Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.calibration = None
     self.config = None
     self.footer = None
     self._fh_close = False
     self._fh = None
     self._f = None  # type: datafile.DataFileReader
     self._data_start_position = 0
     self._voltage_range = 0
     self._sample_cache = None
     self.raw_processor = RawProcessor()
Esempio n. 2
    def generate(self, mode, i_range=None, range_idx=None):
        range_idx = 16 if range_idx is None else int(range_idx)
        if i_range is None:
            i_range = 0, 1
        length = max(32, range_idx + 16)
        r = RawProcessor()
        r.suppress_mode = mode
        r.calibration_set([-1000] * 7, [0.1**x for x in range(7)],
                          [-1000, -1000], [0.001, 0.0001])
        current = np.zeros(length, dtype=np.int16)
        current[:] = 2000
        voltage = np.zeros(length, dtype=np.int16)
        voltage[:] = 2000

        raw = np.empty(length * 2, dtype=np.uint16)
        i_range_ = np.zeros(length, dtype=np.uint8)
        i_range_[:range_idx] = i_range[0]
        i_range_[range_idx:] = i_range[1]
        raw[::2] = np.bitwise_or(np.left_shift(current, 2),
                                 np.bitwise_and(i_range_, 0x03))
        raw[1::2] = np.bitwise_or(
            np.left_shift(voltage, 2),
            np.bitwise_and(np.right_shift(i_range_, 2), 0x03))
        raw[3::4] = np.bitwise_or(raw[3::4], 0x0002)
        return r.process_bulk(raw)
Esempio n. 3
 def test_bulk_skip(self):
     r = RawProcessor()
     r.suppress_mode = 'off_0_0_0'
     r.calibration_set([-10.0] * 7, [2.0] * 7, [-2.0, 1.0], [4.0, 1.0])
     raw = np.full((20, ), 0xffff, dtype=np.uint16)
     cal, bits = r.process_bulk(raw)
     np.testing.assert_allclose(8, np.bitwise_and(0x0f, bits))
Esempio n. 4
 def test_bulk(self):
     r = RawProcessor()
     r.suppress_mode = 'off'
     self.assertEqual('off', r.suppress_mode)
     r.calibration_set([-10.0] * 7, [2.0] * 7, [-2.0, 1.0], [4.0, 1.0])
     raw = usb_packet_factory(0, 1)[8:].view(dtype=np.uint16)
     cal, bits = r.process_bulk(raw)
     self.assertEqual((126, 2), cal.shape)
     np.testing.assert_allclose([[-20.0, -4.0], [-16, 4], [-12, 12]], cal[0:3, :])
     np.testing.assert_allclose([0x20, 0x20, 0x20], bits[0:3])
Esempio n. 5
class DataReader:
    def __init__(self):
        self.calibration = None
        self.config = None
        self.footer = None
        self._fh_close = False
        self._fh = None
        self._f = None  # type: datafile.DataFileReader
        self._data_start_position = 0
        self._voltage_range = 0
        self._sample_cache = None
        self.raw_processor = RawProcessor()

    def __str__(self):
        if self._f is not None:
            return 'DataReader %.2f seconds (%d samples)' % (
                self.duration, self.footer['size'])

    def close(self):
        if self._fh_close:
        self._fh_close = False
        self._fh = None
        self._f = None
        self._sample_cache = None
        self._reduction_cache = None

    def open(self, filehandle):
        self.calibration = Calibration()  # default calibration
        self.config = None
        self.footer = None
        self._data_start_position = 0

