def __init__(self): self.__dict = defaultdict(None) self.__codec = String('utf-8') self.encode = WeakMethod(self._encode_self) self.__kv_split = Property.KV_SPLIT self.__newline = Property.NEWLINE self.encode = WeakMethod(self._encode_self) self.str_cache = None
class JoyQueueHeader(Header): MAGIC = ~(0xCAFEBEBE ^ 0xFFFFFFFF) VERSION = 2 SCHEMA = Schema(('magic', Int32), ('version', Int8), ('identity', Int8), ('requestId', Int32), ('type', Int8), ('send_time', Int64), ('status', Int8), ('error', String('utf-8'))) def __init__(self, magic, version, identity, requestId, type, send_time, status, error): self.magic = magic self.version = version self.identity = identity self.requestId = requestId self.type = type self.send_time = send_time self.status = status self.error = error self.encode = WeakMethod(self._encode_self) def _encode_self(self): # return super()._encode_self() request_or_response = self.identity & 0b00000001 if request_or_response == 0: values = (self.magic, self.version, self.identity, self.requestId, self.type, self.send_time) base_fields = self.SCHEMA.fields bits = [] for i in range(len(values)): bits.append(base_fields[i].encode(values[i])) return b''.join(bits) else: return super().encode() @classmethod def defaultHeader(cls, request): magic = ~(0xCAFEBEBE ^ 0xFFFFFFFF) version = 2 # request and qos level receive identity = 0b00000010 requestId = 78237 type = request.TYPE send_time = int(time.time()) status = 0 error = None return JoyQueueHeader(magic, version, identity, requestId, type, send_time, status, error)
from joyqueue.protocol.interface import Request, Response from joyqueue.protocol.types import Schema, Array, String, ByteString, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Boolean from joyqueue.protocol.command_key import (FETCH_CLUSTER_REQUEST, FETCH_CLUSTER_RESPONSE,\ ADD_CONNECTION_REQUEST, ADD_CONNECTION_RESPONSE, ADD_PRODUCER_REQUEST, ADD_PRODUCER_RESPONSE, ADD_CONSUMER_REQUEST, ADD_CONSUMER_RESPONSE) from io import BytesIO from joyqueue.util import WeakMethod UTF8String = String('utf-8') UTF8ByteString = ByteString('utf-8') class MetadataRequest(Request): # STR = String('utf-8') SCHEMA = Schema(('topics', Array(UTF8String)), ('app', UTF8String)) TYPE = FETCH_CLUSTER_REQUEST class Weight(Response): SCHEMA = Schema(('brokerId', UTF8String), ('weight', Int16)) class ProducerPolicy(Response): SCHEMA = Schema(('nearby', Boolean), ('single', Boolean), ('archive', Boolean), ('weight', Array(Weight)), ('blackList', Array(UTF8String)), ('timeout', Int32))
def test_array_string(): topics = ['test_topic'] bytes=Array(String()).encode(topics) print(bytes)
class Message(Request): SCHEMA = Schema(('length', Int32), ('partition', Int16), ('index', Int64), ('term', Int32), ('magic', Int16), ('system_code', Int16), ('priority', Int8), ('clientIp', Bytes), ('send_time', Int64), ('store_time', Int32), ('body_crc', Int64), ('flag', Int16), ('body', Bytes), ('bussiness_id', ByteString('utf-8')), ('attributes', String('utf-8')), ('extension', Bytes), ('app', ByteString('utf-8'))) CODEC_MASK = 0x07 CODEC_GZIP = 0x01 CODEC_SNAPPY = 0x02 CODEC_LZ4 = 0x03 TIMESTAMP_TYPE_MASK = 0x08 SYSTEM_CODE = 0x000000000000 MAGIC = 0x1234 CLIENT_IP = b'abcdefabcdef' HEADER_SIZE = 40 # length(4),partition(1),index(8),term(4),system_code(1), # priority(1),send_time(8),store_time(4),body_crc(8),flag(1) TYPE = 'Message' def __init__(self, body, bussiness_id, attributes, extension, app, length=-1, partition=0, index=-1, term=-1, magic=MAGIC, system_code=0, priority=-1, client_ip=CLIENT_IP, send_time=int(time.time()) * 1000, store_time=1, body_crc=-1, flag=0): assert body is None or isinstance(body, bytes), 'value must be bytes' self.length = length self.partition = partition self.index = index self.term = term self.magic = magic self.system_code = system_code self.priority = priority self.clientIp = client_ip self.send_time = send_time self.store_time = store_time self.body_crc = body_crc self.flag = flag self.body = body self.bussiness_id = bussiness_id self.attributes = attributes self.extension = extension = app self.encode = WeakMethod(self._encode_self) def _encode_self(self, recalc_crc=True): fields = (self.length, self.partition, self.index, self.term, self.magic, self.system_code, self.priority, self.clientIp, self.send_time, self.store_time, self.body_crc, self.flag, self.body, self.bussiness_id, self.attributes, self.extension, message = self.SCHEMA.encode(fields) return message @classmethod def encode(cls, item): it = cls(*item) return it.encode() @classmethod def decode(cls, data): if isinstance(data, bytes): data = io.BytesIO(data) # Partial decode required to determine message version base_fields = cls.SCHEMA.fields[0:7] length, partition, index, term, magic, system_code, priority = [ field.decode(data) for field in base_fields ] client_ip = remaining = cls.SCHEMA.fields[8:] send_time, store_time, body_crc, flag, body, bussiness_id, attr, extension, app = [ field.decode(data) for field in remaining ] msg = cls(body, bussiness_id, attr, extension, app, length, partition, index, term, magic, system_code, priority, client_ip, send_time, store_time, body_crc, flag) return msg def validate_crc(self): pass def is_compressed(self): return self.attributes & self.CODEC_MASK != 0 def decompress(self): pass def __hash__(self): return hash(self._encode_self(recalc_crc=False))