def __init__(self, config_filename: str,
                 selected_analysis_options: params.SelectedAnalysisOptions,
                 **kwargs: str):

        # Analysis task
        self.analysis: GlauberPathLengthAnalysis

        # Properties for setting up the Glauber code
        self.glauber_version = self.task_config.get("glauber_version", "3.2")
        self.glauber_directory_name: str = self.task_config.get(
            "glauber_directory_name", "TGlauberMC")

        # Properties
        self.n_events = self.task_config["n_events"]
        # Cross sections (from Table V in 1710.07098)
        self.cross_sections = {
            CrossSection(value=61.8, width=0.9),
            CrossSection(value=67.6, width=0.6),
        # Impact parameters
        # NOTE: Although ALICE doesn't provide impact parameters, we can compare values (N_coll and N_part)
        #       to ALICE calculated values:
        self.impact_parameters = {
            params.EventActivity.central: params.SelectedRange(0, 4.92),
            params.EventActivity.semi_central: params.SelectedRange(8.5, 11),
Esempio n. 2
    def test_jet_pt_string(self, logging_mixin):
        """ Test the jet pt string generation functions. Each bin (except for the last) is tested.

        The last pt bin is left for a separate test because it is printed differently
        (see ``test_jet_pt_string_for_last_pt_bin()`` for more).
        pt_bins = []
        for i, (min, max) in enumerate(
                zip(self.jet_pt_bins[:-2], self.jet_pt_bins[1:-1])):

        for pt_bin, expected_min, expected_max in zip(pt_bins,
                f"Checking bin {pt_bin}, {pt_bin.range}, {type(pt_bin)}")
            assert labels.jet_pt_range_string(
            ) == r"$%(lower)s < p_{\text{T,jet}}^{\text{ch+ne}} < %(upper)s\:\mathrm{GeV/\mathit{c}}$" % {
                "lower": expected_min,
                "upper": expected_max
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, harmonic: int, detector: str, *args: Any,
                 **kwargs: Any):
        # Base class
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # Configuration
        self.harmonic = harmonic
        self.main_detector_name = detector

        # Properties for determining the event plane resolution
        # Here we take all other detectors that aren't the main detector
        self.other_detector_names = [
            name for name in self.task_config.get("detectors")
            if name != self.main_detector_name
        self.output_ranges = self.task_config.get("output_ranges", None)
        # Validation
        if self.output_ranges is None:
            # Default should be to process each centrality range.
            self.output_ranges = [
                params.SelectedRange(min, max) for min, max in zip(
                    np.linspace(0, 100, 11)[:-1],
                    np.linsapce(0, 100, 11)[1:])

        # Objects that will be created during the calculation
        self.main_detector: Detector
        self.other_detectors: List[Detector]
        self.resolution: histogram.Histogram1D
        self.selected_resolutions: Dict[params.SelectedRange,
                                        Tuple[float, float]] = {}
 def from_yaml(cls, constructor: yaml.Constructor, data: yaml.ruamel.yaml.nodes.SequenceNode) -> List[PtBin]:
     """ Convert input YAML list to set of ``AnalysisBin``. """
     #logger.debug(f"Using representer, {data}")
     values = [constructor.construct_object(v) for v in data.value]
     bins = []
     for i, (val, val_next) in enumerate(zip(values[:-1], values[1:])):
         bins.append(cls._class(range = params.SelectedRange(min = val, max = val_next), bin = i + 1))
     return bins
 def from_yaml(cls, constructor: yaml.Constructor, data: yaml.ruamel.yaml.nodes.SequenceNode) -> List[PhiBin]:
     """ Convert input YAML list to set of ``PhiBins``. """
     #logger.debug(f"Using representer, {data}")
     # Extract values
     values = [constructor.construct_object(v) for v in data.value]
     # Scale very thing by a factor of pi for convenience.
     values = [v * np.pi for v in values]
     bins = []
     for val, val_next in zip(values[:-1], values[1:]):
         bins.append(cls._class(range = params.SelectedRange(min = val, max = val_next)))
     return bins
def generate_parameters(system: params.CollisionSystem) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int, Dict[int, params.SelectedRange]]:
    """ Generate the analysis parameters.

