Esempio n. 1
def get_minified(filename, filetype):
	# make the full url of the resource
	url = build_url(filename, filetype)
	# check if we have in memcache
	minified = memcache.get(url)
	if not minified:
		# not in memcache, so get the original
		result = urlfetch.fetch(url)
		if result.status_code == 200:
			# successful request, now choose which minifier to use
			if filetype == "css":
  				minifiedstr = css.minify(result.content)
  			elif filetype == "js":
  				minifiedstr = js.minify(result.content)
  			# and store a dict of the minified string, filetype and the etag of the original file	
  			minified = {
  				"etag":result.headers["etag"].replace("\"", "")
  			# then cache the dictionary in memcache for 60 minutes
			memcache.add(url, minified, 3600)
  		# return the status code we got from urlfetch
  		status_code = result.status_code
  		# this is the file from the cache so the status code is always 200
  		status_code = 200
  	return minified, status_code
Esempio n. 2
def loads(source):
        minified = minify(source)
        return json.loads(minified)
    except json.JSONDecodeError, e:
        s = minified.split('\n')
        context = s[e.lineno-1][max(0, e.colno-1):e.colno+30]
        msg = e.msg + ' at ' + context
        raise json.JSONDecodeError(msg, minified, e.pos)