def pomegranate(args): """ %prog cotton seqids karyotype.layout mcscan.out all.bed synteny.layout Build a figure that calls graphics.karyotype to illustrate the high ploidy of WGD history of pineapple genome. The script calls both graphics.karyotype and graphic.synteny. """ p = OptionParser(pomegranate.__doc__) opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="9x7") if len(args) != 5: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) seqidsfile, klayout, datafile, bedfile, slayout = args fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) Karyotype(fig, root, seqidsfile, klayout) Synteny(fig, root, datafile, bedfile, slayout) # legend showing the orientation of the genes draw_gene_legend(root, 0.42, 0.52, 0.48) labels = ((0.04, 0.96, "A"), (0.04, 0.52, "B")) panel_labels(root, labels) root.set_xlim(0, 1) root.set_ylim(0, 1) root.set_axis_off() pf = "pomegranate-karyotype" image_name = pf + "." + iopts.format savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)
def birch(args): """ %prog birch seqids layout Plot birch macro-synteny, with an embedded phylogenetic tree to the right. """ p = OptionParser(birch.__doc__) opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="8x6") if len(args) != 2: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) seqids, layout = args fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) K = Karyotype(fig, root, seqids, layout) L = K.layout xs = 0.79 dt = dict(rectangle=False, circle=False) # Embed a phylogenetic tree to the right coords = {} coords["Amborella"] = (xs, L[0].y) coords["Vitis"] = (xs, L[1].y) coords["Prunus"] = (xs, L[2].y) coords["Betula"] = (xs, L[3].y) coords["Populus"] = (xs, L[4].y) coords["Arabidopsis"] = (xs, L[5].y) coords["fabids"] = join_nodes(root, coords, "Prunus", "Betula", xs, **dt) coords["malvids"] = join_nodes(root, coords, "Populus", "Arabidopsis", xs, **dt) coords["rosids"] = join_nodes(root, coords, "fabids", "malvids", xs, **dt) coords["eudicots"] = join_nodes(root, coords, "rosids", "Vitis", xs, **dt) coords["angiosperm"] = join_nodes(root, coords, "eudicots", "Amborella", xs, **dt) # Show branch length branch_length(root, coords["Amborella"], coords["angiosperm"], ">160.0") branch_length(root, coords["eudicots"], coords["angiosperm"], ">78.2", va="top") branch_length(root, coords["Vitis"], coords["eudicots"], "138.5") branch_length(root, coords["rosids"], coords["eudicots"], "19.8", va="top") branch_length( root, coords["Prunus"], coords["fabids"], "104.2", ha="right", va="top" ) branch_length(root, coords["Arabidopsis"], coords["malvids"], "110.2", va="top") branch_length( root, coords["fabids"], coords["rosids"], "19.8", ha="right", va="top" ) branch_length(root, coords["malvids"], coords["rosids"], "8.5", va="top") root.set_xlim(0, 1) root.set_ylim(0, 1) root.set_axis_off() pf = "birch" image_name = pf + "." + iopts.format savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)
def amborella(args): """ %prog amborella seqids karyotype.layout mcscan.out all.bed synteny.layout Build a composite figure that calls graphics.karyotype and graphics.synteny. """ p = OptionParser(amborella.