def copy_platform_to_platform(parser, scenario, config, queries, search, log=None):
    """Copy platform to platform, based on the UCIS and E-Feature entries of the source platform"""

    # -- Some sleight of hand here... Original code iterates the results of a JQL query.
    #    If xls_source, this will read in an XLS file, look for a column named "Key" and
    #    read those key values from Jira as source items.
    if 'xls_source' in scenario:
        import pandas as pd
        source_file = realpath(dirname(realpath(sys.argv[0])) + '/../' + scenario['xls_source'])
        xls_data_frame = pd.read_excel(source_file, sheetname=0)
        def preq_item_list(jira):
            for i, item in xls_data_frame.iterrows():
                key = item['Key']
                if key.upper().startswith('PREQ'):
                    yield jira.issue(key), item

        def areq_e_feature_list(jira):
            for i, item in xls_data_frame.iterrows():
                key = item['Key']
                if key.upper().startswith('AREQ'):
                    yield jira.issue(key), item
        preq_source_query = get_query('preq_source_query', queries, copy_platform_to_platform.__name__, params=scenario, log=log)
        if preq_source_query is not None:
            def preq_item_list(jira):
                for preq_item in jira.do_query(preq_source_query):
                    yield preq_item, None

        areq_source_e_feature_query = get_query('areq_source_e_feature', queries, copy_platform_to_platform.__name__,
                                                params=scenario, log=log)
        if areq_source_e_feature_query is not None:
            def areq_e_feature_list(jira):
                for e_feature in jira.do_query(areq_source_e_feature_query):
                    yield e_feature, None

    preq_target_query = get_query('preq_target_query', queries, copy_platform_to_platform.__name__, params=scenario, log=log)
    areq_target_e_feature_query = get_query('areq_target_e_feature', queries, copy_platform_to_platform.__name__, params=scenario, log=log)
    target_feature_query = get_query('target_feature_query', queries, copy_platform_to_platform.__name__, params=scenario, log=log)
    target_summary_format = get_query('target_summary_format', queries, copy_platform_to_platform.__name__, params=scenario, log=log)"Examining source platform {splatform}, source android version {sversion}, target android version {tversion}".format_map(scenario))

    verify = scenario['verify']
    update = scenario['update']
    verify_copy = scenario['verify_copy'] if 'verify_copy' in scenario else True;"Verify is %s and Update is %s", verify, update)"=================================================================")

    # -- Get and format it:
    jira = Jira(scenario['name'], search, log=log.logger)

    global_id = jira.get_field_name("Global ID")
    feature_id = jira.get_field_name("Feature ID")

    source_preq_scanned = 0
    source_areq_scanned = 0
    ucis_created = 0
    e_features_created = 0
    warnings_issued = 0
    verify_failures = 0
    update_failures = 0
    processing_errors = 0

    update_count = 0
    preq_count = 0
    areq_count = 0

    def compare_items(item_kind, source_name, source_query, target_name, target_query, log=None):
        def read_items(query, log=None):
            """Read items into summary based dictionary, warning on duplicates"""

            dictionary = {}
            for item in jira.do_query(query):
                item_key = Jira.remove_version_and_platform(Jira.strip_non_ascii(item.fields.summary))
                if item_key not in dictionary:
                    dictionary[item_key] = [item]
                    # So, what we have now is a POTENTIAL duplicate. figure out if it really is.
                    if item.key != dictionary[item_key][0].key:
                        # Yep, it's not the same item key...
                        log.logger.debug("Item key '%s' : '%s' creates a duplicate entry with key '%s': '%s'",
                                           item.key, item.fields.summary,
                                           dictionary[item_key][0].key, dictionary[item_key][0].fields.summary)

            return dictionary

        def scan_dups(source_dict, printit):
            for k, v in source_dict.items():
                if len(v) > 1:
                    keys = []
                    for item in v:
                    printit(keys, k)

        source = read_items(source_query, log)
        scan_dups(source, lambda x, y: log.logger.error("Duplicate %s summaries: %s '%s'", source_name, x, y)) "Source has %d items in dictionary", len(source))
        target = read_items(target_query, log)
        scan_dups(target, lambda x, y: log.logger.error("Duplicate %s summaries: %s '%s'", target_name, x, y)) "Target has %d items in dictionary", len(target))

        # -- Everything in source should be copied to target:
        not_in_target = [{'source': value[0].key, 'summary': key}
                         for key, value in source.items()
                         if Jira.remove_version_and_platform(Jira.strip_non_ascii(key)) not in target]
        if len(not_in_target) > 0:
            log.logger.error("Could not find %s %s (source) %s summary items in target: ",
                             len(not_in_target), source_name, item_kind)
            for item in not_in_target:
                log.logger.error("Source '%s', summary text: '%s'", item['source'], item['summary'])