        if isinstance(filehandle, str):
  'DataReader(%s)', filehandle)
            self._fh = open(filehandle, 'rb')
            self._fh_close = True
            self._fh = filehandle
            self._fh_close = False
        self._f = datafile.DataFileReader(self._fh)
        while True:
            tag, value = self._f.peek()
            if tag is None:
                raise ValueError('could not read file')
            elif tag == datafile.TAG_SUBFILE:
                name, data = datafile.subfile_split(value)
                if name == 'calibration':
                    self.calibration = Calibration().load(data)
            elif tag == datafile.TAG_COLLECTION_START:
                self._data_start_position = self._f.tell()
            elif tag == datafile.TAG_META_JSON:
                meta = json.loads(value.decode('utf-8'))
                type_ = meta.get('type')
                if type_ == 'config':
                    self.config = meta
                elif type_ == 'footer':
                    self.footer = meta
                    log.warning('Unknown JSON section type=%s', type_)
        if self._data_start_position == 0 or self.config is None or self.footer is None:
            raise ValueError('could not read file')'DataReader with %d samples:\n%s', self.footer['size'],
                 json.dumps(self.config, indent=2))
        if self.config[
                'data_recorder_format_version'] != DATA_RECORDER_FORMAT_VERSION:
            raise ValueError('Invalid file format')
                               ['current', 'voltage', 'power'])
        cal = self.calibration
        return self

    def sample_id_range(self):
        if self._f is not None:
            s_start = 0
            s_end = int(s_start + self.footer['size'])
            return [s_start, s_end]
        return 0

    def sampling_frequency(self):
        if self._f is not None:
            return float(self.config['sampling_frequency'])
        return 0.0

    def reduction_frequency(self):
        if self._f is not None:
            return self.config['sampling_frequency'] / self.config[
        return 0.0

    def duration(self):
        f = self.sampling_frequency
        if f > 0:
            r = self.sample_id_range
            return (r[1] - r[0]) / f
        return 0.0

    def voltage_range(self):
        return self._voltage_range

    def _validate_range(self, start=None, stop=None, increment=None):
        idx_start, idx_end = self.sample_id_range
        if increment is not None:
            idx_end = ((idx_end + increment - 1) // increment) * increment
        # log.debug('[%d, %d] : [%d, %d]', start, stop, idx_start, idx_end)
        if not idx_start <= start < idx_end:
            raise ValueError('start out of range: %d <= %d < %d' %
                             (idx_start, start, idx_end))
        if not idx_start <= stop <= idx_end:
            raise ValueError('stop out of range: %d <= %d <= %d: %s' %
                             (idx_start, stop, idx_end, increment))

    def _sample_tlv(self, sample_idx):
        if self._sample_cache and self._sample_cache[
                'start'] <= sample_idx < self._sample_cache['stop']:
            # cache hit
            return self._sample_cache

        idx_start, idx_end = self.sample_id_range
        if not idx_start <= sample_idx < idx_end:
            raise ValueError('sample index out of range: %d <= %d < %d' %
                             (idx_start, sample_idx, idx_end))

        if self._sample_cache is not None:
            log.debug('_sample_cache cache miss: %s : %s %s', sample_idx,
                      self._sample_cache['start'], self._sample_cache['stop'])

        # seek
        samples_per_tlv = self.config['samples_per_tlv']
        samples_per_block = self.config['samples_per_block']
        tgt_block = sample_idx // samples_per_block

        if self._sample_cache is not None and sample_idx > self._sample_cache[
            # continue forward
            voltage_range = self._sample_cache['voltage_range']
            block_fh_pos = self._sample_cache['block_pos']
            current_sample_idx = self._sample_cache['start']
            block_counter = current_sample_idx // samples_per_block
        else:  # add case for rewind?
            log.debug('_sample_tlv resync to beginning')
            voltage_range = 0
            block_fh_pos = 0
            block_counter = 0
            current_sample_idx = 0
            if self._f.advance() != datafile.TAG_COLLECTION_START:
                raise ValueError('data section must be single collection')