__doc__) p.add_option( "--tree", help="Display trees on the bottom of the figure [default: %default]") p.add_option( "--switch", help="Rename the seqid with two-column file [default: %default]") opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="8x7") if len(args) != 5: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) seqidsfile, klayout, datafile, bedfile, slayout = args switch = opts.switch tree = opts.tree fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) Karyotype(fig, root, seqidsfile, klayout) Synteny(fig, root, datafile, bedfile, slayout, switch=switch, tree=tree) # legend showing the orientation of the genes draw_gene_legend(root, .5, .68, .5) # annotate the WGD events fc = 'lightslategrey' x = .05 radius = .012 TextCircle(root, x, .86, '$\gamma$', radius=radius) TextCircle(root, x, .95, '$\epsilon$', radius=radius) root.plot([x, x], [.83, .9], ":", color=fc, lw=2) pts = plot_cap((x, .95), np.radians(range(-70, 250)), .02) x, y = zip(*pts) root.plot(x, y, ":", color=fc, lw=2) root.set_xlim(0, 1) root.set_ylim(0, 1) root.set_axis_off() pf = "amborella" image_name = pf + "." + iopts.format savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)
def ploidy(args): """ %prog ploidy seqids karyotype.layout mcscan.out all.bed synteny.layout Build a figure that calls graphics.karyotype to illustrate the high ploidy of WGD history of pineapple genome. The script calls both graphics.karyotype and graphic.synteny. """ p = OptionParser(ploidy.__doc__) p.add_option("--switch", help="Rename the seqid with two-column file") opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="9x7") if len(args) != 5: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) seqidsfile, klayout, datafile, bedfile, slayout = args fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) Karyotype(fig, root, seqidsfile, klayout) Synteny(fig, root, datafile, bedfile, slayout, switch=opts.switch) # legend showing the orientation of the genes draw_gene_legend(root, .27, .37, .52) # annotate the WGD events fc = 'lightslategrey' x = .09 radius = .012 TextCircle(root, x, .825, r'$\tau$', radius=radius, fc=fc) TextCircle(root, x, .8, r'$\sigma$', radius=radius, fc=fc) TextCircle(root, x, .72, r'$\rho$', radius=radius, fc=fc) for ypos in (.825, .8, .72): root.text(.12, ypos, r"$\times2$", color=fc, ha="center", va="center") root.plot([x, x], [.85, .775], ":", color=fc, lw=2) root.plot([x, x], [.75, .675], ":", color=fc, lw=2) labels = ((.04, .96, 'A'), (.04, .54, 'B')) panel_labels(root, labels) root.set_xlim(0, 1) root.set_ylim(0, 1) root.set_axis_off() pf = "pineapple-karyotype" image_name = pf + "." + iopts.format savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)
def cotton(args): """ %prog cotton seqids karyotype.layout mcscan.out all.bed synteny.layout Build a composite figure that calls graphics.karyotype and graphic.synteny. """ p = OptionParser(cotton.__doc__) p.add_option("--depthfile", help="Use depth info in this file [default: %default]") p.add_option( "--switch", help="Rename the seqid with two-column file [default: %default]") opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="8x7") if len(args) != 5: sys.exit(p.print_help()) seqidsfile, klayout, datafile, bedfile, slayout = args switch = opts.switch depthfile = opts.depthfile fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) kt = Karyotype(fig, root, seqidsfile, klayout) Synteny(fig, root, datafile, bedfile, slayout, switch=switch) light = "lightslategrey" # Show the dup depth along the cotton chromosomes if depthfile: ymin, ymax = .9, .95 root.text(.11, .96, "Cotton duplication level", color="gray", size=10) root.plot([.1, .95], [ymin, ymin], color="gray") root.text(.96, .9, "1x", color="gray", va="center") root.plot([.1, .95], [ymax, ymax], color="gray") root.text(.96, .95, "6x", color="gray", va="center") fp = open(depthfile) track = kt.tracks[0] # Cotton depths = [] for row in fp: a, b, depth = row.split() depth = int(depth) try: p = track.get_coords(a) depths.append((p, depth)) except KeyError: pass depths.