Description: This example shows how to receive one by one the available
messages in the buffer that have the specified ID. Remember to connect
the FTDI module in loopback mode. For more information consult the readme

		Version: 0.0.1						| Last Modification: 10/07/2019

		Author: Robert Vasquez Zavaleta
		Contact: [email protected]

import jitbus
import time

myJitbus = jitbus.JitbusUSB()"COM10", 3000000, 0.00000001)

#We will send and receive data 20 times
for x in range(20):

    print("Iteration: ", x)

    #We send four messages in a row, two with an ID and two with other
    myJitbus.sendMsg(0x1D4, x)
    myJitbus.sendMsg(0x0FF, x + 1)
    myJitbus.sendMsg(0x0FF, x + 2)
    myJitbus.sendMsg(0x1D4, x + 3)

    print("Id: ", 0x1D4, " Sent: ", x)
    print("Id: ", 0x0FF, " Sent: ", x + 1)
        ports = glob.glob('/dev/tty.*')
        raise EnvironmentError('Unsupported platform')

    result = []
    for port in ports:
            s = serial.Serial(port)
        except (OSError, serial.SerialException):
    return result

atomRMS = jitbus.JitbusUSB()

window = Tk()

w = 520  # width for the Tk root
h = 330  # height for the Tk root

# get screen width and height
ws = window.winfo_screenwidth()  # width of the screen
hs = window.winfo_screenheight()  # height of the screen

# calculate x and y coordinates for the Tk root window
x = (ws / 2) - (w / 2)
y = -100 + ((hs / 2) - (h / 2))

# set the dimensions of the screen