        while True:
            tag, _ = self._f.peek_tag_length()
            if tag is None:
                log.error('sample_tlv not found before end of file: %s > %s',
                          sample_idx, current_sample_idx)
            if tag == datafile.TAG_COLLECTION_START:
                if block_counter < tgt_block:
                    block_counter += 1
                    block_fh_pos = self._f.tell()
                    tag, collection_bytes = next(self._f)
                    c = datafile.Collection.decode(collection_bytes)
                        collection_start_meta = json.loads(
                        voltage_range = collection_start_meta.get('v_range', 0)
                        self._voltage_range = voltage_range
                    current_sample_idx = block_counter * samples_per_block
            elif tag == datafile.TAG_COLLECTION_END:
                block_counter += 1
            elif tag == datafile.TAG_DATA_BINARY:
                tlv_stop = current_sample_idx + samples_per_tlv
                if current_sample_idx <= sample_idx < tlv_stop:
                    # found it!
                    tlv_pos = self._f.tell()
                    tag, value = next(self._f)
                    data = np.frombuffer(value, dtype=np.uint16).reshape(
                        (-1, 2))
                    self._sample_cache = {
                        'voltage_range': voltage_range,
                        'start': current_sample_idx,
                        'stop': tlv_stop,
                        'buffer': data,
                        'tlv_pos': tlv_pos,
                        'block_pos': block_fh_pos,
                    return self._sample_cache
                current_sample_idx = tlv_stop

    def raw(self, start=None, stop=None, units=None):
        """Get the raw data.

        :param start: The starting time relative to the first sample.
        :param stop: The ending time.
        :param units: The units for start and stop: ['seconds', 'samples'].  None (default) is 'samples'.
        :return: The output which is (out_raw, bits, out_cal).
        start, stop = self.normalize_time_arguments(start, stop, units)
        x_start, x_stop = self.sample_id_range
        if start is None:
            start = x_start
        if stop is None:
            stop = x_stop
        self._validate_range(start, stop)
        length = stop - start
        if length <= 0:
            return np.empty((0, 2), dtype=np.uint16)
        # process extra before & after to handle filtering
        if start > SUPPRESS_SAMPLES_MAX:
            sample_idx = start - SUPPRESS_SAMPLES_MAX
            prefix_count = SUPPRESS_SAMPLES_MAX
            sample_idx = 0
            prefix_count = start
        if stop + SUPPRESS_SAMPLES_MAX <= x_stop:
            end_idx = stop + SUPPRESS_SAMPLES_MAX
            end_idx = x_stop
        out_idx = 0
        d_raw = np.empty((end_idx - sample_idx, 2), dtype=np.uint16)
        if self._f.advance() != datafile.TAG_COLLECTION_START:
            raise ValueError('data section must be single collection')
        while sample_idx < end_idx:
            sample_cache = self._sample_tlv(sample_idx)
            if sample_cache is None:
            data = sample_cache['buffer']
            b_start = sample_idx - sample_cache['start']
            length = sample_cache['stop'] - sample_cache['start'] - b_start
            out_remaining = end_idx - sample_idx
            length = min(length, out_remaining)
            if length <= 0:
            b_stop = b_start + length
            d = data[b_start:b_stop, :]
            d_raw[out_idx:(out_idx + length), :] = d
            out_idx += length
            sample_idx += length

        d_raw = d_raw[:out_idx, :]
        self.raw_processor.voltage_range = self._voltage_range
        d_cal, d_bits = self.raw_processor.process_bulk(d_raw.reshape((-1, )))
        j = prefix_count
        k = min(prefix_count + stop - start, out_idx)
        return d_raw[j:k, :], d_bits[j:k], d_cal[j:k, :]

    def _reduction_tlv(self, reduction_idx):
        sz = self.config['samples_per_reduction']
        incr = self.config['samples_per_block'] // sz
        tgt_r_idx = reduction_idx

        if self._reduction_cache and self._reduction_cache[
                'r_start'] <= tgt_r_idx < self._reduction_cache['r_stop']:
            return self._reduction_cache

        if self._reduction_cache is not None:
            log.debug('_reduction_tlv cache miss: %s : %s %s', tgt_r_idx,

        idx_start, idx_end = self.sample_id_range
        r_start = idx_start // sz
        r_stop = idx_end // sz
        if not r_start <= tgt_r_idx < r_stop:
            raise ValueError('reduction index out of range: %d <= %d < %d',
                             r_start, tgt_r_idx, r_stop)

