Esempio n. 1
def compute_counts(db, tabname, force=False):
    if not force:
        # Use the saved count from previous snapshot, and
        # just add the rows added by this one
        assert db.in_transaction()

        # Load the count that was valid before this transaction
        db2 = DB(':'.join(db.path))
            nrows = db2.table(tabname).nrows()
            new = False
        except IOError:
            # This is a new table
            nrows = 0
            new = True

        # Fetch all cells modified by this transaction
        cells = db.table(tabname).get_cells_in_snapshot(db.snapid)

        if not new:
            # Count up rows before modification
            nrows_old = compute_counts_aux(
                db2, tabname, cells, progress_callback=pool2.progress_pct_nnl)
            nrows_old = 0

        # Count up rows in modified cells
        nrows_new = compute_counts_aux(db, tabname, cells)

        # The new row count
        nrows += nrows_new - nrows_old
        # Directly count everything
        cells = db.table(tabname).get_cells()
        nrows = compute_counts_aux(db, tabname, cells)

    return nrows
Esempio n. 2
File: Progetto: banados/lsd
def compute_counts(db, tabname, force=False):
	if not force:
		# Use the saved count from previous snapshot, and
		# just add the rows added by this one
		assert db.in_transaction()

		# Load the count that was valid before this transaction
		db2 = DB(':'.join(db.path))
			nrows = db2.table(tabname).nrows()
			new = False
		except IOError:
			# This is a new table
			nrows = 0
			new = True

		# Fetch all cells modified by this transaction
		cells = db.table(tabname).get_cells_in_snapshot(db.snapid)

		if not new:
			# Count up rows before modification
			nrows_old = compute_counts_aux(db2, tabname, cells, progress_callback=pool2.progress_pct_nnl)
			nrows_old = 0

		# Count up rows in modified cells
		nrows_new = compute_counts_aux(db,  tabname, cells)

		# The new row count
		nrows += nrows_new - nrows_old
		# Directly count everything
		cells = db.table(tabname).get_cells()
		nrows = compute_counts_aux(db, tabname, cells)

	return nrows
Esempio n. 3
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from join_ops import DB
    ntot = 0
    db = DB('db2')
    writer = IntoWriter(db, "magbase WHERE obj_id |= obj_id")
    for band in 'grizy':
        #	for band in 'g':
        nband = 0
        q = db.query(
            "obj_id, ap_mag, filterid FROM obj, det WHERE filterid == '%s.0000'"
            % band)
        for static_cell, rows in q.execute(
            [(_accumulate_and_write, writer, 'obj_id', 'ap_mag', band)],
            nband += len(rows)
##		q = db.query("obj_id, ap_mag, filterid FROM obj, det WHERE filterid == 'y.0000' INTO magbase")
##		for static_cell, rows in q.execute([(_accumulator, 'obj_id', 'ap_mag', 'ap_mag')], group_by_static_cell=True):
##			nband += len(rows)
        ntot += nband
        print "%s objects in band %s" % (nband, band)
    print "%s insertions for %s objects." % (ntot, db.table('magbase').nrows())
#	for static_cell, rows in q.execute([(_accumulator, 'obj_id', 'ap_mag', 'ap_mag')], group_by_static_cell=True):
#		print static_cell, type(rows), len(rows)
#		(key, val) = rows.as_columns()
#		for k, v in izip(key, val):
#			print k, v

Esempio n. 4
File: Progetto: banados/lsd
	for static_cell, rows in _accumulator(qresult, key, val, oval):
		result = qwriter.write(static_cell, rows)
		yield result
#		yield 0, [1, 2]

if __name__ == '__main__':
	from join_ops import DB
	ntot = 0
	db = DB('db2')
	writer = IntoWriter(db, "magbase WHERE obj_id |= obj_id")
	for band in 'grizy':
#	for band in 'g':
		nband = 0
		q = db.query("obj_id, ap_mag, filterid FROM obj, det WHERE filterid == '%s.0000'" % band)
		for static_cell, rows in q.execute([(_accumulate_and_write, writer, 'obj_id', 'ap_mag', band)], group_by_static_cell=True):
			nband += len(rows)
##		q = db.query("obj_id, ap_mag, filterid FROM obj, det WHERE filterid == 'y.0000' INTO magbase")
##		for static_cell, rows in q.execute([(_accumulator, 'obj_id', 'ap_mag', 'ap_mag')], group_by_static_cell=True):
##			nband += len(rows)
		ntot += nband
		print "%s objects in band %s" % (nband, band)
	print "%s insertions for %s objects." % (ntot, db.table('magbase').nrows())
#	for static_cell, rows in q.execute([(_accumulator, 'obj_id', 'ap_mag', 'ap_mag')], group_by_static_cell=True):
#		print static_cell, type(rows), len(rows)
#		(key, val) = rows.as_columns()
#		for k, v in izip(key, val):
#			print k, v
