Esempio n. 1
    def execute(self, rpc_cmd, **kvargs):
        Executes an XML RPC and returns results as either XML or native python

        :param rpc_cmd:
          can either be an XML Element or xml-as-string.  In either case
          the command starts with the specific command element, i.e., not the
          <rpc> element itself

        :param func to_py:
          Is a caller provided function that takes the response and
          will convert the results to native python types.  all kvargs
          will be passed to this function as well in the form::

            to_py( self, rpc_rsp, **kvargs )

        :raises ValueError:
            When the **rpc_cmd** is of unknown origin

        :raises PermissionError:
            When the requested RPC command is not allowed due to
            user-auth class privilege controls on Junos

        :raises RpcError:
            When an ``rpc-error`` element is contained in the RPC-reply

            RPC-reply as XML object.  If **to_py** is provided, then
            that function is called, and return of that function is
            provided back to the caller; presumably to convert the XML to
            native python data-types (e.g. ``dict``).

        if self.connected is not True:
            raise EzErrors.ConnectClosedError(self)

        if isinstance(rpc_cmd, str):
            rpc_cmd_e = etree.XML(rpc_cmd)
        elif isinstance(rpc_cmd, etree._Element):
            rpc_cmd_e = rpc_cmd
            raise ValueError(
                "Dont know what to do with rpc of type %s" %

        # invoking a bad RPC will cause a connection object exception
        # will will be raised directly to the caller ... for now ...
        # @@@ need to trap this and re-raise accordingly.

            rpc_rsp_e = self._rpc_reply(rpc_cmd_e)
        except NcOpErrors.TimeoutExpiredError:
            # err is a TimeoutExpiredError from ncclient,
            # which has no such attribute as xml.
            raise EzErrors.RpcTimeoutError(self, rpc_cmd_e.tag, self.timeout)
        except NcErrors.TransportError:
            raise EzErrors.ConnectClosedError(self)
        except RPCError as err:
            rsp = JXML.remove_namespaces(err.xml)
            # see if this is a permission error
            e = EzErrors.PermissionError if rsp.findtext('error-message') == \
                'permission denied' \
                else EzErrors.RpcError
            raise e(cmd=rpc_cmd_e, rsp=rsp, errs=err)
        # Something unexpected happened - raise it up
        except Exception as err:
            warnings.warn("An unknown exception occured - please report.",

        # From 14.2 onward, junos supports JSON, so now code can be written as
        # dev.rpc.get_route_engine_information({'format': 'json'})

        if rpc_cmd_e.attrib.get('format') in ['json', 'JSON']:
            ver_info = self.facts.get('version_info')
            if ver_info and ver_info.major[0] >= 15 or \
                    (ver_info.major[0] == 14 and ver_info.major[1] >= 2):
                    return json.loads(rpc_rsp_e.text)
                except ValueError as ex:
                    # when data is {}{.*} types
                    if str(ex).startswith('Extra data'):
                        return json.loads(
                            re.sub('\s?{\s?}\s?', '', rpc_rsp_e.text))
                warnings.warn("Native JSON support is only from 14.2 onwards",

        # This section is here for the possible use of something other than
        # ncclient for RPCs that have embedded rpc-errors, need to check for
        # those now.
        # rpc_errs = rpc_rsp_e.xpath('.//rpc-error')
        # if len(rpc_errs):
        #     raise EzErrors.RpcError(cmd=rpc_cmd_e, rsp=rpc_errs[0])

        # skip the <rpc-reply> element and pass the caller first child element
        # generally speaking this is what they really want. If they want to
        # uplevel they can always call the getparent() method on it.

            ret_rpc_rsp = rpc_rsp_e[0]
        except IndexError:
            # For cases where reply are like
            # <rpc-reply>
            #    protocol: operation-failed
            #    error: device asdf not found
            # </rpc-reply>
            if rpc_rsp_e.text is not None and rpc_rsp_e.text.strip() is not '':
                return rpc_rsp_e
            # no children, so assume it means we are OK
            return True

        # if the caller provided a "to Python" conversion function, then invoke
        # that now and return the results of that function.  otherwise just
        # return the RPC results as XML

        if kvargs.get('to_py'):
            return kvargs['to_py'](self, ret_rpc_rsp, **kvargs)
            return ret_rpc_rsp
Esempio n. 2
    def execute(self, rpc_cmd, **kvargs):
        Executes an XML RPC and returns results as either XML or native python

        :param rpc_cmd:
          can either be an XML Element or xml-as-string.  In either case
          the command starts with the specific command element, i.e., not the
          <rpc> element itself

        :param func to_py':
          Is a caller provided function that takes the response and
          will convert the results to native python types.  all kvargs
          will be passed to this function as well in the form::

            to_py( self, rpc_rsp, **kvargs )

        :raises ValueError:
            When the **rpc_cmd** is of unknown origin

        :raises PermissionError:
            When the requested RPC command is not allowed due to
            user-auth class privilege controls on Junos

        :raises RpcError:
            When an ``rpc-error`` element is contained in the RPC-reply

            RPC-reply as XML object.  If **to_py** is provided, then
            that function is called, and return of that function is
            provided back to the caller; presumably to convert the XML to
            native python data-types (e.g. ``dict``).

        if self.connected is not True:
            raise EzErrors.ConnectClosedError(self)

        if isinstance(rpc_cmd, str):
            rpc_cmd_e = etree.XML(rpc_cmd)
        elif isinstance(rpc_cmd, etree._Element):
            rpc_cmd_e = rpc_cmd
            raise ValueError("Dont know what to do with rpc of type %s" %

        # invoking a bad RPC will cause a connection object exception
        # will will be raised directly to the caller ... for now ...
        # @@@ need to trap this and re-raise accordingly.

            rpc_rsp_e = self._conn.rpc(rpc_cmd_e)._NCElement__doc
        except NcOpErrors.TimeoutExpiredError:
            # err is a TimeoutExpiredError from ncclient,
            # which has no such attribute as xml.
            raise EzErrors.RpcTimeoutError(self, rpc_cmd_e.tag, self.timeout)
        except NcErrors.TransportError:
            raise EzErrors.ConnectClosedError(self)
        except RPCError as err:
            # err is an NCError from ncclient
            rsp = JXML.remove_namespaces(err.xml)
            # see if this is a permission error
            e = EzErrors.PermissionError if rsp.findtext(
                'error-message') == 'permission denied' else EzErrors.RpcError
            raise e(cmd=rpc_cmd_e, rsp=rsp)
        # Something unexpected happened - raise it up
        except Exception as err:
            warnings.warn("An unknown exception occured - please report.",

        # This section is here for the possible use of something other than ncclient
        # for RPCs that have embedded rpc-errors, need to check for those now

        # rpc_errs = rpc_rsp_e.xpath('.//rpc-error')
        # if len(rpc_errs):
        #     raise EzErrors.RpcError(cmd=rpc_cmd_e, rsp=rpc_errs[0])

        # skip the <rpc-reply> element and pass the caller first child element
        # generally speaking this is what they really want. If they want to
        # uplevel they can always call the getparent() method on it.

            ret_rpc_rsp = rpc_rsp_e[0]
        except IndexError:
            # no children, so assume it means we are OK
            return True

        # if the caller provided a "to Python" conversion function, then invoke
        # that now and return the results of that function.  otherwise just
        # return the RPC results as XML

        if kvargs.get('to_py'):
            return kvargs['to_py'](self, ret_rpc_rsp, **kvargs)
            return ret_rpc_rsp