        if self._reduction_cache is not None and tgt_r_idx > self._reduction_cache[
            # continue forward
            r_idx = self._reduction_cache['r_stop']
        else:  # add case for rewind?
            log.debug('_reduction_tlv resync to beginning')
            r_idx = 0
            if self._f.advance() != datafile.TAG_COLLECTION_START:
                raise ValueError('data section must be single collection')
            if self._f.advance() != datafile.TAG_COLLECTION_START:
                raise ValueError('data section must be single collection')

        while True:
            tag, _ = self._f.peek_tag_length()
            if tag is None or tag == datafile.TAG_COLLECTION_END:
                    'reduction_tlv not found before end of file: %s > %s',
                    r_stop, r_idx)
            elif tag != datafile.TAG_COLLECTION_START:
                raise ValueError('invalid file format: not collection start')
            r_idx_next = r_idx + incr
            if tgt_r_idx >= r_idx_next:
                r_idx = r_idx_next
            tag, value = next(self._f)
            if tag != datafile.TAG_COLLECTION_END:
                raise ValueError('invalid file format: not collection end')
            field_count = len(self.config['reduction_fields'])
            data = np.frombuffer(value, dtype=np.float32).reshape(
                (-1, field_count, STATS_VALUES))
            if field_count != STATS_FIELDS:
                d_nan = np.full(
                    (len(data), STATS_FIELDS - field_count, STATS_VALUES),
                data = np.concatenate((data, d_nan), axis=1)
            self._reduction_cache = {
                'r_start': r_idx,
                'r_stop': r_idx_next,
                'buffer': data,
                'next_collection_pos': self._f.tell()
            return self._reduction_cache

    def get_reduction(self, start=None, stop=None, units=None, out=None):
        """Get the fixed reduction with statistics.

        :param start: The starting sample identifier (inclusive).
        :param stop: The ending sample identifier (exclusive).
        :param units: The units for start and stop.
            'seconds' or None is in floating point seconds relative to the view.
            'samples' is in stream buffer sample indices.
        :return: The Nx3x4 sample data.
        start, stop = self.normalize_time_arguments(start, stop, units)
        self._validate_range(start, stop)

        sz = self.config['samples_per_reduction']
        r_start = start // sz
        total_length = (stop - start) // sz
        r_stop = r_start + total_length'DataReader.get_reduction(r_start=%r,r_stop=%r)', r_start,

        if total_length <= 0:
            return np.empty((0, STATS_FIELDS, STATS_VALUES), dtype=np.float32)
        if out is None:
            out = np.empty((total_length, STATS_FIELDS, STATS_VALUES),
        elif len(out) < total_length:
            raise ValueError('out too small')

        r_idx = r_start
        out_idx = 0

        while r_idx < r_stop:
            reduction_cache = self._reduction_tlv(r_idx)
            if reduction_cache is None:
            data = reduction_cache['buffer']
            b_start = r_idx - reduction_cache['r_start']
            length = reduction_cache['r_stop'] - reduction_cache[
                'r_start'] - b_start
            out_remaining = r_stop - r_idx
            length = min(length, out_remaining)
            if length <= 0:
            out[out_idx:(out_idx +
                         length), :, :] = data[b_start:(b_start +
                                                        length), :, :]
            out_idx += length
            r_idx += length
        if out_idx != total_length:
            log.warning('DataReader length mismatch: out_idx=%s, length=%s',
                        out_idx, total_length)
            total_length = min(out_idx, total_length)
        return out[:total_length, :]

    def _get_reduction_stats(self, start, stop):
        """Get statistics over the reduction

