class Zemberek: def __init__(self,*args): if len(args)>0: JAVAPATH = args[0] else: JAVAPATH = getDefaultJVMPath() print(f'JAVA PATH: {JAVAPATH}') self.MAINFOLDER = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.ZEMBEREK_PATH = os.path.join(self.MAINFOLDER,"zemberek-full.jar") startJVM(JAVAPATH,'-ea',f'-Djava.class.path={self.ZEMBEREK_PATH}',convertStrings=False) self.verbose = False # self.TurkishMorphology = JClass('zemberek.morphology.TurkishMorphology') self.DictionaryItem = JClass('zemberek.morphology.lexicon.DictionaryItem') self.RootAttribute = JClass('zemberek.core.turkish.RootAttribute') self.PrimaryPos = JClass('zemberek.core.turkish.PrimaryPos') self.SecondaryPos = JClass('zemberek.core.turkish.SecondaryPos') self.WordAnalysis = JClass('zemberek.morphology.analysis.WordAnalysis') self.AnalysisFormatters = JClass('zemberek.morphology.analysis.AnalysisFormatters') self.RootLexicon = JClass('zemberek.morphology.lexicon.RootLexicon') self.InformalAnalysisConverter = JClass('zemberek.morphology.analysis.InformalAnalysisConverter') self.TurkishSentenceExtractor = JClass('zemberek.tokenization.TurkishSentenceExtractor') self.TurkishTokenizer = JClass('zemberek.tokenization.TurkishTokenizer') self.Token = JClass('zemberek.tokenization.Token') self.TurkishSpellChecker = JClass('zemberek.normalization.TurkishSpellChecker') self.TurkishSentenceNormalizer = JClass('zemberek.normalization.TurkishSentenceNormalizer') self.PrimaryPos = JClass('zemberek.core.turkish.PrimaryPos') self.SecondaryPos = JClass('zemberek.core.turkish.SecondaryPos') # Derived ones self.DefaultMorphology = self.TurkishMorphology.createWithDefaults() # Default Morphology.. self.InformalMorphology = self.TurkishMorphology.builder().setLexicon(self.RootLexicon.getDefault()).ignoreDiacriticsInAnalysis().useInformalAnalysis().build() stopwordfile = os.path.join(self.MAINFOLDER,"turkish_stopwords.txt") with open(stopwordfile, 'r',encoding = 'utf-8') as f : StopWordsRead = f.readlines() self.StopWords = list(map(removeNewLine,StopWordsRead)) f.close() def __del__(self): shutdownJVM() def isStopWord(self,word) : '''Is the given word is a stop word?''' isstop = (word in self.StopWords) or word in '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~' return isstop def addNoun(self,noun_dict): '''This function allows to add a new noun to dictionary.''' dct = list(map(JString,noun_dict)) + [self.PrimaryPos.Noun, self.SecondaryPos.ProperNoun] new_items = self.DictionaryItem(*dct) self.DefaultMorphology.invalidateCache() self.DefaultMorphology.getMorphotactics().getStemTransitions().addDictionaryItem(new_items) def addVerb(self,noun_dict): '''This function allows to add a new verb to dictionary.''' dct = list(map(JString,noun_dict)) + [self.PrimaryPos.Verb, self.SecondaryPos.None_] new_items = self.DictionaryItem(*dct) self.DefaultMorphology.invalidateCache() self.DefaultMorphology.getMorphotactics().getStemTransitions().addDictionaryItem(new_items) def analyze(self,word): '''This function analyzes the given word.''' results = self.DefaultMorphology.analyze(JString(word)) if self.verbose: for result in results : print( f'\nLexical and Surface: {str(result.formatLong())}' f'\nOnly Lexical: {str(result.formatLexical())}' '\nOflazer Style:' f'{str(self.AnalysisFormatters.OFLAZER_STYLE.format(result))}' ) return results, str(results) def stemLemma(self,word): '''This function stems and lemmatizes the given word.''' results = self.DefaultMorphology.analyze(JString(word)) stems = [] lemmas = [] for result in results : stems.append([str(stem) for stem in result.getStems()]) lemmas.append([str(stem) for stem in result.getLemmas()]) if self.verbose: print( f'{str(result.formatLong())}', f'\n\tStems =', ' '.join(stems[-1]), f'\n\tLemmas =', ' '.join(lemmas[-1]) ) return stems, lemmas def sentenceDisambugation(self,sentence): '''This function analyzes given a sentence.''' stems = [] lemmas = [] if bool(sentence): analysis = self.DefaultMorphology.analyzeSentence(sentence) results = self.DefaultMorphology.disambiguate(sentence, analysis).bestAnalysis() else: return stems,lemmas for i, result in enumerate(results, start=1) : stems.append([str(stem) for stem in result.getStems()]) lemmas.append([str(stem) for stem in result.getLemmas()]) if self.verbose: print( f'\nAnalysis {i}: {str(result.formatLong())}' f'\n\tStems =', ' '.join(stems[-1]), f'\n\tLemmas =', ' '.join(lemmas[-1]) ) return stems, lemmas def informalWordAnalysis(self,sentence): '''This function analyzees informal words''' analyses = self.InformalMorphology.analyzeAndDisambiguate(sentence).bestAnalysis() # : java.util.ArrayList print('\nAnalysis:\n') for analysis in analyses : print(f'{str(analysis.surfaceForm())}-{analysis}') print('\nConverting formal surface form:\n') converter = self.InformalAnalysisConverter(self.InformalMorphology.getWordGenerator()) if self.verbose: for analysis in analyses : print(str(converter.convert(analysis.surfaceForm(), analysis))) return list(map(str, analyses)) def findPOS(self,sentence): '''This function finds parts of speech in a given sentence.''' analysis = self.DefaultMorphology.analyzeAndDisambiguate(sentence).bestAnalysis() pos = [] for i, analysis in enumerate(analysis, start=1) : if self.verbose: print( f'\nAnalysis {i}: {analysis}', f'\nPrimary POS {i}: {analysis.getPos()}' f'\nPrimary POS (Short Form) {i}: {analysis.getPos().shortForm}') pos.append( f'{str(analysis.getLemmas()[0])}' f'-{analysis.getPos().shortForm}' ) if self.verbose: print(f'\nFull sentence with POS tags: {" ".join(pos)}') return pos def sentenceBoundary(self,paragraph): '''This function detects bounds of a sentence.''' sentences = self.TurkishSentenceExtractor.DEFAULT.fromParagraph(paragraph) if self.verbose: for i, sent in enumerate(sentences) : print(f'Sentence {i + 1}: {sent}') return list(map(str,sentences)) # Return lists def sentenceTokenization(self,sentence): '''This function tokenizes a simple sentence.''' token_iterator = self.TurkishTokenizer.DEFAULT.tokenizeToStrings(JString(sentence)) if self.verbose: print('\nToken Iterator Example:\n') for i, token in enumerate(token_iterator) : print(f'Token {i} = {token}') return list(map(str,token_iterator)) # Normalization functions. def correctDocument(self,document): '''This function corrects misspelled words in a document.''' spell_checker = self.TurkishSpellChecker(self.DefaultMorphology) tokens = self.TurkishTokenizer.ALL.tokenize(JString(document)) corrected_tokens = [] for token in tokens : text = token.content if ( token.type != self.Token.Type.NewLine and token.type != self.Token.Type.SpaceTab and token.type != self.Token.Type.Punctuation and token.type != self.Token.Type.RomanNumeral and token.type != self.Token.Type.UnknownWord and token.type != self.Token.Type.Unknown and not spell_checker.check(text) ) : suggestions = list(spell_checker.suggestForWord(token.content)) if suggestions : suggestion: str = str(suggestions[0]) print(f'Correction: {token.content} -> {suggestion}.') corrected_tokens.append(suggestion) continue corrected_tokens.append(str(token.content)) correctedDoc = ' '.join(corrected_tokens) if self.verbose: print('\nCorrected Document:\n', correctedDoc) return correctedDoc def normalizeDocument(self,document): '''This function normalizes a given document.''' Paths: JClass = JClass('java.nio.file.Paths') path1 = Paths.get(os.path.join('.', 'req_data')) path2 = Paths.get(os.path.join('.', 'req_data', 'lm.2gram.slm')) normalizer = self.TurkishSentenceNormalizer(self.TurkishMorphology.createWithDefaults(),path1,path2) normalizedDoc = normalizer.normalize(JString(document)) if self.verbose: print(f'\nNoisy : {document}') print(f'\nNormalized : {normalizedDoc}' ) return str(normalizedDoc) def NER(self,sentence): '''This function performs Named Entity Recognition for a sentence.''' # Use pre-trained model. pass def analyze2(self,word,add_swt=True): ''' Extract possible subword combinations from a word. add_swt: Add additive sub-words starting with ## ''' analysis_all, _ = self.analyze(word) #if len(analysis_all) == 