Esempio n. 1
def ortholog(args):
    %prog ortholog species_a species_b

    Run a sensitive pipeline to find orthologs between two species a and b.
    The pipeline runs LAST and generate .lifted.anchors.

    `--full` mode would assume 1-to-1 quota synteny blocks as the backbone of
    such predictions. Extra orthologs will be recruited from reciprocal best
    match (RBH).
    from jcvi.apps.last import main as last_main
    from jcvi.compara.blastfilter import main as blastfilter_main
    from jcvi.compara.quota import main as quota_main
    from jcvi.compara.synteny import scan, mcscan, liftover
    from jcvi.formats.blast import cscore, filter

    p = OptionParser(ortholog.__doc__)
                 help="Run in full mode, including blocks and RBH")
                 help="C-score cutoff [default: %default]")
                 help="Extent of flanking regions to search")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    a, b = args
    abed, afasta = a + ".bed", a + ".cds"
    bbed, bfasta = b + ".bed", b + ".cds"
    ccscore = opts.cscore
    dist = "--dist={0}".format(opts.dist)

    aprefix = afasta.split(".")[0]
    bprefix = bfasta.split(".")[0]
    pprefix = ".".join((aprefix, bprefix))
    qprefix = ".".join((bprefix, aprefix))
    last = pprefix + ".last"
    if need_update((afasta, bfasta), last):
        last_main([bfasta, afasta, "-o", last])

    if a == b:
        last = filter([last, "--hitlen=0", "--pctid=98", "--inverse"])

    filtered_last = last + ".filtered"
    if need_update(last, filtered_last):
        blastfilter_main([last, "--cscore={0}".format(ccscore)])

    anchors = pprefix + ".anchors"
    lifted_anchors = pprefix + ".lifted.anchors"
    if not opts.full:
        if need_update(filtered_last, lifted_anchors):
            scan([filtered_last, anchors, dist, "--liftover={0}".format(last)])

    if need_update(filtered_last, anchors):
        scan([filtered_last, anchors, dist])

    ooanchors = pprefix + ".1x1.anchors"
    if need_update(anchors, ooanchors):
        quota_main([anchors, "--quota=1:1", "--screen"])

    lifted_anchors = pprefix + ".1x1.lifted.anchors"
    if need_update((last, ooanchors), lifted_anchors):
        liftover([last, ooanchors, dist])

    pblocks = pprefix + ".1x1.blocks"
    qblocks = qprefix + ".1x1.blocks"
    if need_update(lifted_anchors, [pblocks, qblocks]):
        mcscan([abed, lifted_anchors, "--iter=1", "-o", pblocks])
        mcscan([bbed, lifted_anchors, "--iter=1", "-o", qblocks])

    rbh = pprefix + ".rbh"
    if need_update(last, rbh):
        cscore([last, "-o", rbh])

    portho = pprefix + ".ortholog"
    qortho = qprefix + ".ortholog"
    if need_update([pblocks, qblocks, rbh], [portho, qortho]):
        make_ortholog(pblocks, rbh, portho)
        make_ortholog(qblocks, rbh, qortho)
Esempio n. 2
def ortholog(args):
    %prog ortholog species_a species_b

    Run a sensitive pipeline to find orthologs between two species a and b.
    The pipeline runs LAST and generate .lifted.anchors.

    `--full` mode would assume 1-to-1 quota synteny blocks as the backbone of
    such predictions. Extra orthologs will be recruited from reciprocal best
    match (RBH).
    from jcvi.apps.last import main as last_main
    from jcvi.compara.blastfilter import main as blastfilter_main
    from jcvi.compara.quota import main as quota_main
    from jcvi.compara.synteny import scan, mcscan, liftover
    from jcvi.formats.blast import cscore, filter

    p = OptionParser(ortholog.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--full", default=False, action="store_true",
                 help="Run in full mode, including blocks and RBH")
    p.add_option("--cscore", default=0.7, type="float",
                 help="C-score cutoff [default: %default]")
    p.add_option("--dist", default=20, type="int",
                 help="Extent of flanking regions to search")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 2:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    a, b = args
    abed, afasta = a + ".bed", a + ".cds"
    bbed, bfasta = b + ".bed", b + ".cds"
    ccscore = opts.cscore
    dist = "--dist={0}".format(opts.dist)

    aprefix = afasta.split(".")[0]
    bprefix = bfasta.split(".")[0]
    pprefix = ".".join((aprefix, bprefix))
    qprefix = ".".join((bprefix, aprefix))
    last = pprefix + ".last"
    if need_update((afasta, bfasta), last):
        last_main([bfasta, afasta, "-o", last])