        :param start: The starting sample identifier (inclusive).
        :param stop: The ending sample identifier (exclusive).
        :return: The tuple of ((sample_start, sample_stop), :class:`Statistics`).
        # log.debug('_get_reduction_stats(%s, %s)', start, stop)
        s = Statistics()
        sz = self.config['samples_per_reduction']
        incr = self.config['samples_per_block'] // sz
        r_start = start // sz
        if (r_start * sz) < start:
            r_start += 1
        r_stop = stop // sz
        if r_start >= r_stop:  # cannot use the reductions
            s_start = r_start * sz
            return (s_start, s_start), s
        r_idx = r_start

        while r_idx < r_stop:
            reduction_cache = self._reduction_tlv(r_idx)
            if reduction_cache is None:
            data = reduction_cache['buffer']
            b_start = r_idx - reduction_cache['r_start']
            length = reduction_cache['r_stop'] - reduction_cache[
                'r_start'] - b_start
            out_remaining = r_stop - r_idx
            length = min(length, out_remaining)
            if length <= 0:
            r = reduction_downsample(data, b_start, b_start + length, length)
            s.combine(Statistics(length=length * sz, stats=r[0, :, :]))
            r_idx += length
        return (r_start * sz, r_stop * sz), s

    def get_calibrated(self, start=None, stop=None, units=None):
        """Get the calibrated data (no statistics).

        :param start: The starting sample identifier (inclusive).
        :param stop: The ending sample identifier (exclusive).
        :param units: The units for start and stop.
            'seconds' or None is in floating point seconds relative to the view.
            'samples' is in stream buffer sample indices.
        :return: The tuple of (current, voltage), each as np.ndarray
            with dtype=np.float32.
        log.debug('get_calibrated(%s, %s, %s)', start, stop, units)
        _, _, d = self.raw(start, stop)
        i, v = d[:, 0], d[:, 1]
        return i, v

    def get(self, start=None, stop=None, increment=None, units=None):
        """Get the calibrated data with statistics.

        :param start: The starting sample identifier (inclusive).
        :param stop: The ending sample identifier (exclusive).
        :param increment: The number of raw samples per output sample.
        :param units: The units for start and stop.
            'seconds' or None is in floating point seconds relative to the view.
            'samples' is in stream buffer sample indices.
        :return: The Nx3x4 sample data.
        log.debug('DataReader.get(start=%r,stop=%r,increment=%r)', start, stop,
        start, stop = self.normalize_time_arguments(start, stop, units)
        if increment is None:
            increment = 1
        if self._fh is None:
            raise IOError('file not open')
        increment = max(1, int(np.round(increment)))
        out_len = (stop - start) // increment
        if out_len <= 0:
            return np.empty((0, STATS_FIELDS, STATS_VALUES), dtype=np.float32)
        out = np.empty((out_len, STATS_FIELDS, STATS_VALUES), dtype=np.float32)

        if increment == 1:
            _, d_bits, d_cal = self.raw(start, stop)
            i, v = d_cal[:, 0], d_cal[:, 1]
            out[:, 0, 0] = i
            out[:, 1, 0] = v
            out[:, 2, 0] = i * v
            out[:, 3, 0] = np.bitwise_and(d_bits, 0x0f)
            out[:, 4, 0] = np.bitwise_and(np.right_shift(d_bits, 4), 0x01)
            out[:, 5, 0] = np.bitwise_and(np.right_shift(d_bits, 5), 0x01)
            out[:, :, 1] = 0.0  # zero variance, only one sample!
            out[:, :, 2] = np.nan  # min
            out[:, :, 3] = np.nan  # max
        elif increment == self.config['samples_per_reduction']:
            out = self.get_reduction(start, stop, out=out)
        elif increment > self.config['samples_per_reduction']:
            r_out = self.get_reduction(start, stop)
            increment = int(increment / self.config['samples_per_reduction'])
            out = reduction_downsample(r_out, 0, len(r_out), increment)
            k_start = start
            for idx in range(out_len):
                k_stop = k_start + increment
                out[idx, :, :] = self._stats_get(k_start, k_stop).value
                k_start = k_stop
        return out