0: # return [[word]] allanalysis = [] for analysis_single in analysis_all: stranal = str(analysis_single) strng = re.sub('\[\S+:\S+\] ','',stranal) parts = re.split('[|\+]', strng) isNotFirst = False partanalysis = [] for part in parts: if ':' in part: root = re.split(':',part)[0] if isNotFirst and not add_swt: break elif isNotFirst: root = '##' + root else: isNotFirst = True # Remaining parts are not first.. partanalysis.append(root) allanalysis.append(partanalysis) return allanalysis def uniqueSubWords(self,word): '''This function returns all possible subwords of given word as a SET.''' analyzed = self.analyze2(word) subwords = [subword for analyze_x in analyzed for subword in analyze_x] return set(subwords) def normalizeMultipleSentences(self, paragraph): # Remove newline chaacters from the document paraflat = removeNewLine(paragraph) # Split sentences para_divd = self.sentenceBoundary(paraflat) # Normalize n_fcn = lambda x: normalizeText(x,False,False,True).split() norm_txt = list(map(n_fcn,para_divd)) return norm_txt # This function may be removed.. def parseWords(self, paragraph, add_swt=True, rmnewline=True, lwcase=True, expunc=True): ''' Returns dictionary of word counts. add_swt: Add additive sub-words starting with ## rmnewline: Remove new lines. lwcase: Lowercase text. expunc: Expand punctuation. ''' para = normalizeText(paragraph,rmnewline,lwcase,expunc) words = para.split() count_dict = {} norm_txt = '' for word in words: # print(f'size: {len(self.analyze2(word))} \n') a2 = self.analyze2(word,add_swt) if len(a2) == 0: # If word cannot be analyzed, pass as it is. # print(f'not parsed word: {word}') txt = word analysis = [txt] else: # get longest first word as analysis... a_lens = list(map(lambda x: len(x[0]),a2)) # analysis lengths. idx = a_lens.index(max(a_lens)) analysis = a2[idx] # get first analysis. if not add_swt and self.isStopWord(analysis[0]): # If word is a stop-word, and additive words are disregard. continue txt = ' '.join(analysis) for a in analysis: if a not in count_dict.keys(): count_dict[a]=1 else: count_dict[a] += 1 norm_txt = norm_txt + ' ' + txt return norm_txt, count_dict
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.utils.extmath import density from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV # import lemmatizer import pickle from typing import List from jpype import JClass, JString, getDefaultJVMPath, shutdownJVM, startJVM, java from unidecode import unidecode ZEMBEREK_PATH = r'C:\Users\golive\Desktop\nlp_yazi\zemberek-all-0.11.1.jar' startJVM(getDefaultJVMPath(), '-ea', '-Djava.class.path=%s' % (ZEMBEREK_PATH)) turkish_morphology = JClass('zemberek.morphology.TurkishMorphology') morphology = turkish_morphology.createWithDefaults() # import os # os.environ['LDFLAGS'] = '-framework CoreFoundation -framework SystemConfiguration' # !pip3 install spacy print(sys.path) nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg') # print('Running') try: with open('EsAnlamlilar.csv', 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',') mydict = {key: row for key, *row in reader} except IOError:
import os import re import nltk"punkt") import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from typing import List from jpype import JClass, JString, getDefaultJVMPath, shutdownJVM, startJVM, java ZEMBEREK_PATH = './zemberek-full.jar' startJVM(getDefaultJVMPath(), '-ea', '-Djava.class.path=%s' % (ZEMBEREK_PATH)) TurkishMorphology = JClass('zemberek.morphology.TurkishMorphology') morphology = TurkishMorphology.createWithDefaults() path = './Makaleler' for filename in os.listdir(path): fullname = os.path.join(path, filename) tree = ET.parse(fullname) root = tree.getroot() for ozetce in root: ozetce = ozetce.find('Özetçe').text ozetce = str(ozetce) kelimeler = nltk.word_tokenize(ozetce) yeni_kelimeler= [kelimeler for kelimeler in kelimeler if kelimeler.isalnum()] pos: List[str] = [] for kelime in yeni_kelimeler: analysis: java.util.ArrayList = ( morphology.analyzeAndDisambiguate(kelime).bestAnalysis() )