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], -x[1])) xx, yy = zip(*depths) yy = [ymin + .01 * (x - 1) for x in yy] root.plot(xx, yy, "-", color=light) # legend showing the orientation of the genes draw_gene_legend(root, .5, .68, .5) # Zoom xpos = .835 ytop = .9 xmin, xmax = .18, .82 ymin, ymax = ytop, .55 lc = "k" kwargs = dict(lw=3, color=lc, mec=lc, mfc="w", zorder=3) root.plot((xpos, xpos), (ymax, .63), ":o", **kwargs) root.plot((xpos, xmin), (ymax, ymin), ":o", **kwargs) root.plot((xpos, xmax), (ymax, ymin), ":o", **kwargs) RoundRect(root, (.06, .17), .92, .35, fill=False, lw=2, ec=light) # Panels root.text(.05, .95, "a", size=20, fontweight="bold") root.text(.1, .45, "b", size=20, fontweight="bold") root.set_xlim(0, 1) root.set_ylim(0, 1) root.set_axis_off() pf = "cotton" image_name = pf + "." + iopts.format savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)
def ploidy(args): """ %prog ploidy seqids layout Build a figure that calls graphics.karyotype to illustrate the high ploidy of B. napus genome. """ p = OptionParser(ploidy.__doc__) opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="8x7") if len(args) != 2: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) seqidsfile, klayout = args fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) Karyotype(fig, root, seqidsfile, klayout) fc = "darkslategrey" radius = .012 ot = -.05 # use this to adjust vertical position of the left panel TextCircle(root, .1, .9 + ot, r'$\gamma$', radius=radius, fc=fc) root.text(.1, .88 + ot, r"$\times3$", ha="center", va="top", color=fc) TextCircle(root, .08, .79 + ot, r'$\alpha$', radius=radius, fc=fc) TextCircle(root, .12, .79 + ot, r'$\beta$', radius=radius, fc=fc) root.text(.1, .77 + ot, r"$\times3\times2\times2$", ha="center", va="top", color=fc) root.text(.1, .67 + ot, r"Brassica triplication", ha="center", va="top", color=fc, size=11) root.text(.1, .65 + ot, r"$\times3\times2\times2\times3$", ha="center", va="top", color=fc) root.text(.1, .42 + ot, r"Allo-tetraploidy", ha="center", va="top", color=fc, size=11) root.text(.1, .4 + ot, r"$\times3\times2\times2\times3\times2$", ha="center", va="top", color=fc) bb = dict(boxstyle="round,pad=.5", fc="w", ec="0.5", alpha=0.5) root.text(.5, .2 + ot, r"\noindent\textit{Brassica napus}\\" "(A$\mathsf{_n}$C$\mathsf{_n}$ genome)", ha="center", size=16, color="k", bbox=bb) root.set_xlim(0, 1) root.set_ylim(0, 1) root.set_axis_off() pf = "napus" image_name = pf + "." + iopts.format savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)
def fig3(args): """ %prog fig3 chrA02,A02,C2,chrC02 chr.sizes all.bed data Napus Figure 3 displays alignments between quartet chromosomes, inset with read histograms. """ from jcvi.formats.bed import Bed p = OptionParser(fig3.__doc__) p.add_option("--gauge_step", default=10000000, type="int", help="Step size for the base scale") opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="12x9") if len(args) != 4: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) chrs, sizes, bedfile, datadir = args gauge_step = opts.gauge_step diverge = iopts.diverge rr, gg = diverge chrs = [[x] for x in chrs.split(",")] sizes = Sizes(sizes).mapping fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) chr_sizes, chr_sum_sizes, ratio = calc_ratio(chrs, sizes) # Synteny