        # # -- Target should not have stuff in it that's not from the source!:
        not_in_source = [{'target': value[0].key, 'summary': Jira.remove_version_and_platform(Jira.strip_non_ascii(key))}
                         for key, value in target.items()
                         if Jira.remove_version_and_platform(Jira.strip_non_ascii(key)) not in source]
        if len(not_in_source) > 0:
            log.logger.error("Could not find %s %s (target) %s summary items in source: ",
                             len(not_in_source), target_name, item_kind)
            for item in not_in_source:
                log.logger.error("%s Target '%s', summary text: '%s'", item_kind, item['target'], item['summary'])


    # -- Copy source preqs to target:
    # (Get the list of already existing PREQs for this platform and version!)
    if 'copy_preq' not in scenario or scenario['copy_preq']:    # e.g., copy_preq is undefined or copy_preq = True
        for source_preq, data_frame in preq_item_list(jira):
            preq_count += 1
            updated = False
            # # -- Remove old version and platform, prepend new version and platform
            source_preq_scanned += 1
            log.logger.debug("Search for: '%s'", source_preq.fields.summary)
            target_summary = Jira.remove_version_and_platform(source_preq.fields.summary)
            target_summary = target_summary_format % target_summary
            existing_preq = jira.get_item(preq_summary=target_summary, log=log)
            if existing_preq is not None:
                # -- This is good, PREQ is already there so nothing to do.
      "%s Found existing UCIS: %s '%s'",
                                preq_count, existing_preq.key, existing_preq.fields.summary)
                # -- Note: Patch the GID entry of this item...
                if 'FIX_GID' in scenario and scenario['FIX_GID']:
                    update_fields = {}
                    if getattr(existing_preq.fields, global_id) is None or not getattr(existing_preq.fields, global_id):
                        # -- Patch the GID entry of this item...
              "GID of %s is empty, should be %s from %s",
                                        existing_preq.key, getattr(source_preq.fields, global_id), source_preq.key)
                        update_fields[global_id] = getattr(source_preq.fields, global_id)

                    if getattr(existing_preq.fields, feature_id) is None or not getattr(existing_preq.fields, feature_id):
                        # -- Patch the Feature ID entry of this item...
              "Feature ID of %s is empty, should be %s from %s",
                                        existing_preq.key, getattr(source_preq.fields, feature_id), source_preq.key)
                        update_fields[feature_id] = getattr(source_preq.fields, feature_id)

                    if update and update_fields:
                        existing_preq.update(notify=False, fields=update_fields)
                        updated = True

                # Note that because of where it is, it only affects PREQs, and we want both...
                if 'UPDATE_FIELDS' in scenario and scenario['UPDATE_FIELDS']:
                    count = update_fields_and_link(jira, source_preq, existing_preq, update, 0, scenario,
                                                   log=log, data_frame=locals())
                    if count != 0:
                        updated = True

                if update and 'UPDATE_STATUS' in scenario and scenario['UPDATE_STATUS']:
                    if set_e_feature_status(jira, source_preq, existing_preq, log, scenario):
                        updated = True

                # ===================================================================================================
                # -- This Target PREQ is missing, so use Source preq as template to create a new UCIS for the platform:
                log.logger.debug("Need to create new UCIS for: '%s'", target_summary)
                if update and ('CREATE_MISSING_UCIS' not in scenario or scenario['CREATE_MISSING_UCIS']):
                    # -- Create a new UCIS(!) PREQ
                    result = jira.create_ucis(target_summary, source_preq, scenario, log=log, data_frame=locals())
          "%s Created a new UCIS %s for %s", areq_count, result.key, target_summary)

                    updated = True
                    ucis_created += 1

                    if update and 'UPDATE_STATUS' in scenario and scenario['UPDATE_STATUS']:
                        if set_ucis_status(jira, source_preq, result, log, scenario):
                           updated = True

                    if 'UPDATE_FIELDS' in scenario and scenario['UPDATE_FIELDS']:
                        count = update_fields_and_link(jira, source_preq, result, update, 0, scenario,
                                                       log=log, data_frame=locals())
                        if count != 0:
                            updated = True

                    log.logger.warning("Target UCIS is missing, sourced from %s: '%s'", source_preq.key, target_summary)
                    warnings_issued += 1

            if updated:
                update_count += 1

            if scenario['createmax'] and update_count>=scenario['createmax']:

    update_count = 0

    # -- copy source e-features to output
    #    This keeps having an exception because the total number of items seems to be changing...
    if 'copy_areq' not in scenario or scenario['copy_areq']:    # e.g., copy_areq is undefined or copy_areq = True
        # features = [feature for feature in areq_e_feature_list(jira)]
        # for source_e_feature in features:
        for source_e_feature, data_frame in areq_e_feature_list(jira):
            areq_count += 1
            updated = False
            # -- The parent for this one should already be in source_features
            source_areq_scanned += 1
            lookup = source_e_feature.fields.parent.key
                # todo: This could actually just be:
                parent_feature = jira.issue(lookup)
                # parent_feature = jira.get_item(key=lookup, log=log)
            except Exception as e:
                parent_feature = None   # This should never happen!
                log.logger.fatal("%s: Could not locate parent %s of E-Feature %s, looked for '%s'. continuing",
                                 e, source_e_feature.fields.parent.key, source_e_feature.key, lookup)
                # -- Well, if we couldn't find the parent, we can't continue
                warnings_issued += 1

