Esempio n. 1
    def raw_doc(self):
        """ Returns a cleaned version of the docstring token. """
        if isinstance(self, Module):
            node = self.children[0]
        elif isinstance(self, ClassOrFunc):
            node = self.children[self.children.index(':') + 1]
            if is_node(node, 'suite'):  # Normally a suite
                node = node.children[2]  # -> NEWLINE INDENT stmt
        else:  # ExprStmt
            simple_stmt = self.parent
            c = simple_stmt.parent.children
            index = c.index(simple_stmt)
            if not index:
                return ''
            node = c[index - 1]

        if is_node(node, 'simple_stmt'):
            node = node.children[0]

        if node.type == 'string':
            # TODO We have to check next leaves until there are no new
            # leaves anymore that might be part of the docstring. A
            # docstring can also look like this: ``'foo' 'bar'
            # Returns a literal cleaned version of the ``Token``.
            cleaned = cleandoc(literal_eval(node.value))
            # Since we want the docstr output to be always unicode, just
            # force it.
            if is_py3 or isinstance(cleaned, unicode):
                return cleaned
                return unicode(cleaned, 'UTF-8', 'replace')
        return ''
Esempio n. 2
    def raw_doc(self):
        """ Returns a cleaned version of the docstring token. """
        if isinstance(self, Module):
            node = self.children[0]
        elif isinstance(self, ClassOrFunc):
            node = self.children[self.children.index(':') + 1]
            if is_node(node, 'suite'):  # Normally a suite
                node = node.children[2]  # -> NEWLINE INDENT stmt
        else:  # ExprStmt
            simple_stmt = self.parent
            c = simple_stmt.parent.children
            index = c.index(simple_stmt)
            if not index:
                return ''
            node = c[index - 1]

        if is_node(node, 'simple_stmt'):
            node = node.children[0]

        if node.type == 'string':
            # TODO We have to check next leaves until there are no new
            # leaves anymore that might be part of the docstring. A
            # docstring can also look like this: ``'foo' 'bar'
            # Returns a literal cleaned version of the ``Token``.
            cleaned = cleandoc(literal_eval(node.value))
            # Since we want the docstr output to be always unicode, just
            # force it.
            if is_py3 or isinstance(cleaned, unicode):
                return cleaned
                return unicode(cleaned, 'UTF-8', 'replace')
        return ''
Esempio n. 3
def run_related_name_test(script, correct, line_nr):
    Runs tests for gotos.
    Tests look like this:
    >>> abc = 1
    >>> #< abc@1,0 abc@3,0
    >>> abc

    Return if the test was a fail or not, with 1 for fail and 0 for success.
    result = script.related_names()
    correct = correct.strip()
    compare = sorted((r.module_name, r.start_pos[0], r.start_pos[1])
                                                            for r in result)
    wanted = []
    if not correct:
        positions = []
        positions = literal_eval(correct)
    for pos_tup in positions:
        if type(pos_tup[0]) == str:
            # this means that there is a module specified
            wanted.append(('renaming', line_nr + pos_tup[0], pos_tup[1]))

    wanted = sorted(wanted)
    if compare != wanted:
        print('Solution @%s not right, received %s, wanted %s'\
                    % (line_nr - 1, compare, wanted))
        return 1
    return 0
Esempio n. 4
    def raw_doc(self):
        """ Returns a cleaned version of the docstring token. """
        if isinstance(self, Module):
            stmt = self.children[0]
            stmt = self.children[self.children.index(':') + 1]
            if is_node(stmt, 'suite'):  # Normally a suite
                stmt = stmt.children[2]  # -> NEWLINE INDENT stmt
        if is_node(stmt, 'simple_stmt'):
            stmt = stmt.children[0]

            first = stmt.children[0]
        except AttributeError:
            pass  # Probably a pass Keyword (Leaf).
            if first.type == 'string':
                # TODO We have to check next leaves until there are no new
                # leaves anymore that might be part of the docstring. A
                # docstring can also look like this: ``'foo' 'bar'
                # Returns a literal cleaned version of the ``Token``.
                cleaned = cleandoc(literal_eval(first.value))
                # Since we want the docstr output to be always unicode, just
                # force it.
                if is_py3 or isinstance(cleaned, unicode):
                    return cleaned
                    return unicode(cleaned, 'UTF-8', 'replace')
        return ''
Esempio n. 5
 def raw_doc(self):
     """ Returns a cleaned version of the docstring token. """
         # Returns a literal cleaned version of the ``Token``.
         return unicode(cleandoc(literal_eval(self._doc_token.string)))
     except AttributeError:
         return u('')
Esempio n. 6
def run_completion_test(script, correct, line_nr):
    Runs tests for completions.
    Return if the test was a fail or not, with 1 for fail and 0 for success.
    completions = script.complete()
    #import cProfile;'script.complete()')