panel seqidsfile = make_seqids(chrs) klayout = make_layout(chrs, chr_sum_sizes, ratio, template_f3a, shift=.05) height = .07 r = height / 4 K = Karyotype(fig, root, seqidsfile, klayout, gap=gap, height=height, lw=2, generank=False, sizes=sizes, heightpad=r, roundrect=True, plot_label=False) # Chromosome labels for kl in K.layout: if kl.empty: continue lx, ly = kl.xstart, kl.y if lx < .11: lx += .1 ly += .06 label = kl.label root.text(lx - .015, ly, label, fontsize=15, ha="right", va="center") # Inset with datafiles datafiles = ("", "parent.A02.per10kb.forxmgr", "parent.C2.per10kb.forxmgr", "") datafiles = [op.join(datadir, x) for x in datafiles] tracks = K.tracks hlfile = op.join(datadir, "bzh.regions.forhaibao") xy_axes = [] for t, datafile in zip(tracks, datafiles): ax = make_affix_axis(fig, t, -r, height=2 * r) xy_axes.append(ax) chr = t.seqids[0] xy = XYtrack(ax, datafile, color="lightslategray") start, end = 0, xy.interpolate(end) xy.cap(ymax=40) xy.import_hlfile(hlfile, chr, diverge=diverge) xy.draw() ax.set_xlim(start, end) gauge_ax = make_affix_axis(fig, t, -r) adjust_spines(gauge_ax, ["bottom"]) setup_gauge_ax(gauge_ax, start, end, gauge_step) # Converted gene tracks ax_Ar = make_affix_axis(fig, tracks[1], r, height=r / 2) ax_Co = make_affix_axis(fig, tracks[2], r, height=r / 2) order = Bed(bedfile).order for asterisk in (False, True): conversion_track(order, "data/Genes.Converted.seuil.0.6.AtoC.txt", 0, "A02", ax_Ar, rr, asterisk=asterisk) conversion_track(order, "data/Genes.Converted.seuil.0.6.AtoC.txt", 1, "C2", ax_Co, gg, asterisk=asterisk) conversion_track(order, "data/Genes.Converted.seuil.0.6.CtoA.txt", 0, "A02", ax_Ar, gg, ypos=1, asterisk=asterisk) conversion_track(order, "data/Genes.Converted.seuil.0.6.CtoA.txt", 1, "C2", ax_Co, rr, ypos=1, asterisk=asterisk) Ar, Co = xy_axes[1:3] annotations = ((Ar, "Bra028920 Bra028897", "center", "1DAn2+"), (Ar, "Bra020081 Bra020171", "right", "2DAn2+"), (Ar, "Bra020218 Bra020286", "left", "3DAn2+"), (Ar, "Bra008143 Bra008167", "left", "4DAn2-"), (Ar, "Bra029317 Bra029251", "right", "5DAn2+ (GSL)"), (Co, "Bo2g001000 Bo2g001300", "left", "1DCn2-"), (Co, "Bo2g018560 Bo2g023700", "right", "2DCn2-"), (Co, "Bo2g024450 Bo2g025390", "left", "3DCn2-"), (Co, "Bo2g081060 Bo2g082340", "left", "4DCn2+"), (Co, "Bo2g161510 Bo2g164260", "right", "5DCn2-")) for ax, genes, ha, label in annotations: g1, g2 = genes.split() x1, x2 = order[g1][1].start, order[g2][1].start if ha == "center": x = (x1 + x2) / 2 * .8 elif ha == "left": x = x2 else: x = x1 label = r"\textit{{{0}}}".format(label) color = rr if "+" in label else gg ax.text(x, 30, label, color=color, fontsize=9, ha=ha, va="center") ax_Ar.set_xlim(0, tracks[1].total) ax_Ar.set_ylim(-1, 1) ax_Co.set_xlim(0, tracks[2].total) ax_Co.set_ylim(-1, 1) # Plot coverage in resequencing lines gstep = 5000000 order = "swede,kale,h165,yudal,aviso,abu,bristol".split(",") labels_dict = {"h165": "Resynthesized (H165)", "abu": "Aburamasari"} hlsuffix = "regions.forhaibao" chr1, chr2 = "chrA02", "chrC02" t1, t2 = tracks[0], tracks[-1] s1, s2 = sizes[chr1], sizes[chr2] canvas1 = (t1.xstart, .75, t1.xend - t1.xstart, .2) c = Coverage(fig, root, canvas1, chr1, (0, s1), datadir, order=order, gauge=None, plot_chr_label=False, gauge_step=gstep, palette="gray", cap=40, hlsuffix=hlsuffix, labels_dict=labels_dict, diverge=diverge) yys = c.yys x1, x2 = .37, .72 tip = .02 annotations = ((x1, yys[2] + .3 * tip, tip, tip / 2, "FLC"), (x1, yys[3] + .6 * tip, tip, tip / 2, "FLC"), (x1, yys[5] + .6 * tip, tip, tip / 2, "FLC"), (x2, yys[0] + .9 * tip, -1.2 * tip, 0, "GSL"), (x2, yys[4] + .9 * tip, -1.2 * tip, 0, "GSL"), (x2, yys[6] + .9 * tip, -1.2 * tip, 0, "GSL")) arrowprops = dict(facecolor='black', shrink=.05, frac=.5, width=1, headwidth=4) for x, y, dx, dy, label in annotations: label = r"\textit{{{0}}}".format(label) root.annotate(label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(x + dx, y + dy), arrowprops=arrowprops, color=rr, fontsize=9, ha="center", va="center") canvas2 = (t2.xstart, .05, t2.xend - t2.xstart, .2) Coverage(fig, root, canvas2, chr2, (0, s2), datadir, order=order, gauge=None, plot_chr_label=False, gauge_step=gstep, palette="gray", cap=40, hlsuffix=hlsuffix, labels_dict=labels_dict, diverge=diverge) pad = .03 labels = ((.1, .67, "A"), (t1.xstart - 3 * pad, .95 + pad, "B"), (t2.xstart - 3 * pad, .25 + pad, "C")) panel_labels(root, labels) normalize_axes(root) image_name = "napus-fig3." + iopts.format savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)
def cov(args): """ %prog cov chrA01 chrC01 chr.sizes data AN.CN.1x1.lifted.anchors.simple Plot coverage graphs between homeologs, the middle panel show the homeologous gene pairs. Allow multiple chromosomes to multiple chromosomes. """ p = OptionParser(cov.__doc__) p.add_option("--order", default="swede,kale,h165,yudal,aviso,abu,bristol,bzh", help="The order to plot the tracks, comma-separated") p.add_option("--reverse", default=False, action="store_true", help="Plot the order in reverse") p.add_option("--gauge_step", default=5000000, type="int", help="Step size for the base scale") p.add_option( "--hlsuffix", default="regions.forhaibao", help="Suffix for the filename to be used to highlight regions") opts, args, iopts = p.set_image_options(args, figsize="11x8") if len(args) != 4: sys.exit(not p.print_help()) chr1, chr2, sizesfile, datadir = args chr1 = chr1.split(",") chr2 = chr2.split(",") order = opts.order hlsuffix = opts.hlsuffix if order: order = order.split(",") if opts.reverse: order.reverse() sizes = Sizes(sizesfile).mapping fig = plt.figure(1, (iopts.w, iopts.h)) root = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) chrs = (chr1, chr2) chr_sizes, chr_sum_sizes, ratio = calc_ratio(chrs, sizes) chr_size1, chr_size2 = chr_sum_sizes chr_sizes1, chr_sizes2 = chr_sizes w1_start, w1_end = center_panel(chr1, chr_size1, ratio) w2_start, w2_end = center_panel(chr2, chr_size2, ratio) w1s = w1_start w2s = w2_start dsg = "gray" i = 0 for c1, s1 in zip(chr1, chr_sizes1): w1 = ratio * s1 plot_label = i == 0 i += 1 canvas1 = (w1s, .6, w1, .3) Coverage(fig, root, canvas1, c1, (0, s1), datadir, order=order, gauge="top", plot_label=plot_label, gauge_step=opts.gauge_step, palette=dsg, cap=40, hlsuffix=hlsuffix) w1s += w1 + gap i = 0 for c2, s2 in zip(chr2, chr_sizes2): w2 = ratio * s2 plot_label = i == 0 i += 1 canvas2 = (w2s, .15, w2, .3) Coverage(fig, root, canvas2, c2, (0, s2), datadir, order=order, gauge="bottom", plot_label=plot_label, gauge_step=opts.gauge_step, palette=dsg, cap=40, hlsuffix=hlsuffix) w2s += w2 + gap # Synteny panel seqidsfile = make_seqids(chrs) klayout = make_layout(chrs, chr_sum_sizes, ratio, template_cov) Karyotype(fig, root, seqidsfile, klayout, gap=gap, generank=False, sizes=sizes) root.set_xlim(0, 1) root.set_ylim(0, 1) root.set_axis_off() chr2 = "_".join(chr2) if opts.reverse: chr2 += ".reverse" image_name = chr2 + "." + iopts.format savefig(image_name, dpi=iopts.dpi, iopts=iopts)