    This can be called multiple times if necessary to retrieve the parameters easily in any function.

        system: Collision system.
        (pt_values, eta_values, n_cent_bins, centrality_ranges): Pt values where the efficiency should be evaluated,
            eta values where the efficiency should be evaluated, number of centrality bins, map from centrality bin
            number to centrality bin ranges.
    pt_values = np.linspace(0.15, 9.95, 100 - 1)
    eta_values = np.linspace(-0.85, 0.85, 35)
    n_cent_bins = 4 if system != params.CollisionSystem.pp else 1
    centrality_ranges = {
        0: params.SelectedRange(0, 10),
        1: params.SelectedRange(10, 30),
        2: params.SelectedRange(30, 50),
        3: params.SelectedRange(50, 90),

    return pt_values, eta_values, n_cent_bins, centrality_ranges
def test_analysis_bin_properties(logging_mixin):
    """ Test analysis bin properties.

    Since AnalysisBin is an ABC, we test via ``TrackPtBin``.
    track_pt = analysis_objects.TrackPtBin(range=params.SelectedRange(min=3.0,

    assert track_pt.min == 3.0
    assert track_pt.max == 4.0
    assert track_pt.bin_width == 1.0
    assert track_pt.bin_center == 3.5
    assert == "Track Pt Bin"
Esempio n. 8
    def test_jet_pt_string_for_last_pt_bin(self, logging_mixin):
        """ Test the jet pt string generation function for the last jet pt bin.

        In the case of the last pt bin, we only want to show the lower range.
        pt_bin = len(self.jet_pt_bins) - 2
        jet_pt_bin = analysis_objects.JetPtBin(
                                       self.jet_pt_bins[pt_bin + 1]))
        assert labels.jet_pt_range_string(
        ) == r"$%(lower)s < p_{\text{T,jet}}^{\text{ch+ne}}\:\mathrm{GeV/\mathit{c}}$" % {
            "lower": self.jet_pt_bins[-2]
Esempio n. 9
    def _track_eta_phi(self) -> None:
        """ Plot the track eta phi.

        # We need particular formatting, so we just take care of it by hand.
        event_activity_label_map = {
            params.EventActivity.central: "Central",
            params.EventActivity.semi_central: "SemiCentral",
        for event_activity in [
                params.EventActivity.central, params.EventActivity.semi_central
            # Setup
            task_name = self.task_config["jet_hadron_base_task_name"]
            task_name += f"{event_activity_label_map[event_activity]}"
            # Track pt bin values are from the jet-hadron task.
            track_pt_bin_values = [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 20]
            # Convert into track pt bins.
            track_pt_bins = [
                    min_value, max_value),
                for bin_number, (min_value, max_value) in enumerate(
                    zip(track_pt_bin_values[:-1], track_pt_bin_values[1:]))

            # Retrieve the hists
            hists: List[Hist] = []
            for track_pt_bin in track_pt_bins:

            # Merge the hists together. We don't really need the track pt dependence.
            output_hist = hists[0]
            for h in hists[1:]:

            # Lastly, plot
Esempio n. 10
def test_selected_range_alternative_from_yaml(logging_mixin):
    """ Test the alternative mode for constructing a ``SelectedRange``.