    def summary_string(self):
        s = [str(self)]
        config_fields = [
            'sampling_frequency', 'samples_per_reduction', 'samples_per_tlv',
        for field in config_fields:
            s.append('    %s = %r' % (field, self.config[field]))
        return '\n'.join(s)

    def time_to_sample_id(self, t):
        if t is None:
            return None
        s_min, s_max = self.sample_id_range
        s = int(t * self.sampling_frequency)
        if s < s_min or s > s_max:
            return None
        return s

    def sample_id_to_time(self, s):
        if s is None:
            return None
        return s / self.sampling_frequency

    def normalize_time_arguments(self, start, stop, units):
        s_min, s_max = self.sample_id_range
        if units == 'seconds':
            start = self.time_to_sample_id(start)
            stop = self.time_to_sample_id(stop)
        elif units is None or units == 'samples':
            if start is not None and start < 0:
                start = s_max + start
            if stop is not None and stop < 0:
                stop = s_max + start
            raise ValueError(f'invalid time units: {units}')
        s1 = s_min if start is None else start
        s2 = s_max if stop is None else stop
        if not s_min <= s1 < s_max:
            raise ValueError(f'start sample out of range: {s1}')
        if not s_min <= s2 <= s_max:
            raise ValueError(f'start sample out of range: {s2}')
        return s1, s2

    def _stats_get(self, start, stop):
        s1, s2 = start, stop
        (k1, k2), s = self._get_reduction_stats(s1, s2)
        if k1 >= k2:
            # compute directly over samples
            stats = np.empty((STATS_FIELDS, STATS_VALUES), dtype=np.float32)
            _, d_bits, z = self.raw(s1, s2)
            i, v = z[:, 0], z[:, 1]
            p = i * v
            zi = np.isfinite(i)
            i_view = i[zi]
            if len(i_view):
                i_range = np.bitwise_and(d_bits, 0x0f)
                i_lsb = np.right_shift(np.bitwise_and(d_bits, 0x10), 4)
                v_lsb = np.right_shift(np.bitwise_and(d_bits, 0x20), 5)
                for idx, field in enumerate(
                    [i_view, v[zi], p[zi], i_range, i_lsb[zi], v_lsb[zi]]):
                    stats[idx, 0] = np.mean(field, axis=0)
                    stats[idx, 1] = np.var(field, axis=0)
                    stats[idx, 2] = np.amin(field, axis=0)
                    stats[idx, 3] = np.amax(field, axis=0)
                stats[:, :] = np.full((1, STATS_FIELDS, STATS_VALUES),
                stats[3, 0] = I_RANGE_MISSING
                stats[3, 1] = 0
                stats[3, 2] = I_RANGE_MISSING
                stats[3, 3] = I_RANGE_MISSING
            s = Statistics(length=len(i_view), stats=stats)
            if s1 < k1:
                s_start = self._stats_get(s1, k1)
            if s2 > k2:
                s_stop = self._stats_get(k2, s2)
        return s

    def statistics_get(self, start=None, stop=None, units=None):
        """Get the statistics for the collected sample data over a time range.

        :param start: The starting time relative to the first sample.
        :param stop: The ending time.
        :param units: The units for start and stop.
            'seconds' is in floating point seconds relative to the view.
            'samples' or None is in stream buffer sample indices.
        :return: The statistics data structure.  See :meth:`joulescope.driver.Driver.statistics_get`
            for details.
        log.debug('statistics_get(%s, %s, %s)', start, stop, units)
        s1, s2 = self.normalize_time_arguments(start, stop, units)
        if s1 == s2:
            s2 = s1 + 1  # always try to produce valid statistics
        s = self._stats_get(s1, s2)
        t_start = s1 / self.sampling_frequency
        t_stop = s2 / self.sampling_frequency
        return stats_to_api(s.value, t_start, t_stop)
Esempio n. 6
 def test_malformed(self):
     r = RawProcessor()
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         r.suppress_mode = 'mean_0_0'
Esempio n. 7
 def test_invalid_mode(self):
     r = RawProcessor()
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         r.suppress_mode = 'mean_0_'