    comp_str = set([c.word for c in completions])
    if comp_str != set(literal_eval(correct)):
        print('Solution @%s not right, received %s, wanted %s'\
                    % (line_nr - 1, comp_str, correct))
        return 1
    return 0
Esempio n. 7
def safe_literal_eval(value):
    first_two = value[:2].lower()
    if first_two[0] == 'f' or first_two in ('fr', 'rf'):
        # literal_eval is not able to resovle f literals. We have to do that
        # manually, but that's right now not implemented.
        return ''

        return literal_eval(value)
    except SyntaxError:
        # It's possible to create syntax errors with literals like rb'' in
        # Python 2. This should not be possible and in that case just return an
        # empty string.
        # Before Python 3.3 there was a more strict definition in which order
        # you could define literals.
        return ''
Esempio n. 8
    def detect_encoding():
        """ For the implementation of encoding definitions in Python, look at:\
        byte_mark = '\xef\xbb\xbf' if is_py25 else \
        if source.startswith(byte_mark):
            # UTF-8 byte-order mark
            return 'utf-8'

        first_two_lines = re.match(r'(?:[^\n]*\n){0,2}', str(source)).group(0)
        possible_encoding ="coding[=:]\s*([-\w.]+)",
        if possible_encoding:
            # the default if nothing else has been set -> PEP 263
            return encoding if encoding is not None else 'iso-8859-1'
Esempio n. 9
 def eval(self):
     return literal_eval(self.value)
Esempio n. 10
 def eval(self):
     return literal_eval(self.value)
    def _parse_statement(self):
        This is not done in the main parser, because it might be slow and
        most of the statements won't need this data anyway. This is something
        'like' a lazy execution.

        This is not really nice written, sorry for that. If you plan to replace
        it and make it nicer, that would be cool :-)
        def is_assignment(tok):
            return isinstance(tok, (str, unicode)) and tok.endswith('=') \
                    and not tok in ['>=', '<=', '==', '!=']

        def parse_array(token_iterator, array_type, start_pos, add_el=None,
            arr = Array(self._sub_module, start_pos, array_type, self)
            if add_el is not None:

            maybe_dict = array_type == Array.SET
            break_tok = None
            is_array = None
            while True:
                stmt, break_tok = parse_stmt(token_iterator, maybe_dict,
                if stmt is None:
                    if break_tok == ',':
                        is_array = True
                    is_key = maybe_dict and break_tok == ':'
                    arr.add_statement(stmt, is_key)
                    if break_tok in closing_brackets \
                            or break_tok in added_breaks \
                            or is_assignment(break_tok):
            if arr.type == Array.TUPLE and len(arr) == 1 and not is_array:
                arr.type = Array.NOARRAY
            if not arr.values and maybe_dict:
                # this is a really special case - empty brackets {} are
                # always dictionaries and not sets.
                arr.type = Array.DICT

            k, v = arr.keys, arr.values
            latest = (v[-1] if v else k[-1] if k else None)
            end_pos = latest.end_pos if latest is not None \
                                     else (start_pos[0], start_pos[1] + 1)
            arr.end_pos = end_pos[0], end_pos[1] + (len(break_tok) if break_tok
                                                    else 0)
            return arr, break_tok

        def parse_stmt(token_iterator, maybe_dict=False, added_breaks=(),
                       break_on_assignment=False, stmt_class=Statement):
            token_list = []
            used_vars = []
            level = 1
            tok = None
            first = True
            end_pos = None
            for i, tok_temp in token_iterator:
                if isinstance(tok_temp, Base):
                    # the token is a Name, which has already been parsed
                    tok = tok_temp
                    if first:
                        start_pos = tok.start_pos
                        first = False
                    end_pos = tok.end_pos
                    if isinstance(tok, ListComprehension):
                        # it's not possible to set it earlier
                        tok.parent = self
                    if isinstance(tok, Name):
                    token_type, tok, start_tok_pos = tok_temp
                    last_end_pos = end_pos
                    end_pos = start_tok_pos[0], start_tok_pos[1] + len(tok)
                    if first:
                        first = False
                        start_pos = start_tok_pos

                    if tok == 'lambda':
                        lambd, tok = parse_lambda(token_iterator)
                        if lambd is not None:
                    elif tok == 'for':
                        list_comp, tok = parse_list_comp(token_iterator,
                                         token_list, start_pos, last_end_pos)
                        if list_comp is not None:
                            token_list = [list_comp]

                    if tok in closing_brackets:
                        level -= 1
                    elif tok in brackets.keys():
                        level += 1

                    if level == 0 and tok in closing_brackets \
                            or tok in added_breaks \
                            or level == 1 and (tok == ','
                                or maybe_dict and tok == ':'
                                or is_assignment(tok) and break_on_assignment):
                        end_pos = end_pos[0], end_pos[1] - 1

            if not token_list:
                return None, tok

            statement = stmt_class(self._sub_module, [], [], token_list,
                                  start_pos, end_pos, self.parent)
            statement.used_vars = used_vars
            return statement, tok

        def parse_lambda(token_iterator):
            params = []
            start_pos = self.start_pos
            while True:
                param, tok = parse_stmt(token_iterator, added_breaks=[':'],
                if param is None:
                if tok == ':':
            if tok != ':':
                return None, tok