    For this mode, we just pass a list of values, with the minimum value first instead
    of specifying the keyword arguments. This is a nice short hand when writing config
    files by hand.
    # Setup
    # YAML object
    y = yaml.yaml(modules_to_register=[params])
    input_string = "r: !SelectedRange [-5, 15]"
    expected_obj = params.SelectedRange(min=-5, max=15)
    s = StringIO()
    obj = y.load(s)

    # Check that the objects are the same.
    assert obj["r"] == expected_obj
Esempio n. 11
    def test_track_pt_strings(self, logging_mixin):
        """ Test the track pt string generation functions. Each bin is tested.  """
        pt_bins = []
        for i, (min, max) in enumerate(
                zip(self.track_pt_bins[:-1], self.track_pt_bins[1:])):
                                                min, max)))

        for pt_bin, expected_min, expected_max in zip(pt_bins,
                f"Checking bin {pt_bin}, {pt_bin.range}, {type(pt_bin)}")
            assert labels.track_pt_range_string(
            ) == r"$%(lower)s < p_{\text{T}}^{\text{assoc}} < %(upper)s\:\mathrm{GeV/\mathit{c}}$" % {
                "lower": expected_min,
                "upper": expected_max
 def from_yaml(cls, constructor: yaml.Constructor, data: yaml.ruamel.yaml.nodes.MappingNode) -> List[PtHardBin]:
     """ Convert input YAML list to set of ``PtHardBin``. """
     # Construct the underlying list and dict to make parsing simpler.
     configuration = {constructor.construct_object(key_node): constructor.construct_object(value_node) for key_node, value_node in data.value}
     # Extract the relevant data
     bins = configuration["bins"]
     train_numbers = configuration["train_numbers"]
     # Create the PtHardBin objects.
     pt_bins = []
     # Sanity check
     if len(train_numbers) != len(bins) - 1:
         raise ValueError(f"Number of trains: {len(train_numbers)} is not equal to number of bins: {len(bins) - 1}")
     # Assign the bins
     for pt, pt_next, (bin_label, train_number) in zip(bins[:-1], bins[1:], train_numbers.items()):
                 bin = bin_label,
                 range = params.SelectedRange(min = pt, max = pt_next),
                 train_number = train_number,
     return pt_bins
Esempio n. 13
class TestIteratePtBins:
    _track_pt_bins = [0.15, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 10.0]
    track_pt_bins = [
        analysis_objects.TrackPtBin(range=params.SelectedRange(min, max),
                                    bin=i + 1)
        for i, (min,
                max) in enumerate(zip(_track_pt_bins[:-1], _track_pt_bins[1:]))
    _jet_pt_bins = [15.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 200.0]
    jet_pt_bins = [
        analysis_objects.JetPtBin(range=params.SelectedRange(min, max),
                                  bin=i + 1)
        for i, (min,
                max) in enumerate(zip(_jet_pt_bins[:-1], _jet_pt_bins[1:]))

    def test_iterate_over_track_pt_bins(self, logging_mixin):
        """ Test the track pt bins generator.

        Note that we wrap the function in list so we get all of the values from the generator.
        assert len(self.track_pt_bins) == 9
        assert list(params.iterate_over_track_pt_bins(
            self.track_pt_bins)) == list(self.track_pt_bins)

    def test_iterate_over_track_pt_bins_with_config(self, logging_mixin):
        """ Test the track pt bins generator with some bins skipped.

        The values to skip were not selected with any paticular critera except to be non-continuous.
        skip_bins = [2, 6]
        comparison_bins = [
            x for x in self.track_pt_bins if x.bin not in skip_bins
        config = {"skipPtBins": {"track": skip_bins}}
        assert list(
                bins=self.track_pt_bins, config=config)) == comparison_bins

    def test_iterate_over_jet_pt_bins(self, logging_mixin):
        """ Test the jet pt bins generator.

        Note that we wrap the function in list so we get all of the values from the generator.
        # Ensure that we have the expected number of jet pt bins
        assert len(self.jet_pt_bins) == 4
        # Then test the actual iterable.
        assert list(params.iterate_over_jet_pt_bins(self.jet_pt_bins)) == list(

    def test_iterate_over_jet_pt_bins_with_config(self, logging_mixin):
        """ Test the jet pt bins generator with some bins skipped.