            # -- OK, at this point we can create the E-Feature record, if it's not going to be a duplicate...
            target_summary = Jira.remove_version_and_platform(source_e_feature.fields.summary).strip()
            target_summary = target_summary_format % target_summary
            existing_feature = jira.get_item(areq_summary=target_summary, log=log)

            if existing_feature is not None:
                # -- This E-Feature already exists, don't touch it!
      "%s The targeted E-Feature '%s' already exists! %s, %s: %s",
                                areq_count, target_summary, source_e_feature.key, existing_feature.key, existing_feature.fields.summary)
                if 'UPDATE_FIELDS' in scenario and scenario['UPDATE_FIELDS']:
                    count = update_fields_and_link(jira, source_e_feature, existing_feature, update, 0, scenario,
                                                   log=log, data_frame=locals())
                    if count != 0:
                        updated = True

                if update and 'UPDATE_STATUS' in scenario and scenario['UPDATE_STATUS']:
                    if set_e_feature_status(jira, source_e_feature, existing_feature, log, scenario):
                        updated = True
                if update:
          "%s Creating a new E-Feature for Feature %s: %s",
                                    areq_count, parent_feature.key, target_summary)
                    if 'clone_from_sibling' in scenario and scenario['clone_from_sibling']:
                        created_e_feature = jira.clone_e_feature_from_e_feature(target_summary, parent_feature,
                                                                                source_e_feature, scenario,
                                                                                log=log, data_frame=locals())
                        created_e_feature = jira.clone_e_feature_from_parent(target_summary, parent_feature,
                                                                             scenario, sibling=source_e_feature,
                                                                             log=log, data_frame=locals())
                    updated = True
                    e_features_created += 1

                    if 'UPDATE_FIELDS' in scenario and scenario['UPDATE_FIELDS']:
                        count = update_fields_and_link(jira, source_e_feature, created_e_feature, update,
                                                              0, scenario, log=log, data_frame=locals())
                        if count != 0:
                            updated = True

                    if update and 'UPDATE_STATUS' in scenario and scenario['UPDATE_STATUS']:
                        if set_e_feature_status(jira, source_e_feature, created_e_feature, log, scenario):
                            updated = True

          "%s Target E-Feature is missing for Source E-Feature %s, Feature %s: '%s'",
                                    areq_count, source_e_feature.key, parent_feature.key, target_summary)
                    # -- Create a new E-Feature(!) PREQ

            if updated:
                update_count += 1

            if scenario['createmax'] and update_count>=scenario['createmax']:

    # -- TODO: Need to account for source and target version and platform
    if verify_copy:
        compare_items("UCIS", scenario['splatform'], preq_source_query, scenario['tplatform'], preq_target_query, log=log)
        compare_items("E-Feature", scenario['splatform'], areq_source_e_feature_query, scenario['tplatform'], areq_target_e_feature_query, log=log)
        log.logger.warning("Not checking that copy was complete or that duplicates were created.")"-----------------------------------------------------------------")"%s UCIS source entries were considered. ", source_preq_scanned)"%s target UCIS entries were created. ", ucis_created)"%s E-Feature source entries were considered. ", source_areq_scanned)"%s target E-Features entries were created. ", e_features_created)"%s warnings were issued. ", warnings_issued)"")

    # if verify:
    #"%s E-Feature comparison failure(s). ", verify_failures)
    # if update:
    #"%s new E-Feature(s) were created, %s update failures. ", update_count, update_failures)"%s processing error(s). ", processing_errors)
Esempio n. 2

def readout(jira, item, limit_to={}):
    result = {}
    for field in vars(item):
        if field.startswith("__") \
                or field.startswith("TimeTracking") \
                or getattr(item, field) is None:
        value = getattr(item, field)
        name = field
            name = jira.jira_field_lookup[field]
        if name.startswith("Time")\
                or limit_to != {} and name not in limit_to:
        result[name] = value

    return result

issue = jira.issue("AREQ-1234")

result = readout(jira, issue.fields) #, ['parent', 'key', 'issuetype'])"%s", result)
df = pd.DataFrame()
for name in result:
    df[name] = ""+result[name]"%s", df.head())