    if a == b:
        last = filter([last, "--hitlen=0", "--pctid=98", "--inverse"])

    filtered_last = last + ".filtered"
    if need_update(last, filtered_last):
        blastfilter_main([last, "--cscore={0}".format(ccscore)])

    anchors = pprefix + ".anchors"
    lifted_anchors = pprefix + ".lifted.anchors"
    if not opts.full:
        if need_update(filtered_last, lifted_anchors):
            scan([filtered_last, anchors, dist,

    if need_update(filtered_last, anchors):
        scan([filtered_last, anchors, dist])

    ooanchors = pprefix + ".1x1.anchors"
    if need_update(anchors, ooanchors):
        quota_main([anchors, "--quota=1:1", "--screen"])

    lifted_anchors = pprefix + ".1x1.lifted.anchors"
    if need_update((last, ooanchors), lifted_anchors):
        liftover([last, ooanchors, dist])

    pblocks = pprefix + ".1x1.blocks"
    qblocks = qprefix + ".1x1.blocks"
    if need_update(lifted_anchors, [pblocks, qblocks]):
        mcscan([abed, lifted_anchors, "--iter=1", "-o", pblocks])
        mcscan([bbed, lifted_anchors, "--iter=1", "-o", qblocks])

    rbh = pprefix + ".rbh"
    if need_update(last, rbh):
        cscore([last, "-o", rbh])

    portho = pprefix + ".ortholog"
    qortho = qprefix + ".ortholog"
    if need_update([pblocks, qblocks, rbh], [portho, qortho]):
        make_ortholog(pblocks, rbh, portho)
        make_ortholog(qblocks, rbh, qortho)
Esempio n. 3
def ortholog(args):
    %prog ortholog a.bed a.cds b.bed b.cds

    Run a sensitive pipeline to find orthologs between two species a and b.
    The pipeline runs LAST and 1-to-1 quota synteny blocks as the backbone of
    such predictions. Extra orthologs will be recruited from reciprocal best
    match (RBH).
    from jcvi.apps.last import main as last_main
    from jcvi.compara.blastfilter import main as blastfilter_main
    from jcvi.compara.quota import main as quota_main
    from jcvi.compara.synteny import scan, mcscan, liftover
    from jcvi.formats.blast import cscore

    p = OptionParser(ortholog.__doc__)
    p.add_option("--cscore", default=0.99, type="float", help="C-score cutoff [default: %default]")
    opts, args = p.parse_args(args)

    if len(args) != 4:
        sys.exit(not p.print_help())

    abed, afasta, bbed, bfasta = args
    ccscore = opts.cscore
    aprefix = afasta.split(".")[0]
    bprefix = bfasta.split(".")[0]
    pprefix = ".".join((aprefix, bprefix))
    qprefix = ".".join((bprefix, aprefix))
    last = pprefix + ".last"
    if need_update((afasta, bfasta), last):
        last_main([bfasta, afasta, "-o", last])

    filtered_last = last + ".filtered"
    bstring = ["--qbed=" + abed, "--sbed=" + bbed]
    if need_update(last, filtered_last):
        blastfilter_main([last, "--cscore={0}".format(ccscore), "--tandem_Nmax=10"] + bstring)

    anchors = pprefix + ".anchors"
    lifted_anchors = pprefix + ".lifted.anchors"
    if need_update(filtered_last, lifted_anchors):
        scan([filtered_last, anchors] + bstring)

    ooanchors = pprefix + ".1x1.anchors"
    if need_update(anchors, ooanchors):
        quota_main([anchors, "--quota=1:1", "--screen"] + bstring)

    lifted_anchors = pprefix + ".1x1.lifted.anchors"
    if need_update((last, ooanchors), lifted_anchors):
        liftover([last, ooanchors] + bstring)

    pblocks = pprefix + ".1x1.blocks"
    qblocks = qprefix + ".1x1.blocks"
    if need_update(lifted_anchors, [pblocks, qblocks]):
        mcscan([abed, lifted_anchors, "--iter=1", "-o", pblocks])
        mcscan([bbed, lifted_anchors, "--iter=1", "-o", qblocks])

    rbh = pprefix + ".rbh"
    if need_update(last, rbh):
        cscore([last, "-o", rbh])

    portho = pprefix + ".ortholog"
    qortho = qprefix + ".ortholog"
    if need_update([pblocks, qblocks, rbh], [portho, qortho]):
        make_ortholog(pblocks, rbh, portho)
        make_ortholog(qblocks, rbh, qortho)