -= offset
        end -= offset
        print >> fwlog, "\t".join(str(x) for x in \
                (node, start, end, orientation))

    return bed
Esempio n. 5
def solve_component(h, sizes, fwlog):
    Solve the component first by orientations, then by positions.
    from jcvi.algorithms.matrix import determine_signs, determine_positions
    from jcvi.assembly.base import orientationflips

    nodes, edges = h.nodes(), h.edges(data=True)
    nodes = sorted(nodes)
    inodes = dict((x, i) for i, x in enumerate(nodes))

    # Solve signs
    ledges = []
    for a, b, c in edges:
        orientation = c["orientation"]
        orientation = '+' if orientation[0] == orientation[1] else '-'
        a, b = inodes[a], inodes[b]
        if a > b:
            a, b = b, a

        ledges.append((a, b, orientation))

    N = len(nodes)
    print >> fwlog, N, ", ".join(nodes)

    signs = determine_signs(nodes, ledges)
    print >> fwlog, signs

    # Solve positions
    dedges = []
    for a, b, c in edges:
        orientation = c["orientation"]
        distance = c["distance"]
        a, b = inodes[a], inodes[b]
        if a > b:
            a, b = b, a

        ta = '+' if signs[a] > 0 else '-'
        tb = '+' if signs[b] > 0 else '-'
        pair = ta + tb

        if orientationflips[orientation] == pair:
            distance = -distance
        elif orientation != pair:

        dedges.append((a, b, distance))

    positions = determine_positions(nodes, dedges)
    print >> fwlog, positions

    bed = []
    for node, sign, position in zip(nodes, signs, positions):
        size = sizes[node]
        if sign < 0:
            start = position - size
            end = position
            orientation = "-"
            start = position
            end = position + size
            orientation = "+"
        bed.append((node, start, end, orientation))

    key = lambda x: x[1]
    offset = key(min(bed, key=key))
    for node, start, end, orientation in bed:
        start -= offset
        end -= offset
        print >> fwlog, "\t".join(str(x) for x in \
                (node, start, end, orientation))

    return bed