def SLR(df, price='Close', predictions_int=0): """ Simple Linear Regression Returns: list of floats = jhta.SLR(df, price='Close', predictions_int=0) Source: """ x_list = list(range(len(df[price]) - predictions_int)) p_list = df[price][0:len(df[price]) - predictions_int] b1 = jhta.COV(x_list, p_list) / jhta.VARIANCE({'x': x_list}, len(x_list), 'x')[-1] b0 = jhta.MEAN({'y': p_list}, len(p_list), 'y')[-1] - b1 * jhta.MEAN( {'x': x_list}, len(x_list), 'x')[-1] return [b0 + b1 * i for i in range(len(df[price]))]
def COV(x_list, y_list): """ Covariance Returns: float = jhta.COV(x_list, y_list) Source: """ x_mean = jhta.MEAN({'x_list': x_list}, len(x_list), 'x_list')[-1] y_mean = jhta.MEAN({'y_list': y_list}, len(y_list), 'y_list')[-1] covariance = .0 for i in range(len(x_list)): a = x_list[i] - x_mean b = y_list[i] - y_mean covariance += a * b / len(x_list) return covariance
def STANDARDIZE(df, price='Close'): """ Standardize Returns: list of floats = jhta.STANDARDIZE(df, price='Close') Source: """ standardize_list = [] start = None for i in range(len(df[price])): if df[price][i] != df[price][i] or i < 1: standardize = float('NaN') else: if start is None: start = i x = df[price][start:] mean = jhta.MEAN({'x': x}, len(x), 'x')[-1] standard_deviation = jhta.STDEV({'x': x}, len(x), 'x')[-1] standardize = (df[price][i] - mean) / standard_deviation standardize_list.append(standardize) return standardize_list
def STANDARDIZE(df, price='Close'): """ Standardize """ standardize_list = [] i = 0 start = None while i < len(df[price]): if df[price][i] != df[price][i] or i < 1: standardize = float('NaN') else: if start is None: start = i x = df[price][start:] mean = jhta.MEAN({'x': x}, len(x), 'x')[-1] standard_deviation = jhta.STDEV({'x': x}, len(x), 'x')[-1] standardize = (df[price][i] - mean) / standard_deviation standardize_list.append(standardize) i += 1 return standardize_list
def INFO(df, price='Close'): """ Print df Information """ print('{:_<28}:{:_>22}'.format('DF PRICE COLUMN', price)) print('{:_<28}:{:_>22d}'.format('LEN', len(df[price]))) print('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format('MIN', jhta.MIN(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1])) print('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format('MAX', jhta.MAX(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1])) print('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format('SUM', jhta.SUM(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1])) print('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format('MEAN', jhta.MEAN(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1])) # print ('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format('HARMONIC_MEAN', jhta.HARMONIC_MEAN(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1])) print('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format( 'MEDIAN', jhta.MEDIAN(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1])) print('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format( 'MEDIAN_LOW', jhta.MEDIAN_LOW(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1])) print('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format( 'MEDIAN_HIGH', jhta.MEDIAN_HIGH(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1])) print('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format( 'MEDIAN_GROUPED', jhta.MEDIAN_GROUPED(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1])) # print ('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format('MODE', jhta.MODE(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1])) print('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format( 'PSTDEV', jhta.PSTDEV(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1])) print('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format( 'PVARIANCE', jhta.PVARIANCE(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1])) print('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format( 'STDEV', jhta.STDEV(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1])) print('{:_<28}:{:_>28.5f}'.format( 'VARIANCE', jhta.VARIANCE(df, len(df[price]), price)[-1]))
def main(): # quandl_data = quandl.get('BCHARTS/BITSTAMPUSD', order='asc', collapse='daily', returns='numpy', authtoken='YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN') quandl_data = quandl.get('BCHARTS/BITSTAMPUSD', order='asc', collapse='daily', returns='numpy') df = {'datetime': [], 'Open': [], 'High': [], 'Low': [], 'Close': [], 'Volume': []} i = 0 while i < len(quandl_data['Close']): # df['datetime'].append(i) df['datetime'].append(quandl_data['Date'][i]) df['Open'].append(float(quandl_data['Open'][i])) df['High'].append(float(quandl_data['High'][i])) df['Low'].append(float(quandl_data['Low'][i])) df['Close'].append(float(quandl_data['Close'][i])) df['Volume'].append(int(quandl_data['Volume (BTC)'][i])) i += 1 x = df['datetime'] sma_list = jhta.SMA(df, 200) mmr_list = jhta.MMR(df) mmr_mean_list = jhta.MEAN({'mmr': mmr_list}, len(mmr_list), 'mmr') mom_list = jhta.MOM(df, 365) mom_mean_list = jhta.MEAN({'mom': mom_list}, len(mom_list), 'mom') print ('Calculated from %i data points:' % len(x)) print ('Last Close: %f' % df['Close'][-1]) print ('Last SMA 200: %f' % sma_list[-1]) print ('Last MMR: %f' % mmr_list[-1]) print ('Last MEAN MMR: %f' % mmr_mean_list[-1]) print ('Last MOM 365: %f' % mom_list[-1]) print ('Last MEAN MOM 365: %f' % mom_mean_list[-1]) # left = 365 # right = len(x) # print ('Plot starts from %i until %i in Log scale:' % (left, right)) plt.figure(1, (30, 10)) plt.subplot(311) plt.title('Time / Price / Ratio') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Price') plt.grid(True) plt.plot(x, df['Close'], color='blue') plt.plot(x, sma_list, color='red') plt.legend(['Close', 'SMA 200'], loc='upper left') plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.YearLocator()) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() # plt.xlim(left=left, right=right) plt.yscale('log') plt.subplot(312) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Ratio') plt.grid(True) plt.plot(x, [1] * len(x), color='red') plt.plot(x, mmr_list) plt.plot(x, mmr_mean_list) plt.plot(x, [2.4] * len(x)) plt.legend(['SMA 200', 'MMR', 'MEAN MMR', 'THRESHOLD 2.4'], loc='upper left') plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.YearLocator()) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() # plt.xlim(left=left, right=right) plt.yscale('log') plt.subplot(313) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Ratio') plt.grid(True) plt.plot(x, [0] * len(x), color='blue') plt.plot(x, mom_list) plt.plot(x, mom_mean_list) plt.legend(['Price', 'MOM 365', 'MEAN MOM 365'], loc='upper left') plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.YearLocator()) plt.gcf().autofmt_xdate() # plt.xlim(left=left, right=right) plt.yscale('symlog')