            # since lambda is a Function scope, it needs Scope parents
            parent = self.get_parent_until(IsScope)
            lambd = Lambda(self._sub_module, params, start_pos, parent)

            ret, tok = parse_stmt(token_iterator)
            if ret is not None:
                ret.parent = lambd
            lambd.end_pos = self.end_pos
            return lambd, tok

        def parse_list_comp(token_iterator, token_list, start_pos, end_pos):
            def parse_stmt_or_arr(token_iterator, added_breaks=()):
                stmt, tok = parse_stmt(token_iterator,
                if not stmt:
                    return None, tok
                if tok == ',':
                    arr, tok = parse_array(token_iterator, Array.TUPLE,
                                           stmt.start_pos, stmt,
                    used_vars = []
                    for stmt in arr:
                        used_vars += stmt.used_vars
                    start_pos = arr.start_pos[0], arr.start_pos[1] - 1
                    stmt = Statement(self._sub_module, [], used_vars, [],
                                     start_pos, arr.end_pos)
                    arr.parent = stmt
                    stmt.token_list = stmt._commands = [arr]
                    for v in stmt.used_vars:
                        v.parent = stmt
                return stmt, tok

            st = Statement(self._sub_module, [], [], token_list, start_pos,

            middle, tok = parse_stmt_or_arr(token_iterator,
            if tok != 'in' or middle is None:
                debug.warning('list comprehension middle @%s' % str(start_pos))
                return None, tok

            in_clause, tok = parse_stmt_or_arr(token_iterator)
            if in_clause is None:
                debug.warning('list comprehension in @%s' % str(start_pos))
                return None, tok

            return ListComprehension(st, middle, in_clause, self), tok

        # initializations
        result = []
        is_chain = False
        brackets = {'(': Array.TUPLE, '[': Array.LIST, '{': Array.SET}
        closing_brackets = ')', '}', ']'

        token_iterator = common.PushBackIterator(enumerate(self.token_list))
        for i, tok_temp in token_iterator:
            if isinstance(tok_temp, Base):
                # the token is a Name, which has already been parsed
                tok = tok_temp
                token_type = None
                start_pos = tok.start_pos
                token_type, tok, start_pos = tok_temp
                if is_assignment(tok):
                    # This means, there is an assignment here.
                    # Add assignments, which can be more than one
                    self._assignment_details.append((result, tok))
                    result = []
                    is_chain = False
                elif tok == 'as':  # just ignore as, because it sets values
                    next(token_iterator, None)

            if tok == 'lambda':
                lambd, tok = parse_lambda(token_iterator)
                if lambd is not None:

            is_literal = token_type in [tokenize.STRING, tokenize.NUMBER]
            if isinstance(tok, Name) or is_literal:
                c_type = Call.NAME
                if is_literal:
                    tok = literal_eval(tok)
                    if token_type == tokenize.STRING:
                        c_type = Call.STRING
                    elif token_type == tokenize.NUMBER:
                        c_type = Call.NUMBER

                call = Call(self._sub_module, tok, c_type, start_pos, self)
                if is_chain:
                is_chain = False
            elif tok in brackets.keys():
                arr, is_ass = parse_array(token_iterator, brackets[tok],
                if result and isinstance(result[-1], Call):
                    arr.parent = self
            elif tok == '.':
                if result and isinstance(result[-1], Call):
                    is_chain = True
            elif tok == ',':  # implies a tuple
                # commands is now an array not a statement anymore
                t = result[0]
                start_pos = t[2] if isinstance(t, tuple) else t.start_pos

                # get the correct index
                i, tok = next(token_iterator, (len(self.token_list), None))
                if tok is not None:
                    token_iterator.push_back((i, tok))
                t = self.token_list[i - 1]
                    end_pos = t.end_pos
                except AttributeError:
                    end_pos = (t[2][0], t[2][1] + len(t[1])) \
                                if isinstance(t, tuple) else t.start_pos

                stmt = Statement(self._sub_module, [], [], result,
                                       start_pos, end_pos, self.parent)
                stmt._commands = result
                arr, break_tok = parse_array(token_iterator, Array.TUPLE,
                                             stmt.start_pos, stmt)
                result = [arr]
                if is_assignment(break_tok):
                    self._assignment_details.append((result, break_tok))
                    result = []
                    is_chain = False
                if tok != '\n':
        return result
 def add_docstr(self, string):
     """ Clean up a docstring """
     self.docstr = cleandoc(literal_eval(string))
Esempio n. 13
 def __init__(self, module, literal, start_pos, end_pos, parent=None):
     super(Literal, self).__init__(module, start_pos, end_pos, parent)
     self.literal = literal
     self.value = literal_eval(literal)