        The values to skip were not selected with any paticular critera except to be non-continuous.
        skip_bins = [1, 2]
        comparison_bins = [
            x for x in self.jet_pt_bins if x.bin not in skip_bins
        config = {"skipPtBins": {"jet": skip_bins}}
        assert list(
                                            config=config)) == comparison_bins

    def test_iterate_over_jet_and_track_pt_bins(self, logging_mixin):
        """ Test the jet and track pt bins generator.

        Note that we wrap the function in list so we get all of the values from the generator.
        comparison_bins = [(x, y) for x in self.jet_pt_bins
                           for y in self.track_pt_bins]
        assert list(
                track_pt_bins=self.track_pt_bins)) == comparison_bins

    def test_iterate_over_jet_and_track_pt_bins_with_config(
            self, logging_mixin):
        """ Test the jet and track pt bins generator with some bins skipped.

        The values to skip were not selected with any paticular critera except to be non-continuous.
        skip_jet_pt_bins = [1, 4]
        skip_track_pt_bins = [2, 6]
        comparison_bins = [(x, y) for x in self.jet_pt_bins
                           for y in self.track_pt_bins
                           if x.bin not in skip_jet_pt_bins
                           and y.bin not in skip_track_pt_bins]
        config = {
            "skipPtBins": {
                "jet": skip_jet_pt_bins,
                "track": skip_track_pt_bins
        # Check that the comparison bins are as expected.
        comparison_bin_bins = [(x.bin, y.bin) for (x, y) in comparison_bins]
        assert comparison_bin_bins == [(2, 1), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 7),
                                       (2, 8), (2, 9), (3, 1), (3, 3), (3, 4),
                                       (3, 5), (3, 7), (3, 8), (3, 9)]
        # Then check the actual output.
        assert list(
                config=config)) == comparison_bins

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("bin_type_name, skip_bins", [
        ("track", [2, 38]),
        ("jet", [2, 5]),
                             ids=["Track", "Jet"])
    def test_out_of_range_skip_track_bin(self, logging_mixin, bin_type_name,
        """ Test that an except is generated if a skip bin is out of range.

        The test is performed both with a in range and out of range bin to ensure
        the exception is thrown on the right value.
        if bin_type_name == "track":
            bins = self.track_pt_bins
            func = params.iterate_over_track_pt_bins
        elif bin_type_name == "jet":
            bins = self.jet_pt_bins
            func = params.iterate_over_jet_pt_bins
            # Unrecognized.
            bins = None
            func = None

        config = {"skipPtBins": {bin_type_name: skip_bins}}
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exception_info:
            list(func(bins=bins, config=config))
        # NOTE: ExecptionInfo is a wrapper around the exception. `.value` is the actual exectpion
        #       and then we want to check the value of the first arg, which contains the value
        #       that causes the exception.
        assert exception_info.value.args[0] == skip_bins[1]
Esempio n. 14
    # for formatting in later paramterizations.
    expected_display_str = expected["display_str"] % {
        "embedded_additional_label": embedded_additional_label

    assert str(system) == expected["str"]
    assert system.display_str(
    ) == expected_display_str

@pytest.mark.parametrize("activity, expected",
                         [(params.EventActivity["inclusive"], {
                             "str": "inclusive",
                             "display_str": "",
                             "range": params.SelectedRange(min=-1, max=-1)
                          (params.EventActivity["central"], {
                              "str": "central",
                              "display_str": r"0 \textendash 10 \%",
                              "range": params.SelectedRange(min=0, max=10)
                          (params.EventActivity["semi_central"], {
                              "str": "semi_central",
                              "display_str": r"30 \textendash 50 \%",
                              "range": params.SelectedRange(min=30, max=50)
                         ids=["inclusive", "central", "semi_central"])
def test_event_activity(logging_mixin, activity, expected):
    """ Test event activity values. """
    assert str(activity) == expected["str"]
Esempio n. 15
 def extraction_range(self) -> params.SelectedRange:
     """ Helper to retrieve the extraction range. """
     return params.SelectedRange(
         min=self.central_value - self.extraction_limit,
         max=self.central_value + self.extraction_limit)